I use 2 retrieves when fishing a Texas Rig, letting the bass tell me which the prefer on a given day.
The first is what A-Jay described & this one that was taught to me by Larry Nixon.
Short Stroking!
After my lure has sat on the bottom for 20-30 seconds I'll stroke upwards 2-3', let it fall back down, I do this 3 times quickly before pausing for 20-30 seconds. I do this all the way back to the boat. If I'm casting in 10' of water or less the height of the strokes are not as high.
When a bass attacks a school of shad, minnows, perch, ect, does it try to run down the healthiest, fastest, the one out front?
No it targets the slowest, the one swimming erratically, the one drawing attention to itself.
When a crawfish senses danger does it nonchalantly walk away?
No it makes 3 quick hops up off the bottom, pauses briefly, and makes 3 more quick hops until it feels it's reached a safe distance.
I want my lure to draw the bass's attention; I want that bass to say "I can catch that one!".