Like I've said many times before here, our reviews are based on personal experience, and are honest. When a company comes to me and asks us to reviews, I do so on my terms, meaning they'll be straightforward and honest, and will not walk the company line, follow branding, or regurgitate marketing messaging.
I tell the company that if we like the gear, we'll say so. If we don't, we'll say that too. If we really like a certain feature/function, we'll be sure to call that out. But if something needs improvement or doesn't perform as advertised, we'll call that out too.
I also tell the mods to put the product(s) through the paces as if you bought it yourself, and through the lens of "would I buy it again, or not?". And then tell it in your own words what you think of it, like your talking to you friend about it. Would you recommend it?
I do provide them with as much info about each product (when available) to help them understand what the product is designed for (and NOT!), as well as to know what the marketing claims are, because, you know, we'll definitely want to test out those claims.
Every company that has asked for reviews has agreed to those terms, and have steered clear of influencing those reviews.
As I've stated many times before, our integrity is NOT for sale!
It's critically important to me that we provide you with the right information you need to make the right decisions for your situation. The last thing I want is to lead you guys astray and provide bad advice. Our credibility would be lost, and you would never return here.
This is why I have set forth the terms above, and will always stand by them.