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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/19/2017 in all areas

  1. Lately I have taken under my wing an 11 year old boy who loves to fish. His dad died of cancer about 2 years back and his grandpappy can't fish much anymore (heart condition). He's an enthusiastic little bugger and is always wanting to try new/different baits, etc. I've been hesitant to lend him my baitcaster as I can envision many backlashes in our future but he's used my spinning gear to good effect. Some of the baits he's wanted to use haven't been particularly suitable for where we were but I've endulged him as I think it's more important to satisfy his curiousity rather than catch fish (which he's done anyway). As I am getting older I've been wondering WHAT I was going to do with some of my surplus baits but I think I now have the answer/solution. I've already made up a small box for him and will probably add to that as time passes. Everyone should adopt a little kid.
    9 points
  2. Went fishing this morning and to say the least, I was, and still am, shocked with the results. I went to a favorite Lake Huron pier to try and catch another splake (lake trout/brook trout mix) and came away with two lunker PB's under my belt. Started fishing a Rapala Husky Jerk Glass minnow ghost size 12 that I'd painted white nail polish down the sides to mimic a smelt. This lure, along with two splitshots above it has accounted for some nice splake catches recently. Not even 15 minutes in and I hook and land a 4.05 lb 20 inch largemouth on it! Crazy, since largemouth are practically unheard of to be found in this region, let alone area off of Lake Huron! The rain starts to pour in buckets about an hour later. The water that was once crystal clear glass, is now broken up from the upheaval of waves, wind, and rain. I quickly hook and land a 9.5 inch splake on the 6.25 inch lure. A few casts later and I hook into the fish of a lifetime (for me at least). The brute takes me for a ride, but after about a minute I glide him into my umbrella net trap below me and hoist him onto the pier. Previously, my PB smallmouth was 3.24 lbs. This smallmouth that I just caught weighs 4.67 lbs and measures 20 inches as well. All fish caught were lowered back down into the water to fight another day. My guess is that these bass were cruising the shallows in search of areas to start forming beds for the spawn. In probably a week and a half to two weeks, I bet they will all return back to the deeper waters of Lake Huron after spawning. The next chance I get I'll have to come back to fish for these beauties. Fish On
    7 points
  3. Caught my first ever Master Angler fish May 1st in the form of a 25.0 inch splake. The entry requirement was 25.0 inches so I literally just met the minimum. Wanted to wait until I got the patch in the mail as confirmation and yesterday it came! Apparently it's one master angler catch per person per fish species per year. So I can get more Master Angler patches, they just have to be Master Angler catches of different species for this year. Fish On
    5 points
  4. Hi BR, Felt like sharing my new setups this year. I won 3k on amazon through work, so I decided to sell all my old setups and revamp my arsenal. I am waiting upon my last rod to arrive and I will post a new family pic. Bass season is almost here in Ontario Canada. Tight lines boys!
    5 points
  5. Use Aluminum angles or you will expedite galvanic corrosion caused by dissimilar metals. Use solid rivets and high zinc primer everywhere bare metal is exposed. Don't ask me how I know!?
    5 points
  6. I want to salute the the 4 warriors honored with these rods, and the members who built their rods: Warrior Branch Builder Sam Army S Hovanac AJ Coast Guard Alpster Clayton86 National Guard Ghoti Oregon Native Navy Mike (Delaware Valley Tackle DVT) I can't tell you how proud I am of these folks - both who served, and who took the time to build the rods. SALUTE! And again, many MANY thanks to Batson Enterprises for donating all the rod components for all the rods! Y'all are too awesome for words.
    4 points
  7. So I purchased the cheapest kast king reel for my bank fishing endeavors. Seen as how I don't like setting my Lew's combo on the ground.. I paired it with a Berkley cherrywood 6 foot MH casting rod that I got for 25 dollars... And I have to say... For a less than 60 dollar combo... It's pretty nice !! It's not as smooth as my Lew's... But it does hold it's own ! I can zip a small frog a nice ways with little effort... the only thing I don't care for is the spool tension knob.. it goes from stiff to really loose pretty quick... My Lew's tension knob clicks as I adjust it and is much easier to get dialed in perfectly. All in all , it's quality for the price..
    3 points
  8. I've been sitting on these pics for a couple weeks because I couldn't post them til the project was announced. Since my forte is cork and reel seats, I declined the pre-fab grips and did my own thing. Please excuse all the fuzz on the rod. The microfiber towel I wiped it with seemed to deposit more dust than it removed! Butt cap with Army insignia inlay. I wanted to do more with the grip but a technique I have been experimenting with wasn't working out . The reel seat hardware provided wouldn't work with my plans of using acrylic, so I substituted in Fuji SK2 hardware. I had a bit of scrap left from the reel seat, so I turned a matching winding check. Slogan decal provided by Batson. Personalized decal by Decal Connection. Alps guides provided by Batson.
    3 points
  9. I agree, it's a top down thing. MLF seems headed in the right direction with their rules on fish handling. Still not perfect, but there isn't a perfect answer. You can already see that with diversity in answers already about fish grips.
    3 points
  10. I saw Soundgarden open for Faith No More in a small club back in the early 90s. I don't think Badmotorfinger had been released yet.
    3 points
  11. Darn. I was going to say "You done good", but the handles are all on the wrong side!
    3 points
  12. My dobyns 806sb showed up
    3 points
  13. Go whenever you can, you ain't gonna catch them if you ain't there.
    3 points
  14. Super sad. I was lucky enough to see Soundgarden's reunion tour back in 2013. It was at the Tower Theater here in Philly, and for those that aren't familiar, it is NOT a giant 20,000-60,000 seat arena. It's a much smaller venue, and an incredibly intimate room to see a band that really defined the 90s generation. I won't say what the pit tickets cost, but it was some of the best money I've ever spent on music. They played well over 3.5 hours straight and covered quite possibly every song in their entire catalogue. There was no opening band. There was no real set break. The just played. Sometimes you get chills when you know you're seeing something special. When you play music and you spend a lot of time around it, I feel like those instances become fewer and fewer in between. That night was one of those experiences for me. As a band, they were excellent, but the range, tone, dynamics, and control that Chris Cornell sang with was unique and unlike anyone else. He truly belongs up there with the likes of Freddie Mercury as dynamic, incredible, and unmistakable voices in rock and pop music history. As is always the case with suicide, his loss is an awful tragedy for his family and those close to him. RIP to an icon gone way too soon.
    3 points
  15. Took the day off and decided to fish Rainbow this morning around 6:30AM. It was tough finding fish at first. Nothing on beds. Finally locked in on an area full of lilly pads. A wacky rigged 5" senko was all I needed. Pulled out 8 largies and probably had another half dozen strikes without a hookup. Best at 3lbs. Most in the 2-2 1/2lb range.
    3 points
  16. I will donate my time, cork, epoxy and thread for another build.
    3 points
  17. A few years ago, I started a project to build rods for members with military service. We built a few with member donations. And then the idea just stalled. Glenn suggested we should start this up again, so we did. Glenn reached out to Batson Enterprises to see if they wanted to be a part of this, and they graciously agreed to donate everything needed to build four rods, to get us up and running. They deserve a huge round of applause for supporting this project. Special thanks goes to Bill Batson, and his entire crew for their generosity. I contacted some guys about building rods, and got Scott Hovanec, Mike Lawson(DVT), Ronnie Van Huss(Alpster) to join me. We built four rods using Rainshadow Immortal blanks, and components from Batson Enterprises. Another special round of applause to Scott, Mike and Ronnie for joining me in this project. Many thanks gentlemen. We have started shipping these first rods, and they should be arriving soon at the doorsteps of the first four BassResource members who have past or current military service on their resumes. I expect to see posts from four surprised BR members in the near future. They do not know what's coming their way. I've seen some pics. There are some fine lookin sticks going out. Now, this time, I would like to keep this going. I told Glenn I would build as many as we could raise money for. I am asking for any and all BassResource members to consider making a donation, so we can keep this going. It doesn't need to be a big donation. A few bucks from a bunch of members will go a long way, if we all get together. Roadwarrior agreed to be the "bank" last time we did this. I'm hoping he will do it again. Hint, hint, Brother Kent! There are alot of BassResource members who either have served, or are currently serving. Let's come together, and say thanks this way. They certainly deserve it, don't you think? Edit: just heard from Scott. I received an Immortal blank. Scott got a Revelation blank. Dont know what Ronnie and got. Sorry for the confusion. I assumed since I had an Immortal, they would all be that. You would think at my age i would not assume anything! ------------------------- Here's how YOU can be a part of this great project!
    2 points
  18. Been trolling the forum for a few months. Now finally joined up. Great info on the forums for beginners. I've gotten back into fishing now for 4 and strictly fish freshwater. Been throwing my job boat in the C-14 system a lot but just recently got my trailer/boat titled and registered and have been going up to IDA just to try something different. Looking for new systems to fish with my little tiny it finding parking for my trailer is the hard part. Hope to see y'all out on the water, tight lines.
    2 points
  19. Told you guys I'd let you know, the 2 50 series Kast King Sharky baitfeeder reels that I ordered came in the other day and they're really more than I expected for the price. Both were shipped fast through amazon, one was an exceptionally good deal due to a slightly damaged box (I knew when I ordered it). The damaged box reel was flawless, while the brand new one kept losing the drag adjustment. I took the spool off, cleaned off a bit of the packing grease and gave it a few squirts of WD-40 before re assembly and it also worked perfectly after playing with the adjustments for a couple minutes. It felt like something wasn't seated properly and took a bit to get it to click. I also ordered a 60 series but was told it was out of stock . These are beefy reels with a smooth action. I mounted them on 8' heavy action rods that I bought at my favorite local discount bargain outlet store and spooled them with 40 lb Berkely Big Cat. They cast and reel pretty smooth, although my neighbors windows would likely suffer if I tried for distance. Will report more the next time I go chase flatheads.
    2 points
  20. Just watched on Bassmaster the video from Rayburn day 1 on Shaw removing a treble hook from Jason Christie's hand. Just listening to him and watching Shaw push it through made me hold my breath and cringe for him. Stuff like that usually doesn't effect me at all. I think the sound coming from Christie is what did it. He said he cut part of a finger off before and the hook removal hurt worse! Check it out!
    2 points
  21. Rock and roll lost a legend last night.Glad i got to see him play a couple times.Hands down my favorite vocalist.
    2 points
  22. I'm on the Kastking bandwagon myself. I bought and used the Stealth last year and loved it. That prompted me to get the Royale which I just got in the mail last week and plan to fish in the morning. You can't beat them for the price!
    2 points
  23. That is true. Once past the barb probably a little dry coming out. One two three pull. Some bragging rights right there. Hey Kevin remember me? I yanked an xd out of your hand! Except with his mileage on the water his reply would be "which time?"
    2 points
  24. The gf and I were able to slip away for a few minutes on Wednesday and wet a line... Her first fish with her new rod and reel, and my first whopper plopper 90 fish:
    2 points
  25. When still living in New Jersey, I went through a period when I logged all my catches as they correlated with lunar phases, moonrise and moonset. I confess that I really wanted to discover a compelling connection, and found myself giving lunar connections the benefit of every doubt (wishful thinking). Right around the time I thought I found a valid connection with moonrise and moonset, the wheels fell off! In non-tidal waters, I pay no attention today to lunar phase, moonrise or mindset, not even during the bedding season. Roger
    2 points
  26. The Elite Texas Bass Fest tournament is going on as I write this and is a catch & release B.A.S.S. event based on the MLF format of weigh and release. Better handling of bass being caught and weighed and brought to the stage is changing tournaments. You will see more and more use of fish lip grippers and weekend anglers using thier livewells less as time goes on. My guess is improved lip grippers will be developed, I would rather see better weigh bags being used and understand it's part of fishing to show off and hold up a catch. Tom
    2 points
  27. I believe John Alden Knight devised the Solunar Tables, and Doug Hannon introduced the "Moon Clock". Roger
    2 points
  28. I've spent a decent amount of time researching them, and about the best I can find are hints of correlation that can not be statistically validated as "significant." Personally, I would look at the long term weather forecast and lean more toward the best local conditions on the days in question over the lunar calendar. If all is equal in that regard, then perhaps it would be worth making the work switch to the "best" day, but I'd caution against letting the calendars drive your decisions about which days to go or not too much. @Paul Robertsalluded to having some thoughts in this regard on his spawn video, so perhaps he'll chime in.
    2 points
  29. Thanks guys and definitely @Dwight Hottle If you give it just the right action the fish go nuts for it.
    2 points
  30. That splintering is the graphite. It's broken. That kind of splintering usually happens after some impact to the rod. The are is weakened, and splinters over time. You can try for a full warranty replacement, but I'm thinking you get the Gold Star replacement service. Time to contact St. Croix: http://stcroixrods.com/service-warranty/service-warranty-policies/
    2 points
  31. Congrats on the PB's. The husky jerk deep diver has caught a lot of PB smallies in my boat over the years.
    2 points
  32. I clip it to my shirt ......it works better than teeth
    2 points
  33. The reviews of the KastKing products has been good overall. A good value at the pricing point.
    2 points
  34. 45 yrs ago Leo Kissinger a guide on Toledo Bend told me for every bass you catch on the bank there are 5 behind you waiting to be caught! I would be willing to bet 80% of the members here can not find or fish offshore structure! I normally prefer fishing during the full moon vs. the new moon even though the gravitational pull is three times greater during the new moon. It is more difficult to fish a new moon because it is harder to keep your boat off of stumps. And it is harder for the bass & angler to connect. If I fish a new moon I will usually fish open water and avoid shoreline areas. The light from the full moon illuminates the bait against the surface for more contrast. Night fishing areas: I normally fish the same areas fished during the day with one exception; night lighted areas. Lighted docks, lighted boat ramps, a row of camps with lights along the bank or a single camp with a light near the water. I know a killer spot on Toledo Bend where a road parallels the water's edge with several streetlights within 10 yards of the water. These lighted areas are also productive during a new moon and should be fished thoroughly. Shallow verses deep water: I have not noticed a distinct advantage one way or the other. I will normally fish both areas thoroughly staying with the one that produces the best results. However shallow water does offer a greater opportunity to use different lures. Darkness covers up an angler's presence and most of all his mistakes.
    2 points
  35. Unfortunately I don't have either of the models you listed, but I do have the Valdivia. Its a great rod. Very sensitive well balanced and of course looks great. There has been lots of positive feedback on these rods, including the models you asked about. I think a good way to sum up my thoughts on this rod is, I sold an NRX to fund this rod and I'm completely happy with my decision. No regrets at all.
    2 points
  36. I've been using Rapala Shad Raps and Shallow Shad Raps for years with great success. I've tried using the DT series but am just not a fan of anything with rattles in it...silence is golden for me. I'll be trying out some silent Strike King's this year to see how they compare to my beloved Rapala's.
    2 points
  37. Felt him hit the squarebill a couple times and figured I was hitting something underwater. Eventually he caught it on the bottom lip. I think we were both a little surprised to say the least.
    2 points
  38. I wasn't going to ask, but I am totally stoked you want to be a part of this. Thank you again, amigo. On another note, when I first got into this rod building thing a couple of years ago, i bugged Scott unmercifully with questions. He was always gracious enough to take time to give me detailed answers to every dumb-arse question I could conceive. I would not have made the progress I have without his long distance assistance. And I hope , one of these days, to be able to post pics of a rod I've built that looks half as good as what he routinely puts out. To all the Warriors who will be receiving rods in the future: and I hope there will be many; if you get rod from me, know that you got the best I can do, and I know it will serve you well. If you get one from Scott, well, you will have received an heirloom.
    2 points
  39. We have a rather intense Mayfly hatch here. (next full moon actually) While this is going on THE ONLY way I can get bit is to break out the fly rod. But, I'm here to tell ya - for Big Smallies - It's Totally worth it. A-Jay
    2 points
  40. Soon enough this site will become Troutresource.com ? just saying.
    2 points
  41. I don't fish tournaments... But If I did... Id fish the same way I was going to if I was just having fun. You know how to catch bass. So just do what ya do.
    2 points
  42. There's a lot of chat about weed-lines and mud-lines, but not much chat about 'Shade-Lines'. In the AM, west facing slopes offer a long wedge of shade that extends to the west. In the PM, east-facing slopes and drop-offs provide a long wedge of shade that extends to the east. The steeper the drop-off, the more extensive the wedge of shade, yet too few anglers are exploiting these twilight zones. Roger
    2 points
  43. Well, I'm not one of those guys that spends hundreds on a spinning reel, but $15. is a bit too cheap even for me! Can't imagine how it would last a couple of seasons for you, but who knows? The thing is.....will it self destruct when you've got that once in a lifetime fish on? Not worth the risk in my opinion.
    2 points
  44. It would be a mistake to select blank “action” based strictly around the lure. Tip action should also consider the line material, the cover you intend to work and the missions you have in mind, they're ALL equally important. The three most common blank actions: > Moderate Fast (the softest action, but not offered in all models) > Fast (hands-down the most versatile and popular action) > Extra-Fast (expounded below) I use braided line, therefore I prefer "fast" action blanks for virtually all lures, in all cover and for all chores. On the other hand, the angler who uses monofilament line (nylon, copoly or fluoro), might well prefer an 'extra-fast' action. Extra-fast action provides better hook-setting with mono line because it accesses the rod’s spine more quickly. In addition, an 'extra-fast' tip is also useful for moving fish quickly out of heavy cover. 'Moderate fast action' may be selected to extend the cast distance of lightweight lures (load factor). Moderate fast action is also useful for lures with treble hooks, but bear in mind that mono line and a composite blank also cushion shock, and it's never necessary to have all 3 shock absorbers. Roger
    2 points
  45. I just changed up this year and went with Big Game and XL. 15lb Big Game on the jig rod and 8lb XL on the spinning rod.
    1 point
  46. If I recall correctly, these worms were found doing unspeakable things in an adult movie theater back in the 90's. Embarrassed, they disappeared from the public eye and have rarely been seen since.
    1 point
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