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  1. 6 points
  2. I feel you man, one time I waited 10 hours to set the hook. Turns out, by that time the bass had already eaten and pooped out my lure and when I went to set the hook my braided line sawed the fish clean in half.
    5 points
  3. This ones been posted up a few times already - Started out as a Gold Sexy Shad. It's supposed to be a "silent" model but the internal weight is a little loose so instead of being totally silent - it clicks a little. Don't think the color play that much of a role any more but this one gets hammered. This 6th Sense X75 Flat Square bill has seen better days as well. A-Jay
    5 points
  4. It was almost short sleeve fishing yesterday while the front was moving in.The bass and pickerel were hammering jerkbaits. Today it was gloves on and off all day,heat paks in pocket,ice in guides a bit.Mild wind but irritating.WT 40.1 deg.Most bass today were not just tipping,they were smashing 78`s in a few different bluegill colors.Check this 15" critter.Would like to see my face when it came up.Lost two LC`s today,one cast break off and a toothy thing got the other.Still a fabulous day.Winter is me C22
    4 points
  5. First thing I'd check is yo pull the spool, loosen the cast control cap and reinstall the spool. If that doesn't do it contact me offline and I'll troubleshoot with you. Mike
    4 points
  6. I just felt a bump while my lure was falling - was that a bite or a stick? please respond ASAP I don't want to miss a fish!!!
    3 points
  7. In the northern hemisphere today is the shortest day of the year. For the next six months, the days will be getting longer, and, in a couple of months, they will be getting warmer. There is an old Yankee proverb, "As the days begin to lengthen, then the cold begins to strengthen". January and February are the two coldest months of the year. I have noticed that, for me, as the days get shorter, my ambition wanes, kind of like a bear who hibernates in the winter. The lengthening of the days stimulates my ambition. Maybe it hearkens back to my days as a commercial lobsterman. As the end of the season neared, with the days considerably shorter, and cooler, my enthusiasm to get out there and tend the gear waned. Production would seriously decline in late September, early October. The gear was also further from the beach. thirty to fifty miles offshore. Combine the raw chilly days, with smaller catches, and the result was a loss of enthusiasm. It became more of a job, and less enjoyable. The highlight of the late fall was the final trip of the season, when the last trap was on deck, the boat was loaded, gear tied down securely and I pointed the boat in a northerly direction, headed for port.
    3 points
  8. Hey folks! I just posted this new video for you. Hope you like it!
    3 points
  9. If I remember right, tomorrow the 20th is Tommy's (Catt's) birthday - I don't know why I remember this or why I'm posting about it, but here I am. Catt, you've taught me so much about fishing through this site; I think the single biggest thing is just to K.I.S.S. As you always remind us, there's no need to overcomplicate. On a personal level, you've been there for me several times with PM's and just in general I've really looked up to you and enjoyed our interaction and always some friendly teasing Hope somebody gets you a phone with a nice selfie camera so we can finally start seeing those double digits. Happy Birthday man. Kyle
    3 points
  10. Rage Tail's Lobster in Falcon Lake Craw is my #1 jig trailer! Oh they will get a workout
    3 points
  11. He and his wife just had a second baby, so they have their hands full, which is why you probably didn't hear from him.
    3 points
  12. I used a laboratory grade Chatillion spring scale for decades. Spring scales are as accurate as your ability to read it. Spring scales read in a particular increment depending on the scale, most 25 lb scales have 2 oz graduations, all have issues with parallax. Parallax is how the indicator aliens to the value from your perspective. Spring scsle accuracy is dependent on how linear it is and temperature used in. Most spring scales are accurate within 2%. Didgital scales display numbers that don't need to be interpreted. Didgital scales are dependant on linear accuracy of the force gage and voltage operating the scale, battery strength. Most Didgital scales are accurate within 1% with a new battery. Measurements using a tape are dependant on many factors; how the bass in laying, how snag the mouth is held tight, how tight the tape is pulled and where the tape is located. Length measurement vary greatly, most should be within 1/2". No panaceas for measuring, calculating or weighing bass. Tom
    3 points
  13. Well since yesterday was my birthday I'll use that as an excuse to open it! @Siebert Outdoors, Mike ya couldn't have nailed it any better! We're about 5-6 weeks out from pre-spawn!!! Dude! The Grid Iron Brush Jig! The grass on Toledo Bend has died off & we've switched to more brush/timber Merci Beaucoup!
    3 points
  14. Seriously? Pretty sure j bab was making a joke. Happens to me All. The. Time:
    3 points
  15. In regards to your post @j bab, I see you've only been a member here around 6 months, so I'll give you some of the background story: @FishinDaddy was the one who always organized and ran this Fishmas Event for years. However, he hasn't been active on the forums in months, so no one knows what happened with him. Hopefully everything is ok with him and he just hasn't been online. I had brought it up publicly here that I would like to continue this tradition even if FishinDaddy wasn't around to run it. @deaknh03 was kind enough to step and up put this event on this year without the proper planning or time to run this the way it should have. So I'd like to tip my cap to deakNH for putting on this event for everyone on such short notice. Moving forward to next year, maybe deakNH and I can organize this a little bit better to give everyone a little more notice and get even more participation.
    3 points
  16. I would use all Helix 12's. BIGGER is better. I would chose the Helix 12 CHIRP MEGA SI GPS G2N for all of them. Then add the bow 360. You can just afford one 12" model, put that at the bow. Your eyes will be farther from the display so the larger images are more easily seen from a distance. Two Helix 10's at the console would work OK. Helix 10 CHIRP MEGA SI GPS G2N. The G2N versions have a dedicated Down Imaging crystal in the SI transducer like the ONIX SI units do.
    3 points
  17. rapala flat rap,bomber long-a 14 or 15,smithwick rogue, any and all colors apply.
    3 points
  18. Tungsten takes some getting used to. To practice, every time you break off a lead weight, throw a couple bucks in the lake.
    3 points
  19. Just a note for next year: we should find some way to advertise this event better. My theory is that many people instinctively scroll past pinned posts because they are typically old threads for newcomers, and that's why a ton of people had no idea that we had this awesome event. I bet we could have had at least twice as many people participate if it was more widely known about.
    3 points
  20. For worms and the like, I'll usually throw 1/4, 3/8, and 1/2 oz depending on cover and depth. Sometimes I'll throw a 1/32nd oz weight in front of a senko style bait but I don't go with tungsten for weights that small. Using Tungsten isn't about feel when punching. Tungsten is almost twice as dense as lead is so the weights of the same weight are roughly 1/2 the size of lead. A weight that's half the size will punch through the vegies easier allowing you to use an even lighter weight at times as well have a more realistic presentation once the bait comes through. A lot of punching can be a reaction bite, but you can also catch quite a few fish yo-yoing the bait as well in which case I don't want a 2" hunk of lead out in front of the bait. The final advantage of using tungsten for punching is that it's harder than lead as well. Lead deforms easily and I'm sure you've seen your weight after a long day of bass fishing and noticed there small teeth marks on it. That's due to the basses teeth digging into the weight as it comes through their mouth on your hookset. Because of that it slows the bait down and not all of your hooksetting power is transferred into the hook. Even if that only means 2 less loss fish a day, to me it's worth it.
    3 points
  21. Yes take the job. Your chance at the other job may not happen right away. The upgraded position at your current employer shows you're working hard & considered for more responsibility. That will look good on your work record. If the other job does come up be honest with your current employer for your reasons for leaving to pursue your dream & give adequate notice. You have to look out for yourself first then others.
    3 points
  22. Your welcome Catt. How do you like the new Falcon Craw? Its going to be one of my new updated colors? Let me know how you like them and they perform. That Grid Iron Brush jig will handle those monsters your catching down there on Bend. That hook is a Tank. I know Clayton. He is a good dude. Real nice guy.
    2 points
  23. Probably @Bluebasser86
    2 points
  24. Carol and Tommy Thibodeaux It use to be Cajun Anglers Tournament Tackle
    2 points
  25. You mean to tell me your real name isn't Catt...
    2 points
  26. Seems like it would be better to pin a separate post with a link to the thread. I think we've done that in the past. That way, the thread can always be found, though also show up in the "see newest" list. Let's try to remember this for next year!
    2 points
  27. Listen..All kidding aside, does it matter what caused the "tick" at that point ? It's under the water, you can't see your hook, you can't see where you're hook is, all you know is that you felt something that you can't explain during one of the most advantageous times to catch a bass...On the fall! So turn it around and ask yourself..All things considered how in the heck would anyone know if it was a stick?? Stop thinking about what is was, set the hook and find out. Mike
    2 points
  28. Good to see this tradition carrying on! Sorry I missed out on this. Been super busy. Next Year!
    2 points
  29. Ive been trying, without success, to find a pic of the tree my stepson and I put up several years ago. Wife was at work, and tols us before she walked out the door, to get the tree up and decorated. We got it up in a corner. We added several strings of tiny lights. Then we emptied my tackle boxes. Spinnerbaits, buzzbaits, crankbaits, jerkbaits, senkos, flukes, jigs, etc,etc,etc. i dug out a needle and some braid, and strung together a whole bunch of the brightest color worms I had to make a tree topper. Looked pretty cool. We were proud of ourselves. So was the wife, until she got a little closer to it. She was a bit irked at first, but then came around, and saw the humor in it. She was the one who took a bunch of pics. Maybe just to show the people she worked with just how dumb the men of the house could be when the boss wasn't there. Relly wish I could find a pic or two. We didnt repeat it. Turned out it was a true pain to get all the baits off the tree. Both hands and all fingers and thumbs were bloody by the I finished.
    2 points
  30. I fish lakes with a lot of chain Pickerel in them. Losing baits is part of the game. I lost a 110 two winters ago and haven't thrown them in those waters since. I save my high dollar baits for tournaments. If I'm fun fishing, I'll choose a Strike King KVD J300. They work very in my waters. We've got some whopper Pickerel up here in PA too, so no matter what I'm throwing, I'm always a little nervous.
    2 points
  31. Well 4 hours later I finally decided to set the hook but there was no fish there... Next time I'll set the hook faster
    2 points
  32. You know the Lions aren't a horrible team and the fact that in the NFL it can be anyone's day or not. For those reasons it's always best to respect your opponent. That doesn't necessarily mean you have less faith in your team.
    2 points
  33. But...it's the lions,and it's stafford. They'll choke it away, don't sweat it.
    2 points
  34. Hello and Welcome to Bass Resource ~ If you have the resources, then by all means follow @Wayne P. advice to the letter . . . . You'll be glad you did. A-Jay
    2 points
  35. You're flirting with disaster. It requires a special tool to press out the pin. There are a couple different ones, a plier or a mini press. Could the reel benefit from cleaning? If so send it in along with the bearings and I'll install them for you.
    2 points
  36. Bomber Long A in Firetiger if the water is a bit dirty. Inexpensive and has been around a long time.
    2 points
  37. Merino wool is not synthetic wool. It is a specific wool from a particular type of sheep hence the name Merino. I'll take Merino wool over garbage old fashioned wool any day of the week and a synthetic blend over both of them. Definitely keep things as loose as you can to allow for blood flow. Keeping warm in the cold is doable but it takes some planning and semi-specialized gear. Changing socks is a good idea as well.
    2 points
  38. Rossi you are not the OP, the person whom I was addressing. I will tell you why I use brass n glass bullet and mojo jo weights. 1. The weight is harder, hole through the weight allows the line to slide through with very little drag and it's easier to detect strikes and the hole doesn't deform. Same is true for tungsten. 2. Both brass and tungsten being hard metals transmit clicking sounds when used with tempered glass beads, the sound does attract bass. 3. Size can be a factor in finesse presentation, a 3/16D vs 5/16D 1/8 oz jig head can make a difference using wacky rigged soft plastic on a jig when bass are finicky. The reasons may sound trivial until you are being out fished or not getting a check when tournament fishing. Take it or leave it, makes no difference to me! Tom
    2 points
  39. I use to dabble in lure making . This was my best running bait and caught a lot of fish on it . I didnt clear coat it so it got chewed up rather fast .
    2 points
  40. I have had mine for 14 years and mine are still flawless. I retired them because of their weight recently and thought about selling them. I decided not to part with them. I am going to keep one in service and use the others for spare parts if I ever need to. These reels were once the reel to buy for the serious bass fisherman on a budget. No frills, just keep working. There are lighter reels on the market now, but mine continue onward usefully. As said above, get it cleaned and serviced. It should last a casual fisherman a lifetime.
    2 points
  41. Does winning a TW contest count here? If so I won one of the vlog giveaways. Only thing not pictured is the Gill gloves and a Denali rod. Anyone ever use one? Decent rod?
    2 points
  42. Double the eye loop and it becomes the Fish'n Fool knot. Virtually slip proof with braid. By the way welcome aboard.
    2 points
  43. Lucky crafts were part of the Tackle warehouse sale and all the others were bought at cabelas for 1.88$
    2 points
  44. Guess I'll be one to throw another knot at ya. I've been using the uni-knot - for about the past 20 plus years now. I don't remember it ever failing. its easy, fast and can be used to connect line to lures, line to line, and the like.
    2 points
  45. IMO, your older fisherman gave you great advice. Use the knot you can tie perfectly and you have confidence in. For me that's the Trilene knot.
    2 points
  46. Got mine in today from Clayton. I don't know his screen name but thanks a lot man. He did some research because many of these I have talked about recently on here wanting to pick up. Merry Fishmas!
    2 points
  47. What did I learn????...... I learned how precious spending time with the ones you love really means. I learned how I miss fishing with my son. He has decided to become a grown up. He's in a serious relationship and now has to find time to fish rather than just show up at the ramp. With any luck, I'll be well enough to fish tournaments next year, because it's the only time I fish with him anymore. I learned my dad is getting old. Losing his memory old. Can't remember which lid is for the livewell old. Needing to hold onto him as he gets in and out of the boat old. Having "accidents" on the boat old. Gotta hand it to him. That old man will fish from sun up to sun down and then some if he could. I learned how important it is to my mother, that I take my dad fishing. She thanks me every time, because he always comes home happy. I learned that even though I don't want to filet dozens of crappies or bluegills, to just suck it up and do it because my folks love eating them. I learned that even buying my ol' lady a set of Carhartt bibs, she still won't join me on the boat when it's below 50* out. I learned the ol' lady no longer loves me. I bought a second boat and she never said a word about it. Had she loved me, I surely would have never heard the end of it. and I learned that Senkos flat out catch fish. I already knew this but I haven't fished them for years. They were my goto bait this year.
    2 points
  48. Alligator Alley MM39 North Side, 7:00 - 10:30, Partly Cloudy, temp 80*, wind SE 15-20, several brief showers, water temp 72*, light stain. Went out this morning with friend Dave. We ran from the ramps, east to the dead end, and then fished back to the west. Their was a lot of action on the depth finder. First cast drew constant action, and every cast after was the same. There were an unbelievable number of Oscars everywhere along the Alley. These are great eating fish and for their size strong fighters. We caught 30 in two hours, and missed 100 more using bass fishing equipment instead of smaller hooks and in-line spinners. It was a lot of fun but not the fish we are targeting. If you want eating fish this exotic fish is an excellant choice. These were also bigger then normal Oscars. With the right equipment you could simply fill a cooler with these exotic fish.
    2 points
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