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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/26/2016 in all areas

  1. Considering I just spent half an hour reading your entire post, I'd say I do to some degree -T9
    9 points
  2. My Christmas Pig. 6 pounds, 3 oz. Caught at sunset today from the bank on a Livetarget Trap
    7 points
  3. All my kids & grandkids safe & home for the holidays!
    6 points
  4. The latest and greatest from Lowrance
    6 points
  5. I guess I don't as I couldn't make it through your post.
    5 points
  6. Now. Okay, recently. A couple of years ago at Daytona. Then. Many years ago. My wife between the family dog, Lucy, and the cow.
    5 points
  7. What'd you get this christmas! I got a leadsled, a bipod, and enough ammunition to go to war with the Taliban lol
    4 points
  8. Caught 2 Christmas bass today before dinner on the jig again, sure is a fun bite.
    4 points
  9. Got a couple nice smallies Friday, one 21 inches maybe 21.5. The other just short of 20. Water temp was 50 and fairly clear, got them pulling shallow cranks about 2mph
    3 points
  10. Our daughter flew in from out of state and surprised us this morning. Best gift of all.
    3 points
  11. Eagle talon 12 ft some bps gift cards some cash
    3 points
  12. a new floor jack, some gift cards and a trip to a football game with my son.
    3 points
  13. Hello Fellows, Just dropping-in to let Y'all know that I'm still on the map, and all is fine. It was right around this time last year that I last logged-in. Phew, seems like the older we get, the faster time flies (just ain't fair). I'd like to wish the BR fraternity a very Merry Christmas, and many more.
    3 points
  14. The The new Johnny Morris 2.0. 9/1 bearings (6/1 on pq2) carbon handle (aluminum on pq2) 6.7oz vs 7.3oz (JM 2.0 vs pq2) 14lbs drag (10lbs on pq2) Available in 8.#:1 ratio even in lefty. Carbon Fiber side plates (not so sure about that) For$20 more than a pq2... Steal.........
    3 points
  15. Money tree for son and daughter-in-law.
    3 points
  16. 3 points
  17. Can't wait to share this with my wife. I am sure she will be thrilled at my dedication.
    3 points
  18. "To be, or not to be, that is,.. the question" and not to go off on a hamlet rant. This actually does have bass fishing relation. And this question came to me merely minutes ago as my dog was bugging my girlfriend for attention, as she's sitting at the desk, on her computer, completing some important online attention for work. She got agitated, and I asked If I could help her, and her reply was, "Yeah,..give me some of your,..Patience!". And that is what this posting is all about,.."Patience". Do you have it? do you need it? can you see the relation to bass fishing? do you feel it has a place in bass fishing at all? and what is the end result if you do, or do not? First do you have it? Think about it for just a minute. Some will immediately state they do, when they dont,.. and vice versa. How can I make such a bold statement not knowing everybody, that could possibly be reading this? It's easy, it's human nature to protect and stand up for oneself. Once someone makes a personal assumption of you, who doesnt "know" you, its typically a automatic defensive response to disagree. Please dont take this the wrong way, this isnt a personal attack on you, just an observation, and something I learned many years ago about human nature from a psychologist that I once worked with,.. No it wasnt a shrink for me!,...lol ,... You see, "patience" is one thing that separates anglers from fishermen. Example: Anglers will consider all pertinent factors and conditions to come to a conclusion as to the what, where, and when, of fishing, using the "angles" to pinpoint their attack, hence the term "angler". Fisherman may employ such, but usually not. Most fishermen, are after the catch no matter how they do so. Perfectly content to sit on the shoreline with a bobber and live bait waiting for a hit, no matter what the why, when, and where,..may be. Or,.. blindly trolling along with a bait or lure trailing the boat,.. again, waiting for a hit. Many fisherman actually harbor more patience than anglers do, as they .,.wait. Many "anglers" do not "always" harbor patience, as they are seeking that hit, constantly considering the angles. Do you need it? I do believe bass anglers need it, you may disagree, and thats fine. Why do I say I believe so? Because otherwise, you will be one of the many, and many, of bass anglers, that are flying down the shoreline with the trolling motor on high, just barely making contact with the best looking cover in your search for a active fish. Many think that they will be hitting more area, therefore the active fish will come all the faster., And there may be merit to that theory, but just think of all the possible fish you past by, the ones that weren't quick enough to hit your bait, or, further back in the cover as to not even know your bait is there. Or even worse, just plain old to fat to move that quick at all. Can you see the relation to bass fishing? As some of you may be tourney anglers, and others not,,.. I can see a possible difference of opinion,.. due to requirements, restraints, and opportunities. And how these could and would direct ones thought on patience, depending on whether they tourney fish or not. Tourney anglers aren't just fishing against each other, they are really battling time. Patience is a touchy element when time restraint is paramount. Questions like,...when should I move to another spot, how long do I fish this dock, how much time should I put into this dropoff. etc,...Are a tourney anglers boost or bane, considering how they end up going with these decisions.,.. Its usually the tourney's 1st place winner that considers these important questions correctly and uses the right lure. Eventhough patience may seem like nothing needed in a tourney, it truely can be the difference between in the money and not. Anglers fishing a tourney that "give up" to early, are just contributing to the money winners pocket. Many of the tourneys I've fished it was the patient, and diligent anger that rises above the rest. On tough days they often catch their fish right in the last few minutes, and on easier days? their "kicker" was usually due to shear diligence And on the fun fishing bass anglers side of the fence reguarding patience? Could be the difference between a personal best fish, or fish of a lifetime,,...or just another day out catching a few fish,..much like I explained in the "do you need it" paragraph. Do you think it has a place in bass fishing at all? This is really a tough question, as many will see this question useless as it really comes down to how you fish. Like,... a finesse type angler would most likely state they have to have patience as its finesse fishing and you are already employing it to begin with.,. A power type searchbait angler will state there's no need for patience as they are after the active fish all day so patience is a mute point. And a well rounded angler will see it as both a finesse, and power anglers view, while fishing each way respectfully. So,........ My answer? yes, I do,... fishing in a tourney or not, power versus finesse,.I believe it has its place in all scenerio's, and even within every technique I employ. End result if you do or dont? Without patience,.. I think one would be off their game, with to many thought's and considerations floating around their mind, clouding up concentration, then losing confidence, and as a snowball rolling downhill gets bigger, so does the impatient anglers losses, and misconceptions, pile up. With patience,.. I think one is clearly and decisively thinking in a positive manner, taking their time to thoroughly do as they are doing. Creating confidence in their presentation, intently feeling everything, due to extreme concentration, able to do so as nothing is hindering their processes. Whether you've caught a fish or not, you've proved to yourself that you have presented your offering in a proper manner. And you are now ready for the next cast and what it's to offer,..Again,... in a proper and positive manner, and so on, and so on, as the day wears on. Now,... I'd give my girlfriend anything I can, wholeheartedly, without a doubt, or question, freely,.. But,.. no matter how much I'd like to, I can't just give her my patience. Its something one acquires, or looses by themselves, and it can be at times assisted by outside stimuli, be it good or bad,...nonetheless,. I'd still do anything for her, eventhough I attempt to be a positive outside stimuli for her to "gain" some patience, I still cant just give her mine. With that being said,.. I cant just give you any of my patience either,.But I can offer this post to you,.. in hopes that in some way it provides a positive stimuli for you to gain some,. that's if,.. you lack any at all. I feel it's a very important element in bass fishing, it's offered me some impressive catches, good times on the boat with others, and alone as well. Also, has provided me with steps and processes in prepping my boat, and gear, before I even leave the driveway for a days outing. I think we all start off with patience in the beginning of our bass fishing lives, but have seen many get on throwing spinnerbaits, squarebills etc,..and becoming search type anglers, and loosing some patience, seeking and expecting that first hit in haste. So,.,... whether it's "to be, or not to be" ,.... Do you have it?
    2 points
  19. Never used one of these RES never owned one either. I have seen in the bait shop though. Never used one and don't see using one in my future. Never used a Whopper Plopper never owned one either. I have seen in the bait shop though.
    2 points
  20. You fish Toledo Bend & don't throw a buzzbait? Ya gonna have to fix that!
    2 points
  21. I like your idea, as it allows you to multi task with the box. Another option I have used when the boxes were taking up too much space was to use some old Tackle Logic bags to carry them in. I went without the rings to hold the bags in, but on a yak I would use the rings. I also used the standard bags not the spinnerbait specific, because I can carry more this way without flexing the frames. In the off season they are stored in the gigantic hydro flo box. Only downside similar to a box is they need to be put away dry in the bags.
    2 points
  22. I was thinking the same. A-Jay
    2 points
  23. Patience is a relative term. I determined a while ago that for me, it was all about the Journey & not simply the Destination ~ in just about every venture. As it relates to bass angling, everything from the research & advance scouting, to pre-rigging, the fishing itself, and everything in between, I love it all. When it's all said & done, sometimes there's a bass in the net. Patience & Time are my biggest allies; when I have one the other is only a matter of persistence. Everything seems difficult before it becomes easy. “Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson A-Jay
    2 points
  24. The Pop Max is better as a walking bait, and the Pop X is more of a true popper. That's the easiest way to explain the differences.
    2 points
  25. We got cropped out of the picture. But here you go. Maybe it was an election year and he didn't want to be seen with us.
    2 points
  26. I can remember those days. Many times having oatmeal, potato pancakes,or peanut jelly sandwich for supper, Getting needed clothing for Christmas & not much of that, mom repaired a lot of our clothes.one of our best Christmas mornings was when my sister got a new store bought doll & I got a cap gun & holster. I feel family life was much better then. I could go on & on about growing in the 40's but so as not to bore y'all I'llshut this down with I hope y'all had a Merry Christmas & will have a great New Year.
    2 points
  27. My Santa's got me good this year. Kastking 24 rod rack, 20 bags of rage tail plastics, couple packs of Zoom brush hogs, 3 new Beast Coast tungsten jigs, Big Daddy's Custom Baits a-rig, couple War Eagle Spinnerbaits, 2 Lew's Tournament MB reels and best of all the new Hydrowave H2 and Rtic 30qt cooler.
    2 points
  28. Click on your Profile (In the upper right hand corner) open up "My Attachments". Across the top of that section there is an indication of what percentage of MB's you're using. Once you fill it or get close to 100%, you'll need to go through your attachment file & delete some pics in order to continue loading new pics. A-Jay
    2 points
  29. All the ponds in the northern portion of my state are frozen so I headed an hour and a half downstate to see if they wanted to chase some cranks. Water temp was 45-46. One thing I didn't bring and it bit me bad was a net. Within 30 minutes of each other I lost two 6+lbers trying to grab the lip without getting hammered with the trebles. They were not lethargic at all thrashing around the side of the boat. Should have done a few things different including boat flip em but didn't trust the line not breaking. Had a few 3lbers smack at the crank near the boat then swim off. Eventually after trying new areas managed to land three 4lbers before packing it up. Net will be in the boat next time.
    2 points
  30. Ice fish.........ing? Awww crap ?
    2 points
  31. Depends on where I'm fishing but usually the cheapest 1/8 oz round ball jig head I can find. Which is usually Arkies from wal mart
    2 points
  32. No fishing stuff whatsoever. But... I did get a coupon for a floatation therapy thing. Where you float in salt-infused water, no sound, completely isolated... My wife is appalled by the thought, but she bought me the experience because I'm game.
    2 points
  33. I always fish the ikas weightless (and skirt up) on a 4/0 extra wide gap ewg I use the kiethech jigheads for swing impacts, kalins lunker grubs, and GY hula grubs.
    2 points
  34. I got a fishing shirt,2 rods,A cast net ,and a book. And,got full of Turkey , ham,and fixings.
    2 points
  35. Circle sticky dots in different colors. I put them on the butt of my rod.
    2 points
  36. That Stanley SB in toledo gold accounted for over 40 smallies this Fall on a 2 day outing. Out of the package new, 40+ smallies from 16"-20" later there was no paint or eyes left on the head, probably only a quarter of the skirt strands left, and it was still going strong. We retired it and it hangs on the wall with smallie pic in memory of that trip. Slow rolled, bumping bottom....epic trip and lure.
    2 points
  37. Unless your a pro or got a money tree out back a highly sensitive crankbait rod isn't a necessity. Get yourself a nice NRX bottom contact rod with your discount.
    2 points
  38. What do you want to do with it? I'd suggest a med mod for cranks
    2 points
  39. As much as I like spending someone else's money I can't think of a good reason to tell you to get the GLX crankbait rod. Get the E6x and save your cash for a GLX bottom contact rod.
    2 points
  40. Small sticker or label on the bottom somewhere. I have an Excel spreadsheet of all my combos that say line and lb test on it. I pretty much know what's on each one throughout the season it's just over the winter I'll forget 1 or 2.
    2 points
  41. Agree go with medium power, much more versatile. Medium can do just about anything a ML can do. There are a lot of things that ML cannot do. I would go Daiwa. I have not used skeleton seats on spin rods, but cannot believe they would be as comfortable for a long day of fishing as the Daiwa grip. The possible sensitivity gain of the skeleton would not, IMHO, offset its loss in comfort/ergonomics. Maybe a skeleton would make sense on an ultra light, but not on a medium power rod.
    2 points
  42. You guys are killing me. I keep saying that buying stuff on sale will actually save money, but I can't afford to save that much money.
    2 points
  43. Scarborough817....wow! I can't wait to try out those swimbaits....I started watching videos on swimbaits and that is something I wanted to focus on next year. Slick crankbaits too....perfect colors. Thank you very much.....Merry Christmas to you and yours!
    2 points
  44. Catt really knocked it out of the park with his selection of Big Bass Classics, and I can tell he really did his research, as they are the types of lures I caught all of my big bass on in 2016. Here's to an even better 2017 and catching a new PB on some of these! Thanks a ton Catt
    2 points
  45. #14 Gliss/ Tatsu #6 is what I am currently using. The leader length is jus outside the reel so that the knot does not come into play.
    2 points
  46. @Glenn Found by accident! I want to file for a recount! Two Yankees at top & only one southern boy! I'm sure y'all will find evidence of Russian hacking!
    2 points
  47. Fished this morning before work. Air temp was 45, water temp probably in the 50s. Pretty darn cold for Socal, there was even frost on the grass in the shade. Fished textbook winter stuff. Steeper bank with quick access to deep water fished the Finesse jig and reins craw.
    2 points
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