Getting skunked is part of the game. The better fisherman you become, the less it will happen, but that doesn't eliminate the possibility. Just fishing from the bank adds to the challenge because you're usually very limited by the amount of fishable water you have access to. As some have suggested, smaller bodies of water are usually your friend when it comes to this.
As far as what you see from others in person, on social media, youtube, or the interwebs don't let it get you down. Fishing tournaments, there have been days that even on the same smaller lake someone hits the jackpot and nobody else does. Or the case of the two boats passing each other one saying they can't catch a fish on "x" bait and boat two says they can't catch them on anything but "same x"bait. As for social media, posts, or videos you're only seeing the highlights of their outings. Someone may have put in a 16 hour day on the water and had lots to show for it, but you're seeing the highlights of those 16 hours in the course of a few minutes in a video, or in a few pictures. You don't see the 4 hours straight they went without a bite, or the other 3 hours they kept getting short strikes. On the other hand they could also just be fishing a tremendous body of water as well. I'm not saying that to take anything away from them as fishermen because that's fishing, but when you see those type of posts you have to take all of that into account. If not you start to develop unrealistic expectations for your own fishing.