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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/12/2017 in all areas

  1. 8 points
  2. You guys up north must be losing it, come to Alabama and I'll take you fishing. Maybe get some sanity back
    7 points
  3. might be good to wear when I tell my wife that I bought another rod too.
    7 points
  4. I don't have any kind of relationship with the various solunar or lunar tables available - never have, outside of studying a few large caches of data for any patterns. They are what you make them out to be. There are many respected anglers who will tell you they can be important, even accurate, and for those anglers they probably are. For myself, I never even look at them, and don't think twice about it. I feel local weather, water and forage conditions will always trump any supposed "best" feeding times/days. I fish quite a lot, but of all the things to consider when trying to get out on the water, trying to schedule days and times around some lunar feeding calendar is about at the bottom of my list. -T9
    6 points
  5. Brand new technique just hit the scene.You saw it here 1st.Just remember that.Its called the "Mozzarella rig" (Yes it's string cheese on a swimbait head,Yes I ate the cheese after).I encourage the rest of you to show the rest of us your your new techniques as well!
    6 points
  6. I just want to thank all the members of this community for sharing their wealth of information. I have gone from being skunked week after week to finding bass on days that would be considered "unproductive" for bass fishing. The posts on deciphering structure have helped me the most personally and have led to me finding really productive areas on a lake my father and I used to overlook as a child (even though we put in there to move through the chain). The technique posts in the tackle section have made trying new techniques a breeze and has really gotten me to come out of my comfort zone of t-rigs (though I still love t-rigs). Thank you Glenn for putting together one hell of a site!
    5 points
  7. I have one for mermaids but I ain't showing it. Family forum and all that.
    5 points
  8. Mono is way underrated
    5 points
  9. Just so you all don't think I have completely lost it with the baby yarn, here are the Senko flies I tied up quickly. Craft and fabric stores are a fly tiers best friend.
    5 points
  10. better durability than a senko..
    5 points
  11. I was doing so well, went almost all winter with out feeding the bait monkey. These caught my eye when I stopped into cabellas to purchase my license. 5.99 each
    5 points
  12. And here's the part where I just have to ask: do we really need a new name for every microscopic variation on the theme of "plastic body on a jighead"?
    5 points
  13. Finished this Saturday afternoon. It's 3 3/4" tall. Hootie
    4 points
  14. Got a couple nice ones yesterday, water temp 48 and super clear. Little bitty fluke on a 1/8oz head did the trick, we tried lots of other stuff to no avail
    4 points
  15. This is what happens when you go to the store without the girlfriend…
    4 points
  16. The Orra has a new home.Budget cranking setup.
    4 points
  17. Raiders gonna sue you for likeness infringement. Plus he's gonna be real mad that you mocked his wife.
    4 points
  18. Sorry to hear about your grandfather. I would focus on spending time with him, and maybe get the gun down the road when your in a better position. The gun can then be a reminder or tribute to him, maybe have his name engraved on it.
    4 points
  19. "Best Skipping Reel" I'm gonna say Shakespeare I tossed that reel SO hard, it skipped 5 times before finally sinking to the bottom
    4 points
  20. That's kind of "cheesy".
    4 points
  21. Just received this in the mail so I guess I can add it to the list...
    4 points
  22. Wow oh wow! Am I happy. We've been having some warm winter days here in the Midwest this winter (here in Indiana at least). I told myself the next warm day we get I'm getting my kayak out and going fishing if the ponds are not frozen over. Well it got close to 70 today. I have not been kayak fishing or bank fishing in winter because it's usually too cold and I don't want to risk hypothermia if I fall in. I decided to go kayak fishing because it's warm out plus my Ride 115 is very very stable and with scupper plugs I hardly get a drop of water on me. Anyway, to my surprise I caught a small bass. Yeah, it was a dink. But I'm still happy that I caught a bass here in Indiana. I got it using a plastic grub. I took the temperature water and it was around 42 at the surface. I was using a big plastic worm and 3/4 ounce weight and 14 pound line with my baitcaster for deep bass and didn't get a bite. Then I tried a plastic grub and smaller weight with my spinner reel and I caught that bass. Anyway, I'm really happy that caught a bass in February!
    3 points
  23. Points wise, Tharp was the choice - one of the few times a Bucket A choice will give you some distance on the rest of the field. I think the other difference maker will turn out to be Mueller in bucket D. I believe that BMac31 won the Bass Resource pool, congratulations. I understand Glenn was awarding $1000 Circuit City gift certificates to each event winner...
    3 points
  24. Mounted my Met on a Tournament Pro.
    3 points
  25. Never stopped using mono line. The marketing folks spread a lot of myths to sell FC line, the biggest being mono line stretches and FC doesn't. The fact that FC line is heavier (weight) it tends to sink faster than mono and FC does have a lower refraction of light than mono. The problem FC introduced to bass fishing is weaker knot strength than mono and that is important. Today there are some premium priced mono (Nylon) lines like Sunline Armillo Diefer, small diameter with lower stretch and higher knot strength than traditional mono. Tom
    3 points
  26. Well guys, I havent posted in awhile. Been a busy winter but put this video together showing some highlights I had on camera for 2016. Ive put up a few videos using bizzbaits throughout the year but this video is pretty awesome. Hope you guys like it and Im hoping to get back to being more active on this forum.
    3 points
  27. As a cancer survivor I can tell you to spend as much time with him now as possible. You will not regret the time spent when he is gone but will be glad you shared the time together. It's not easy for you but remember it's not easy for him either. Tell him your thinking of buying him that gun but let him tell you his thoughts. Good luck moving forward and be strong for him.
    3 points
  28. I can remember using 24 lb mono as a kid, rolls from Kmart. I still use mono but a lot thinner diameter. Have tried flouro and braid and always come back to mono.
    3 points
  29. Boy did I practice with my Chronarch 50e reels and a ML Carbonlite rod, loaded with a 5" Senko (and other baits). Was able to skip it pretty well and 9 out of 10 times w/o backlash. My 50e was upgraded with Hawgtech bearings and a 7.1:1 gearset. She can sing beautiful music for many a technique. Anyhoo, after months of practicing on my waters I came to the conclusion that for all the awesomeness of the reel, I preferred the simplicity, (less thinking about it, less worry of conditions, bait weight, rod load and all that to make sure everything would work properly) -- that I decided my spinning setups were more fun and simpler to get what I wanted where I wanted it.
    3 points
  30. Berkley Big Game Mean Green for everything expect punching!
    3 points
  31. I use mono with 2 exceptions, the first is heavy flipping in dirty water and for frog fishing and they get braid with no leader. There are good monofilament lines now, some with less stretch than fluorocarbon and better handling than fluorocarbon and abrasion resistance that is as good as fluorocarbon. There is only 1 advantage to fluorocarbon that I can actually see, and that is the fact it sinks allowing you to get down deeper with slightly less weight but for the most part I don't feel disadvantaged with good mono. I'm a "don't knock it until you try it" type of angler, I've tried braid and fluorocarbon extensively and it just wasn't for me, I don't like having to tie leaders and I hate the knot strength of fluorocarbon.
    3 points
  32. I'm 1/3 angry, 1/7 confused why I answer questions like this, 32% sure my shoe size is also my IQ and about 50 pounds overweight. I'm also related to my mother but my father is only related to my mother by marriage. Also my blood type is Oreo positive.
    3 points
  33. 3 points
  34. You must be Southerner, up here fifty degree weather means a lite jacket at most.
    3 points
  35. Blasting across open water means I get to do my best Peter Parker impersonation. A-Jay
    3 points
  36. I'm calling this one The Sargento Rig. The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. A-Jay
    3 points
  37. From bobber stops to boxing memories, what a thread. LOL
    3 points
  38. Spent 38 at Cabela's and picked up a couple of Sammys to try. Found another different red lipless for 6 a piece and the Berk baits were 2 a piece. Red was a good color for me last year, it better be this year since I increased my stock in them. Then hit the craft store and grabbed some yarn to tie some Senko flies and the mesh tubing is to make the flies weedless.
    3 points
  39. I still use old Zebco 33s ,the ones made in the USA, and the old crème worms and minnows But I am old as dirt too
    3 points
  40. The very "First" Lews Mag purchased in the USA! period.................
    3 points
  41. I don't need to use no casting reel to be a good bass fisherman. Spinning gear gets the job done. Period. Disclaimer: I have and use casting gear, and am quite proficient in said gear. But my blasphemous statement stands.
    3 points
  42. I have never used a Yamamoto Senko .
    3 points
  43. i'm going to put that theory to the test and use my alphas sv 105 for skipping duty.... if i can do it then idiot proof it is!!
    3 points
  44. Then at eleven, it turned to snow. Then it got serious. Been a whiteout since. Cannot see the road a hundred feet from where the pictures were taken. Add in thunder and lightning and you have a marvel of nature.
    2 points
  45. It was pretty cool of Dustin connell to let Jacob Wheeler fish from his boat when Jacob's boat died, even though they are supposedly friends, they are competitors competing for a check. And it is very impressive that Wheeler managed to hold onto 3rd place while fishing from someone else's boat without the electronics he's familiar with. Oh, and all three if my remaining picks made today's cut.
    2 points
  46. While I don't punch much other than our punching bag at home, I do use bobber stops for various techniques. Normally get the ones you slip your line into and thread the rubber stop on.
    2 points
  47. Couple of baits from Clayton Sly. The 4 piece gill in xss. Can be fished at a snails pace and still have a great action. Havnt thrown them much. That bite isn't really here yet. But I have gotten one really big follower. I'm excited about the 4 piece baits.
    2 points
  48. Shimano Citica I 7.2:1 40lb Suffix 832 Rapala R-type 7'2 MF XF ABU Garcia Revo 6.9:1 S 65lb power pro St Croix Premier H F Shimano Stradic 3000FJ 15lb 832 with a 12lb flouro leader Fenwick HMG 7' M F Shimano Stradic 1000FK 10lb 832 8lb flouro leader Fenwick HMG 6'9 ML F There are a couple ponds on campus that students have been releasing bass and panfish into. Saw at them at the school tour and knew I needed a frog, jig and some small plastics. These were the only rigs I brought with me. I knew that one good night at the campus bar would lead to a broken rod so I left all the nice stuff at home.
    2 points
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