In the northern hemisphere today is the shortest day of the year. For the next six months, the days will be getting longer, and, in a couple of months, they will be getting warmer.
There is an old Yankee proverb, "As the days begin to lengthen, then the cold begins to strengthen". January and February are the two coldest months of the year.
I have noticed that, for me, as the days get shorter, my ambition wanes, kind of like a bear who hibernates in the winter. The lengthening of the days stimulates my ambition. Maybe it hearkens back to my days as a commercial lobsterman. As the end of the season neared, with the days considerably shorter, and cooler, my enthusiasm to get out there and tend the gear waned.
Production would seriously decline in late September, early October. The gear was also further from the beach. thirty to fifty miles offshore. Combine the raw chilly days, with smaller catches, and the result was a loss of enthusiasm. It became more of a job, and less enjoyable. The highlight of the late fall was the final trip of the season, when the last trap was on deck, the boat was loaded, gear tied down securely and I pointed the boat in a northerly direction, headed for port.