No doubt the New York agencies described are respectable, and they want whats best for their state. And yes Massachusetts has come a long way. My point is watch who is being delegated to a decision making authority and why. Nowadays Massachusetts seems to be a testing ground for "new" and upcoming laws. example: fines for residents that dont have health insurance, if ya cant afford insurance what makes you think one can afford a fine?,, and yeah massachusetts did it first, how do I know? Im one of the unfortunate that was working a temp job, with no insurance provided, and with kids on child support?,.. I couldnt afford the premiums, and was fined 1K each year.
Back to the subject? OK,..the lead ban,.... if there is only a few nesting loons in the entire state,.. why is a lead ban "so" important to the legislature, that it passes a law condemning the entire state to use alternatives? They could of restricted certain areas,...why the state as a whole?
There are some very competent and compassionate people in this state that do care about its well being, and the wildlife and fisheries management dept, is at the forefront of that concern. I've met some of them, and many of their rangers, every one of them a stand up person without any hidden agendas and that have shown nothing but care and concern for the states well being
My above post is about the puppeteirs that pull the strings, the so-called "fat Cats" that "govern" Back when I attended the meeting in Boston? there was a well rounded and deeply concerned Board that was in jeopardy at that time. And the remarkable attendance that day ended said jeopardy,... Nowadays? I believe things have changed on the Board. Not just with the lead ban, the added saltwater licenses as well, removal of the broodstock salmon stocking program, changes in lobster regulations, groundfish regulations,..etc.
I was born and raised in this state, Im 53,... and see some of the recent instances here,.. simply deplorable
If you live in this state, and fish? you've noticed
As far as your research paper reguarding lead and mercury contaminations? in New York?
I had the train of thought that there most likely hasnt been a single state in the country that has not been greatly and meticulously tested, monitored, and well documented, for any contaminents, of any kind, ever since the bald eagles started disappearing many years ago. So the data? is out there.
your questions?
1) no im not in support of a ban
2) other materials have been around for a while now, but,..the alternatives mold differently, Therefore, not providing a true replacement of lead
3) the aisles in any tackle shop or even bass pro shops haven't changed much at all, there are "some" alternatives, but again, they have been there for several years, even before the lead ban.
Im done!