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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/05/2017 in all areas

  1. New PB, smallie, caught on jig by the marina...has me so excited I'm going again this morning!!!!!!!
    10 points
  2. Caught yo-yoing a RES on a shallow point. My biggest of the year to this point and also a new personal best for the particular lake. Also had my first double of the year and it was my first ever smallmouth/white bass double, same bait and retrieve on a different spot.
    7 points
  3. Just returned from a trip to Lake Baccarac in Mexico. After seeing videos and reading everything about it, I knew I had to make the trip down there. It definitely lived up to the hype. My buddy & I fished for 3 days, Tuesday-Thursday and had some truly great fishing every day, morning, afternoon & evening. I broke my PB a whole bunch of times, and caught some really nice fish. In the 3 days of fishing, I recorded a few 6s, a few 7s, a couple 8s and this 9lb 13oz toad pictured below. In between these bigger fish were more bass 1-5 pounds than you could count. 9lbs 13oz, caught on a purple Zoom super fluke on a Scrounger head while fishing a hump in 15' of water. Picked up this 8lb 10oz girl a little bit after dark on football jig with a Yamamoto heart-tail swim bait trailer. This fish was caught on top water a few minutes after we launched on day 3. 7lbs 6oz on a Megabass Pop Max. Caught this 8lb 9oz shortly after the 9-13. The fishing was truly great, with so many fish and quality fish as well. Top water fishing was good, with maybe 15 fish coming that way including the one 7 pounder. Lots more strikes including several from very large fish. When the top water bite would die as the sun got higher, the fish hit a variety of other baits. There were sometimes 5 minute spans when I would catch 10 fish around 2-3 pounds. There was never a long period of time in which no fish were boated. I certainly plan on returning to this bass fishing paradise, even more determined since I fell just 3 ounces short of a double digit fish.
    5 points
  4. My first square bills, I'm looking forward to trying them out on creek smallies. A rattletrap, I'm looking forward to ripping grass with it, and a suspending crank my wife said was pretty and would catch fish. Honestly, I let her pick out a lot of lures, she has a knack for finding "the one"
    5 points
  5. If you can find a DSG with enough of them, here's the scoop: The latest incarnation of Strike King brand "made for DSG" baits is called the "Banshee" line. I'm 99% percent sure the Banshee lipless bait IS a Redeye shad, but only in the 1/2 oz size. Same oval line tie, same red eye, and in my experience, loved equally by bass. After extensive field research, I've only seen the following four Banshee lipless bait colors: - Chart belly craw - Smokin hot shad (close to sexy shad) - Simple shad (basic grey shad)- Rojo craw (red craw) Others in the Banshee lineup include spinnerbaits (exclusive to Dicks maybe) and buzzbaits which have been extremely effective for me. They also offer a curved-lipped popper and a "pro model" type crank. Vimage sells closeout Banshee lures and you can see the lineup there: http://www.vimageoutdoors.com/strike-king-5/ DSG are having a 5-for-5 sale for the rest of this month, for clearance lures. Good luck!!
    4 points
  6. I should have posted this here instead of in the other forum: My inexpensive pier, jetty and boat rig. A KastKing Rover reel and medium-heavy Ugly Stik. Will work for swim baits, if I ever fish swim baits.
    4 points
  7. Just about the whole tackle box is in play during the prespawn................you wouldn't believe the number of big bass I have caught in 50 degree water on frogs............I'm not kidding.
    4 points
  8. I stopped by the local fishing expo this afternoon... Not bad for $18
    4 points
  9. I use to melt them and pour my own original worms .
    4 points
  10. What are the monthly payments?
    3 points
  11. First thing I would do is get that trolling motor upgraded to a 24v unit with as much thrust as possible.
    3 points
  12. Sure is, just take a pair of pliers or file to eliminate the barb. Buy any lure available and make it like you want. I fish with barbless hooks and don't purchase barbless hooks. I have the manual dexterity to make them that way.
    3 points
  13. I think the recliner extending has a built in code that sets off a whole chain of alarms. Wife needs you to do come/go do something. You cell phone rings if you set it somewhere out of your reach The door bell rings. Let something be on TV you are wanting to watch or a key area of something you are watching comes on, and there is almost a 100% guarantee you won't be there long.
    3 points
  14. And while you're working this is what he is doing.... On your recliner!
    3 points
  15. For me Largemouth 8.7 lbs. and smallmouth 7.02 lbs both came out of Delavan Lake in Wisconsin,one of the lakes I did guide on.
    3 points
  16. Broke my PB a bunch of times this week. This is my new PB. 9lbs 13oz, only 3 ounces short of the elusive double digit. February 2nd, 2017
    3 points
  17. Lol then why say anything at all ? Your comment helped no one and seems.pretty smug..
    3 points
  18. Don't eat yellow snow
    3 points
  19. Frankly, I don't always follow the same coverage pattern, but usually begin with a surface or subsurface lure to promptly skim any highly active fish. This is particularly important during a period of stable weather. I'll then work the mid-depth zone then finally and most importantly the 'bottom'. As to specific lures, that's hard to know in advance. I should add, that it's very possible and even likely to be dealing with pre-spawn, spawning and post-spawn bass simultaneously (the biggest cows spawn first). Roger
    3 points
  20. seeing what others buy helps me expand my brands beyond my comfort zone. Your posts may not help you but they do help some of us!
    3 points
  21. Not quite up to TxHawgs' standards, but I still picked up more than I had planned... Curado 70, 8.2:1 Never had a dedicated frog rod, and apparently it's time And some tackle... my first 110, a couple shell white Staysees, and Fx2 for the frog rod
    3 points
  22. @Catch and Grease is going to file for copy right infringement...
    3 points
  23. My first prespawn smallie on a booyah jig with a rage craw as a trailer, Bama craw, complimented with 2 rattles! Read that the big girls like to feed on craws when they're getting ready to spawn...guess whoever wrote it was on the right track...well it's a big girl to me at least!! 4.26lbs, my new PB!!!
    2 points
  24. Big thing with a frog rod is having enough tip to load properly during the cast, and enough backbone to drive the hooks home and wrestle a big bass out of heavy cover. I use a 7' 3" H/F but it's not rated anywhere near 2oz.
    2 points
  25. I only have 2 females in the house with me, but one of them makes enough hair for 10.
    2 points
  26. I didn't even read all the comments. Nor do I have any input on the nanofil ... But I do fish spinning rods regularly. And can say I can't remember the last time I got a backlash... And that's because I use braid. On all of them . Not only does it not backlash but my sensitivity is much higher. And my casting distance as well... Any time I feel like the fish are finicky I'll use a floro leader. Pretty sure this is how I'll fish my spinning rods until I die. No line conditioner , no worry about line twist... No backlashes.
    2 points
  27. I went once shortly after getting back into fishing last September(after about a 15 year hiatus). Only fished the bank(s) and I didn't do so hot either. I'll go back in the Spring. I personally believe my fishing game has improved tremendously since September--as far as bank fishing is concerned.
    2 points
  28. Welcome to the Forums Spencezilla, and have you thought about a float tube? If you don't have to worry about gators and snakes this could be an economical option. And if you like trick worm's suggestion, there are many good examples in "Show your ride..." RoLo mentioned golf course ponds (with permission), ponds or lakes with shore access which are great options until you're able to tow a boat. Good fishing, JB
    2 points
  29. Is the nearest golf course within walking distance?
    2 points
  30. Little lake in columbia maryland in a neighborhood. Patapsco river
    2 points
  31. That is common when warm turns to cold. If you close the vent and the weather cools, the gas vapor takes less space and will collapse the tank. Keeping the vent open will prevent that. The less liquid gas you have in the tank, the more that can happen.
    2 points
  32. 2 things: Number 1: It looks like your chihuahua is attacking your vacuum. Number 2: I think Roadwarrior has been left alone too long. He's getting a little rambunctious.
    2 points
  33. The little one was 23 pounds for size reference, one of the few things we grow big in Kansas lakes.
    2 points
  34. 852S IMX and a 2500 Sustain. Been holding the bait bait monkey off all winter..got me good the other night. This was after putting a Stella and an NRX in the cart 4 or 5 times. Coulda been worse..
    2 points
  35. Now ya changed everything! Same 4 but the plastics will be something that moves a lot of water & a jig with rattles. To catch bass in off colored water ya gotta appeal to their lateral line.
    2 points
  36. I keep all my ripped up stuff. Thicker worms can be used as a jig filler when i use a chunk. I also cut them into small, 1cm long pieces and stuff them into my tubes when I rig them with a screwlock hook. Normally the tube is too thin for the screw to grab so I add more plastic behind it. I also cut some of my smaller craws down to re-purpose them. Sometimes I would cut up random plastics and stuff them into my hollow body frogs to give it a bit more mass, to cast further and sit a bit lower. I do many other small, random things with my cut up plastics, too many to list, but those are the main uses.
    2 points
  37. When I was a teenager, my buddy was rowing a small Jon boat around a pond and somehow flipped a bass into the boat with the oar inadvertently. It was a nice one.
    2 points
  38. overpriced Citica Of those two it's a coin toss
    2 points
  39. Yes. On Lake Anna. Snagged a bass jus like photo above but mine was much, much, much larger.
    2 points
  40. There is a KO blank available. Just add eyes and hooks http://cedarrunoutdoors.com/baby-1-style-blank-2-1-4/
    2 points
  41. I caught a bass once on a plastic worm where the bend of the hook was behind it's teeth on the lower jaw and when I set the hook, the eye of the hook wedged against the roof of it's mouth, propping it's mouth open. The hook point never touched the fish but the hook was wedged so hard that I landed the fish. I caught a paddlefish while catfishing. It's bill had been splintered by something, and my line slid into one of the gaps until it hit my sinker, which got stuck and I managed to fight the fish to the bank with the sinker wedged in it's bill while my hook trailed under it's belly. I caught 2 flathead catfish in 2 days that inhaled my bait with so much force that the bait went in their mouths, came out their gills, and the hook buried in their sides near their pectoral fins and stayed there for the entire fights. The big one ate a finesse jig, the smaller one was caught on a Ned rig.
    2 points
  42. Not mine but one taken of my local lake a couple of years ago...
    2 points
  43. Over the years I have caught many on trebles and single hooks that were not in the mouth or throat. I have caught them from the head, to mid body and in the tail. If you fish long enough, many strange things will happen!!!!
    2 points
  44. Some pics from a vacation in northwest Wisconsin
    2 points
  45. I should have taken a picture, but my hands were cold... caught one last night on a Livingston something or another that I got from one of the boxes. Hooked him just behind the lip on top of the skull. I thought when I pulled him up that the tail hook was in his eye socket, so I went to work on freeing him instead of taking a photo.
    2 points
  46. Stren Original or XT, although I've never really used Big Game and I probably should give it a try. I've kind of settled in on fishing mono with everything, although I will probably have one reel rigged up with braid. I certainly recognize the advantages and disadvantages of other lines, and totally get why tournament fisherman use what they use. But I grew up on mono and catch fish on it, and I just like how it fishes better. That's pretty much the end of the story there for me with fishing line.
    2 points
  47. We do a lot of edged weapon defense at work because that's what we're most likely to encounter. One of the biggest thing to remember in a knife fight, if you decide to stand and fight, you're going to get cut, end of story. Now you may win the fight, but if you're only armed with your hands, going against the most novice fighter that's armed with a knife, they're going to cut you. We train with shock knives (imagine you have a butcher's knife, but instead of a sharp edge, it shocks the crap out of the person it touches). I've never seen someone go hand to hand and not get shocked by it, which is fun since every situation we go through you're supposed to go hand to hand. The 20 feet rule has been changed to 31 feet also. 20 feet sounds like a long way, but even an average person can cover that before your brain processes what is going on and draws a gun and fires. Best thing to do if you're unarmed and someone pulls a knife, run and/or get something between you and them. If you've never seen any images of someone who has been in a knife fight, make sure you haven't eaten anything recently and do a google image search, it's not pretty.
    2 points
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