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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/02/2017 in all areas

  1. I would take a serious look at site sponsor Seibert Outdoors. His components are top of the line and his skirt selection is extremely good. I read where someone had some customs jigs done for them. Email him. His reputation is darn good and pricing is extremely competitive.
    10 points
  2. X2 Check out Siebertoutdoors.com
    6 points
  3. still waiting on the rod and other lures but been picking up stuff these past few weeks Khang Bro lure jigs siebert jigs ,a fogy
    5 points
  4. If I died tomorrow, whenever my wife had the garage sale all my St Croix elites would be $20. She has no point of reference.
    5 points
  5. Only a person in Texas could think of this: From the county where drunk driving is considered a sport, comes this true story. Recently a routine police patrol parked outside a bar in Austin, Texas. After last call the officer noticed a man leaving the bar so apparently intoxicated that he could barely walk. The man stumbled around the parking lot for a few minutes, with the officer quietly observing. After what seemed an eternity in which he tried his keys on five different vehicles, the man managed to find his car and fall into it. He sat there for a few minutes as a number of other patrons left the bar and drove off. Finally he started the car, switched the wipers on and off--it was a fine, dry summer night, flicked the blinkers on and off a couple of times, honked the horn and then switched on the lights. He moved the vehicle forward a few inches, reversed a little and then remained still for a few more minutes as some more of the other patrons' vehicles left. At last, when his was the only car left in the parking lot, he pulled out and drove slowly down the road. The police officer, having waited patiently all this time, now started up his patrol car, put on the flashing lights, promptly pulled the man over and administered a breathalyzer test. To his amazement, the breathalyzer indicated no evidence that the man had consumed any alcohol at all! Dumbfounded, the officer said, I'll have to ask you to accompany me to the police station. This breathalyzer equipment must be broken.' "I doubt it", said the truly proud Texan. 'Tonight I'm the designated decoy.'
    4 points
  6. Went to the thrift store today expecting to find the usual Shakespear Spincast from 1990, but came across this, only $15! Mint condition, buttery smooth, I honestly dont think it has even been spooled! Preserved just for me What have you guys found at thrift stores/yard sales?
    4 points
  7. A good cleaning and lubing would be the only upgrade that reel would need in my opinion.
    4 points
  8. Anything made by Gambler.
    4 points
  9. X3 Check out Siebertoutdoors.com Extremely nice hand made jigs and a awesome guy to buy from. Not going to say he does it for every person/order but he has always gone out of his way to make me what I want even if I didn't see the option on his website. If you don't see what you are looking for just email him he usually answers in a day or two. Mike@Siebertoutdoors has earned all of my jig business hands down.
    4 points
  10. And there would be some jerk there trying to get her down to $15 for the whole lot. I'm a veteran of many a yard sale.
    4 points
  11. Hey guys. Been away from the forums for a while, just wanted say hey and see how folks are doing. Spent the rest of spring, summer and fall pounding away at the Nashua River and had a blast. Went out last weekend with temps rising to scope out the river. I launched the Yak from Tilton st. and paddled up to the golf course. Main channel was clear, but the last remnants of the ice were hanging on to the shore in places (including a few of my honey holes ) . Got myself some electronics setup this year (garmin striker5) and I'm looking forward to trying the unit out soon. Of course it looks like Temps are going to dip down hard on Saturday (20s for a high) but Sundays looking ok with 40s possible. Heck it beats hanging around the house, wife has a big to do list for me . Here's a couple a good ones I pulled out the river in the summer
    4 points
  12. Nothing to see here...just some 6th Sense Devine swim jigs soaking up some sun!
    4 points
  13. They are at it again! http://www.steepandcheap.com/costa-cat-cay-polarized-sunglasses-costa-580-glass-lens?skid=CDM3144-MATCRYMIRB-ONESIZ&ti=UExQIFJ1bGUgQmFzZWQ6Q29zdGEgT24gU2FsZToxOjExOg== http://www.steepandcheap.com/costa-fisch-polarized-sunglasses-580-glass-lens?skid=CDM3096-CRYBRO-ONESIZ&ti=UExQIFJ1bGUgQmFzZWQ6Q29zdGEgT24gU2FsZToxOjQ6 http://www.steepandcheap.com/costa-brine-580p-mirrored-sunglasses-polarized?skid=CDM005M-CRBRMIS580PA-ONESIZ&ti=UExQIFJ1bGUgQmFzZWQ6Q29zdGEgT24gU2FsZToyOjIxOg== plus a lot of other poly & 400G. They will go fast!
    3 points
  14. I'll take a stab at this. There's no single answer for me. For wood, and docks with pilings, I like to use a leader with a reasonable break strength and braid as a mainline. 50# braid, 10# leader is pretty usual. This was I can break off, without too much disturbance to the spot, retie, and keep fishing. You have a small benefit if feeling the connection knot rub a branch, and know that you your 3' leader to go before your bait will hit the branch. Makes it easier to guide your bait through the thick stuff, and once you're trained to the feeling, anything that is weird feeling, or bump/tick before, it's probably a fish. For dragging through rocks and rip-rap, I like a strong, straight line, usually a co-polymer, like P-Line CXX. 12# or 15# is plenty thick enough to hold up after slight abrasion. You could simplify and use the same setup listed above as well, using co-poly leader. Heavy, 20# + fluorocarbon is oft recommended. I just don't like the way heavy fluoro handles. For straight up pads, weeds, water willow, and other assorted slop, straight braid. I actually prefer the less smooth 4-carrier braids for this. I feel like it cuts through the weeds better. There's no leader connection to pick up weeds, and a couple of swift, short snaps of the rod tip usually clears the weeds. In all cases, remember, you are not dragging or ripping your bait through the cover or rip-rip, you're guiding it. Prey items don't rip through cover, they navigate it. Keep that in mind for your retrieve.
    3 points
  15. This is great stuff indeed! I think the new advances in sonars & gps systems today are great. However, I think something is lost when an inexperienced angler jumps right into it full bore. Starting off with a "hand line" depth finder.....progressing to that wonderous "Green Box".....then purchasing my first LCR.....those are educational steps that are priceless in developing the kind of knowledge that makes a good fisherman today. Maybe the technology can by pass that? Maybe it can't? I feel none the worse for wear for having experienced it first hand however.
    3 points
  16. The weather has been nice here for February and Iv'e been out hunting down the big mamas as much as I can. No luck on any hawgs recently but hooked up with a big pickerel over 5lbs. Yesterday in the same spot something big blew up on my crank and chewed me off. Probably the same fish although it's loaded with them. Water temps are higher than I ever remember for this time of year.
    3 points
  17. Why not throw them? I'm not sponsored, pay full shot for mine, and they're all I throw. There's a discount code for BassResource members. (BR15).
    3 points
  18. I don' think you'll save money but IMO you'll get more value per dollar spent.
    3 points
  19. The regal shad crankin rap square bill was my best producing lure last year. I had the best luck with the smallest size 3. According to the rapala website that color has been out of stock for some time but I've found them on other websites. The first one I bought was on a whim at walmart. Edit: Yes I see that is not a square bill. This was my latest addition, 7'6" medium heavy/moderate. Should do quite well for deep divers and smaller swimbaits.
    3 points
  20. It's not much but it floats and gets me around.
    3 points
  21. So I got a (appears to be new) Bantam Chronarch 100 for $15... Not really sure where to start here... maybe bearings? The freespool time is like 3 seconds, after all I dont think its been used/broken in. Handle seems a little off compared to my other reels, I like swept & drilled handles. Any replacements for those? Looking for some ideas
    2 points
  22. Seaguar sent me some their new Finesse Fluoro line to try. A spool of 5.2lb test, and a spool of 7.3. In talking with them, it was revealed that these are actual breaking strengths for these lines. Unlike say, Yozuri Hybrid, whose 6lb test line actually breaks at about 12 pounds. now for a disclaimer. I am not a fan of fluorocarbon line. The only use I have for it is trout fishing. I use 4lb test Invizx, on the extra spools of two spinning reels, and only use these for trout trips. Another disclaimer. I tried Tatsu twice. Kent gave me a couple of spools, so I filled two reels the night before one of our Bass Resource RoadTrips. I took four rods with me one day, fishing with Big O. Two with Tatsu, and two with Trilene XL. Tatsu frayed badly. The last 18" of line, the part that would come into contact with cover and or bottom composition, would last about 20 minutes before requiring retying. Trilene, fished in the same areas did not show any damage. After reporting this here, Seaguar sent me four new spools of Tatsu. Had the same issue. I gave those spools to Kent, and haven't used that line since. Seaguar calls Tatsu a double structure line, with an inner core of harder line encased in a softer outer core. I believe it was the softer, outer coating that was being damaged while I was using it. So, with more than a bit of skepticism, I tried the new Finesse Fluor, which is a similar, dual structure line. I primarily use casting gear for Bass fishing, but every now and then, spinning gear is required. I have two spinning combos tasked to bass fishing. An identical pair of Steez rods, with identical Daiwa 2004 size Certate reels. I spooled one of these with 7.3lb Finesse Fluoro, and took it along when I visited Kent last week. I tested some knots while still at home. Paloma, clinch and SD jam knots. I tied three of each and then broke them. The clinch knot broke at the knot all three times. The Palomar broke at the knot once, and the line broke twice. The line broke all three times with the SD jam knot. Pretty good performance for fluoro line. Excellent really, in my experience. So I spent about two hours fishing this line. I had some other stuff to test on this trip as well. The line casts well, and is fairly limp when using a slack line bait like a Ned rig, which was what I had tied on most of the time. Also used an unweighted fluke and a light shakeyhead. I drug this line over everything I could if find. Rocks weeds, brush, etc. I was pleasantly surprised to find no signs of the fraying which had disappointed me so badly when using Tatsu. Being a finesse line, it as only available in lower pound test ratings: 5.2, 6.2, 7.3 and 8.4. At 27 bucks for 150 yards, it is not a cheap line, but it's less than Tatsu, and outperforms in my experience. Ive ordered a spool of 8.4 to try on one of my finesse casting combos, and expect to like it for that as well as I like it for spinning gear. I'm saving the 5.2 for an upcoming White River trout expedition. I am impressed enough that I will be leaving the 7.3 line on one spinning combo, and will use it for this year, just to see how it performs long term. This is the first fluorocarbon line I have been impressed with.
    2 points
  23. Know why Gander, Cabela's and Bass Pro carry so much clothing? It's because there is a lot more profit in clothing than fishing tackle. Without clothing, they would all still be small shops nobody heard of.
    2 points
  24. Might be a mix of post spawn and spawners. My brother lives 20 mins from the lake and said they haven't seen a lot of fish on beds there yet. But some are being caught sight fishing. I guess in places there is really good grass too Agree bucket D is rough, I don't know who I want to stick in that spot yet.
    2 points
  25. For smallmouth bass I'm partial to 'Smoke Hologram'. For largemouth bass it depends on the depth zone. When fished near the surface I favor the light colors such as 'White'; in mid-depth water I prefer the mid-spectrum colors like 'Watermelon'. but when fishing on or near the bottom I like dark grubs such as 'Black'. The Kalin Lunker Grub is my favorite, it has a very thin ribbontail that remains active to a standstill. For 'spoon trailers' I prefer Mister Twister grubs which are made of tougher plastic Roger
    2 points
  26. 10-lb Yo Zuri Hybrid is the best cranking line I've used. I spent all of last season and about $50 in fluorocarbon to realize that there are minimal advantages to using it for cranks. I'll be going back to Hybrid this season.
    2 points
  27. Well we had a great warming trend in my area last week. Hit 70 out on Friday and Saturday was to be nice too. Got my boat out and started my pre-season maintenance. All was going well, until I got to the trolling motor! It wasn't working. That ended my thoughts on taking the boat out that weekend. I decided to hit a small farm pond. I was dying to get the line wet. I really didn't have high expectations but just wanted to be on or near water on such a nice day for February! Well it turned out to be a great day. Didn't catch a lot but the quality was sure there! Even a crappie to boot!
    2 points
  28. My humble opinion Contact Bob Lusk at Pond Boss, Bob & Pond Boss are probably the best management consultants in the world.
    2 points
  29. A punch bait tends to whiz by bass rather quickly, baits that usually generate an impulsive strike. There's no need to get hung up on esoteric brands or elaborate profiles, it's better to satisfy the basics: Punch Bait Properties: > Big Signature: A noisy bait with strong vibration and a bait that moves a lot of water expands the strike window, which is important in the murky shadows of matted weeds > Streamlined Profile: The more streamlined and penetrating the punch bait (like a flattened beavertail), the greater the odds that it will reach bottom, which is the puncher's foremost goal > Dark Color Dark colors like black, junebug & green pumpkin absorb the most light and provide the most contrast, which is important in dense vegetation where deep shade may be found at high noon. Roger
    2 points
  30. The key thing is the knowledge of the actual person doing the install. Do they know how to properly install imaging sonar units so they perform like they should. You should ask what their experience is for that project. I have seen enough dealer installs that were done by the clueless.
    2 points
  31. Definitely not a soft plastic of any kind because of the durability issue. Probably a hard lure with treble hooks like a shallow running crank bait.
    2 points
  32. I keep it simple and stick to RI sweet beavers
    2 points
  33. I have never regretted going to a higher end St. Croix rod. I also have been in situations where I couldn't afford to go to the higher end and therefore "settled", and happily fished those rods. Bottom line .. if you can afford it, go Avid or Avid-X depending on your preference. If you can't, go Mojo. And if you absolutely have to save those last $30, then go with the Bass-X although I really think the current Mojo's you would be happier with long term. Whatever you choose, fish the heck out of it and have fun.
    2 points
  34. Not terribly surprising if you study and understand Buck. It's not that he didn't "embrace" sonar as he built and used his own units (needle) before Lowrance developed their small affordable (and portable) freshwater flasher units in the late 1950s. And in later years you sometimes saw him with a commercially produced flasher. But he regarded them as "aids" to help you check things out on occasion, not to have your head buried in one or to spend all your time looking for fish. He believed the best tool was what was between your ears, and that when combined with what your Spoonplug was telling you, you'd learn more about your lake trolling and casting and following procedures than you would just driving around with your face glued to a box...and eventually you still had to put a lure downstairs sooner or later to actually catch a fish and give you that final interpretation. Things we seem to take for granted these days like side-imaging and such didn't come out until the mid 2000s, the year he passed at the age of 90. All that said, many of his "assistants/instructors" did use them regularly to more quickly help define specific structure situations. -T9
    2 points
  35. Even if they do taste good, a Musky smells awful and I would be reluctant to filet one
    2 points
  36. When they want to bite, they bite anything. Problem is, they don't always want to bite. Unless you're in a tournament, then they, drum, and pike are on the feed.
    2 points
  37. I'll rotate through 3... D Bomb Sweet Beaver Rage Bug Mike
    2 points
  38. I think that a Pflueger President on a Lightning Rod Shock is a very good choice for someone who has limited funds but is in need of serviceable gear that won't let them down. I much prefer the Shock to the standard Lightning
    2 points
  39. Salvation Army needs to rethink their pricing...
    2 points
  40. They say that persistence pays off and I guess that is true. Took me a bit but I tracked some more Xcalibur squarebills down at Academy. I didn't really want the Real Craw ones but I figured for $1.98 I could at least try repainting them if all else fails.
    2 points
  41. Im sorry,but you got ripped off. To make ya feel alittle better i will give ya 25.00, to help raise your spirits?
    2 points
  42. Seems to me the majority here use braid. I despise the stuff, and refuse to use it. Blasphemy? If you say so. Alao, Ive never caught a Bass over 10" long with a trap, or any other lipless bait. I quit carrying them with years ago. Then went on trip to Stick Marsh with George Welcome. Caught nice fish on a trap, so I dug out a box full from the garage and put it in my crank bag. Took it back out at the end of the season because all I could catch on them were dinks. This time I gave them all away. Blasphemy? Maybe so, but these baits have no place in my tackle bags.
    2 points
  43. I'll be happy to take care of your reels if given the opportunity. If you send reels provide your screen name here to get 10% off labor. Let me know if you have any questions.
    2 points
  44. doesnt matter. It literally makes no difference
    2 points
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