Here is our “Day on the lake” report for Tues. the 31st.
This was our first trip of the year and the very first time we have ever been to CC lake.
We only fish for bass unless a crappie or some other stupid fish gets in the way.
(And we don’t consider channel fish since they don’t have scales!!) haha
Late start and in no hurry to get on the water.... since the air was still colder early in the morning. By the time we arrived around 9:15 it appeared everyone that was going to be fishing today was already here. (about 11 other boats minus the one that put in, couldn’t get started, and ended up leaving.) Guard shack said there was 11 the day before also.
Started the day heading up toward the warm water outlet. Mainly to see how many boats wanted to be in the same small space and then surprised that there was only 3. The end of the jetty was around 53* to 55* and warming heading in. Stopped for just a few min to throw a few traps and cranks.
I was just not comfortable here. My wheelhouse is dirty, shallow water, with some sort of structure. The water at the outlet had about 8+feet of visibility, was deeper then what I like to fish, and even if fish are biting in a spot I still prefer to find an area away from others. So we set out to find exactly that.
Headed North towards the bridge, hugging the left bank to avoid the eagles that were hanging out, thinking the water would be more to my liking. Made it to the bridge to find 1-2’ visibility. Trees that started in about 1 ½’ to 2’ and extended all the way out into the lake to around 10 or so feet. The water here was 47 deg. and an added bonus of no other boats.
Starting shallow and working our way out: first bass came in 4 ½ feet, Soon after I picked up three more in a 50yd stretch. All four were just shy of 2lbs.
We kept slowly moving farther out fishing deeper to 7’-9’ with no more fish.
We now had our pattern set for the rest of the day. From this point on we run and gunned tree lines coming off the bank but only fishing the 3’ to 6’ range. Every place we stopped we picked up at least one if not two or more fish.
Other than my dad’s single rattletrap fish all of the bass were caught on a 3/8oz jig…
He caught the biggest that went 3.69 lbs
Overall we had a good day. If I was to change anything it would have been to just show up earlier to get those extra 2 hours that we missed. Oh… and it would have been nice to know beforehand that there is good size rocks "on top" of the boat ramp, so I would not have accidentally taken a ¼”x 3” chunk out of the skeg.
I would also like to thank Ondrejka for kindly answering the few questions I had when researching for this trip.
Thank You.