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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/2017 in all areas

  1. I have never used a Yamamoto Senko .
    12 points
  2. I don't need to use no casting reel to be a good bass fisherman. Spinning gear gets the job done. Period. Disclaimer: I have and use casting gear, and am quite proficient in said gear. But my blasphemous statement stands.
    7 points
  3. *looks around to make sure @WRB isn't looking* *takes a deep breath* I don't use pork on my jigs
    7 points
  4. I still use old Zebco 33s ,the ones made in the USA, and the old crème worms and minnows But I am old as dirt too
    6 points
  5. If only she was a couple inches longer
    5 points
  6. Use ned rig with baitcaster Use braid with crankbaits/all lures Use 10-15-20 test braid on baitcasters Run straight braid no leader even in very clear waters I eat bananas on a boat
    5 points
  7. I use a snap swivel on EVERYTHING!
    5 points
  8. The Tungsten 2 Tap has been one of my producing baits all winter and it continued to be Thursday.
    5 points
  9. Telemetry studies have shown that largemouth bass living in natural lakes spend their entire lives in an unthinkably small area. Given a year-round structure, even seasonal movements are simply depth changes within the same holding site Whether bass move or not, I think it's healthier to believe that they're always home. Since we mainly fish natural lakes, I put the onus on myself. I might suspect that they're not feeding or feeding very passively, but never feel that the bass have left the building. They're there alright, but sometimes I just can't catch them. Roger
    5 points
  10. cold weather got me spending! But I LOVE THESE REELS!!!!!!
    5 points
  11. I'd rather pull my own wisdom teeth out with channel locks than fish a Carolina rig.
    4 points
  12. I can certainly identify with Dink's complaint because I used to get very frustrated reading all those experts' tips and advice. After a while I was very confused. Then when the Elite's first announced the use of Marshals instead of co-anglers I signed up and have Marshaled at probably 25 Elite Tournaments, including three Classics. I also have fished as a co- angler in Southern, Central and Northern Opens. Since a win in one of those by an Elite gets him an automatic berth into the Classic, many of them sign up for the Opens. As a result I have actually fished with about half a dozen if them. The pont is that I am no longer confused by these so called "contradictions", because they actually aren't contradictions at all. They are more like "adjustments" or tweaks sometimes that may - or may not prove successful at a specific point in time and place. Example. Elite Tournament on Lake Oneida. Marshal for Randy Howell. During practice Randy has discovered smallies staged on the edges of a deep submerged stream/river with a current. Seems no one else had found it during practice because we were alone the entire day. After several hits on a swim bait and a few misses, Randy had two in the live well. The third fish spit up a good sized baitfish on the deck and Randy noted it varied in size and color a little from his lure. He changed lures to match the hatch and culled the rest of the day. Example. I've read and heard 'experts' say that you should chose a particular lure or technique and stick with it all day. Be patient. As long as you have correctly read where the fish are in their cycle you will succeed. But I cannot tell you how many times I've Marshaled for an Elite who had 12 rigs on deck and pulled out four more during the day. Sometimes these guys did poorly. But more often than not they ended up with a good weight, not only for the day, but for the tournament. Ive also actually fished with an Elite, Chris Lane, in a Southern Open, who fished with one single bait the entire day. Don't even ask if he was successful. None of the successful pros can afford to be one dimensional. They all have to be able to do whatever it takes to catch fish. Everthing you read or hear can be helpful at some point. The trick is to know when to use it. That takes practice. And that is work. Hard work. Dinky
    4 points
  13. I use spinning gear for frogs.
    4 points
  14. Received my first purchase from siebert outdoors! Cant beat the price in my opinion for the quality components that he uses. I specifically bought the bluegill flash swim jig in hopes it would be a great crappie pattern and I was not disappointed! Also not in the picture that I purchased was a cavitron buzzbait to also try and stocked up on some terminal tackle I needed
    4 points
  15. I have never weighed a bass and when my picture is taken holding a fish, I don't "long arm" the fish to make it look bigger than it really is. Shameful I know. They'll probably take away my fishing license for admitting this.
    3 points
  16. So you two think Diawa T-Wing is nothing but hype / hoax? I mean if your banging knots through multiple guides and can't tell a difference how could anyone notice a difference in the smooth line going through a T-Wing vs a standard opening once? I agree with Catt. It's a waste for me. I generally don't buy the most expensive braid and 9 out of 10 times I don't have to cut my line anyway. I don't care to waste time adding more knots and worrying about the $2 I save in line over a week. Just seems like a lot of bull for no measurable gain to me.
    3 points
  17. DITTO Two knots involving fluorocarbon is 4 times worse than one knot involving braid. Happily there are no zebra mussels in Florida, and the closest thing to rocks is coquina. As for line visibility, the fish here don't even shy away from treble hooks Roger
    3 points
  18. Assuming your property could handle a boat ramp, you'd probably have to check with local authorities because you are on a river and not a lake. Does the deed to your property include the river bottom? It shouldn't. Rivers in the US are supposed to be held in public domain and you may not have the right to improve the shoreline below the high water line.
    3 points
  19. And that's exactly why my wisdom teeth are missing, but I used vise-grips
    3 points
  20. I ALWAYS use a leader: Visibility, abrasion resistance and the ability to break-off when you need to.
    3 points
  21. @GT Tompkins All I can say is you have to catch one of those big fish, no matter what species it is, because at this point a whole bunch of us will go the rest of our days wondering that was in your pond. I for one, am rooting for you and will keep checking back every day until you catch one of those monsters. If it turns out to be a 2 lb carp instead of an 8 lb bass, I won't hold it against you, just post it up and end the suspense.
    3 points
  22. I fish shallow year round...........you would be surprised how many big fish are in the dirt when there is still ice on the lake, or when the water is boiling hot I fish deep year round...........you would be surprised how many fish never leave deeper water, even in the spring I fish frogs year round I use braid for crankbaits..........sometimes with a flouro leader, sometimes without I use braid for everything.......^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I don't use GYCB senkos I have not fished my senko alternative (yum dinger) weightless in years I don't "pose" too often for pictures to be plastered all over social media so Aunt Jenny in the nursing home, Uncle Larry in Montana, and the guys from the fantasy football team can all stand in line to give me a pat on the back.............that and the less people who know what I'm doing the better.
    3 points
  23. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B018UKKGOG/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_153?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A099732129ZR3TG6W49C7 Not a bad deal if you buy in bulk. It's not like you won't use them. A-Jay
    3 points
  24. I like to go against the grain whenever possible. By that I mean throwing something different color, size, or action wise. I'll go with a large profile or a fast retrieve in cold water, or when the bite is tough. One thing that drives my fishing buddies to drink, not really because they drink anyway, is throwing top-water in the middle of the day and out in the middle of nowhere.
    3 points
  25. I went over a year once without putting a spinning rod in my boat. I don't need no sissy finesse gear!
    3 points
  26. News Flash - The entire Media as a whole, works just like that. A-Jay
    3 points
  27. Couple of baits from Clayton Sly. The 4 piece gill in xss. Can be fished at a snails pace and still have a great action. Havnt thrown them much. That bite isn't really here yet. But I have gotten one really big follower. I'm excited about the 4 piece baits.
    3 points
  28. I dispose most of mine on tree tops. Other than that, I don't know of any disposal of hooks.
    3 points
  29. Using spinning gear for all my techniques. I also use spinning gear for frogs,it works quite well contrary to what many "pros" say.
    2 points
  30. I normally buy sinker-stops from Tackle Warehouse. Some brands hold up better than others, right now I'm happy with '6th Sense' line-stops. Roger
    2 points
  31. Bro, I've fished that pond a thousand times. They're carp.
    2 points
  32. I use ferrule cement, which I also use to fasten my broadheads to the arrow shafts. Heat it with a cigarette lighter and a little dab will do ya. Just apply steady pressure about 30-sec while the cement cools and sets Roger
    2 points
  33. https://www.midwayusa.com/product/655387/plano-deluxe-a-series-3600-tackle-bag on sale
    2 points
  34. I saw that! He went on to say that everyone would be selling their damiki gear on eBay next week - all you want for $1. Dude cracks me up.
    2 points
  35. I think the smallersizes might be too small to get the keeper and hook set in such a tiny piece of lead. I wish they had the smaller sizes or multiple 1/16oz sizes
    2 points
  36. 2 points
  37. Same. I use craws/creatures.
    2 points
  38. all nice fish boys. my personal best Larry is 9.8 caught in Bateman pond Carlisle mass. bass was caught is 2002 I have to find the pic or it didn't happen. she was over 24" and a chunk caught on a finesse jig in early April. here is my best Larry from 2016 I have here on my homemade scale. about 6.12 lbs caught on a bamboo stick. lamprey river NH
    2 points
  39. Just trying to help folks save money. I wouldn't have my two NRX's if it wasn't for @EllisJuan tipping me off to a great deal last spring.
    2 points
  40. A whack that resembles a flat rock describes a carp, while the sound of a feeding bass is more of a tight splash. If you see the fish's body behind the mouth, the odds-on bet it's a carp. Finally, carp love mud holes Roger
    2 points
  41. Defoe, Mullins & Wheeler all had the highest percentage of players choosing them in their buckets (A,C,E) and are in the top 10 after day 2. That really hurts those players who chose other anglers who most likely will finish behind them. KVD & Walker were the top vote getters in B & D and both finished in the 60's. That is helpful if you chose someone else in that bucket who didn't crash, it gives you points over a bunch of players. I was fortunate in bucket D, Walkers late rush didn't get him into the cut or pass my sinking D pick, Jonathan Van Dam (sorry Kyle). For the top 3 in the Bass Resource group, we all have 3 in the top 10, one in the 20-30 and one missed cut in the low 60's. That middle pick for the 3 of us will most likely determine the winner of our group. BMac has Mueller, Flying Monkie has Coulter & I have Pirch, all 3 could easily move in either direction on Saturday. It looks like the pick of the tournament may turn out to be Randall Tharp. If he holds on to big bass & big bag, those 80 points will put him far & above anyone else, even if Wiggins holds on the next 2 days & wins. Last year in the first tournament, I chose Cliff Crochet. He had a great first day and then crashed, barely making the cut. Apparently that has become a theme for him.
    2 points
  42. The Pflueger President is a tank. Get it & use the extra $40 you saved to buy more lures.
    2 points
  43. Thanks guys great info trying lox tomorrow I'll let you know how we did.?
    2 points
  44. The Damiki Rig is the local "big deal" down on those waters this time of year, and a good many of the Elites prefished with locals that turned them on to the technique, and the ones that didn't would have heard about it through some other channel. These guys aren't stupid or stubborn - When in Rome, do as the Romans do. You likely won't hear another word about the bait from these guys after they leave Cherokee. -T9
    2 points
  45. Like I've said many times before here, our reviews are based on personal experience, and are honest. When a company comes to me and asks us to reviews, I do so on my terms, meaning they'll be straightforward and honest, and will not walk the company line, follow branding, or regurgitate marketing messaging. I tell the company that if we like the gear, we'll say so. If we don't, we'll say that too. If we really like a certain feature/function, we'll be sure to call that out. But if something needs improvement or doesn't perform as advertised, we'll call that out too. I also tell the mods to put the product(s) through the paces as if you bought it yourself, and through the lens of "would I buy it again, or not?". And then tell it in your own words what you think of it, like your talking to you friend about it. Would you recommend it? I do provide them with as much info about each product (when available) to help them understand what the product is designed for (and NOT!), as well as to know what the marketing claims are, because, you know, we'll definitely want to test out those claims. Every company that has asked for reviews has agreed to those terms, and have steered clear of influencing those reviews. As I've stated many times before, our integrity is NOT for sale! It's critically important to me that we provide you with the right information you need to make the right decisions for your situation. The last thing I want is to lead you guys astray and provide bad advice. Our credibility would be lost, and you would never return here. This is why I have set forth the terms above, and will always stand by them. Glenn
    2 points
  46. I went to wally world to look for a few things in the tackle section this morning and found this cool mistake among the Rick Clunn cranks. It is number coded to be a "Green copper shad", but it is not. I have the Lucky Craft version of the green copper shad and have looked at the Luck-E-Strike version many times and there is a huge difference. It is just a mistake or a bad mix on the factory paint sprayer or something. It is mostly blue-ish...really awesome looking! Maybe it will become a secret weapon. Haha! I'll paste a picture.
    2 points
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