Boats and bananas do not mix.
Yesterday, JE1946 took me out on Quabbin. Things were going well 'til I hauled a couple of bananas out of the lunch cooler. John promptly scolded me for bringing bananas on the boat as they bring bad luck.
I spoofed the "superstition", and things went downhill from there. Lost a couple of lures that got hung up on the bottom, and snapped a rod trying to free a third from the bottom. Bananas 3, Tom 0. To add insult to injury when we got back to the landing, I ended up in the water when I stumbled taking the step onto the float. Could have been worse. At least I stayed upright, and the water was not quite waist deep.
Banana curse 4, Tom 0. Oh wait, I almost forgot. Among the fish we caught were three or four lake trout. The banana curse struck twice more. John had a laker break off at the boat, long before the bananas' presence was made known to him.
Curse 5, Tom 0.
Ooops, one more though this could be more a matter of ignorance than luck.
Never caught a lake trout before. When I got it to the boat, I lipped the fish and promptly got three puncture wounds (correction five puncture wounds) for my efforts. But what the heck. If I hadn't caught the fish, I wouldn't have gotten wounded.
Bananas 6, Tom 0.
As an aside, we did catch a few smallmouth, and I learned not to lip a laker. And,............I did not say that I shoulda stayed in bed.
I will say, I shoulda left the bananas at home.
Funny, the water did not seem that cold. Even afterward I did not feel cold walking around soaked to the waist. I was lucky in another regard. I did bring my foul weather gear, so I had a pair of dry rain pants to put on instead of driving home in my skivvies.