I found the post below on another forum concerning this question, it's an answer from someone at Yamamoto baits as to why they dont sell in bulk.
Okay, well I'm someone from Yamamoto and I'd love to answer this question. I manage the Online Store and get a very significant number of requests for bulk deals.
The long answer is that we used to have bulk available. We stopped doing this because we do not have room to keep all of our 3,000-some different styles and colors in stock as 100-count bags. And when we did, the weight of the bags and bait tended to crush the soft bait. Then, nobody ever wants the same color or style as another angler. It seemed that the extra efforts consumed any savings we could reasonably pass on to the angler by making 100-count bags.
Now, dealers and distributors get bulk deals, naturally, by the caselot. (No suprise there, right?) And the baits are still packaged in the normal ziplocks.
Now we love our anglers. You guys asking these questions. But honestly, we're not into making outrageous profits on anyone. I think that our bait is worth the extra cost, and I get that value back in better performance. If you don't think that's true, you should either do a little more research here at the Inside Line, or find another bait to use. Our bait is expensive to make. I know for a fact that I'm not making rock-star wages. (In fact, everyone here is definitely underpaid. *hint hint Gary*)
The real question is, why don't the tackle stores have special deals and quantity sales? We don't because we really don't want to compete with them -- our corporate policy is to actually support those mom-and-pop dealers who have to compete with the X-Marts selling 5,000-count bags of X-bait.
So, to recap. We used to have bulk -- it really didn't work out because of the quantity of products and the delicacy of our bait. We're not trying to rip anyone off -- our bait is expensive to purchase because it's just plain expensive to make -- our prices have NEVER increased and have actually DECREASED in the last 15 years (we're getting cheaper) -- stores get quantity deals and you should talk to your local dealer about getting the deals.
Hope this helps,