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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/24/2017 in all areas

  1. Lol. From the title I thought you were talking about using redfish lures for bass.
    8 points
  2. I didn't have much time to fish today. I had some plans tonight that limited how long I could be out. I decided to maximize my time, forego the kayak, and do some bank walking at a favorite large-ish pond near my house. Typically the suggestions I read in BassMaster seem to never work for me. It's a national publication but the majority of their target audience enjoys earlier springs than we do here in Indiana, thus a good portion of their content is directed that way. But today I actually had a day that followed their suggestions to a tee, and get this....it worked! It was sunny most of the day. A slight wind from the south/southwest put a ripple on the water. Runoff stained the water and made visibility about two feet. Based on what I had read time and time again is that dirty water warms faster, north shores see more sunlight and warm faster, so use something that will appeal to a warmed up bass looking for a quick meal in the warm shallow shorelines. I tied on a couple different lures, some soft plastics and an eighth ounce jig, neither enticed anything to take a swipe. Then I pulled out a Duo Realis 48SR in a bluegill pattern, a common forage in this pond. Whammo, the first cast saw the first fish and the rest of the day blew my mind. I walked the long north shore and caught one after another, at one point landing three fish in three casts, something almost unheard of for me this time of year. In all, in the hour and a half I was given, I landed 19 nice sized bass, and the time was even less given the fast that I didn't try the shallow crank until about thirty minutes into fishing, so 19 in approximately 60-70 minutes. Unreal. The most amazing thing wasn't the number I caught, that was a blast of course, it was that I brought out a tried and true technique anglers all over the country can attest to, and it simply clicked today. It felt like a well oiled machine. To quote Col. Smith: "I love it when a plan comes together!" Never again will I underestimate the suggestions given by those who have fished much more than me, and who possess such a wealth of knowledge found here on BR. Tight Lines and Bent Rods!
    6 points
  3. I had dinner with tonight?
    5 points
  4. Tell you guys what . I was hesitant about getting into fantasy fishing , thinking it was silly but its a blast . I have to go to work but I want to spend the day watching the tourney and rooting for my team .
    4 points
  5. I've had a slow 2017 until this week. Caught both in the same area, maybe same bed, 3 days apart. Both off of watermelon trick worm on a bubba shot. Battery was dead on scale for the first one, but it was 22.5". Second bass was much thicker, 22" @ 6lb13oz. For whatever reason they look kind of small in the photos, I'm guessing its camera angle. PBs for retention ponds+bank fishing.
    4 points
  6. I'd put an ad out asking if anyone has recently lost a rod and reel. If they have, have them describe what they lost and if the description matches, return it to them. If it were a cheaper setup, I'd say keep it for yourself, but I'm sure someone feels sick to their stomach for losing that one.
    4 points
  7. I just heard Iaconelli say "what's this idot doing? He's up here fu**ing fishing." on Bassmaster Live. Real classy Ike. Its time to move the camera to another boat already, he hasn't had a bite in hours and clearly he's frustrated. Oh, and by the way, Ike, its a public body of water so anyone can fish the lake.
    3 points
  8. Ya, she came unbuttoned and swam off. Luckily, though, she had scales on her back.... Sorry, thought this thread needed some happy to it!!
    3 points
  9. Yup, I feel your pain. I remember EVERY big fish that I've lost and there's always a couple each season. But think of it this way. If you just knew that every time you set the hook you were going to land the fish then fishing wouldn't be as exciting.
    3 points
  10. It'll pass. And then it'll happen again...and again. Tis part of fishing. Had this happen to me this past week on my first day of Ned Rigging.
    3 points
  11. Let me save you a week. Some will say Shimano, some will say Daiwa, some will tell you to buy a Lew's. They will all be correct. Any reel recommended to you in that price range will be awesome and do the job. Now go buy which one looks cooler to you because that will literally be the only noticeable difference.
    3 points
  12. Green Pumpkin Green pumpkin w/ chartreuse tip. That's it -- all I need.
    3 points
  13. As a rule of thumb, 'murky water' is favored by dark colors and noisier, larger lures with a slower retrieve. In contrast, 'clear water' is favored by lighter colors and quieter, smaller lures with a faster retrieve. So when you're dealing with water clarity between murky and clear, just compromise the options it's not an exact science. Roger
    3 points
  14. I used be heavy into the hobby. Had a fish rearing/hatchery in the basement, and several display tanks around the house. I eventually got onto the industry, worked as a livestock manager for an importer/wholesaler. That was around a 120,000 sq. ft. facility. Later I ran a high end "boutique" style pet shop and built and installed custom aquariums and filtration systems. The freshwater closed system actually used a huge ozone reactor of my design. In my years working with fish, I've had over 100 species reproduce. Some of my favorite spawnings were some unidentified Ancistris sp. "Bushy Nose" pleco, Lemon Tetras, and some shell dwelling dwarf cichlids. One year, we collected pygmy sunfish from the Pine Barrens in NJ. Those were really cool natives. Look up "Elasomma" and check out some pics. I don't do anything with them anymore, but I've been thinking of setting a small 40 breeder tank for some drwarf cichlids.
    3 points
  15. Seaguar is running a very strong value promotion for TATSU: buy 2 spools and get 2 spools free. In essence this allows an angler to get TATSU at around $20.00 a spool- close to what InvizX costs. It's a great deal. The website for details and rebate form is: http://seaguar.com/promotion/tatsu/Tatsu-BOG2-Offer.pdf
    2 points
  16. I've been meaning for several years to create some kind of little display with some older lures and equipment that my grandad had. I'd like to use some of the more unique and older stuff that he had boxed up. There's a jerkbait that says Finland on the bottom. Says Finnish wobbler on the box. Nowhere does it say rapala but I have other lures that are called a wobbler that do have rapala on the lip as well as the box. My assumption is that this one is just a little older version. Is that the case? Just curious. I can and have googled it some but I'd like to tap the knowledge base on here. I'd like to not have anything this display (if i ever actually get it done) that I don't have some solid info on. Thanks
    2 points
  17. "GIANT one right here!!!" lol
    2 points
  18. Be diligent with physical therapy and good luck
    2 points
  19. No 2 crankbaits fish the same, no rattles, free rattles, stuck rattles, cracked, water filled, etc., keep what works. Tom
    2 points
  20. For brackish water try red/black combination patterns like Norman lures Chili Bowl or Dark Red craw. Tom
    2 points
  21. GYCB Senko, Fat Ika and Kut-Tail. Rage Tail Structure Bug, Cut-R, Menace, Lizard, Baby Craw and Craw. Siebert Outdoors Fogy, Chatterbait or Rage Blade ( Structur Bug trailer). Siebert Outdoors jig/ Rage Tail Craw. Sworming Hornet/ LFT Live Magic Shad. Alabama Rig. BPS Tender Tube, MegaStrike MegaTube Craw/ ShakE2. Siebert Outdoors Cosmic spinnerbait.
    2 points
  22. Put on your big boy pants and get back out there.
    2 points
  23. Did she come unbuttoned into the net or were you lipping her with the scale's hook?? That's a pretty tight estimate of a lost fish! lol
    2 points
  24. I haven't but my mom did. Make sure you listen & follow the physical therapist recommendations to get back maximum mobility. The therapy is the worst part for most as I understand. Good luck & a quick recovery.
    2 points
  25. Used to but no longer, I even owned an aquarium store. Mexico's largest tropical fish importer ( Acuario Echegaray ) owner is a friend of mine.
    2 points
  26. One picture says more than a thousand words, post a picture.
    2 points
  27. I know the feel bruh. Just last fall I had a 7lb 9oz bass close to the boat when she came unbuttoned.
    2 points
  28. It's all part of the game. Get back out there & land some fish.
    2 points
  29. I throw a lot of red accented lures Watermelon Neon is more productive than Watermelon Seed. Plastics: Red Shad, Red Bug, Plum, Cheeryseed, Cranapple, Plumapple, Black Neon, Tomato Core Hard Baits: Candy Craw, Creole Craw, Rayburn Red, Red Chrome, Chili Craw, Natural Red Craw My personal best came on a Red Chrome Trap
    2 points
  30. What Gives here? Havin a bad day? I agree,there are alot of these posts. But how many braid to flouro, backing my reel,etc posts have been up just in 2 weeks? Im probably guilty of it too,but those who care to answer,do so,and its appreciated. I guess some of us arent as smart as you sir. But i do appreciate your knowledge on other posts.
    2 points
  31. Killing tackle junkies one post at a time
    2 points
  32. 2 points
  33. When you're viewing a traditional Bassmaster tournament on TV, did you ever wonder why the pro angler always makes bass-contact soon after the camera-boat arrives? No problem, every camera boat is running all the time, but 99.5% of the tapes are scrapped. Back in the 80s or 90s, Roland Martin came clean when he told the viewing audience that the 30-minute fishing video you watch has probably taken months to televise (you can believe it). Before MLF was in vogue, Chris & Bobby Lane had a one-on-one brotherly shootout on lightly fished Lake Jackson, just east of Lake Kissimmee. WELL, two of the most feared sticks in Florida produced a TV show that was no more exciting than watching grass grow. In fact, it was beginning to look like a Double-Skunk, but a dink or two finally saved the day. After all is said and done, that was real world fishing and there was no hero worship. To be sure, the anglers competing in the MLF format must tune their game plan to numbers rather than quality. That is plainly seen by their lack of locational management, by electric motors that run constantly and in my opinion, randomly. There are no riflemen, they are all shotgunners striving for maximal area coverage. I have fished Lake Istokpoga, FL a great number of times, and I've never seen so many runt bass from those waters. However, most of what we see in Major League Fishing is the stuff that would ordinarily be deleted, real-world stuff. Best of all, the MLF format favors the leading characters...the bass. Roger
    2 points
  34. Yep, it is a terrible feeling... and there is no immediate cure. Unfortunately, most of us have been there and can sympathize with you. Keep your chin up, you know where she lives!
    2 points
  35. I won the lottery and bought everything they had in stock. There is nothing left to put on sale. Ridiculous you say? So are threads about "when is the next TW sale?"
    2 points
  36. I've had a few aquariums over the years, it's a great hobby! I had the usual fare like angelfish, zebrafish, black mollies and neon tetras. If I got another aquarium though, I'd have Cichlids including a couple Oscars. Roger
    2 points
  37. I'd get the steez over the Abu all day every day
    2 points
  38. Well, Facebook famous anyways From the Rage Tail Facebook page today.
    2 points
  39. Is this a casting or spinning version and where did you get a new one for $83?
    2 points
  40. Academy is having a sale on Berkley mono. Trilene XL, XT and Big Game are $3.49 a spool. Also a sale on SK crankbaits. KVD 1.5 and 3XD are $3.99. Bags of powerbait are $2.99.
    2 points
  41. I feel your pain, I lost a Duo Realis 120SP and replaced it with 5... This d**n monkey I tell ya...
    2 points
  42. If you like your fish and lures to "vanish" you picked the right line. Don't even use it for leader material, not worth the headache.
    2 points
  43. Another score! Wiggle wart $1 SK spinner .75 Rapala $1.50
    2 points
  44. Appendix carry is something only a few people (and body types) care for. Despite what their "cool videos" may show you, you need to take into consideration if you are a bigger (a beer belly/gut) person, appendix carry is far from ideal. Appendix carry (AIWB) is also very uncomfortable if you have to sit down, especially for extended periods of time. The size of the firearm also is another factor to consider for how/where you carry. If neither of you have ever owned a handgun or carried, I would recommend going to a local shop and asking them about different ways to conceal carry. YouTube is also a great tool to learn about carrying. Inside the waistband (IWB) at the 3-4-5 o'clock position is the most common carry position and is how I carry 90% of the time. During the winter, whenever I wear heavier/bulkier clothes/jackets, I will carry outside the waistband (OWB). This is the most comfortable way to carry, but it also requires the most demand from how you dress.
    2 points
  45. I just want to know how Ky got put in the north east forum? Lol
    2 points
  46. Depending on the size of the lake, a few....maybe more than a few....truckloads of rice dumped in the lake will absorb the water. Once all the water has been absorbed into the rice,you will be able to simply walk over to the phone to retrieve it.
    2 points
  47. Try a paddle tail grub or a Reaction Innovation Skinny Dipper and fish it slow. In deeper water a blade bait like a Cincy Fisher or Silver Buddy. Lastly fish a suspending jerkbait on say 6 or 8 pound test on a spinning rod. Crank it down and let it sit, then twitch it and pause again, give it pretty long pause and a quick twitch.
    2 points
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