[June 26, 2017] (Monday) -----Conditions-----
Time: 7:00am - 1:30pm
Sky: Partly Cloudy to Overcast To Partly Cloudy
Wind: Light Wind to Medium Gusts to Calm
Water Temps: 64-71F
Water Clarity: Clear (10ft+)
Jeremy and I have been talking about our results from the previous trip on the 21st over the past few days. Lately we've been heading north near deeper water, fishing rocky areas and catching a lot of Smallmouth. The numbers have been great, however most of the fish haven't had much size to them. When he checked his pictures from last year he saw that he was catching some good sized Largemouth around this time at the south end of the lake where its more shallow and weedy. We both decided it was time to try fishing the south end to see if we could find us some good Largemouth.
I was to meet him at his place at ~6:15am, so I got up around 5:30am to get ready and the first thing I did was check the weather. It showed a high of 89, partly cloudy with falling pressure, and the radar showed a small cold front moving in, with spotted rain showers...
I had already geared up for this trip days prior with an emphasis on selecting "weedless" baits, knowing the area we planned to fish. So around 5:45am I started heading toward his place...
We loaded the boat up, headed for the lake, and arrived at the ramp just a little before 7:00am.
Being that it's Monday, and late June, we noted fishing pressure could be high from the past weekend. I've seen numerous trucks with fishing boats on the road over the past few days, so I can only imagine how many more were out on the lake. This is why I was surprised to see two bass next to the dock spook as we were launching the boat. As Jeremy was parking the truck, I tied the boat off, grabbed a combo, and made a cast, and ended up catching one of them.
1st Bass = 9 & 1/4", 0.26 lb (04 oz)
Just a small one, but it got the skunk off my back. This was actually a good thing as our plan for today was to head to an area of the lake I have never fished before. I was going to change my entire bait selection from confidence baits to baits that work for the area, and hope that we can locate some fish.
When we arrived at the location, I rigged up my three combo's with... 1) Strike King Swim Jig (White) + Keitech Swing Impact Fat (Bluegill Flash), 2) Zoom Horny Toad (Bullfrog) + 4/0 Gamakatsu Super Line EWG Hook, and lastly a bait I haven't thrown in years which turned out to be the most productive bait today...
3) Zoom Finesse Worm (Watermelon \ Red Flake) + 1/0 Gamakatsu Offset Shank Worm EWG Hook.
Here are the results...
2nd Bass = 13", 0.97 lb (~ 1 lb) [Finesse Worm]
3rd Bass = 14", 1.26 lb (1 lb, 04 oz) [Finesse Worm]
4th Bass = 15", 1.37 lb (~ 1lb 06 oz) [Horny Toad]
5th Bass = 13", 0.95 lb (~ 1 lb) [Finesse Worm]
6th Bass = 13 & 1/4" 1.06 lb (~ 1 lb, 01oz) [Finesse Worm]
7th Bass = 13", 0.91 lb (~ 14 oz) [Finesse Worm]
8th Bass = 13 & 3/4", 1.06 lb (~ 1 lb, 01oz) [Finesse Worm]
9th Bass = 12 & 1/2", 0.79 lb (~ 12 oz) [Horny Toad]
10th Bass = 12", 0.68 lb (~ 11 oz) [Finesse Worm]
11th Bass = 13", 0.88 lb (14 oz) [Finesse Worm]
12th Bass = 9", 0.31lb (~ 05 oz) [Finesse Worm]
13th Bass = 11", 0.45 lb (07 oz) [Horny Toad]
I managed to catch 13 bass, and Jeremy caught 16. The Horny Toad caught a few of my fish, but the majority came on the Finesse Worm. One bass came back for the worm 3 times. I didn't catch anything on the Swim Jig, but to be fair I didn't throw it that much as I was focusing on the more weedless stuff. We saw a lot more bass than we caught, the place was loaded. I believe this could be the reason...
There were a lot of Bluegill beds in the shallows. There were a few beds in the area that could have been bass, but a lot of the bass seemed to be roaming and willing to chase baits. They were possibly hunting the bluegill around their beds as it was common to see groups of 2-5 bass swimming together. Even saw a few 2-3 lb'ers that wouldn't commit to our baits (probably spooked them and put them into curious mode not feeding mode). Almost all day long we could look down around the boat and see multiple bass checking us out. I have to say, this was our best day out so far this year.