Usually an offer is extended to anyone willing to volunteer. The $$ amount goes up, until there is a taker, or their maximum amount is reached. Then it's a random draw. That's not how this went down. United has always been the pits. This just confirms it. I haven't had to fly in YEARS. If after the TSA pat downs, baggage searches, screening, check-ins and finally getting to my seat, I'd be pretty upset if all they offered was $400 for the seat. Imagine, you're seated at a table after a 20 minute wait, you've ordered your food. It's delivered to your table, and as you're about to sink your teeth into a juicy steak. Then the manager grabs thew food, and tells you to leave, because an employee needs to eat. You resist, the guy grabs you, and attempts to forcibly remove you from your seat. Somebody slips, you smash your face on the corner of the table, knocking you out momentarily, while you are dragged out of the restaurant. Am I missing something? How is that any different? If I have a restaurant, I can refuse service to anyone, as long as it isn't discrimination (even then, I'm not sure, though it's nasty PR issue). There's no contract that says I can't throw you out. I think anyone blaming the old man for his injuries has lost sight of dignity and rights we supposed to have in this country. Violence was the wrong call here, especially so quickly.