Has gut feeling played out in your bass fishing?
With all the available technology, information, known patterns, situations out there for us all to read up and study on. How does your instincts play into the game?
Like your at work and notice the weathers been stable for a few days, sunny skies, light breezes, and you know a certain sun beaten shoreline thats destined to hold some nice bass, hiding in its shadowed docks, weeds, and laydowns. You figure that if the weather holds, 2 days from now you have a afternoon off, and somethings telling you to be there flipping/pitching that cover.
The day comes, and your nailin' em for a full 6 hrs or so. You end up with a bunch of smaller fish, a boatload of 3's and 4's, a few 5's, a seven, and a nine pound slob! You get home with a huge smile, and know,..only you know whats just happened. (unless your A-jay with his go pro,..lol) ^5 bro
Your prefishing a tourney for a lake you know, found good fish, but to get to them you must pass over a main lake point that you've always figured, during the right wind should be a good area, but have yet to experience that wind.
The day of the tourney comes, your heading to your fish and as you approach that point, the winds right and your finder is showing tons of bait, so you come off plane to give it a 20 minute "shot",.. just because of your hunch or, "gut feeling". You cast out a spinnerbait and within 2 handle turns, your baits been slammed by a four plus, you cast out again, and another. By the end of the day, you've not only beat up that spinnerbait, but took home a check to replace it with many of them.
Outings when you nailed it, via consideration. When you figure "this",.... and "this" not just works, but pans out better than anticipated!
If I recall correctly, "good days" were reported here last year, by many of you. But what Im asking about is, not just a good day, but when a good day came from that "gut feeling", by your intuition, instincts and following through to fruition.
Are these instances more often than not? Or, are they few and far between?
This could be good considering the vast audience here. Pb's are awesome by all accounts, but I think "gut feeling instances" can actually supercede a pb in many instances. (unless they are combined)
As for me? "Nailing it" via gut feelings has been few and far between as of late, hopefully subject to change this season..,..lol
So, heres a good chance for you to share, burn some time, tout thyself, cut up, even brag. But most of all, a possible chance to look at your approach, your gut feeling, and assess its effectiveness from a "typed out" perspective, and adjust if need be.
Im also hoping that this will help some with confidence, and effective assessment. Not much will boost ones confidence other than recognizing successful moments produced by proper assessment, in conjunction with a gut feeling...
Then yet,.... there is also the general "Hey, check this out!",..."I win!",.."Nanner Nanner!",. "I knew it" and of course, "I can die now". ,....lmao
Lets hear it