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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/2017 in all areas

  1. Been waiting on it for a year - finally got it. It turned out great (the mouth is smaller than it should be though)! HERE is info on the fish
    19 points
  2. Took off work yesterday & fished, then fished again today at one of my fav small lakes. I've been dying to try one of the 6th Sense cranks I got during the holidays. Had a pretty good 2 days with about 30 bass total. Caught a few on a Baby 1- also, but the 3 biggest all came on the Movement 80x crank. Caught a 3'15", a 4 lbs even, and then this beauty this evening. She weighed 9'4" and was 24" long. Released back to the water. Needless to say, I'm digging this 6th Sense shallow crank. EDIT: Decided to add a little info on the crank. Let me preface this by saying that I usually have really good luck at this lake burning & pausing a Baby 1-. This 6th Sense crank has a wide wobble & a lot of thump. I mean a lot! Kinda makes it hard to burn, so I was having best results using a medium retrieve with sporadic pauses. On 15 lb Invisx, I'd say the bait ran about 2 - 2.5 ft deep. Thanks to fellow angler & bass resource member Dennis (who I just met on water today) for being there & was nice enough to get a few photos. Sorry Dennis, I don't remember your user name or I would tag you.
    14 points
  3. My first 17 summers were spent at a cabin on Balsam Lake, WI. I learned a little about bass fishing, mostly stuff my brother, best friend and I figured out through trial and error. Moved to Montana in 1964 and started chasing trout instead, continued much less frequently after coming to Colorado in ‘73. Spent 2 years in the Bahamas fishing the island tidal channels, most for snapper and jacks with an occasional barracuda. Fast forward to 2017 and the bass bug has found me once again. My favorite bait in ancient days was topwater, most often Hula Popper, some Jitterbug and injured minnow and pre-rigged plastic worms. Last week we were camped at Pine Lake State Park in Eldora, Iowa (pretty lake, seems like it would be good with a boat or kayak). I had my gear with me in case I had time to try my luck, and I had bought a 7 day license. Ended up only fishing for a little over an hour. Tried several crankbaits (Rapala shad and minnow) with not a nibble. Switched to plastic swimbait and got a couple of follows, but no strikes. Then I tied on one of the small BPS poppers that I’d been using in the ocean. Tried several different retrieves, finally a fairly fast crank with jerks to create a commotion and I got a good strike, then landed 2 fish in a matter of minutes. They were small, only 10-12 inches, but they hit that popper hard, and I was as excited as a kid with his first fish. I just wish I’d had more time, and a way to get off the bank. Now I’m ready to get that fishing kayak and go for more. It may not seem like that much for you guys who get to chase bass regularly on well supplied lakes, but for me it was a trip in the Wayback Machine to a great period in my life. Now I want more than I'm afraid Colorado can give me.
    6 points
  4. 23.5" red (PB so far) 21" with vegetation (circled in red) growing out of his side? Looked like its been there for a while because the flesh healed up around it. Manatee came and spooked me, and then spooked the reds I was sight fishing... Also ran into dolphins the last two times I've been out. They came within 20 feet of the kayak.
    6 points
  5. 5" hard body swimbait... Got her to the bank to see one point of one treble in her ! Made my weekend
    5 points
  6. As a veteran member of The Scrounger Club, I will say that the following three factors can contribute to the bait spinning rather than running correctly and they are all related to one another. 1. The size of the bill - long, medium or short. I use & prefer the long bill exclusively. 2. The type & especially the size of the trailer used. 3. The speed of the retrieve. - these baits perform at their best when worked low & SLOW. Scroungers are sort of tough to fish effectively with a high speed reel. Certainly can be done but I'd probably fall asleep in the middle of the second cast. When you think you're going slow enough - slow down some more. Here's a few of my favorite trailers. A-Jay
    4 points
  7. To me it doesn't matter what you throw...Its all in where, when and how you throw it..In that order Mike
    4 points
  8. EDIT: Here's the article Louisiana Sportsman wrote on me and the fish: http://www.louisianasportsman.com/details.php?id=9644# PB went from 6 something to 11.12 last night! Last year I lost one that I "know" was over 10, this makes up for it. Didn't break me off this time because I was prepared with the right equipment. It qualified for Toledo Bend's "lunker program," so I'll get a replica for free. I weighed her in on an official scale and let her go back into the lake, it was a beautiful sight. WOO!
    4 points
  9. I feel that fishing is worth doing no matter what!!! Catching fish is an added benefit to being on the water. Go!!! Enjoy the wonderful day God has given you and if you can, catch a couple of lunkers. Be glad of the opportunity you have to be there.
    3 points
  10. Never Forgotten, Forever Revered ~ Heroes Never Die. A-Jay
    3 points
  11. Yes, there's a tournament in Texas that anglers can only use Bill Lewis Rattle Traps (and now the Echo squarebills). There's some tournaments that are frog only tournaments in California I believe?
    3 points
  12. Double check when you see that "vegetation" growing out of fish. It's not uncommon to see all sorts of stuff growing on a tag. Awesome day on the water!
    3 points
  13. I carry a dirty, old sock with me when I'm fishing to scary away the lions. It must work cause I ain't seen a lion in years.
    3 points
  14. Thank you for remembering those brothers and sisters who have given ALL they had for us to enjoy the finest standard of living the world has ever known! They're watch is done! THANK YOU!
    3 points
  15. Yup. I love finishing ahead of the guys in the most expensive boats with the most expensive equipment. Just me, my 16ft Nitro and $50 rods....
    3 points
  16. The #1 key to consistently catching bass is between your ears not between the folds of your wallet!
    3 points
  17. Got an Email from Ebay yesterday: 20% off memorial day sale for outdoor products. Wasn't sure if that covered fishing reels so I clicked on a link for a reel and the discount loaded up. Ended up grabbing a $175 3000 series CI4+FB for $140 after the rebate. I was very tempted to pick up a Stella with this deal but the Ci4 should do everything I need. I've found a guy there selling top notch reels for the lowest prices I've ever seen. Catch is only left handed bait casters, and no XG. I'm literally going to send him a Christmas card this year.
    3 points
  18. Independence day. Nice weather, grilling, fireworks and well, independence.
    3 points
  19. Well, I grabbed 4 spools of 300 yd 65lb power pro from the Academy sale. I figure I can get 3-4 spoolings out of each, and I usually change out braid about once a season if not a little longer. Should be set on frog line for the next decade lol.
    2 points
  20. Christmas...No Question! There isn't anything better than sitting on the end of the couch watching your kids, then grandkids eyes open wide when they see what they get, throw the wrapping's around the room, grab each others stuff they like better, then looking over to my wife, we lock eyes and smile.... Yep Christmas, No Question!! Mike
    2 points
  21. Well, that kinda covers it. Mike
    2 points
  22. That's a real bucket mouth if I've ever seen one. Maybe I'll have to try the Movement 80x out. What color were you throwing?
    2 points
  23. Retired US Air Force MSgt
    2 points
  24. It looks great and that fish was a prime example of catch and release working!
    2 points
  25. Talk about a full day of fun. That is too cool.
    2 points
  26. I'd like to trade him for one of my dependents at times.
    2 points
  27. I don't know for sure about how many bleeders die, but 100% of the ones you cook don't make it.
    2 points
  28. Lol, actually got a good CL deal on the pink one so the second bite didn't break the skin
    2 points
  29. I've been bass fishing for 15 plus years but the past few years I've really decided to get serious about it and more technical. I read the magizines, watch the shows, but since joining BR in October I've dove in even more. Lately I've been reading "best of posts" and others. Like I've said I read and learned over the years, so I've read about structure, breaks, transitions, and everything else that goes along with it. It's turkey hunting season in Michigan and I'm able to hunt the farm land across the road from me. I was walking my dog the other day and it hit me, "bass are preditors and so am I, we think a like". So what I did next really changed in my mind the way I'll approach fishing. I looked at this 200 or so acres of land as a lake and I was standing on the bottom. The tress were the shore and some areas come out into a point, here you have great ambush points, there are a couple "pot holes" we'll call them another great area to hide. In the middle of the field sits a giant oak tree, you have tree stumps along the road, when the crops are up part is corn part is beans, the area where the two meet. If I understand correctly all these areas would be key areas if it were a lake correct? If I'm correct these are also great areas for prediters (me) to hide/ambush prey (turkey). The prediter thinking is the same no matter what species you are. Like I've said I've read a ton, especially lately and to put all the pieces together and see it in front of me, instead of just reading is a big help. I hope I'm on the right track and if I'm not please steer me in the right direction. Like I told T9 I've only scratched the surface but this makes me eager to learn more. Thanks to Catt, Rolo,T9, WRB, and everyone else for sharing your knowledge with all of us, it truely is appreciated.
    2 points
  30. Don't forget to include him as a dependent on your taxes.
    2 points
  31. Key words right there. I know Devo was great but don't whip it!!
    2 points
  32. Ive been on a roll "at the pond" the past three days guys. Just hauled this one in about 2 hours ago. Almost 5lbs Now if I can catch them on the lake tomorrow like this
    2 points
  33. My guess is that it will be lights out...
    2 points
  34. Confidence soars, love the worm, am a longtime spoonplugger without the spoonplugs(knowledge and experience)...I got this!
    2 points
  35. Hit a new promising lake in the a.m. I've gotten several around this size. Gotta love spring. Also hit my favorite night hole.
    2 points
  36. been using original power pro 40-65 lb. test depending on how heavy the cover is. never had a problem.
    2 points
  37. I'm in good shape and already figuring out what I'm going to spend the money on, because as Buck Perry stated, "Knowledge is the key to success" - not tackle. -T9
    2 points
  38. Only two packages . I'll be out of baits by 10 . Those seven inch worms will turn into six inches , then five. Just kidding , they should last me til noon . I always wanted to fish a tourney like that . Everyone has to fish the same lure . Of course knowledge ,confidence , and experience is more important than lure . I think every body except maybe beginners depend on experience and knowledge .
    2 points
  39. Who Will Cry for the Soldiers? Who will cry for the Soldiers Those who have given their lives In all the Wars that passed through time? Who will lay a flag At his or her grave Who will member them On this Memorial Day Who will cry for them now Their shadows that cry behind the walls Have we forgotten they gave all Yes, these brave Soldiers took the fall So, we can live in Liberty So, we can live in the land of the free So, we can have freedom of speech Yes, so we can be who we want to be Who will cry for the Soldiers Who gave their lives Who will lay flag at their side Who will remember this Memorial Day Remember they paid the price Remember they made the supreme sacrifice Remember they died for you and me Remember the reason we are free Remember why today is Memorial Day Remember to take a moment to say a prayer Remember it's ok to cry for the Soldiers Who once stood tall, and the POW's Who never made it home Please take a moment to remember them Teach your children why today is a special day Teach them to remember Memorial day Who will cry for the Soldiers? Those of us left behind. By Ruby Alexandra Beloz Copyright 2003
    2 points
  40. I had a guide trip Thursday and put the guys on lots of nice fish. One of the guys broke his PB smallmouth twice. In my attempt to avoid catching "their fish", I was fishing a Popping Pad Crasher and managed my first frog smallmouth of the year after a couple hits and misses. Friday was the hunt for a giant, which went terribly, but at least the PPC was getting smashed by the bucks anytime we could find a ball of fry.
    2 points
  41. You're given two options in the question, neither of which are "no". I understand you're trying to complicate things and say that I'm presenting a false dilemma but this wasn't posted for philosophical purposes. If you're not willing to contribute to the conversation, why even participate? I bet you're really fun at parties.
    2 points
  42. Spool braid on tightly, but then send a good cast off gently then hand pull a few more yards off the spool and reel it in under normal bait resistant tension. oe
    2 points
  43. I lived and fished in South Florida for 40 years before moving to Central Florida. South Florida has big fish, but the canals are full of small bass. These small bass will jump on anything they can get into their mouths. If you want to catch 100 of them in a day, throw out a 4" Rapala and see what happens. The biggest canal fish I ever caught was 8 pounds but most were 12 inches. The good news is the number of fish in these canals is much greater than in a natural lake. If you want to target only bigger fish you should do a number of things differently. First is fish where they are and second use bigger bait. When I lived in South Florida I never caught a bass over 6 1/2 pounds until I started fishing with big plastic worms. Try a Zoom mag II or Ol'Moster worm with a small weight and fish it dead on the bottom. Slow down and fish quality not quantity. Larger top water lures also attract big fish, but you have to stick with it My favorite is a Devil's Horse in chrome with a black back and an orange belly. I had a good friend who made over $100,000 a year fishing tournaments with that lure alone. Many times I went to the scales only to see him standing there with two 8 pounders, one in each hand.
    2 points
  44. I've had a moccasin come aggressively at my boat, looked like he wanted in with me. I popped him with my judge and that was the end of that. I see water snakes almost every trip and generally leave them alone.
    2 points
  45. Agree with @Yeajray231 100%. Just about any lure that comes standard between $4-10 each or per pack, from a major name brand will catch bass when presented the right way and in the right place. Some more effective than others, depending on the situation and who is fishing them. Yes, there is no free ride, and the bargain-basement knock offs are often junk. The more expensive baits can be fun to collect and fish and can be very effective. But necessary? Rarely. Want to get name-brand lures that retail in the $5-10 range for under $5/each? No problem, you just have to watch and be patient. 1) Check Amazon periodically - on the phone app is easiest for lures. 2) Track the latest sale/deal thread thanks to @IndianaFinesse aka the chief bait monkey 3) Check the discount online sites periodically (names in (2)). Don't be afraid to pay $5 for shipping, when $8 lures are $2 each. 4) Stop in to Wally world and check clearance; want something on clearance still cheaper? ask a manager if they can reduce it, about 40% of the time they'll knock it down further; tell them you'll help them out by taking several lures if the price is low enough, and point it out when they've sat on the shelf for months. 5) Watch the fliers online from DSG etc. It makes for light reading. At Dick's, do the online review form to the get $10 off of $50, so when you get $50 of baits on sale, you get them for $40 instead. 6) Save up, shop clearance, typically in the fall (often in August believe it or not); and again just before or in the *** months after Christmas. 7) If you use the site, shop a sponsor or two, regardless of the price, most are excellent. Good luck.
    2 points
  46. Go whenever you can, you ain't gonna catch them if you ain't there.
    2 points
  47. On paper the Shimano is the better design due mainly to bearing supported pinion. On the water performance is pretty comparable. Longevity wise Shimano probably has an edge especially if maintenance is marginal. Neither is junk by any means.
    2 points
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