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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2017 in all areas

  1. My Current Setups For This Year's Trip to El Salto: From left to right: 1. Megabass Orochi XX Tour Versatile paired with a 7:1 Shimano Metanium 2. Megabass Black Jungle Power Versatile paired with a 7:1 2016 Shimano Antares DC 3. Dobyns 735 champion paired with 8:1 Shimano Exsence DC 4. JDM Megabass Orochi XX Pitch Perfect paired with 8:1 Daiwa Steez Limited SV 105xh 5. Dobyns 746 dx paired with 9:1 JDM Zillion TW SV 6. Megabass Diablo Fast Move paired with 7:1 Shimano Metanium MGL 7. Megabass Super Red Demon paired with 7.9:1 SV103 8. Dobyns 805cb champion paired with Shimano Conquest HG 6:1
    13 points
  2. As many on here know that I posted about my Dad dying 5 years ago and then shortly after my mom being diagnosed with cancer. As some will recall I moved back home to take care of her as nobody in my family was capable of doing. Well today I just got the news that she is now cancer free. I just wanted to say thank you for all of the kind words over the years or silent prayers that you have may have said for her and me. I am lucky that I just bought a new place in Florida in the Englewood area that has it's own fishing pier. So for anyone that it is interested in fishing in that area let me know and we can have a beer or soda and do some fishing. Thanks again to the bassresource community.
    9 points
  3. My #1 presentation for the last two years. This is how Big O taught me to fish the Rage Blade back when he had just built the prototypes: On that first outing we rigged a Rage Tail Eeliminator http://www.ragetail.com/news/color-charts/rage-eeliminator-color-selection/ for the trailer, but over time I have found the Structure Bug http://www.strikeking.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=662&Itemid=1061 more to my liking. I specifically like white on white. So, as to technique: Look for structure and cover where you might otherwise fish a spinnerbait or crankbait. Cast out and let the lure fall to the bottom on slack line. The moment you hit bottom begin a slow retrieve ideally occasionally ticking the bottom. When you hit ANYTHING pop the bait and let it fall on slack line. That's it!
    7 points
  4. Our newest design! Now available in 1/2 and 3/4 oz and soon 3/8 oz. The G2 incorporates a recessed eye for knot protection and angles on the bottom of the head. These angles help kick the head over structure minimizing hang ups. In testing this jig extensively there is no comparison between the G2 and a standard football. The G2 excels in all aspects in fishing rock. We are offering the G2 in the Extreme with a Trokar hook, Grid Iron with an Owner XXX strong hook, and the Derocker with a Mustad Ultra Point. Extreme Football G2 Couple pictures of the Extreme Football G2's.
    6 points
  5. Like every hardcore bass guy whenever a new technique hits the streets and people are having success with it all over I go out and buy it. I've fished the Ned before, but I've never done better than drop shotting or anything else with it. I always believed it was a good technique unlike the buzz bait which is absolute witchcraft. Today all of that changed. I fished three different ponds today between lunch and after work and caught at least twenty fish. I've never caught anything close to those numbers on those ponds before. It seemed like every cast I either caught a fish or had a pan fish hit it. I now believe in the Ned Rig!
    5 points
  6. Even a thumb with a college education, cannot compete with today's braking systems.
    5 points
  7. Have I ... yes. Did I regret it? Uh, yes. Would I do it again? No.
    5 points
  8. With today's modern reels I do not know why you would want to. I can see running low magnetic braking but why put up with the possibility of terrible backlashes, just to hypothetically gain a couple of feet. You better have a REALLY good thumb. I never buy cheap baitcasters, so the reels I do buy help me achieve long casts without running on the edge of disaster.
    5 points
  9. This is so awesome, we couldn't keep it to ourselves. Give it a shot! Why not? http://winseaguar.com/
    4 points
  10. Zack, you have asked the $64,000 Question. Your query highlights the challenge we all face on a new and old body of water. Things under the water are in constant flux. They change so that one day the bass will stack up in the back of a creek and the next day they are half a mile away on the main lake. This can drive a grown man to cry. So what do you do? You do your homework to try to figure out the body of water. And how do you do that? Easier said then done. First, paper maps. The ones that show contours, points, humps, channels, sunken boats, bridges, roads so you will know where the docks and piers are located, and any thing else you can find to give you an idea of what you will be facing. Second, you hit Google Earth and see the lake or river from the air. You can then see the grasses, downed trees along a bank, homes, piers, docks, bridges, etc. in real time. Third, you go to the water and use your electronics to locate spots that looked promising on the maps and Google Earth. Take your boat out and using your electronics check out the places you found on your maps and Google Earth. No fishing, just check out the places you think the fish will be holding. Fourth, while on the water note the water temperature so you will know where the bass "should" be and if they will be aggressive depending on the season. Fifth, talk to others who have fished that body of water and go to the water's blog, if there is one, and read those posts. Ask your questions but be ready to receive very little helpful information if the guys on the blog are protective of the body of water. However, it has been my experience that the guys will give you some helpful tips if you are nice when you pen your queries. Sixth, go to the section of this Forum that the waters are located and look up under the search option the names of the waters you fish. If they have been discussed you will find the data plus the names of the guys and gals fishing them. Send them a personal message or just ask your questions on a new thread regarding where you are fishing. We all do it. Sometimes we get good feedback and sometimes we get skunked. With these six items on your bucket list completed, the time has arrived to try to find the bass. And were can they be? Top, middle or bottom of the water column. Holding tight to trees. Sunny day and under docks, piers and boats. Cloudy days around rip rap and just swimming around. This is your challenge. Use your favorite baits for each of the three depths. Experiment with speed of retrieve and colors. Change baits as often as necessary. Do what your gut tells you. Fish those techniques you have confidence. You know the body of water now but the bass are doing their own thing. This is your challenge. To find out what the bass are doing and where they are holding. At least for that day or hour. Bass movements change with the wind, water temperature, sunny/cloudy days.......you know all the tricks the bass use to fool us. Top, middle or bottom. One or a combination of them. You have to experiment to find out where they are and what they want. While on the water look to see what the other guys are doing. Are they way off the bank throwing big spinnerbaits? Close to the banks flipping and pitching plastics? Fishing in the middle of nothing that could signal a submerged brush pile, sunken boat or other structure that could hold the bass? Fast retrieve. Slow retrieve? Colors they are using? Anything you can glean from them will be helpful, especially if they know the waters better than you. The "Eastern US" as your location is not helpful to us. "Eastern US" starts in Maine and goes all the way to Florida and includes states such as Kentucky, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, New York, and West Virginia for starters. Each state has different bodies of water; different fishing techniques; and the seasons of the year occur at difference times. Please consider adding your specific location and the bodies of water you fish to your avatar to help us help you. If you do all that is mentioned in this thread there is still no guarantee you will locate the bass on your first or second adventure. You can always throw a crankbait fast to eliminate water but if you are not sure if the bass are in the area you are not doing yourself a favor. You may be eliminating water that will come alive in the afternoon or has already been active in the morning. Only time on the water will give you this data. If you get totally frustrated, how about hiring a guide for a day? Good money spent to help you understand the waters and what the bass are doing at that time. I have used guides on a lot of waterways and every trip has been helpful in locating places where the bass will be holding. Or should be holding. You want to see where the guide fishes and what baits he suggests you throw. This is a great short-cut to learning about any body of water. And yes, you get on the Internet and look up blogs regarding the bodies of water you fish; get any state fish and game publications that list the fish in the waters so you can note the forage. After you catch a bass feel its stomach. If it is squishy they are eating shad, bream and bluegills. If it is hard they are eating crawfish. Go from there in type, size and color of your baits to try to match what they are eating at that time. No one can give you the "magic bullet" as to where the bass will be on the days you fish. You can gather a lot of info on this Forum and blogs to point you in the right direction. And you can subscribe to some wonderful magazines and Facebook publications to help you learn more about that little green monster that bring grown me to tears. Keep a diary. Yes, a diary. Check out the Free Fishing Log data in Tools at the top of this page and start a diary on the waters you fish. You will be surprised as how fast you can find out things after writing down the details of each venture to help you master your bodies of water. All of us could go on for a long time as to how to take a new lake or river apart. It is up to you to find the tools and data you need to accomplish that mission with the understanding that the bass can still make you look silly. Good luck and let us know how you do. Tight Lines!!!!
    4 points
  11. I yo-yo it 'open' water or through laydowns, but ^ is where it really shines for me. When there's thick weeds that come up to 12-24" from the surface - the kind of grass that's difficult to work horizontally .....bladed jigs across the top of the grass will bring them up.
    3 points
  12. In my opinion the tatula ct is the best reel for the money in general. They are work horse reels that perform above their price point. If you can pick one up for >$100 then to me it's a no brainer. I love my shimano reels I have at a higher price point but the caenan doesn't come close to the tatula. I close competitor to the tatula from shimano is the citica or if you can find a jdm casitas mgl for about $130 then those are a great reel as well
    3 points
  13. Don't think twice about the CI4+ ... get it! And you could go mono, but I'd recommend fluoro instead. I go braid + leader. The bait for drop shotting can be wherever you want or need to put it at. I like 18-24" and probably fall within that range for the most part, tho I have gone shorter ... and longer.
    3 points
  14. I stripped and re-built three expensive, high end rods and two of them turned out fine, the third rod in this process that was destroyed when heating the epoxy to remove guides. About a $200 rod at the time. So, there's that. I could have built a 1/2 a dozen for the same amount of time & energy. Find a good builder and a blank that has the same specs as the one you like and build a new one. JMHO
    3 points
  15. I like Suffix 832 a lot. I use their lightest 10 pound test for panfish. It is the diameter of 4 pound mono. We have it spooled on some line counter reels and troll for fresh water white perch. We use the worm rigs for live crawlers like they do for Walleye. I use some heavier 30 pound for throwing rattle traps for stripers and some 20 pound on a 6 foot light BPS Extreme rod I throw weightless and belly weighted swimbaits like Flukes and Reaction Innovation Skinny Dippers. I would not hesitate to use this line. It casts well, is strong and rather thin for it's pound test. In my opinion it is softer or more supple compared to say Power Pro. I prefer Power Pro in applications where I want a weed eater like frogs, punching, pitching and flipping.
    3 points
  16. I've waited a long time for this rod. Full cork KLX 7' M CRT. its replacing my Carbon Steel composite for smaller cranks, jerks and topwater trebles.
    3 points
  17. When that bite is on it can be absolutely stupid! My buddy and I had 2 weekends in a row where we caught 168 one day and 189 the following weekend. All on a TRD fished Ned style. Congrats on a good day!
    3 points
  18. I just ordered a FR806SB from tackle warehouse! They won't be in until Feb 21. Pairing it with a Shimano Cardiff 301a. Can't wait to try it out this spring.
    3 points
  19. The line does not sink, it floats with surface tension. That means it doesn't pop up like a bobber, but it will stay on top of the water when the line is slack. There is absolutely NO impact on any presentation, including topwater.
    3 points
  20. The drop shot, during the prespawn, can be deadly. I've never considered it to be a small fish presentation. It can and will catch you some giants. Try wacky rigging a 3" Senko on your drop shot. Cast it out. Let the entire rig hit the bottom. Raise the bait up until you feel the weight and then kill it. Try that a couple of times, then slide your rig a bit further along. Somewhere along the line you will get bit. This works for me consistently from ice out until the spawn. It does take patience however!
    3 points
  21. Tried A Different Gill Pattern , Something I was Messing With . Mike
    2 points
  22. I am pretty much at a loss for words after what I experienced today. A friend took me to a lake and we did some kayak fishing with two other guys, and let me tell you this place was something special. Between the 4 of us we landed between 75 and 85 largemouth. I would say 80% of those were on flipping jigs. The lake has lots of flooded bushes, and the bass would either sit on them or just out from them in slightly deeper water. I personally landed 23, 3 on a shakey head, 20 on a 3/8oz black and blue flipping jig with a living rubber skirt and a baby paca chunk trailer. The best 5 between 4 of us went 19.3lbs, my best five were 15 and change. The average fish there is 15-16", I only caught 3 fish shorter than 15 today, absolutely mind boggling. Not bad at all for kayak fishing in northern West Virginia in February! Both of these fish were 4lbs One of several doubles And my thumb matches the head on my jig!
    2 points
  23. I'd go with the Tatula CT as well. I love my Shimanos, but at this point in my experience I wouldn't fish with anything less than a Citica. For me, I just stick with my Curado Es for now. Revos are not a consideration for me, I just find that the braking systems for Daiwa and Shimano to be superior in every way.
    2 points
  24. Amazing reel. I've fished it since shimano released it at icast and I've been nothing but impressed with it. Paired it with a loomis 822syr imx. It's their shakes head rod but has the same specs as their drop shot rod. Spoiled with 15lb power pro to a 8lb fluoro leader you can feel everything. Go get one!!!!
    2 points
  25. Tatsu is perfectly round and uniform throughout the spool. It has the least memory of any fluorocarbon or monofilament I have ever fished. I have no isues with breaking strength nor knots. I have Tatsu as my mainline on three rigs and as leader on 8 or so.
    2 points
  26. USN 81-87 EN3 USS Duluth LPD-6
    2 points
  27. You can't insure foot loose wakes, they are priceless. Seriously though, this is a good topic. Read your homeowners policy, and know what it covers, and what it doesn't. Most have a cap for personal property, unless it's documented, and in some cases may require a rider. I know that if my house burns down or is sucked up by a sink hole, the least of my worries is bass tackle. I do have a rider for bicycles (think Stella's here not Black Maxs) offshore tackle, and the Admiral's jewelry and collectibles, all of which are itemized and photographed. THE ZOMBIES ARE COMING!
    2 points
  28. Not thrilled with the return to hartwell - the Classic is a spectator tournament more than any others and I think everyone loves to see some huge bags for the Classic. I did see on FB that Casey was pretty happy with this lmao
    2 points
  29. Well the bait monkey got me good as i ordered my new helix 7 for my yak and they cam back and said it was going to take 2 months to ship. Well the heck with that take more of my money and send me the next unit up right. I ended up with the gps/di/chirp/network model. Six hundred dollars later i should have the most expensive sonar on any yak in the county. Had to throw in a cavitron and a spro little deep diver and an add on tshirt. My wife shall never find out or i may not live.
    2 points
  30. Haha, that guy doesnt know what hes talking about, it doesnt sink.
    2 points
  31. The more people joining the less my chances are of winning a Circuit City gift card. ?
    2 points
  32. Sad part is fuel and oil is not the bad part of owning a boat. I would hate to figure out what I have per pound in fish. LOL Told my wife one time that Crappie we had for dinner only cost us $400. Pete
    2 points
  33. 33 years old? 33 years young. Sure wish I was 33 years young again. I got hooked on smallies when I was 16 years old. My school buddies and I were out trout fishing in a stream section we never fished before. The four of use were spread out pretty far, not fishing on top of one another. Had the whole stream to ourselves. I found this one spot in the stream that had a slight natural fall to it. I caught my trout limit in no time with worms, corn and Velveeta Cheese. Wasn't ready to call the quits, was only there an hour. Than I switched over to throwing Mepps, Rooster Tails and Panther Martin spinners with the intention to catch and release any trout that I caught there after. I don't remember how many I caught (? 2+ dozen) but smallies hit those inline spinners like freight trains, I was hooked for life after that day. Those stream smallies were only 10"-12" fish but that's all it took. I still pick off a few of those smallies when I go through that section 42 years later when trout fishing. One of my favorite fishing memories. I see those guys once in a while. None of them have fished since we were kids or at least stuck with it.
    2 points
  34. A shaky head is limited to only one application in my book; Clear water, hard bottom and a super slow, almost dead-sticking, retrieve. For that reason the only soft plastics I use on it are ones that float and have vibrant coloration. A floating soft plastic will keep that presentation upright and the coloration will catch a fish's eye from a distance. It will also move enticingly with little or no effort on my part. I equate it to seeing a subtle neon light from a distance. I opt for a football head jig for many of the other soft plastics as I can work them faster and keep the plastic upright.
    2 points
  35. My partner and I were in his boat working a rocky bank and we slowly trolled around a point. On the other side was a small sandy cove. And in that cove was a beautiful mid 20-ish girl, fully nude, posing in front of a similar aged photographer. Almost as if we were reading each others minds, my partner and I remained as quiet as possible for the same reason, to get a longer look before they notice us. They didn't notice us for a bit and then finally the photog looked up and scrambled to get a jacket for her. They hid behind some rocks until we motored out of there.
    2 points
  36. Let's not forget that there is usually a hefty, monthly payment to own that boat on top of those other expenses. Splitting the boat fuel bill and picking up coffee and doughnuts are nice gestures, ones most boaters really appreciate, however, they really don't help all that much with the overall expense of a tournament day. When it comes down to it, the boater doesn't owe the co-angler anything. That obviously doesn't mean he can treat him like crap, it just means...he doesn't owe him anything extra on top of providing a platform (physical and metaphorical) on which to compete. If your club has rules that state, boater and co-angler both get a certain amount of time fishing the water they want, then the boater must abide by them, no ifs, ands, or buts. If not, you just have to adjust. Communication goes a long way but stating up front that you don't want to be front ended will likely offend your boater and lead to a miserable, awkward day on the water. Like @BrianinMD, I started as a co-angler and have since moved up front. I know how tough it can be to fish from the back and fish used water. You gotta realize though, there are definitely more places to throw to than just the bank, behind your boater. I don't know how many times I've thrown into deeper water on the opposite side of the boat and caught really nice fish. I've also outfished my boaters on several occasions (same exact cover) just by throwing different baits. My point is, there are ways you can do well when you're a co-angler (fishing used water), you just have to adjust and think outside the box.
    2 points
  37. I use 12# as a main line for cranks, traps, spinnerbaits and chatterbaits. Any stretch it has is an advantage (other than traps) plus it has a breaking point of close to 19lbs Mike
    2 points
  38. I really like netbait T-mac and zoom finess worms. But I'll put almost anything on a shakyhead. Craws, lizards, brushhogs they all have a time and place but the T-mac gets the most use
    2 points
  39. This happened last year while we were driving from one spot to another. The area we were fishing is littered with deer so you will see them all day long. My girlfriend yelled at me to stop because she thought she saw something strange with these deer like a cute fawn or something. When I backed up so I could see the clearing they were in, we see these two deer keeping close company with this turkey. At one point they were even laying down with this enormous bird as if they'd raised it from birth. We spend nearly every weekend up here and had never seen something this bizarre. Then as if nature couldn't get weirder, we pull up to this dredge pond we like fishing and I hear this strange shrieking sound coming from behind a point around the other side of the pond. We walked around to this end and found an enormous bald eagle dive bombing a great blue heron, and the heron would scream at it when it came close to it's fishing spot it had secured on a log. I regrettably couldn't find the pictures we took of the birds fighting.
    2 points
  40. NFC is not going out of business and the blanks aren’t going to be going to be on closeout. They had a simple bankruptcy restructure (a lot of businesses do it), they're reformed and never stopped making blanks and doing business.
    2 points
  41. You're missing out on some of the most heart stopping bass fishing ever
    2 points
  42. This is my first post. I've enjoyed reading this thread so much, I wanted to sign up and add a little. Here's the big brother and little sister.
    2 points
  43. Well there's no denying God's sense of humor
    2 points
  44. Heh. BIG swim baits, BIG cranks, BIG jigs, BIG baits in general. Oh, and bubble gum colored lures. They work for everyone but me. Everyone else.
    2 points
  45. The lures have to be some color .I mostly choose baitfish and chartreuse colors because of their track record in stained water.
    2 points
  46. 2 points
  47. Regardless of brand ~ Most ALL Nylon Line will benefit from a little splash of this stuff. A-Jay
    2 points
  48. Been lurking too much as well as being a newbie to bass fishing and just wanting to try some new techniques
    2 points
  49. 6 Years Air Force, 14 more to go haha and I have the Air Force to thank for introducing me to fishing, grew up somewhere with no lakes and river close by. So when i started moving thats when i fell in love with the sport!
    2 points
  50. Late one evening last Fall. Just one more cast.
    2 points
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