This is my seasonal rant.
This holiday season please don't drink and drive and remember to wear your seatbelts. You know how you always hear and see commercials on TV that say don't drink and drive and wear your seatbelt or you might die. I say that is a bunch of crap.
A buddy of mine works in one of the largest and busiest trauma centers in the Northwest and I can tell you from his stories that those who die are the lucky ones. Those commercials need to say don't do it or you will end up paralyzed, limbless, with skin grafts on your face because the windshield peeled your face off. You will ruin your life as you know it. In many cases, after you get better, you will be arrested and spend several years behind bars. You could kill or injure other people.
When you come into the trauma center this is what will happen to you if you aren't dead.
You will be laid on a hard board to support your back. They will proceed to cut your clothes off and you will be laying there naked for everyone to see. After the nurses stick a couple of IV's in you and draw some blood, the doctors will roll you up on your side to check your back for spinal injuries then before they lay you back down they will put a glove on and stick a finger up your butt to see if you are bleeding internally. Then they will lay you back down on that hard board and you will be poked and prodded and questioned by the police. Then they take an x-ray or two, and possibly take you to surgery, or to have Cat Scan to see if your brain isn't swelling. They may put a catheter (large tube) into your pecker so you don't pee all over yourself, and draw your urine to give to the cops.
Eventually during this process someone will take a thin sheet and cover you up. Then there you will lay, cold, until all your labs and workups get processed. Trust me, this sucks.
This is what happens to YOU. Now think about what your family has to go through, and those of others whom you might of injured or killed.
So be smart and be careful. We want you around for another year of great fishing and stories.
Enjoy the holidays responsibly.