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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/2017 in all areas

  1. broke my pb on the same holiday weekend a year ago. 5.5 lb, with a strike king burner in the shallowest of waters. i basically cast parallel to the bank.
    16 points
  2. Falcon treated us pretty good this weekend: Day 1 9.1 lber on a 6XD 25 inches long and 17.5 was the girth! Day 2 was pretty tough, nothing worth taking a picture over. Day 3 gave us a couple of studs!
    16 points
  3. I braved the lake today and got rewarded
    14 points
  4. And?? As long as you're not promoting your channel or a product with your videos, nothing wrong with it. Lots of members post their Youtube videos from their fishing trips. I enjoy watching most of them. Now the shaky chest or head cams, obnoxious music, screaming about every dink they catch, filming themselves eating breakfast and getting gas, I could do without all that. Neat thing is, it's really easy to just not watch those videos and go back to watching the ones I like. As for the OP's question, I have no idea how all that stuff works but I'd guess maybe the folks who run YT aren't big fans of the sport. I'm sure you could shoot the folks over at YT a query about why it's in that category.
    7 points
  5. Took my second eldest son out today on Harwood's Mill. Tough day to fish, snot grass was awful, but for me, Ned once again saved the day!! 2.5 lbs on the Boga! My son caught a 1-1.25 lber on a wacky rig. I had another nice bass, but must never had hold of the hook as it got off in some thick grass. As a bonus, got to meet @IgotWood as we were pulling out, he and another fisherman were putting in.
    6 points
  6. Took off work yesterday & fished, then fished again today at one of my fav small lakes. I've been dying to try one of the 6th Sense cranks I got during the holidays. Had a pretty good 2 days with about 30 bass total. Caught a few on a Baby 1- also, but the 3 biggest all came on the Movement 80x crank. Caught a 3'15", a 4 lbs even, and then this beauty this evening. She weighed 9'4" and was 24" long. Released back to the water. Needless to say, I'm digging this 6th Sense shallow crank. EDIT: Decided to add a little info on the crank. Let me preface this by saying that I usually have really good luck at this lake burning & pausing a Baby 1-. This 6th Sense crank has a wide wobble & a lot of thump. I mean a lot! Kinda makes it hard to burn, so I was having best results using a medium retrieve with sporadic pauses. On 15 lb Invisx, I'd say the bait ran about 2 - 2.5 ft deep. Thanks to fellow angler & bass resource member Dennis (who I just met on water today) for being there & was nice enough to get a few photos. Sorry Dennis, I don't remember your user name or I would tag you.
    5 points
  7. More legit than the 30 year old "unboxing" his monthly tackle delivery with a box of tissues and a bottle of lotion in the background...
    5 points
  8. But if some of the most popular youtubers don't know much about what they're talking about and instead spread misinformation, while hawking products, there's a reason it rubs folks the wrong way. Also, if you start responses to a question by giving a sarcastic response that in no way answered the OP's question, you're probably more likely to bring out the "flood of comments" from those who otherwise might be apt to just move onto the next subject instead of responding.
    5 points
  9. Just following up what Logan said. Dsr isn't powerful enough for 3/4oz and pads. 3/4oz jig in open water would be too much for it. The tip is too soft imo. EMTF would be fine for 3/4oz but not with heavy cover. I'd be using my perfect pitch for 3/4oz and pads. Honestly you're asking a bit much from 1 rod. The tour versatile will handle the weight and the heavy cover but it's not going to do well with a senko. You gotta figure out the best compromise. ------------------------------- lmb here's some more pics to hopefully keep you happy. top to bottom - left to right Steez SV103 Zonda 68L J Dream 7.9 Monoblock Grigio Titanio Alphas SV105 Steez 100HLA custom painted
    5 points
  10. The Holiday Boat Traffic Insanity was job security for me of a long time and I was smack dab in the middle of most every one. However, those days are done. And as a retired human I'll leave the water to those souls who can't be out there all next week. Like I will be ~ A-Jay
    5 points
  11. I just got back from a 10 day trip to Ontario Canada (9 spent fishing). We fished two different lakes during my trip. The weather was changing every day and was making the fishing conditions tough on us the whole time. The water was 64* the day we got there, it dropped to 57* three days later, and it was 69* on the day I left. So as you can imagine, this really screwed with the bite. I caught the majority of my fish on Keitech SIF swimbaits (3.3 and 3.8") and Lake Fork Magic Shads (3.5") on a 3/8oz. swimbait head. I also caught some fish along the way on Baby 1-, Rat-L-Traps, DT's, Pointer 78's, Vision 110's and Lucky Craft DR crankbaits. The majority of our fish came in 3-7' of water in weedy flats. I racked up a lot of smallmouth and a few walleye's targetting rocky banks, islands, and main lake rock points/bars. It rained 7 of the 10 days there and that pattern seemed to stick for me. On the sunny days was whenever the jerkbait worked for me in the 8-11' creek channels off of the weedy flats.
    4 points
  12. I gave my Boat a face lift with new carpet, it really changed the look's of it. Now it need a good Shinning Job.
    4 points
  13. You guys are way too organized.
    4 points
  14. You answered my question on the last line. Those cutting points on the Trokar hooks slice baits up like crazy when you put any kind of force on them. I watched @gardnerjigman go through several baits only catch a fish or two and some baits not even catching anything, just tearing up from pulling it out of heavy grass over and over. It's only an issue with the Trokar hooks. I use both Eagle Claw flipping hooks and Strike King Hack Attack flipping hooks and have never had the same issue.
    4 points
  15. I fished two lakes Saturday in Northern Wisconsin. The first one, had tons of boat traffic that made fishing difficult. Fortunately, there are hundreds of lakes in that area and we moved to a less congested lake that had minimal traffic and we hammered the smallies and largies.
    4 points
  16. 5" hard body swimbait... Got her to the bank to see one point of one treble in her ! Made my weekend
    4 points
  17. I had a guide trip Thursday and put the guys on lots of nice fish. One of the guys broke his PB smallmouth twice. In my attempt to avoid catching "their fish", I was fishing a Popping Pad Crasher and managed my first frog smallmouth of the year after a couple hits and misses. Friday was the hunt for a giant, which went terribly, but at least the PPC was getting smashed by the bucks anytime we could find a ball of fry.
    4 points
  18. I gave my Boat a face lift with new carpet, it really changed the look's of it. Now it need a good Shinning Job. And these seats.
    3 points
  19. Holey Land, 6:30-12:30, Mostly sunny, Temp 93*, wind switched direction several times, water clear, water temp 83*, little current east, smoke and fog early. Went to the H/L with Steve Johnson. As soon as we turned west from US 27, a combination of fog, and smoke from everglades fires, brought the visibility to 20 yards or less. Upon getting the boat in the water we headed up the north canal all the way to the reduction in the canal. We ran as slow as possible and still on plane. Steve caught two nice bass on a jig and craw combination. I just bought some swing head football jigs and put on a Rage Craw plastic. This set up worked perfectly with an easy hook set. I really like this new set up. We caught fish at a good rate for the first couple of hours. When the wind changed, we ran to the east canal, and the pump stations. There was no current here, and no water releases at the flood gates. We caught fish on both sides of the canal. The only down side was a couple of guys shooting guns out there, and every once in a while you could hear a bullet whistle bye. We could not see them but we certainly heard them. This and the heat had us out of there, at 12:30. We caught them on senkos, u-vibes, jig and craws, flukes and wacky trick worms. We finished with 34 bass, the biggest in the 3.5 range. On the way home there was a big gator on US 27 run over by a 16 wheeler. The gators are out there looking for love, and wandering from place to place. Not smart crossing a major highway. Happy Memorial Day to all!
    3 points
  20. I used to make doughballs using Quaker Oats Cornmeal with vanilla extract added. To toughen the doughballs, I kneaded the dough in a rag so the balls stayed better on the hook. Although cornmeal doughballs work 'great', I have since gotten lazy. I've found that 'Whole Kernel Sweet Corn' is just as good or maybe even better than cornmeal doughballs. Pre-chum the day before, then thread about four corn niblets, side-by-side on a No.6 short-shank hook. Roger
    3 points
  21. While not ideal, I am sure it will work. I wouldn't use a mono leader for this. Straight braid!
    3 points
  22. Spent the weekend in Isle Bay on Mille Lacs camping & fishing. The weather was not great (wind/rain) and my boat isn't very big so I was kinda relegated to fishing little nooks where the wind wasn't so terrible. I really wanted to find smallies but they proved to be illusive for me with the conditions and lack of mobility. I did manage to catch a nice 4lber fishing from the bank though! The walleye bite is just insane on that lake. I boated a ton of eaters and some big tanks on drop shots, ned rigs and swimbaits. They were eating everything and in all sorts of depths. Mille Lacs is such a fun lake. You never know what's going to happen every time you cast! Can't wait to go back.
    3 points
  23. I caught 29 of these guys last week in Canada. It was a great trip.
    3 points
  24. It's a medium where anyone with a camera and too much time can just upload content, so yeah, statistically most will have little or no clue and an agenda, financial, emotional, or otherwise. Nothing wrong with that of course, it's entertaining (sometimes) to those who know better. Unfortunately it's the true novice who will either absorb and apply bad information, and/or have their head spinning.
    3 points
  25. Alright, got a big fishing trip coming next week so I put new line on my baitcasters. Here's some pics! Curado 70XG and Daiwa Arachnid 72MHXF Daiwa Steez TW SV XS and St Croix Elite 70MF Curado 70XG and St Croix Avid X 70MHF Daiwa SV103 XS and Daiwa Arachnid 73HXG Not pictured is my Crankbait set up of Curado 200i PG and Tournamant ZX 72MM
    3 points
  26. Hey guys. Things are going much better now, I've been doing a lot more fishing for sunfish and catfish than bass because she really enjoys catching bluegills and such. I think bass fishing just seems too boring for her. But no matter the fish it's still time on the water and she seems to be enjoying it a lot more. thanks for asking
    3 points
  27. Wow, that's pretty far north to find a moc. Most of the confirmed sightings of mocs in NC are in the SE part of the state. The rest are mistaken identities. NC Wildlife has Chatham out of the range of the water Moc on their map which means there has never been a confirmed sighting there. The Northern water snake has evolved over time to take on the colors, patterns and behaviors of mocs and copperheads for defensive purposes. They will even hold their mouth open and show off an adapted white mouth to mimic the "cottonmouth". They are much more convincing as a water moc than a copperhead. Most experts will tell you that the majority of sightings of mocs in NC are mostly mistaken identity. Also, pool owners in FL will tell you that a moc will rarely get itself caught in a skimmer. They are too good in the water and typically push the skimmer lid right off.
    3 points
  28. I'd guess somewhere between 9 - 10 lbs. I caught a 9 lber there and it was 26 and a quarter inches a few years ago and this fish was bigger
    3 points
  29. No weigh as I caught her at 630 am and wasn't heading in till around 2, so I just got pictures and a length (27 inches). She was released
    3 points
  30. I have owned a Lund since 2013, which I purchased new. First and foremost, I have never felt unsafe in the boat. The hull will handle rough water better than an equally sized fiberglass bass boat. The layout is all about fishing and well thought out storage. Better than that of, I believe, any other brand of fishing boat, fiberglass or aluminum. As far as serviceability like pulling wires for graphs, access to batteries and pumps, etc again, well thought out. As far as cost, sure, they cost a few bucks more than other aluminum boats in their class. The Lund name will also hold it's value longer than other aluminum brands. Ignore the pricing on their "boat builder" and go in and talk numbers with multiple dealers.
    3 points
  31. I went out today, possibly against my better judgement... Only caught a dozen in a few hours amidst a crap load of drunk pleasure boaters. Saw a few drivers so drunk that they were swerving all over the place, I saw one run into a shoreline. I managed to not get dumped or ran over (although I did spear two wake boarder waves), but I'm not sure how someone didn't end up crashing into another boat or completely wrecking there boat on the shore. I think security needs to spend less time enforcing no-wake laws and more time on drunk drivers.
    3 points
  32. Went to the local Gander Mountain to take advantage of the the closing sales. All baits and line were 40% off. I originally was planning to restock on hooks but they had a lot of stuff I liked on sale. They had at least 30 spools of Smack down for 40% off so I may go back and buy a few more also got a couple spools of mono for leaders. I was also pretty excited to find that Spro Rat. I've been wanting to try one for a while and I snagged that one for $15.
    3 points
  33. Definitely a fan of the hot dog. The best dog, according to this story, is t Costco. I have to agree. I always try and have one when I go there. http://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/restaurantsandnews/i-might-have-discovered-the-best-hot-dog-in-america-—-and-its-not-where-youd-expect/ar-BBBBvhg?li=BBgdrt0&ocid=ientp
    2 points
  34. Got to the lake this a.m, about a 40 minute drive from my house, and realized after I launched I had taken the tackle bag out last weekend to clean the boat out. And I always have some bags of this or that laying around, but not this time! Cleaned the boat real good last weekend. That will teach me. I had what was attached to the rods on board which were: 1. A 3/8 double bladed white spinner bait. 2. A 3/0 worm hook with 1/4 oz weight. No worm. 3. A 1/2 oz Cordell lipless. Silver 4. A 3/8 oz football jig and trailer. 5. A 1/4 shaky head with a Zoom finesse worm pretty chewed up. 6. A 1/2 frog. 7. A 1/32 oz panfish jig. I caught a couple on a spinner bait, but the real pattern I think was the Shakyhead. I caught 4 in a fairly short time, all 2-3+ pounds. This guy here either ate half of a worm or left it in the lake, but that was all for that worm. Pretty good day actually, moral of the story is I don't think I always need all of that stuff I bring.
    2 points
  35. Baitfish and crawdads don't change color to make it easier for the bass to see them in dirty water. They may slightly change hues, but for the most part remain the same color.
    2 points
  36. Have you tried the okuma?
    2 points
  37. May you get well soon Took my son and 2 grandsons out for some bank fishing for a couple hours at a local park. Was awesome...hooked three bass...landed one keep. Wore out the bluegill....wore out.....they loved it. Storm came....we left
    2 points
  38. I prefer the 4 inch version. Not sure what weight I use as far as the jig goes. I've tried a couple jigs but prefer the jackal flick shake jigs
    2 points
  39. WOW! With a catch like that, I would probably face any boat traffic LOL! Nice catch man. Really nice. Well, I said I wasn't going to try but the father-n-law and I said what the heck. So we went out late this afternoon into the early night. We were lucky to have left when we did. Storm came up in a hurry but it was nice. Left the Triton home and took the 18' out for the first time since we gave it an overhaul. The running lights we installed were great! I see more night fishing on the horizon
    2 points
  40. Note to self: Don't Google "Stripper Guide" on the family computer...
    2 points
  41. Went to a local pond to try out a new Swimbait,The Triple Trout Stubby.Bass were hitting both colors(Army and Carp.)The bites were subtle.Instead of the rod being jerked from your hands the rod would just load up softly.If your into swimbaits i highly recommend the TT.
    2 points
  42. I agree with this, as longer rods will become cumbersome especially when attempting to land a fish. More importantly, I prefer rods with shorter handles from the reel seat to the butt. Makes it easier to maneuver the rod with out it getting caught in your PFD or to prevent it from jamming into your stomach/chest.
    2 points
  43. I was out there Saturday also the main canal was tough I only got about 10 total but landed this nice one on a jerkbait in North canal
    2 points
  44. Depending on the body of water and even where you are in the country you may never see clear water like some of the guys up north. For me here in Alabama clear is visibility of around 6ft. This is not the norm, lightly stained would be 3 to 4 and stained being around 1 and a half to 2. Muddy is less that a foot. These terms like most others are not set standards and are used loosely. I don't put a while lot of thought into my color choices just make a decision based on what I see that day. If its pretty clear I will use lighter colors. Really muddy I will choose black. Bass are predators though and largemouth especially feed with all of their senses, not just with sight.
    2 points
  45. A casting rod is fished with the guides pointing up, and the reel sits on top of the rod. It has a knob that goes between your fingers for a tight grip. A spinning rod is fished with the guides pointing down and the reel sits under the rod. There is no knob that goes between your fingers on spinning rods. The two rod types are meant for different types of reels. Casting rods are for baitcast or spincast reels, and spinning rods are fished with spinning reels.
    2 points
  46. Put my newest rod- st. Croix triumph x, to the test today. Asked my dad to go with me and he did, ended being a great time. Went out to a small pond (10 acres) with just my spinning rod, a casting setup for squarebills, a few bags of plastics, and some crankbaits. The weather was overcast for the most part, with little wind and incoming rain. Pretty clear water, about 4 feet of visibility. Fished from about 12 to 4. I get there and meet dad. He needs a rod (short notice trip) so I give my new one. He rigs up with a Texas rigged manns jelly worm in motor oil and 3/16 oz weight. I'm watching as he plops it into a little pocket and we both see the line jump. He sets the hook and brings in a nice 2 1/2 pounder on the very first cast. a giant in this pond (mostly stocked with panfish for kids to c&r) and one of the biggest of the day. So i I rig up with a KVD 1.5 in gold sexy shad and get to casting. Before long, we both start catching small 3/4 to 1 lb. bass that are stacked up on the bank. We work our way over to a large dock and are still catching them pretty good. We get to the dock and action slows down as the sun comes out. He gets a phone call and has to leave around 2:30, so I'm left with the pond all to myself. Around 3 storm clouds move in and the bite starts up again. I switched to a baby brush hog and get this: Taped it at about 15 1/4 inches. Good fish for this pond. Then the rain starts. It pours for about 20 minutes, slacks off, then comes back about an hour later. Around 4, the thunderstorm really comes so I start moving back towards the truck. i fish one more stretch of bank with a trick worm. Standing in the middle of a downpour, I hook into something nice: I estimate about 3 pounds. After this one, I think I may caught about 2 more, then had to get going. All in all, it was an awesome day of fishing. We caught about 20 between us and spent some quality time together (can't beat it).
    2 points
  47. Busy day on the lake today, at least until the rain pushed the pleasure boaters off for a little while. Caught 41 bass in 4 hours, on trick worms before the rain moved in and then buzzbaits in the rain. The better fish are starting to move out onto the main lake stuff now, but still a few back in the coves mixed in with lots of buck bass. Best five weighed a very nice ~17 pounds, anchored by a 5.36 pound lunker that hit a buzzbait. Second biggest bag I've ever pulled out of this particular lake. The finesse game changer buzzbait did most of the damage before it broke, then a cavitron kept on catching them. Also made a go at catfishing for an hour or two later on, got a couple hits but didn't connect.
    2 points
  48. The #1 key to consistently catching bass is between your ears not between the folds of your wallet!
    2 points
  49. Zoom, yum and h20 xpress
    2 points
  50. I store mine like this guy, in 3707 04 PLANO® ELITE™ 3700 SERIES
    2 points
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