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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/24/2017 in all areas

  1. Lol. Sometimes we pick up a few of these guys in fall, while chasing smallmouth.
    7 points
  2. 3lb on a black/blue spinner in muddy water.
    7 points
  3. My only concern with that is that you are 16 and dont know where your life will take you. I thought at 16 that I would be in VA forever. Then in my 20s I thought I would never leave MD. Now im living in AL when I got a job offer I couldnt refuse. So If I would have pulled the trigger on the VA license, I would be out quite a bit of money. I would say hold off until your life has a little more direction.
    6 points
  4. Ive been on Fishing With Roland Martins Show 3 times. There was one time in Lake O we couldnt catch squat -Even with senkos- That was a waste of 3 days and lots of money. Next few times I went down and we got them good.What I will say is there definitly was some bleeping out of words because of misses on some fish. One thing I will say -when I caught this fish and the others Roland was as super excited for me to catch them as catching them himself.
    5 points
  5. Best 1 fish day ever. My wife my son and I went to Harley ensign to fish, after a little while my son started getting bored like any 5 yr old would. So I put on a chatterbait I let him pick the color (white) and started casting and held the pole and let him reel, he thought the pole shaking was so cool. Then it stopped I thought he was reeling too slow and got it stuck in the rocks. So I have him back up and I give a little tugg and the line starts moving to the right pole, starts bending, and before I could turn to my son. He's running and yelling mommy we need the net. 29 inch pike the rest of the day was me and daddy got a big fish.
    5 points
  6. I don't think you should tell him anything about His pond. Mind your own business and just be thankful you can fish there.
    5 points
  7. It feels really good to spool your reels with some brand new line...might have filled her up a little too much...oh well
    4 points
  8. Good bye mad mortarman. I made this jerk rise bait myself. Can't see him too well in this pic but I don't have any others on this device but this was the prototype, the first one I did.12 1/2 inches of wooden sadness .i spent months getting this bait to act right, didn't wanna use weights nor a metal tailpiece. This was its maiden voyage. Many repaints and eyeballs later it met its end because I neglected to close a clasp. I waited for half the day walking up and down the shoreline waiting for it to float in. And it never did.
    4 points
  9. During this weekend's club tournament I lost a lure. I lose lures fairly often, it happens. My good friend says if you're not getting hung up, you're not fishing right. But this wasn't just any lure, this was one of my favorite squarebills. I have plenty more, even of the same color, make, and model. But this one was my favorite. We'd gone into battle so many times together, fought the hard fights, dug into the chunk rock, banged into the hardwood, caught and lost many fish together. It was scarred up, the bill was chewed and rough. Gone through many hook replacement surgeries. And in the end, on my third cast of the day, it was gone. Never to be tied on again. So in remembrance of ol' threadfin, id like to start this post so we as men and women, fishermen and fisherwomen, have a place to post fond memories of lures lost. You can tell your story, post a pic of you and your lure sharing a beautiful moment together or just say good bye to an old friend. So here's to the brave baits that risked it all for that one last tight line!! RIP Threadfin Shad, my friend...
    3 points
  10. First cast. Hung the bottom and lost lure. The end.
    3 points
  11. I believe the boy is hooked! he is 5
    3 points
  12. this is a bass quilt my wife made for my cousin.
    3 points
  13. Without a doubt, "time-of-day" is very important but topwater fishing throws lots of curve balls. The best topwater bite of my life occurred during mid-day with partly sunny skies. At least as important as the time-of-day is the "time-of-year". My personal favorite topwater season is the 'post-spawn' followed closely by 'early fall' (post-summer) followed by the entire summer season. It goes without saying, whenever you hear the unmistakable sound of a surface-feeding bass, quickly grab your topwater outfit, it'll be the easiest bass in the lake to catch Roger
    3 points
  14. I jumped in as an opportunity to learn. I am an ok fishermen but I know there is a lot more stuff out there to pick up from those that are a lot better than I am. I never plan to be a champion and win a bunch of money, but if I can learn a bunch to increase my fun while keeping costs down and meet a bunch of like minded guys doing what I love than why not. Your end result and what your looking for has a lot to do with how much fun it will be for you. I am in my first season of tourneys, in an area I just moved to, and had very little time fishing the area. I know I am no way competitive in this group, but I will always have a good time and not worry if I don't win.
    3 points
  15. I was super into this review until he said he was testing them both tossing a little 1/8th inline spinner. That's the kinda lure I toss on spinning gear personally. I wouldn't benchmark some reels with such a light bait.. it's not really what they are designed for.
    3 points
  16. Rapala DT10 - Seem to lose them faster than I can replace them. I have an original wiggle wart that I've gone to great lengths to keep, got replacements but that is "the one".
    3 points
  17. Love me some baby brush hogs.
    3 points
  18. I generally do well with a smallie beaver or 3 inch SK rodent texas rigged with a 3/16 oz weight. Not sure if this is finesse enough but it tends to work pretty well when there is a need to downsize.
    3 points
  19. These are broad statements. M , MH ... are all subjective and vary brand to brand and even models within brands. Just make sure the weight of the bait falls well within the listed range then check for backbone to move fish and counter resistance of bait on retrieve
    3 points
  20. My last French Pearl STX, cast into oblivion thanks to some zebra mussels. I searched the shoreline where it landed for awhile to no avail. Yeah they still make that color, but it's not the same as it used to be. I'd like to remember the good times with it.
    3 points
  21. I have 6 200Bs and a 100B. I'd take them over a vast majority of today's reels. They're bigger and heavier, but they are easy to service and almost impossible to kill.
    3 points
  22. …a frog bite. Made another of our typical family pilgrimages over to Hilton Head Island a few weeks back for the kids’ spring break. As usual, I got some rod time in both the freshwater and the salt and I was not disappointed. Hurricane Matthew sure beat up the island a good bit last fall and they’ve made tremendous progress on the cleanup, but one small upside for us fishermen was the addition of some new fallen tree structure to the golf course ponds. This new structure, compounded by the lines of storms which blew through, made for some good fishing conditions for me. I picked up a few fish here and there on a senko, fluke, chatterbait and T-rigged creature but none of those seemed to be setting the world on fire. As the wind was picking up a few hours in advance of a line of severe thunderstorms, I had the epiphany – the frog. Shallow ponds, some muck on the water, shallow bass…why not? My only concern was that I really was not geared up for this. All I had was my Kistler Magnesium 6’9” MH/F casting rod and 30 lb braid but I gave it a whirl anyway. It didn’t take long for the bass to show that they agreed with my decision, but as usual it took me a few bites to calm the nerves long enough to actually get a hook lodged. After 3-4 blowups, I finally got my wits about me and got into a really good rhythm of hook-setting. And they were eating a frog the way we all want them to eat a frog so needless to say I had me some fun. And as luck would have it, I got two different afternoon sessions of a strong, pre-frontal frog bite including by biggest bass yet on the HHI golf course ponds (approximating 4+ lbs). Man, that was fun! Here's a sampling of the action. And here's the saltwater report
    3 points
  23. I wouldn't drink the water. Those are the most deformed bass I've ever seen.
    3 points
  24. Went down to a plantation in South Georgia this weekend. There were 5 ponds but I mostly fished two of them, the main pond and a swamp pond nearby. First day I caught about four during the day, each between 1-2 lbs. At sunfall I started walking around the swamp pond where the sound of frogs was deafening, fishing with both a horny toad and the Lunkerhunt Lunkerfrog. Hooked up with another nice one on the horny toad, and then followed up with a chunky 4 after the sun went down. Did another walk around the main pond after this with just the Lunkerhunt, and caught three more chunks. It was about 1:15 in the morning when I went back in. Next day I woke up early with three friends and we headed out to the main pond. Didn't catch anything for a while, although the shad were busting everywhere. I could pick up shad off the ground that had been blasted up by aggressive bass. I was still fishing my frog for a minute or two when a nice bass blew up and it felt like I set the hook into a wall, breaking off my 30 pound braid. Went back and borrowed a friends whopper plopper 90. Within three casts it got slurped by this old big mouthed bass. She was skinny but strong. She weighed in at a lean 5.04 lbs.
    3 points
  25. READ THE MANUAL!!!! You will get a lot of opinions, only one matters. Follow what the manual says exactly. Ignore anyone who says a different breakin process. Failure to follow the manual can void warranty.
    3 points
  26. Went to Dow Lake with my brother today and scored my first fish of 2017. Caught it on a SPRO BBZ-1 Shad 2.5"
    3 points
  27. In 1992, Texas produced it's one and only bass over 18 lbs. Although Florida produced several bass that were officially weighed and documented over 18 lbs, none have been certified by the state of Florida. Florida's former state record was a 19-lb bass taping 31" taken from Tarpon Lake, Florida. All the same, the state saw fit to rescind this record, and in two other instances, certification was denied because a biologist never identified the species. To be sure, California "used to" turn out bass over 18 lbs, but their production of late has slowed to a crawl, and for all practical purposes has halted. There's never been any mystery about the gene pool of world-class bass; they are ALL Florida-strain bass. The normal longevity of a Florida-strain bass depends on its geographic latitude (water climate), not mystical genes. Too far north and you shorten their growing season, too far south and you shorten their lifespan, but in order to produce a world-record, both attributes must be present. The growth-rate of a Florida-strain bass hinges on the forage-base of the waterbody in which it dwells, where an abundance of high-fat prey is a must (No, not high-protein). When Florida-strain bass are transplanted into a foreign waterbody with ideal conditions, the population generally burgeons for the first 10 to 15 years. Over time however, a species living where nature has not intended will undergo a slow but sure process of genetic poop-out. In that regard, the Texas department of resources has done a far better job than California. Texans are excellent stewards of their Florida-strain resource and are determined to maximize the mileage, which is no easy task...Kudos to Texas! Every world-class bass on record has come from a relatively narrow latitudinal band that wraps around the globe. In that narrow world-class band, at least one 18-lb plus bass has been taken from Georgia, Florida, Texas, California and Japan. Waterbodies situated above and below the optimum latitude are highly unlikely to produce a world-class bass, let alone a world-record. Owing to their rapid growth rate, many tropical latitudes yield hordes of double-digit bass, yet world-class bass (18+) are conspicuously absent (World-class is 80% heavier than double-digit). On an old thread many years ago, I was the only member who offered 'Japan' as a possible candidate for a new world record. I based my prediction mostly on latitude, and the rest is history. In that same thread, most of the members choose tropical climes such as Cuba, Mexico & Puerto Rico. In my opinion at least, those countries are too far south of Florida to provide the long lifespan necessary for a Florida-strain bass to attain world-class. The problem being, bass living in tropical climes are destined to die young due to thermal burnout, the same as pushing plant growth with grow lights. No mystical gene pool can compensate for an animal living outside its natural range. It would be interesting if we could all reconvene 100 years from now, I believe we might all be somewhat surprised. The more things change, the more they stay the same Roger
    3 points
  28. I would rather see them fight thru a slow day than see fake "reality tv" crap. Learn a lot more seeing the real thing instead of watching someone catch fish.
    3 points
  29. New toy! G Loomis Glx 844c MBR. Pairs up quite nicely with the Chronarch D7. Can't wait to get it out on the water!
    3 points
  30. Loxahatchee Preserve, Lox Road Ramps, Saturday 4/22/17, First light until 10:30, water clear on the flats, mostly cloudy sky, 80*, wind ESE 15 to ridicules, water temp 77*, bass scattered. I met Steve Johnson in Weston and we went up to Loxahatchee early. We started on the flats fishing the spoil bank, from east to west. We let the wind push us the way it was blowing. This kept us off the trolling motor, and in stealth mode, and made casting simple. Steve was throwing a morning dawn stick-o, and I was throwing a watermelon red. Steve caught about 7 early and I was skunked. As soon as the sun came out I went on a run catching, and Steve shut down completely. As the day went on the wind continued to climb, until it got in the ridicules range. The weeds are getting thicker, and harder to move around. We went out into the canal, and caught some quality fish in the deeper waters. Steve on a craw jig, and myself on a wacky rigged senko. Both baits caught quality fish in the deeper waters. We ended the day at 10:30 because of the ever increasing wind. We caught 25 bass between us, the largest ones were in the two pound range. It was a fun day with an old friend and some cooperative fish. It doesn't get much better then that!
    2 points
  31. Welcome to the forum! My .02. there is no single all around rod and reel, but given that you fish a lot of bottom contact baits, I would very strongly suggest a Med heavy Fast or X fast rod. The Aetos rods are fantastic rods, and possibly the best value rod under $200. I would have zero hesitation picking one up for $100. I paid 90 or so on clearance last year and absolutely love mine. For a reel, I strongly advise you to choose a quality reel that is very user friendly, and while I don't own one, most members on this forum would likely suggest the Tatula out of that group. I do own Lew's reels that cast a mile, but are far more tempermental than my Shimanos, and since a Curado or Chronarch is out of your price range, the Tatula is probably your best option. I also advise you to buy something you'll be using for a long time as your collection grows. The Aetos and Tatula are likely that.
    2 points
  32. Seems like several others suggested the Ned - I used a TRD in the color "Real Deal" on Sugar Creek and the smallies loved it. My father used an old Mepps and caught just as many. Just use whatever you happen to have!
    2 points
  33. I fished the Children's Miracle network tournament Saturday. Came in 9th with 18lbs. I think they had just under 150 boats. I'm finding lots of deep fish but they are hard to get to bite. Friday I had over 20lbs in 4 hours cranking but I couldn't make them eat a crankbait saturday.
    2 points
  34. This happened to me in the 70's or 80's . I was standing on a culvert overlooking backwater that once flowed into the Mississippi river. Now its blocked by a levee. There were numerous large carp motionless just under the surface . I thought it would be a good idea to try and snag one . I tied on a Bomber long A minnow made my longest cast then started violently ripping it through them . As I reeled in the slack and gave another rip I set the hook on a big old bass that had hit it during the pause .One of the largest I ever landed That bass was using the carp as cover .
    2 points
  35. I know where you're coming from guy, I really get agitated when people fish my rivers and streams too.
    2 points
  36. Abu Garcia Black Max or Silver Max. Good bait caster to learn on.
    2 points
  37. 2 points
  38. In the first place what makes you think you have any rights to say how the pond is fished or inforce your views and ideas of how to fish it to the owner of said pond and land. If the pond owner has given others permission to fish the pond and he does'nt have a problem with them keeping some to eat and they aren't taking more then their daily law allowed limit then they are not doing anything wrong. You need to be thankful someone let you fish what they put hard earned money up to buy and build and stock with fish. So stop whinning and learn how to catch them with a diffrent bait other then the one you always use. And to add one other thing, you need to read a few books on how to manage a pond for fishing, if you don't take some out the population will grow to large for the water and they will eat out all the food and then guess what happen's next all your bass die off.
    2 points
  39. Couldn't catch a big one at X, so I had to do it at Oz
    2 points
  40. I got her back from DVT and put the rest of her dress up parts on. Now she just needs spooled and she's ready to go.
    2 points
  41. Back in the day - when 'The Staged' production was the only game in town. That's all we knew. Well, that's pretty much over with. The advent of 'live' fishing broadcasts will forever change the way we watch our fishing. This was a good one from last week. A-Jay
    2 points
  42. I've already fought through hundreds of slow days, nothing much for me to learn there. However, when they are reeling in their staged catches, they are also talking about the techniques, lures, presentations, lake and weather conditions and other general stuff they take into consideration to fish that way in particular conditions. So the footage of the catch itself isn't what I am watching for anyway. Besides, there is always MLF for reality bass fishing TV. Nothing better than that.
    2 points
  43. New Avid X with a Shimano Citica
    2 points
  44. You have every right to feel this way. Just like I have every right to hate jerks who drive jet skis.
    2 points
  45. Especially with that long, thin tail. Makes me think of 3 pre-rigged Swing Impacts. I'd rather just rig them myself and get 5 additional baits.
    2 points
  46. They're just swimbaits, man. Expensive ones at that. Don't do it.
    2 points
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