Ok I’m very bored, severe thunderstorms outside, and electronics at Humminbird getting checked out. Give me a break, this is going on everywhere, the US is better than most countries but getting worse. July 4th 2016 there were swim advisories for most of the Florida panhandle, and a lot of Louisianna. I’m not sure I understand how discouraging people from the coast makes money for those states. It doesn’t matter which coast, or reservoir your on, you’re seeing trash get worse. Ignore it and I guarantee it will damage our sport. Swimming and fishing in fecal bacteria is not for me, I’m not real fond of PCB’s and mercury in my fishing water either. My whole family is ROFLTAO about “boots on the ground experience”, your right I have very little. I grew up in south Alabama, with friends and family running shrimp boats, step-mother died in a boating accident when I was 16, overcome by carbon monoxide from a faulty Onan generator. I spent 20 years Navy diving off almost every country in the world. I have worked as a captain for TowBoat US, BP, and private clients; I have fished and guided both salt and fresh. Many of my friends carry everything from a 6-pack to a 100 ton-masters license, many are guides, and share the same opinion on pollution getting worse. Eight years living on a 42' Island Packet sailboat cruising the Caribbean. I’ve worked for Westmarine giving technical advice to mariners. I lived in Hawaii for ten years where both my kids were born and we fished a 37' Trojan. I did Alaska for two years where the salmon fishing was great, but I didn't like watching eagles eat of out of the garbage containers left open by careless people. I never fished for crab, but I like the TV show. I lived on the base in the Philippines for 3 years walking into the city across a waterway we had a nickname for it was so polluted. I served in Florida for 6 years where I experienced some of the best bass fishing of my life at Rodman Reservoir, and the St John’s River. My ex-wife managed Crystal Cove Marina that BASS used for years fishing Palatka, FL. I have met many of the BASS pros from the 90’s, and had drinks or dinner with several. I knew KVD when he was starting out, and he was incredible then. I have worked BASS tournaments on several different occasions as a favor to Ray Scott. I spent a day towing and checking on people on the water, after Lady BASS was hit by a tornado in Palatka, FL. Ron Pierce, founder of BassCat I met years ago, we had drinks and talked about airplanes, he’s always said come out and they would build whatever I wanted. I just can’t afford a BassCat, especially being retired. In the past I have owned new Skeeters, and Rangers. Currently I’m driving a very used 2002 ProCraft 185 PRO that I’m still using for local tournaments and winning money. I tease my friends that if they can’t beat an old blind guy they may want to consider saving their entry fee. I have dove and spear fished most waters of the world. I have been in the water with sharks more times than I care to count. bulls, tigers, and hammerheads make me nervous, whites and oceanic whitetips scare the hell out of me. Two trips over the dirty ice of the artic seeing the trash there. I have crewed and captained everything from kayaks to a 68' Hatteras. My boots haven't been on the ground but they've spent some time on boat decks and wet. I would be willing to bet I have more time asleep on a boat than most boaters have total water time. The Gulf of Mexico has always been part of my home waters, so I follow it closely, and care about it deeply. My FB page is listed here in my profile, there are over 400 people there that will tell you everything stated here is true, and when it comes to being in, on, or under the water I've spent a little time. I’m not a tree hugger by any stretch, my 56 years of life have just always involved water for work and pleasure. I started this thread to encourage those that love fishing, to encourage others not to sink their trash in the water over the 4th, and to be safe. I didn’t want to get into a boating/fishing experience debate, but I’m more than qualified to go there.