20 years ago I spent a week in early June up at Sebago Lake in Maine. I stayed at Point Sebago which is close to some of the lakes best smallmouth area's in my opinon. The big smallies were getting ready to move in on beds, Now this lake has extremely clear water, clarity at that time was like 25 to 30 feet I could see bottom. So A long cast for the truly big girls is neccessary.
I got up before the sun each morning, slipped out of the cove, and would be fishing right away. There is a few islands and hazards closeby and I'd fish my favorite topwater,...a Pop-r, and it produced well. On like the second morning I quietly fished along and came upon one of the hazards, tossed up on top of it, and tugged the first, BA-loop!, second ba-loop, then it quietly disappeared, and I set the hook, felt some good weight, but then the line went dead, and the lure surfaced. After a few choice words, and a few more casts, I moved along. I knew by the silent hit, and the weight felt,, that this fish can be my PB smallie, over (6+)
Two days later I found myself around that same hazard, same bait, same time of morning I gave it another shot. BA-loop!,...ba-loop,...ba-loop,..Four more tugs and no response (im getting concerned nothings there) Another cast, rings settle down, and just as Im about to tug the line, the lure disappears,. I feel the weight and set the hook, and this time I got a good hookset, and its on. She feels like a whopper, my drag is singing and she heads for deeper water, Im playing her like a piano, twist for turn and so on, finally I see the line coming up, she's about to jump,...I reply by sticking the rod tip into the water and reel for all I got. She breaks the surface and sure enough she looks to be my new pb, She does a perfect triple gainer with a full 1080 twist, and splashes down like a pro. My hearts pumping to beat the band, Im beginning to realize whats about to happen, I've got the boat positioned right, my decks are clear, and this seems to be it, Im going to break the long wait for a new PB. After she dove deep again, she's playing around, pulling drag and racing towards the boat, but im on top of it and fighting back all I can to keep up with her. I can feel she's slowing down, Im at that point in the battle that it's time to take over and get her boatside, As Im doing so , she peps up again and heading for the surface for another jump, alot closer to the boat this time, like about 15 feet away, I reply the rod tip down and reeling again, but this time, in the middle of her divers performance, it was as if time stopped and in slow motion she appeared to look right at me, opened her mouth and the inevidable "Pahtooey",... spit the lure directly at me. ,............
I stood motionless for a few minutes, not moving a single muscle. The mornings bird chirps were muffled, the beautiful scenery was faded. That early morning fog was still on the waters surface, and it was as quiet as quiet could be, on a georgous Maine lake,... until,..
"AHHHRRRRRGGGGGGGG!!!!" I think I woke up sleeping kiddies on the complete other side of the lake. Wasn't intentional, but yet still quite evident, as to what just happened. She yet again escaped the hopes and dreams of another anglers clutch. Swimming off into the clear cool depths, probably smirking. As, she was a true brute of a smallie, a wallhanger, the kind of fish we all dream of. Definitely My new PB, she was a sight to behold,...I didnt see hide nor hair of her again that week, not even a sniff over that hazard from even a kibbie. I've been to the lake since, and of course fished that hazard, to no availe.
,...this? isnt over!
Good morning all ! MMMP (my morning marathon post)