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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/2017 in all areas

  1. I'm on a role now! Biggest bass I've caught in a few years on a homemade football jig in thE same color as Seiberts Bluebasser86 storm series jigs,
    9 points
  2. HI, There some nice set up here ... you guys in US don't have the same mentality as us, in France. Here if you show people that you have great combos, you are treated, they say it's useless ... but if we give to them, they take ... lol ... In France, you can't show everything you have. Here is mine, - MajorCraft Volkey 70H - Shimano Chronarch 151HG - Shimano Zodias 1610MH - Shimano Met' 13 - Megabass French Limited F4-68X - Shimano Met'13 HG - MajorCraft Corzza 69M - Shimano Scorpion 201 14' I just grab recently a Shimano/Jackall Poison Adrena 172H for my frog setup, and a Powell Max 704CB, my first amarican rod, but I think i felt in love with the Poison series, and I'll try to get the 172MH-G and and 1610L +/- BFS for this year.
    6 points
  3. What you have to keep in mind is that for baits, Bass Pro makes -0- of their store brand. Some other major manufacturer does as part of their product line and they package as a Bass Pro product. The real fun is figuring out who actually makes the bait and if it is cheaper than the "original".
    5 points
  4. BR is my home away from home! Would go crazy without you guys... especially in the winter. Group hug!
    5 points
  5. My Current Setups For This Year's Trip to El Salto: From left to right: 1. Megabass Orochi XX Tour Versatile paired with a 7:1 Shimano Metanium 2. Megabass Black Jungle Power Versatile paired with a 7:1 2016 Shimano Antares DC 3. Dobyns 735 champion paired with 8:1 Shimano Exsence DC 4. JDM Megabass Orochi XX Pitch Perfect paired with 8:1 Daiwa Steez Limited SV 105xh 5. Dobyns 746 dx paired with 9:1 JDM Zillion TW SV 6. Megabass Diablo Fast Move paired with 7:1 Shimano Metanium MGL 7. Megabass Super Red Demon paired with 7.9:1 SV103 8. Dobyns 805cb champion paired with Shimano Conquest HG 6:1
    5 points
  6. Wow Thank You So Much For The Kind Words! I’m really blown away by all the positive comments here! You guys are awesome. Your comments really make everything worthwhile for all of us here at BassResource. We often receive the negative feedback and complaints, which can be a drag sometimes. Positive energy is a terrific motivator! It’s fantastic to hear so many people enjoy this site, and are getting real benefits from it. That has always been our goal. We will continue to aim even higher. Thanks again for your positive feedback. It really means a lot! Glenn
    5 points
  7. Has gut feeling played out in your bass fishing? With all the available technology, information, known patterns, situations out there for us all to read up and study on. How does your instincts play into the game? Like your at work and notice the weathers been stable for a few days, sunny skies, light breezes, and you know a certain sun beaten shoreline thats destined to hold some nice bass, hiding in its shadowed docks, weeds, and laydowns. You figure that if the weather holds, 2 days from now you have a afternoon off, and somethings telling you to be there flipping/pitching that cover. The day comes, and your nailin' em for a full 6 hrs or so. You end up with a bunch of smaller fish, a boatload of 3's and 4's, a few 5's, a seven, and a nine pound slob! You get home with a huge smile, and know,..only you know whats just happened. (unless your A-jay with his go pro,..lol) ^5 bro Or, Your prefishing a tourney for a lake you know, found good fish, but to get to them you must pass over a main lake point that you've always figured, during the right wind should be a good area, but have yet to experience that wind. The day of the tourney comes, your heading to your fish and as you approach that point, the winds right and your finder is showing tons of bait, so you come off plane to give it a 20 minute "shot",.. just because of your hunch or, "gut feeling". You cast out a spinnerbait and within 2 handle turns, your baits been slammed by a four plus, you cast out again, and another. By the end of the day, you've not only beat up that spinnerbait, but took home a check to replace it with many of them. Outings when you nailed it, via consideration. When you figure "this",.... and "this" not just works, but pans out better than anticipated! If I recall correctly, "good days" were reported here last year, by many of you. But what Im asking about is, not just a good day, but when a good day came from that "gut feeling", by your intuition, instincts and following through to fruition. Are these instances more often than not? Or, are they few and far between? This could be good considering the vast audience here. Pb's are awesome by all accounts, but I think "gut feeling instances" can actually supercede a pb in many instances. (unless they are combined) As for me? "Nailing it" via gut feelings has been few and far between as of late, hopefully subject to change this season..,..lol So, heres a good chance for you to share, burn some time, tout thyself, cut up, even brag. But most of all, a possible chance to look at your approach, your gut feeling, and assess its effectiveness from a "typed out" perspective, and adjust if need be. Im also hoping that this will help some with confidence, and effective assessment. Not much will boost ones confidence other than recognizing successful moments produced by proper assessment, in conjunction with a gut feeling... Then yet,.... there is also the general "Hey, check this out!",..."I win!",.."Nanner Nanner!",. "I knew it" and of course, "I can die now". ,....lmao Lets hear it Whatchagot?
    4 points
  8. I'm going to have to 2nd,3rd , and 4th the kudos. been layed up all winter with surgery. .think I would have gone crazy with out this forum. well wife say already am! if only our government got along and worked this well. life would truly be great. and that would mean even more time to fish!!! thanks again GLENN.
    4 points
  9. Our newest design! Now available in 1/2 and 3/4 oz and soon 3/8 oz. The G2 incorporates a recessed eye for knot protection and angles on the bottom of the head. These angles help kick the head over structure minimizing hang ups. In testing this jig extensively there is no comparison between the G2 and a standard football. The G2 excels in all aspects in fishing rock. We are offering the G2 in the Extreme with a Trokar hook, Grid Iron with an Owner XXX strong hook, and the Derocker with a Mustad Ultra Point. Extreme Football G2 Couple pictures of the Extreme Football G2's.
    4 points
  10. Yes. At least once This "good day" in particular came after days of rain... Water table was crazy high, winds up, overcast, I was only one there that day. Boat launch was flooded, but I had my yak and was determined to get out. There's a covered "canal" between two bodies of water. I had a gut feeling there were bass feeding there, at the mouth where the water was "spilling" out. Parked my yak against the rocks nearby and cast a 3/8 oz wacky jig with a green pumpkin/gold flake Trick worm. Don't remember how many I caught, but dang, it payed off. Funny you mention the topic "gut feeling". I was telling one of my sons just this week that I had a "gut feeling" this is going to be a really good fishing year for us. While it hasn't truly begun, I truly believe it will be great. I've had other gut feelings out there that apparently were nothing more than gas, LOL. Those didn't pay off.
    4 points
  11. @rippin-lips Daiwa spool materials knowledge level ~ MASTER. A-Jay
    4 points
  12. Even a thumb with a college education, cannot compete with today's braking systems.
    4 points
  13. I had to grab one since they're being discontinued by Daiwa for some reason. 7:9 SV103 with a few little changes. HH air hd spool bearings worm shaft bearing upgrade SV spool spring mod 90mm carbon handle rcs cork knobs black accent parts
    3 points
  14. I think that would work, but I'm a dinosaur and still use mono for everything. I've tried the other stuff and I just don't like it, or trust it, or I'm too stubborn to change, or something. Personally I use XT more than XL.
    3 points
  15. Just like Dorado does it, except no worchestershire, and I use hardwood charcoal, not briquettes.
    3 points
  16. My CO. Is my partner and Share the cost. Gas for truck and boat and Motel room. I will always try to put my boat in a angle so we both can fish the same spot. I will take his advice. For we are a team. Nobody is trying to out fish the other one. The club were in it's a 5 fish bag per boat. I love our clubs format . We have a lot fun.
    3 points
  17. Ok I'm an idiot...I turned my phone side ways and I can see it. I've had a major fart in my brain this week, with the circuit city deal and now not turning my phone sideways. ?
    3 points
  18. Ty all. For these Traps I scanned one and used the shape to make a mask in Photoshop. the mask is about 500 x 170. I go to Google image and find a fish pic. Can be a photo or artist drawing. I crop it down and resize image to 500 x 170 (turn retain aspect ratio off). It will stretch it a bit. I then add the mask and make the background white (Color printers wont print white). I add images to MS Word and change the size so they print full size. Do a test print in black and white first. I have an ink jet so get the proper clear decal paper for that or lazer. Print left and right image. Ink jet is not waterproof so a clear gloss laquer clearcoat is needed. When dry cut the inage close so no border is showing. Apply waterslide decal as recommended. Let dry. Airbrush back and belly to blend in. Add eyes and clearcoat. abbream.bmp Oh and here is a Perch.
    3 points
  19. joined, i'm rmw44 for anyone who wants to know who will be hogging the leaderboard... at the bottom.
    3 points
  20. Its healed fairly well. Still gonna be a dent. Got one just like it on the other side pretty close to being symmetrically opposed. When somebody asks, I lower my voice and tell "em that's where they removed the horns.
    3 points
  21. The boater/co-angler system is not perfect...But it is what it is. It sounds like your group doesn't have separate divisions for boaters and co-anglers...I don't want to disparage whatever group you're with - But IMO that can really suck for the co-anglers and explains a lot about the differences in your posts versus mine. The trend has been clubs moving to the split divisions so the co-anglers aren't competing against the boaters. For the co-angler that means they are all on the same playing field in regards to the challenges of being in the back of the boat. It also makes it easier for the boater and co-angler cooperate without tension since they aren't competing against each other. Our club has been this way for the last 10 years or so and I see more and more clubs adopting this system. It mimics the "Pro/Am" format. If it's not a team event, this is the only fair format for the co-angler IMO. I don't think any of the posts so far have been negatively slanted toward co-anglers..But I do think it can be a little difficult for a boater to put their perspective into words on a forum without someone thinking they are selfish or 'elitist'. These statements you made are essentially exactly what I said in my post...Although they sort of contradict some of the stuff in your first couple posts. This is where it came from. This is also one of the statements that prompted the "I'm not a guide" response in my mind initially. I don't think any of the posts so far have indicated that the co-angler is simply along for a boat ride. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not trying to argue at all...It can be a tough topic since many times each side doesn't really know what it's like to be on the other side.
    3 points
  22. Hair jigs work just give them a little time. I caught my 3rd biggest smallie on one.
    3 points
  23. I'll give you my perspective as someone that's fished tournaments as a boater for over 15 years now.... Chipping in for gas/expenses/ramp fees is always appreciated. The $40 or so is really just a drop in the bucket compared to the total costs and effort put forth though. I don't see it as a fee for service, I simply see it as a good faith gesture and I appreciate the thought. I don't mean this to be harsh, but there's not really any other way to put it...You aren't entitled to anything as a co-angler. I fish tournaments becasue I want to fish them, not to becasue I want to guide a co-angler around the lake. Having said that, I certainly don't go out of my way to make things any harder for the co-angler. On the flip side, I'm not really going to go out of my way to make things super easy on the co-angler either. I'm just going to fish my plan for the day. I'm friendly and I'll help my co-angler where I can, describe what we're fishing, describe how I'm catching them, etc. Sometimes the way I need to fish means the co-angler won't have the best angles or targets - That's not me 'front-ending' them, that's just the way it is. It doesn't happen all the time, but it does happen. The bottom line is that it's a two-way street. It's not a free for all, I'll give the Co a fair chance to fish - But if he's going to sit back there and try to snipe everything out from under me, I can make it very hard for him to do that. The way I see it is that I can give you decent shots at stuff that I either fish or miss (every boater misses stuff, be observant) - OR - I can give you absolutely nothing if you want to play hardball with me. It will be the same for me either way, but I'd much prefer to do it the first way since it's more fun and I'm a friendly guy . I've fished with a lot of Co's over the years and I'd like to think most of them enjoyed their time in my boat and maybe even learned a thing a two. I don't want this post to seem like boaters are doing some noble deed to be commended or that co-anglers are some kind of inconvenience...I just want it to be a little perspective from the front of the boat.
    3 points
  24. How many fish can you catch off a single $4 crankbait? How about a $7 bag of plastics? How many seasons do you get out of your line? Four seasons from $40 spool of Tatsu. I hear about guys changing out their $5 mono every couple weeks. A single $25 top water bait has accounted for more fish than most of my other baits COMBINED. Did I get ripped off by the $25 bait, or the thousands I've spent on other stuff? Think about what you feel is "over priced" here. A $4-ish crank bait, that even if it's marked up ten thousand percent, is still $4. Not a big deal, considering I have Wiggle Warts older than half the members here that are still catching fish. Personally, I think rod prices have gotten out of hand. Makes a custom stick an attractive deal.
    3 points
  25. Totally agree! Great job guys!! You keep us coming back for more! It is nice to have all of this information available - but what makes it THE BEST is the constant POSITIVE COMMUNICATION You see some disagreements here and there (all good entertainment btw), but for the most part - everything is positive...and that is well needed in this nasty world...especially on the ever so hateful "internet"
    3 points
  26. 3 points
  27. Thanks. We certainly do really appreciate the kudos!
    3 points
  28. Yes, kudos to Glenn and the whole crew.
    3 points
  29. Thanks to Glenn and all the great folks on here.
    3 points
  30. There truly is a wealth of information here. I'm amazed how much I learn even now from reading everyone's post.
    3 points
  31. "There's A Reason Bass Resource Is #1" Yes, there is a reason, and I believe his name is Glenn
    3 points
  32. It's nice that you acknowledged how Bass Resource helped you. Glenn May has a done a fantastic job creating, managing, & instructing on this website. Kudos to the Mods also for helping to maintain the integrity of this great bass fishing website. I enjoy sharing in this community of fishermen & women. Tight lines.
    3 points
  33. Kudos to @Glenn, the man who made it all happen! And the many awesomely smart anglers here. Helped me a lot, too.
    3 points
  34. Definitely a wealth of information on here and some really good fisherman. Its also help me immensely. Lot easier getting answers on here than from other local guys who are worried about giving up info on there "secret spots" or "techniques"
    3 points
  35. Hi My name is Robert and I live in Cape Town, South Africa. I have been bass fishing from my young days mainly in farms ponds but started competitive bass fishing in 2010 after the purchase of my first small boat (13 ft with 60HP). I have since upgraded to a 16ft with 90HP. I used to fish the social team Money Trail events here in the Western Cape but but switched to the individual regional events and have twice represented Western Province at our annual interprovincial competition here in South Africa. I have a few top 5 finishes to show for the BFSA Money Trail events. I hope to learn and share.
    2 points
  36. Float & Fly is most popular in gin-clear lakes like Dale Hollow, TN but if you're not marking smallies, it can be very time-consuming.
    2 points
  37. That's good info to know. I've been pondering putting together a FnF rig and will have to file this for future thought.
    2 points
  38. I did it. I found anglers in every single bucket that are owned under 15% that have great track records in Florida and I'm confident will do well. Took me a while of doing research to find the guys but I'm excited about this one.
    2 points
  39. The main theme of the 'Float & Fly' delivery is to offer a bait with a Slow Natural Glide, as the bait pendulums slowly back under the float. Although it can be very effective on passive smallies, it tends to be wasteful of time for active bass. Roger
    2 points
  40. FINALLY, a post about 'lure color'. Well it's about time!
    2 points
  41. I built a rod for my brother just for An Arbor reel. He let me have it to play with and get the seat in the right place. That thing was an excellent casting machine. I was impressed. I compared it to my Pfleugers; two Supreme XTs; one 25 and one 30. The Arbor outcasted both be a very noticeable margin.
    2 points
  42. I was gonna suggest the "float and senko" wacky rigged! Great presentation.
    2 points
  43. Daiwa uses different spool materials on a lot of their spools. Even ones that seem identical. Take the Steez SV103 and the SV103 'zillion' for example. Both use the same spool except one is G1 and the other A7075. The Steez spool is a touch lighter and the material is supposed to be stronger. As far as SV spools go, it's all in the inductor and spring, or air brake as they call it. The inductor comes out and also twists. Some have different length inductors and also some of them seem to be a little thinner too. Other Daiwa spools it just moves in and out. With any of their aftermarket spools like the Zpi,RCS,hlc,tdz R+,1st gen Steez 103 and the 1st gen Steez 100, and so on. It's all a combination of the inductor and spring. The taper of it and length all play a part in the braking. You can change the braking profile of any spool by messing with the inductor spring. Zpi spools have a fixed inductor so the braking is always the same. Makes a great pitching or skipping spool. I swap all my sv spool inductor springs out for a stiffer one. It's fixes the issue with stuck inductors and also really wakes the spool up since in stock form it's meant to be very controlled. There's also the magnet in the sideplate. Some reels seem to have a stronger magnet in it though not totally confirmed I don't think. That's why you can swap 2 different sv spools into the same reel and they'll both perform differently. That combination of every I mentioned makes them act different. Heres an example of what I'm saying. Pic 1 - SV inductor length differences. Pic 2/3 - 1st gen Steez 103 vs 100 spool inductor tapers. Pic 4 - Zpi fixed inductor.
    2 points
  44. I never said the only cost was the resin in the mold. I just said I don't think the other costs add up to the difference. But how many wiggle wart blanks do you think are produced each year? I would guess tens of thousands, maybe more. The packaging for those has to be pennies. We pay pennies per for much more sophisticated packaging. There is no tungsten in them. And they do not have high end hooks. The paint jobs are very simple. When you are talking about high volume production, the cost of everything is minimized because it is spread out over a vast number of pieces. Maybe a lot of the cost is advertising and sponsorship money spent by the companies?
    2 points
  45. I used to fish with Rusty Fishhooks, but haven't seen him in years
    2 points
  46. Well the bait monkey got me good as i ordered my new helix 7 for my yak and they cam back and said it was going to take 2 months to ship. Well the heck with that take more of my money and send me the next unit up right. I ended up with the gps/di/chirp/network model. Six hundred dollars later i should have the most expensive sonar on any yak in the county. Had to throw in a cavitron and a spro little deep diver and an add on tshirt. My wife shall never find out or i may not live.
    2 points
  47. Let's not forget that there is usually a hefty, monthly payment to own that boat on top of those other expenses. Splitting the boat fuel bill and picking up coffee and doughnuts are nice gestures, ones most boaters really appreciate, however, they really don't help all that much with the overall expense of a tournament day. When it comes down to it, the boater doesn't owe the co-angler anything. That obviously doesn't mean he can treat him like crap, it just means...he doesn't owe him anything extra on top of providing a platform (physical and metaphorical) on which to compete. If your club has rules that state, boater and co-angler both get a certain amount of time fishing the water they want, then the boater must abide by them, no ifs, ands, or buts. If not, you just have to adjust. Communication goes a long way but stating up front that you don't want to be front ended will likely offend your boater and lead to a miserable, awkward day on the water. Like @BrianinMD, I started as a co-angler and have since moved up front. I know how tough it can be to fish from the back and fish used water. You gotta realize though, there are definitely more places to throw to than just the bank, behind your boater. I don't know how many times I've thrown into deeper water on the opposite side of the boat and caught really nice fish. I've also outfished my boaters on several occasions (same exact cover) just by throwing different baits. My point is, there are ways you can do well when you're a co-angler (fishing used water), you just have to adjust and think outside the box.
    2 points
  48. This is my first post. I've enjoyed reading this thread so much, I wanted to sign up and add a little. Here's the big brother and little sister.
    2 points
  49. There are many reasons why a bass might be underweight. The bass could be sick, might not have enough fish to eat for various reasons,etc. One reason some bass are underweight is that some bass swallow soft plastics often and this causes bass problems digesting it's regular prey. There's many pictures online showing underweight bass cut open revealing many soft plastic lures inside of them.
    2 points
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