Nice work Tom. Bet that felt OK.
I'll admit to being guilty of having what sometimes ends up to be a decent pile of rods on deck, but that's just because I'm a Hack.
And I smell what you're cooking Tom.
The "TV" bass angler has played a decent role in more than a few different ways IMO.
And for the anglers who have grown up watching them and their success, that's just the way it's done.
I'd include the following on the list;
No Net use, Boat Flip only.
Never even try to play a fish, just Speed reel it all the way to the boat. (water ski that bass)
What's an anchor ? Trolling motor on ALL DAY - especially before the advent of shallow water anchoring systems ( btw I love mine).
Screaming like a limp has been lost after a fish catch - Thanks Ike.
Then there's the names of everything - Power Fishing, Dock Fishing & Junk Fishing (first time I heard that one I got a little nauseous) Finesse Fishing & Structure Fishing. Before this I think it was all just fishing - didn't really matter where I was casting or if I had any power or junk.
And let's not forget all "the Rigs" - Where Texas & Carolina may have started it all - Ned, Do-Nothing, Chicken, Neko, Split Shot, Jako, Rage, Wacky, Doodle Dong, (alright I made that one up - or did I ?) and the A or Umbrella Rigs.
And I have no problem with most all of it, (well, except for the post catch screaming like a sea bird one, not a fan), just as long as I get to do it, doesn't matter what it's called.