I have lived my whole life on my home lake.
When I was 8 or so my parents split up...things were ugly, and my grandparents (mothers side) took me in and raised me from that point on.
My grandpa took me fishing for bullhead in the spring, and we caught a bunch, as well as some bluegill. That's my first memory of fishing.
When I was about 12 or so, I started riding my bike to the lake, which was just on the end of the road I grew up on. At first I fished for bullhead, and panfish, but caught a bass or two here and there.
What hooked me on bass fishing was catching my first one on an artificial lure....a yellow mister twister grub. I promptly told my grandpa I was done with chasing bullheads and panfish and was going to be a bass fisherman from now on. Without saying a word, he went out the shed in the back yard, got some old rods/reels out, dusted off a big metal tackle box, and with a smile on his face said..."OK, me too"
That box held bass fishing treasures from days gone by. He never said a word to me, but he too liked to chase bass and pike years and years ago.
We started renting small fishing boats from the local boat livery on the lake, and spent weekends, and evenings after work fishing for bass. We used mann's jelly worms, floating rapala's, jitterbugs, johnson silver minnows, and many other old classics, and caught lots of bass and pike. We did this for many years, through my late teens, and we constantly mixed in new lures/techniques I would read about in magazines like In-fisherman or see on TV. We also would fish some small local derbys/tournaments. Never won anything back then, but we had fun.
When I graduated high school, moved out, and started working, we, and I rarely fished anymore. It was about 10 years later I got back into bass fishing. I used my modest savings to buy a shiny new aluminum bass boat (which I still have and use daily) and Grandpa let me keep at his house as it was just up the road from the lake.
For the first couple years I owned that boat, it was just like old times again. Gramps, now retired and all alone (my grandma passed a way a few years before I bought the boat) went with my all the time. We fished our home lake, made trips to explore and learn other lakes, and had a ball. He could still catch them, and I showed him all the new fangled things and ways to catch bass.
A few years into it, he started wanting to go less and less, and then he had a stroke about 5 years ago, and I couldn't take him at all anymore.
Grandpa passed away early last summer, but he left me one last smile on my face.....I won the next four tournaments in a row that I fished. I have won plenty over the years, but never 4 in row....I don't think it was luck.
Now my boat sits in a new spot. His house, my childhood home, has been sold off to strangers. But I drive by it all the time on the way to the lake, and the cemetery he, my grandma, my sister, my mother, and my uncle who was like a brother to me are buried in over looks the lake, so every time that boat hits the water they are all with me and watching.............Sorry guys, it just got a little dusty in here.