This will hopefully be a mid-summer tradition, a thread that covers lures that you've had success and failures with. This thread may introduce people to new lures that they've never tried before that they may try that will bring them success. People can also talk about lures that didn't work for them and perhaps others can give tips and hints on how to make that lure work better for them. I'll start with what has and has not worked for me.
Boom Lures:
Whopper Plopper: My new favorite lure. This lure is incredible. It casts super far, has amazingly sharp hooks (which is why I think so many people have the rear hooks foul hooking fish), attracts fish from far and wide, covers water fast, works well in calm and rough waters, catches fish consistently in all weather conditions.
I love topwater, I'd rather catch 1 fish topwater if I had to miss 3 fish regular. My old favorite lure was the KVD Sexy Dawg, however, the Whopper Plopper has taken that top slot because it just so effective and is easy to use. All you need to do is cast it out and reel it in. You can go from extremely slow to extremely fast and catch fish on the splashdown, you can also stop and go which you can't do with a buzzbait. It is just so versatile. The KVD Sexy Dawg was great but was limited to calm water to mostly calm water and didn't cover water nearly as fast because you need to walk the dog with it. The WP can cover so much water in such a short time period it is a great search lure but will also bring fish in from far away. It is basically a far more versatile buzzbait. One of the problem's I've always had with buzzbaits is that because of their lightweight you can't cast them as far as a heavier lure, well, the Whopper Plopper solves this problem being able to be cast a country mile and also has variable speed, the ability to catch on splashdown, more hooks for short striking fish so you don't need a stinger hook, and the ability to be effective in larger waves and rough water.
I think the 130 is too big for anything I do and the 110 works fine until I get into areas that have weeds that are just under the surface and the Whopper Plopper 110 goes too deep on splashdown and catches weeds, in that scenario I use the WP 90 because it doesn't sink so deep into the water on splashdown. Although the 90 doesn't seem to make nearly as much of a Whopper Plopper sound it has caught fish just as well.
Teckel Sprinker Frog: The only downside to the Whopper Plopper is that it is not weedless. And with it being mid-summer lake weeds have had time to grow up from the bottom and reach the surface. This has made the Whopper Plopper the wrong lure for the job. But what if you want a Whopper Plopper/buzzbait style action but don't want to catch weeds on every cast? There used to be no solution. Now you have it, the Teckel Sprinker Frog. I actually haven't gotten my hands on the a real Teckel Sprinker Frog, but my homemade ones have been killing it. I've used a Spro and Livetarget frog and also a Snagproof Phat Frog. I caught a lot of fish initially but am now having problem getting the lure to plane quickly and it is being dragged in subsurface for about the first 10 feet. I'm hoping using a ball bearing swivel over a regular swivel will resolve this problem.
However, the homemade Teckel Sprinker Frog has proven to be a winner, similar to the Whopper Plopper but the added bonus of being weedless. I have not lost a lot of fish on it in open water and I think the reason for that is is because it is being retrieved pretty quickly when the fish hit it they are immediately hooked. It can also be reeled in a lot faster than a regular frog that has to be walked the dog retrieved and because of this it can cover a lot more ground quickly. It also works well in rough water and open water, something that isn't a strong point for regular frogs. Another benefit is that it merely needs to be reeled in to catch fish wherein a regular frog normally has to be walked the dog which can be extremely hard to learn for some folks and I myself still cannot get a frog to walk the dog. Can't wait to get my order of real Teckel Sprinker Frogs see if they work better than the homemade version.
Bust Lures:
Ned Rig: I wanted the Ned Rig to work so bad, but it just hasn't worked for me. Despite using a weedless version it catches a ton of weeds and doesn't catch any fish that a CPS nosehooked Zoom Super Fluke or Wacky Rigged Senko can't catch under docks or out in the open in weeded areas. I've tried giving it time and popping it off the bottom or dragging it but it just catches a lot of weeds. I have caught some fish with it but it definitely isn't a presentation that I will be using in the weeds under docks.
Whopper Plopper hooks are sharp!
Prime Whopper Plopper 110 area with weeds well underneath the surface:
Prime Whopper Plopper 90 area with weeds just underneath the surface:
Prime Tekel Sprinker Frog area with weeds either just under the surface or on the surface:
Homemade Teckel Sprinker Frog fish:
So, for 2017, what lures for you have been Boom or Bust?