I feel for you sir. I too have a son who is an addict. Started with an addiction to opioids after an accident he had in which he broke his wrist, he was 17yrs old then. My ex and I always thought he was doing pot, and although we didn't like fact of him doing weed we just dealt with it. Took many yrs for us to realize the problem was much worse. At 31 yrs old and after a break up with a long time girlfriend and upon moving in with his mom did the severity of the problem come to full light. While my ex wife was putting some of his clothes away she discovered needles and small packets. That was 2 yrs ago. When we confronted him with the evidence, he had no choice but to admit to it and after a few days he agreed to check into a detox. Checked himself out after a few days, came back home and appeared to be OK, attending meetings, accompanied with myself and or his mom. We were fooled again. We again discovered needles in his room, and couldn't get up and go to work. With this getting progressively worse we went to the courts and had him sectioned as a danger to himself. They put him away for a month. Over the course of the last yr he has met another girl that he loves, they have moved into an apartment together. She too had an addiction problem, hers was alcohol. On the surface they appear to be very happy together. I know for a FACT my son has had a couple of stumbles along the way, but he has managed to pick himself up and dust himself off and get back on track. This girl, his work, along with a loving family and good friends are his salvation, but when I know he is dabbeling in something I never sugar coat it, and make it known that I know. He is now 33 yrs old, I'm in frequent contact with him and I know at times it annoys him, but I tell him I love him, and I'm his Dad and always will be, and it is my job as a parent. He has thanked his mom and I a number of times for sectioning him, and acknowledges that everyday is a struggle. All we can do as parents is hold them near, love them, laugh and cry together, and let them know you're there anytime day or night. I pray for you and your son and wish you all the very best.