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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/2017 in all areas

  1. I snatched this 5-3 out of heavy pad cover while bank fishing tonight. The formula: Powell Max 3D 8 foot punching stick, #65 Seaguar braid, and a Missile Baits D Bomb in Candy Grass on a snelled flipping hook with a pegged 1 oz weight.
    8 points
  2. I'm a junk fisherman. I usually launch the boat, put the trolling motor down, fish what's in front of me. Not so much on bigger lakes, but smaller lakes it's not unusual for me to never start the big motor until I'm loading the boat back up.
    6 points
  3. Had a really good day on the 6th. Came up just short of 20 pounds for my biggest 5, which is the cutoff for what I consider a really good day here. It was my first time fishing a craw tube, and it won't be my last. I had the fish I needed to go over 20 pounds. The one I broke off in the video slammed a YUM Magnum Christie Critter and had no give on the hookset, but unfortunately the line parted almost instantly.
    5 points
  4. I think it has the same potential as the Dancin Eel.
    5 points
  5. Getting a bunch of mixed catches now that summer is here. Here's a few: walleye, crappie and channel cats
    5 points
  6. My neighbor has decided to create a wildlife sanctuary in her backyard. I suppose she's trying to bolster the local population of frogs and mosquitoes. The frogs are fine, and actually nice to listen to at night, but the skeeters form vampiric clouds, even during midday, so I decided to do something about it. I thought about buying some goldfish and putting them in there, but if she saw goldfish in there she would know someone dumped them in and might cause a stink. The next best thing? Gambusia (mosquito fish) these guys are native and will eat the crap out of some mosquito larvae. A quick drive to a friend's lake house with net, bucket, and of course a rod in tow, because you can't ever get next to a body of water without at least taking one cast. An hour and a few dozen mosquito fish later, I'm about to leave and take a cast with a swim jig. Reel reel reel pop reel reel pop reel WHAM a short fight and there she is, my personal best large mouth bass at 7 lbs. I wonder if I should thank my neighbor?
    4 points
  7. The start of a fine day on "Golden Pond", Squam lake
    4 points
  8. Daiwa Tatula CT! It can be found pretty easily for under $100. It's definitely the easiest baitcasting reel I've ever used (and I've used a lot). Super easy external brake dial. Start with it between 15 and 20 (the higher the setting, the more braking). Once you get comfortable, drop the dial for longer casts. I'd go with the 7.3:1 over the 6.3:1. You can always slow your retrieve when throwing moving baits but it's difficult to pick up a lot of line with the slower reel when your using frogs or flipping and pitching.
    4 points
  9. @GrumpyOlPhartte very well worded What you do is not run-n-gun, it simply moving locations. During the 70s when tournament fishing took hold of this sport & I'm not talking just Pro Tournaments but local Amateur Tournaments the argument started over which "technique" is most productive. "Run--n-Gun" vs "Stay-n-Play" The Run--n-Gun angler selected a shoreline put his trolling motor on medium to high and away he went. This is the timeframe when we experienced an explosion of handmade/hand painted crankbaits, spinnerbaits, buzzbait, & topwaters. The thought was cover as much water as possible thereby putting your lure in front higher percentage of active bass. The Stay-n-Play crowd believed in selecting 4-5 major fish holding structures and dividing his time between each. Now we experienced refinements in electronics, plastics, line, & rods. The answer in my estimation is the angler who is versatile enough to combine both and experienced enough to know which to select when.
    4 points
  10. Learn to tie good knots quickly. Snaps are good for some lures like lipless, medium and deep diving crankbaits. I also use a snap for structure spoons or lures with split rings that get removed. That's it, everything else gets tied on directly and retired several times a day because all knots fatigue and weaken, plus your line wears and gets damaged with use. Big mistake most anglers make is not re tying there knots on a regular basis. Tom
    4 points
  11. Landed this nice Cutthroat Trout from my kayak off a Mepps Comet Mino on #4 Sunline FC Sniper. Location: Big Lake, AZ.
    4 points
  12. I'd love to share a pic of my worst backlash, but I'm still cutting my cell phone out of the tangle.
    4 points
  13. Yesterday morning, I was mentally preparing for a tough day of fishing knowing the lake we were headed for is normally a tough one. Normally, it's not too hard to get bites, but the size is always the issue. The DNR has gone as far as removing the size limit for bass just to reduce the population in order to allow fish to grow (our club still maintains a 14" minimum). Don't get me wrong there are some big'uns in there, but they are pretty hard to come by and weights there usually reflect that. The lake or chain or lakes rather are fairly unique and almost overwhelming at times due to the sheer amount of grass and the lack of anything else. I would estimate that 85% of the shoreline of the entire deal is covered in grass flats that extend out between 50 and 125 yards. Almost all of these flats grow up within a foot of the surface, with some patches reaching the surface. The weather forecast was shockingly good, with overcast skies supposed to be holding throughout the majority of the day with chances of scattered showers. Winds were fairly light (3-10) and coming out of the south-west. It was just gloomy enough to keep most recreation pressure off the lake. Despite that, a local perch jerker was sitting right where I wanted to start things off so I moved up to fish a large weed point. To cover water and hopefully call up any early aggressive fish, I was throwing a rattlin' spook and dad was using his tried and true wacky worm. It didn't take long to put a couple in the boat after doubling back to expand on the area where we caught the first few fish, Dad had switched to a wake bait and pulled in one more fish that was about 1/8" shy of making the well before the sun came out and the bite died. We ran through a few more spots fairly quickly; a stretch of docks, a fairly steeply sloped point, some shallow cabbage beds, and a shallow mat of lily pads with trash grass that filled in the holes making a canopy. All of which held fish, but they were all tiny. We decided to move out to the deeper weed edge and hit that with a combination of creature bait and wacky worm and moved up in size and picked off two more keepers and some others that were at least close. Around 11:30 we headed over to another deeper weed line thinking we could replicate the pattern. The spot I pulled up on had some weird stringy type of grass I'm not fond of since it doesn't create shade and it tangles in your trolling motor prop like nobody's business. I kicked my trolling motor up to move up to some better grass quicker and picked up my jig. A few seconds after I stood back up I saw a thick patch of coontail moss so I let off the tm and dropped my jig down a hole almost right off the edge of the boat. I let it fall all the way to the bottom and let it sit for a second and my line just tightened up. I laid the wood to it and flipped it up in the boat, keeper number 5. Dad and I boated 4 or 5 more fish in that small little patch about 2 1/2 times the size of the boat. We ran back to where we started knowing there was some coontail in about the same depth of water (5-7') and sure enough, caught a few more legals, all about the same size. I had moved to a bigger creature bait hoping to pick up a bigger fish. We made another move back to the deep weed edge we fished earlier, but found a few boats around it so we ran to another spot I knew had some coontail, but it must have been just a little too shallow because we didn't even get bit. With about an hour left in the day we went back to the first coontail bed in hopes more fish may have moved in or it had settled enough to catch whatever else was there. Three pitches in a row I caught 3 more but they were all dinks, and then I hear dad yell "NET!" from the back of the boat. I turn around and see his rod doubled over thinking he's got the keeper we need, and that's when I see it shoot out of the grass...it's a 32 or 33" northern! I hear a noise up front and the rod I set down to pick up the net is starting to slide out of the boat, so I jump back up there to pick up my rod and there's no resistance, apparently a northern grabbed that one too and cut me off (someone really needs to invent braid cutters made of northern teeth as they would be the best on the market haha). We ran back to the lake with the landing in it, and fished a deeper section of grass with little patches of coontail mixed in, caught 3 in the last 15 minutes none even close to being keepers. In the end, we had caught over two limits of legal's and probably 25-30 fish total. Our keepers were all within a few oz of one another, so we were just missing 1 or 2 keeper bites that would have moved us up enough to win it. Ended up taking 3rd of 25 boats with 12.31lbs, missing out on 2nd by about 2/10ths of a pound and about 2 lbs out of first. Tournaments on most lakes in the area it usually takes 15 to 17 lbs to win so you can see how this body of water fishes. It was nice to put some money back in our pockets and build some momentum going into the second half of the season. Above all it was fun, and a great day spent with dad out on the water making memories.
    3 points
  14. Look up the term "feather" or "feathering" - it's the equivalent for spinning reels. Several YouTube videos you can watch. Basically using your index finger to control line.
    3 points
  15. Early Morning Topwater is tough to beat ~ #ilikesummer. A-Jay
    3 points
  16. Trolling behind a kayak is a bit of a pain. 1 to 1.5 mph is optimal for most baits, and that's a VERY slow paddle. I generally get 3.5+ with minimal paddling effort. What I do best with is throwing a large, suspending jerk bait or a big jointed floating swimbait off to the side, or behind me when I'm fishing a spot. The random movement of the boat moves the baits along, and I often catch on the second bait. A MS Slammer or Mini Slammer are my favorites to use for this.
    3 points
  17. Paul B Johnson State Park , Hattiesburg, MS
    3 points
  18. For crying out loud man, a 3-4 lb smallie ain't gonna break 10 lb test line even with the drag tightened at max, it ain't a friggin' 500 lb marlin ! Check your line religiously for signs of wear and tear, that's what causes the line to break.
    3 points
  19. I feel like my phone is on a dial up connection.
    3 points
  20. A good swim jig fish from yesterday.
    3 points
  21. My family and I are on vacation this week at Lake Harmony Pennsylvania. I rented a Old Town Vapor kayak for an hour. I took my Kastking Sharky II 1500 reel on a 6' Daiwa Crossfire rod. I rigged a 3" Yum Dinger green pumpkin with purple flake wacky style. I did this in order to appeal to the most species this lake offers. Bluegill, Crappie, Bass and Pickerel. I concentrated on casting at the numerous docks along the lake and landed this Largemouth Bass. I can see while people love kayaking so much. The Old Town Vapor was very stable. I never felt like I was going to tip. It glided through the water with little effort. The fight with the fish was exciting as I felt closer to the action than I ever have. I will definitely be purchasing a kayak when I return home as I really loved the experience
    2 points
  22. I like the new logo: http://www.siebertoutdoors.com/
    2 points
  23. This morning a USMC C-130 had an in-flight incident and spiraled in to a field this morning in Miss I believe. 15 Marines an a USN Corpsman died. Please take a few moments to remember and be grateful that they were willing to Give All on our behalf! Rest In Peace my brothers!
    2 points
  24. 2 points
  25. Best place on the world wide web for gathering on bass fishing is bassresource.com. If you read just what is "pinned" in these forums you'll be a better angler!
    2 points
  26. What @Bluebasser86 said! I fish small lakes/ponds so as soon as I launch, I put the paddle down ... again and again and again. Weeds are thick everywhere so I fish slowly, casting weedless stuff into openings in the slop. After a couple of years, I'm starting to learn what areas (usually determined by depth, time of day, and weather conditions) where bass seem to hang out. Then I paddle (Run-and-Gun-Lite) to the next likely area. (Hey, it's a kayak!) For me, even the smallest points are productive early in the day and deeper mats are better during midday. I have to admit I never pass a patch of lily pads, but I believe that, in general, ya have to move until you become familiar with the body of water in which you are fishing. In any case, I do tend to pick apart each area before moving. As I become more familiar with the lake I've noticed my fishing has become more productive and working what's in front of you seems to be the only way to figure out the water, at least initially!
    2 points
  27. I'd rather them take $.75 off the price and put them in the package without hooks, I swap them right out of the package anyways.
    2 points
  28. Who would have known ? I've caught thousands of fish, including my 6.6 Kg ( 14.52 lbs ), with them "hedious" and detail lacking ( like if that was important ) Rapala Shad Raps.
    2 points
  29. I average 3 backlashes an outing lol
    2 points
  30. Now you are hooked not that fish, hahaha
    2 points
  31. This is the part that I also have trouble with. How often do you read here on BR that "xxxx is the best lure, but you have to change out the hooks on them"....I agree with you
    2 points
  32. As a shore pounder, I tend to saturate the area with casts, hoping that at least one will strike paydirt. If there is a lot of shore access and not many other people around, I will move around a bit and spend less time at each location. If there aren't many available shore spots, then I'll be spending a lot of time throwing different lures in the same spots hoping something hits.
    2 points
  33. Check out captainhooksdiscountwarehouse as they usually have the best deals on bulk hook purchases. Allen
    2 points
  34. yes, you can, just make sure you inspect the snap and leader every time you change the bait out. Those snaps will eventually wear out, just make sure to get good quality smaller snaps.
    2 points
  35. Hi folks... After using spinnerbaits and plugs for many many years i dedicated this summer to learning the art of plastics...senkos t-rigged (weightless) and wacky, baby bass colored fluke weightless t-rig and yum worm weightless t-rig (the skinny one...can't remember the name)... So in 3 days my wife and I caught 3 big ones ( her a 5 and me a 5 and a 5.5) and i caught a few 1 to 2 lbers and a few dinks) 2 or 3 hours each day. I can't upload pics of all of them in this post but these are the 2 big ones. All summer so far i either got no hits or whiffed every hit i got til 3 days ago. My wife had a great FIRST TIME bass fishing. She caught hers on a spinnerbait and it exploded on her spinnerbait as she was speeding up to lift over the weeds in front of us. She trout fished all her life up north. Feels good! I have no boat so all from shore and these are in a very small pond... I read the forums for tips on plastics constantly and all of y'alls advice is coming together in how i fish. Spinnerbaits were my go to lure but i wanted to learn plastics. Thanks for all of y'alls knowledge and willingness to share it
    2 points
  36. The classic 'Mackerel Sky'
    2 points
  37. 3.84lb chunk I got this morning. Texas rigged Senko to the rescue.
    2 points
  38. My style has change over the years. Started out I just what to catch a bass - any bass and it didn't matter what I had to do to get one. Then I wanted to catch lots of bass. Then I wanted to catch big bass. Then I wanted to catch Lots of big bass. Then I wanted to catch bass the way I want to catch bass. (which may or may not be the best way) Currently I'm looking to catch lots of big bass the way I want to catch them - pretty sketchy. A-Jay
    2 points
  39. Thank you, all of you who have contributed. I hoped, this time around, we could make this an ongoing process. And, it's looking like that could very well happen. And, I want you all to know, that as long as contributions keep coming, I will keep donating my time and supplies. I will build as many rods as you all want to fund. What else is an old, retired professor good for anyway?
    2 points
  40. 2 points
  41. Pascagoula River, Mississippi
    2 points
  42. Mom or dad loon feeding a small fish to Loon Jr.
    2 points
  43. Had one of the best mornings spent fishing in my life. A friend of mine from church took me out to the local powerhouse chucking wire flies beneath bobbers and it was a blast! In 5 hours we hooked probably 27 fish and landed about 20 of them. Roughly 6 steelhead ranging from 12-18 inches, 9 whitefish ranging from 10-17 inches, 1 dink Atlantic Salmon, and 4 brute Atlantic Salmon in the 20-26 inch range. This guy has these fish dialed in! We threw all fish back besides two whitefish and my first true Atlantic pictured below. This guy weighed just over 6 lbs and measured 25 inches. Literally took 15 minutes to land this beast! Can't thank that guy enough for an unforgettable experience. Will definitely be back for more bobber take-downs in the near future.
    2 points
  44. Caught this little beauty during the Thursday night tournament this week on a shakyhead.
    2 points
  45. The 'Lo' (Lois) in RoLo
    2 points
  46. Lake Kissimmee (Maidencane, locally known as 'Kissimmee Grass')
    2 points
  47. In the guide business, we refer to them as "Professional Overruns"
    2 points
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