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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/04/2016 in all areas

  1. Recently I was unloading some tools and of course fishing stuff from my grandpa's garage and shop, gandma is still around and will likely outlive my whole family. My grandpa passed away in '97 so he's been gone fro 20 years now just to put a date on his most recent stuff before his passing which is shown below. While there isn't a box full of gems and everything I've identified for the most part, there is this one frog lure that I'm really curious about. All I could find using Google is that it might be a rare Lure Jensen Surface Frog. I can't seem to find much more on it so do any of you old timers have info on this? I think i'm going to do a shadowbox or some other memorial with the lures and my grandpa's picture in it and hang it in my shop. The fishing industry sure has come a long way in 20+ years. I can only imagine in another 20. I bet there is some young blood in here that have never seen half of this stuff and it isn't very old. I didn't know they made hula poppers in popcorn shrimp size, lol. I will be putting all my swimbait and lure collection in my will and haunt my sons or grandkids if they sell it off.
    7 points
  2. Woke up this morning to weather, that for the first week of December here, was just too good to pass up. It’s been way warm and the lakes are not frozen yet, so with air temps running in the mid 30’s and winds less than 10 kts, the little snow expected would hopefully only add to what I was hoping would be a decent afternoon. I got a bit of a late start, as I was dragging my feet a little deciding on whether to go or not. But my wife finally said “just Go Already” – and that was it. I had to pull the Old Town out of hibernation and loading up even the minimal gear I brought seemed to take way too long. A little after noon time I was making my first casts into the very clear 38 degree water. In my haste to get on the water I left my camera mount in the Lund so the only way I could capture any video of the day was going to have to be after the catch and the old selfie deal – never really like that but that’s what I had so I just rolled with it. Took a while to find the smallies but I was willing to put the work in. Eventually found some in two different spots. Both had deep wood. One was in 25 ft and the other in 30-ish. Both locations were on the edge of a drop that went down to the main lake basin in 45 ft. The 5/8 oz Silver Buddy Blade bait in Gold was the deal. I had to either hit the wood or be very close to it to get bit. I hung a few times as expected. Most I got back, a couple got donated but the reward for a precision (or lucky) cast was worth it. Several very Fat Smallies came to the net with a couple solidly in the Toad Category. Sunset & the grey light after had the bigger fish biting. I was bundled up pretty good to stay warm and ended up being fairly comfortable, though after looking back at the video I’ll admit I’m looking sort of Goofy, but whatever. Having those brown fatties hanging off my thumb is all I really cared about anyway. A-Jay
    6 points
  3. I went to wally world to look for a few things in the tackle section this morning and found this cool mistake among the Rick Clunn cranks. It is number coded to be a "Green copper shad", but it is not. I have the Lucky Craft version of the green copper shad and have looked at the Luck-E-Strike version many times and there is a huge difference. It is just a mistake or a bad mix on the factory paint sprayer or something. It is mostly blue-ish...really awesome looking! Maybe it will become a secret weapon. Haha! I'll paste a picture.
    4 points
  4. Two weeks ago I though I had my last day on the water. Luckily this past Friday the weather forecast was decent enough to dig the boat out for one last hurrah. Usually this time of year in Maine and New Hampshire the ice has begun and shorelines are all iced in. The forecast the day was 45 degrees, partly cloudy with a 5 mph west wind. I arrived at the boat launch at 9 am with a game pan to fish 3 distinct spots on an offshore hump which has been producing for me consistently since October fishing a silver buddy almost exclusive.. It was a short 5 minute ride to the first spot on the hump that I like to target. Its an area of ledge that drops from 10 ft straight down to 21 feet with boulders at the base of the drop. With a water temperature of 41 degrees I was a bit skeptical about how many bites I would get. The first bite resulted in a nice smallie weighing in at 4 lbs 1 oz. I set up my camera, set the timer and then the camera dies mid timer. That was disappointing. I wanted to document the days adventure to prove to some friends that you can catch nice fish in December. Before moving to my next spot on a spot on the offshore hump I caught a 2-12 and 3-3 smallie. Once I had determined the spot had been fished thoroughly enough I slowly motored over to the next spot on a spot. The wind kicked up from 5 mph out of the west to 10 mph or so out of the southwest. It didn't exactly feel warm. The next spot on a spot I targeted was a point on the hump that dropped from 5 ft and boulders to 40 ft deep. I was fishing the side of the point on the hump which has the steepest drop. I quickly caught a 3-14 largemouth. I spent nearly an hour here and caught a 3-6 largemouth and a 3-7 smallie before moving on. The next spot is one particular boulder on another point on the hump. It is very rocky around this point. First cast I caught a 3-2 smallmouth. No action for awhile at that spot, I was committed to fishing it for awhile. My phone rang and it was a friend I hadn't heard from in awhile. I put him on speaker. While I speaker I noticed a nice arch underneath the boat in 25 ft. I dropped the silver buddy right down to the fish and it quickly picked it up. It was a 3-10 largemouth. After trying to locate more fish to drop my silver buddy on I decided to move back to the second spot of the day. The wind sucked blowing at 10-15 mph now and it had begun to snow, sleet and rain. I was comfortable but would have been much more comfortable if it was dead calm and sunny. Once I had properly positioned my boat the first cast resulted in a 5 lb 5 oz largemouth. I do not catch many largemouth over 5 lbs in this lake. It was the largest largemouth I had ever caught at this lake. The next 2 casts to the exact same spot , a 3-6 and a 3-7 came to the net. At this point the snow/sleet/rain had moved on and there was a double rainbow that began and ended on the lake, not to far from where I was fishing. My next cast was a 3-4 smallie. After repeating that same cast numerous times and soaking the area I moved back to first spot of the day. It took several casts but I did get another decent smallie there weighing 3 lbs 2 oz. After no more hits I decided to hit all three spots on the hump again. No luck this time after spending 20 minutes on each spot. It was getting near dark and I decided it was time to call it a day and a season. I motored back towards the launch. On the way back I saw an arch on bottom in 25 ft. I HAD to drop my silver buddy down to see if I could get that fish to bite. It took me lift and dropping the buddy a couple times before it hit. It was a 2-8 largemouth. Now it was time to call it a day for real. The lake was dead calm as I was unloading my boat. Reflecting back on the day I couldn't have asked for a better last day on the lake, especially on Dec. 2nd, 7 largemouth including 5 3s and a 5-5 lunker to go along with 6 smallies including 4 3s and a 4-1 lunker combining for a 5 fish limit of 20 lbs 5 oz. Even if the wind was much stronger then predicted and the weather wasn't nice out at times, it was a memorable last day on the boat until spring complete with good fishing and double rainbows.
    4 points
  5. Went out today for the last trip of the year as the weather forecast looks to turn cold over the next week; not sure how much longer the water will be soft. Went to my home lake with my ususal fishing partner. Air wasn't too bad at 30 to start the day and it warmed up to 39 or so; water was at 39 in every spot we fished; wind was howling though. So I get one on and go to swing it as I have done thousands of times (maybe that's why this happened....) and my spinning rod breaks! It was one of my older rods that I hadn't upgraded in a while with a good number of fish caught on it so I'm sure it was stressed out a bit. Oh well; good excuse for a Cabelas run.
    3 points
  6. Loxahatchee Preserve, Saturday 12/3/16, 6:00-noon, Temp 70's, Mostly cloudy, wind N/E 10-20, no current, water stained, water temp 74*, levels seasonal high, weeds thick on the flat, you can still power through the thick stuff. Went to Lox with fellow coach Steve Johnson. We were met at the ramps with a mass of about 100 vultures that just arrived from up north on the Snow Bird Express. These birds will destroy all the rubber around you doors and windows, along with your wiper blades, and ruin a paint job. I experienced this last year. This is the biggest class I've ever seen at Lox. To save the vehicle, I tied plastic bags to the antenna, so they move in the wind. I put reflective sun visor across the window, so they see their reflection, and don't park near any trees. Trucks near the trees get hit hard. It worked this time, no damage. Steve and I noticed the water levels are still up so you can power through the weeds on the flats. I filed my T/M blades to a sharp edge to help get through it. I began fishing a swim bait and Steve a frog. We got bites almost immediately. With the thick grass if you didn't get the head up quick, things got tough in the grass. After running out of swim baits I went to a Gambler cane toad. It drew attention right away, but one big fish came unbuttoned in the grass. About 10:00 things slowed and we switch to senko type baits, with light weight and slowed way down. We caught another 6 or 7 bass using this technique. Most bass were tight to heavy cover edges, and around pad fields. If you could find calm water on the flat, bass were in the area. We finished the day with 25 bass caught, the biggest was about 2 lbs. I lost a heavy fish in thick cover on the Gambler cane toad. Could have been a Bowfin, but a friend always says, its a bass if you can't see it. Lol It got buried in the thick stuff quickly. It was a great morning on the water catching some fish, and catching up on old times with a friend. No bird damage!
    3 points
  7. We caught about a hundred of these little guys yesterday. Shasta is a fun place.
    3 points
  8. This thread went from Money Saving Tricks to Berkley Lightning Rod!
    3 points
  9. I fish smallmouth in very clear water. I have a lot of baits that produced for me this year. Some are fairly new to me while others I've been using to trick smallies for the past two decades. You can be sure I'll have a LC Pointer in a perch pattern tied on, either a 100 or a 78 size, when the water temp is in the 40ºs to low 50ºs. The 5/8 oz. blade bait is assembled from Barlow's components. The sharp-eyed will note that I've deleted the front treble. Don't think I missed fish by doing so. I lift and drop this bait off the bottom when the water is in the 40ºs. I grin whenever I think about small (1/8 oz. approximately) bucktail jigs - they've produced so well for me in cold water. Don't think that a double tail trailer won't work in water in the 40ºs, either on a jig or on a GYCB Hula Grub (an all-season staple of mine for years). With water in the 40ºs and low 50ºs, drag it, pause it, drag it, pause it . . . It was my first season throwing the LC Staysee 90. I ordered a backup on sale. This was my third season slowly working a Duo Realis Spin Bait 80 through the water column. Its magic started to work when the water hit the mid 50ºs. When the water reached 60º I added a Strike King Denny Brauer Bitsy ElazTech trailer to the small hair jig that had been producing undressed at colder temperatures. My trailer looks chewed on after several decent smallies but I think it will last until I wedge the jig between the rocks. I bought a Duo Realis Pencil 110 because one of BR's most prolific posters, A-Jay, spoke highly of it. Well, Hell's bells, on my first cast with it this year it produced a 4+ lber. before I could even start it walking! On the next cast it made a zig, a zag and a zig before getting crushed by a 3 1/4 lber. You might wanna get one. I wacky rigged a 4" Senko when I noticed "dimpling" on the surface of the 69.9º water, informing me that a hatch was happening. Would this little stickbait approximate whatever kind of insect was struggling out of its casing and making its way to the surface? Yup. You want a slow, twitchy retrieve. This 1/2 oz. tandem spinnerbait (made from Barlow's components) is what you want to be throwing on a sunny, windy day. This design has worked for me for years. Started using Z Man's Hula StickZ during June when the sandgrass was thick. That's a Gamakatsu 1/0 standard wire EWG hook which turned out to be thin enough and sharp enough to set using 6 lb. Tatsu and a 7' ML rod. My strange human logic was disappointed that the tentacles on the tail of this little bait clumped up but that didn't bother the smallies whatsoever. Next year I'm looking forward to fishing more of Z Man's ElazTech products and replacing baits only when I break them off. Projects while Quabbin is covered with ice will be molding, painting and dressing jigs from Do-it's new Midwest Finesse Jig mold and their Poison Swingtail mold. Winter well, smallies. I'm comin' after ya in April . . .
    3 points
  10. 3 points
  11. Use braid to a fluorocarbon leader. I used to fish straight fluorocarbon but switched to this the past fishing season and it works great.
    3 points
  12. I have a bunch of them. Bought all of a store's stock when the bait was discontinued.
    3 points
  13. Wish Arbogast would reintroduce the Mudbug. Here's a photo from a trip to Lake Champlain in the mid '90s. Note Mudbug on the rod above the walleye, smallmouth and pike.
    3 points
  14. 3 points
  15. Had a triple score at DSG today. Best deal was due to a price match my wife got $60 off a North Face winter coat, I got 4 bags of senkos for the price 2 with SK a Banshee RES were 3 bucks, and this put my points over so I get 10 bucks free now.
    3 points
  16. My neighbor across the street acquired a 13 foot Boston Whaler that needed a lot of love. We have a good relationship. When Marcia and I go to Daytona for the races, then stop to visit our daughter on the way home he keeps our driveway plowed so our daughter can get to work. He won't take anything for it. I agreed to work on his boat. The only thing he paid for was materials and labor for the fellow who works with me. I should have taken photos before we started working on the boat, but you can see the areas we repaired. This boat apparently spent a lot of time on the rocks. It was beat up pretty badly. The gray areas are bondo used over the fiberglass to easily smooth the surface. It takes a lot of work to sand down the texture of the fiberglass mat. The bottom edge of the transom was gnawed away. The vertical brownish smear on the side was a crack in the hull. Now all he has to do is sand and paint the inside and the rail caps. Cost him just under eight hundred dollars.
    2 points
  17. Won my high school tournament today on cumberland. It was a tough day and got very little bites. Got big fish as well with this beauty on a jig! She weighed 5 lbs.
    2 points
  18. I see winter is setting in
    2 points
  19. Yep..grizzlies catch salmon and chew copenhagen.
    2 points
  20. It's usually the first one a reach for. If I can get away with fishing a cheaper bait, that's what I'm going with. Sometimes they want the bait super slow or a bait with more wag, that's when I have to go with the Keitech or Rage Swimmer.
    2 points
  21. One day , some lucky guy is going to get my tackle .
    2 points
  22. I typically only use snaps with crankbaits. When doing so, I connect the snap to the split ring. I leave the split ring on the bait since occasionally I might still direct tie to that bait. I normally use a snap on crankbaits as I will often be working different depths as I'm working around the lake and might make only 5 or 10 casts at one depth before exploring another depth. This photo shows the cranks that ended up in my tackle tray one day - depths from 1 ft to 14 foot or so: Some will say that if you DO use a snap that you must remove the split ring - otherwise there is too much hardware on the front of the bait that will impede the action of the bait or will alert the fish. I haven't found that to be the case as this photo shows - that is a snap on the split ring... YMMV
    2 points
  23. I dont use them often and when I do its because they came with the lure . I dont use snaps to avoid tying knots . The line should be snipped and retied often anyways .
    2 points
  24. Here is my little baby.
    2 points
  25. The first rod I bought for my wife was the Okuma Calynn (for the same reason, it was pink). It was a good rod, the reel that came with it wasn't that great though. My wife high-sticked a good size smallmouth and broke it. I upgraded her all the way to a St. Croix Avid Pearl, she loves it. I realized that if she had nice gear that was fun and enjoyable to fish with, she'd fish longer, which meant I get to fish longer. Just something to think about.
    2 points
  26. Hold on - The Fat Lady may be warming up, but she ain't singing just yet . . . A-Jay
    2 points
  27. I think your trailer is too big also.
    2 points
  28. I'm a junk fisherman and a lot of our lakes are smaller. I like to put the trolling motor down and fish. How much water I cover varies greatly on what the fish are eating and how they're positioned.
    2 points
  29. On my ultra light setups I use 4lb test mono and I use 5 or 6 wraps anymore then that and I tend to break my line when going to cinch it down. For my other rods with mono I have anywhere from 8-12lb test and with them I use 7-9 wraps and it's worked well for me
    2 points
  30. Hmmmm, is it meant to beat the living shnitz out of a bass ?
    2 points
  31. As someone very new to this, my one and only goal is to catch more than 4 fish next year! I'll get to fish during the spring, so hopefully I'll be hitting some large ones!
    2 points
  32. If this guy is guilty of bad judgement and an aggressive attitude then he is probably in for a well deserved bad time. He was in his car when the shooting took place. He was legally carrying a firearm. I will let the professionals decide if he acted properly. Shooting an aggressive attacker if you are in fear of your life is not a crime, and should not be.
    2 points
  33. Don't give up on them - they do produce. We've caught 125 bass in the past two weeks on jerkbaits. Most everything has been covered above. Where you fish them matters...for numbers. That and try and get out with someone who is experienced with the bait (if possible) - it will help tremendously. -T9
    2 points
  34. This for the win. I fish jerkbaits 12 months of the year and they are always my first choice when the water hasn't warmed up enough to consider throwing a topwater. Once the water warms then an erratic jerk can't be beat, but once the temps drop there's nothing quite like pulling a jerkbait over or around cover where you can then pause the lure and the fish will come and gobble it down. Here's an episode of Lindner's Angling Edge where they're fishing the Shadow Rap in the fall. They are mixing up their retrieve between jerking and pulling during the video and I'm sure they caught fish on both styles of retrieve. One thing I took away though is that even when they were jerking the bait during retrieval it was more of a soft jerk instead of an aggressive one. All the best in your future jerkbait fishing, hope that you can figure them out as it's a great year round presentation that can produce some big bags during great multi species fishing days.
    2 points
  35. There is a spacer to go under the RAM mount for the wires. http://www.rammount.com/part/RAP-403U
    2 points
  36. If you like the lightning rod? they just re-introduced their series one rods,,..A quality rod before, im sure even better now.
    2 points
  37. The Swan was more of an ugly duckling Thursday.
    2 points
  38. I am sorry for the loss of this young man. Stating '"stand your ground' makes it easier to get away with blatant murder", shows a lack of understanding. The article (and NBC sports) quoted has a serious anti-gun agenda. Attacking someone who cuts you off in traffic is a dangerous thing in any state.
    2 points
  39. My retrieve is I cast out, reel to get the bait to dive, then stop. I'll wait, jerk the bait twice, reel up the slack, pause, jerk twice, reel up the slack, and do it again. The pause will be anywhere from half a second to a full minute. Usually I start with about a 2 second pause. I'll change, the length of the pause depending on what they react to. Colder water will usually mean longer pauses. I seldom if ever fish jerkbaits with a steady retrieve. This is with suspending jerkbaits. I believe the trigger is the pause. When the bait is jerked and it dances wildly then stops right in a fishes face and holds there, they just can't resist an easy meal.
    2 points
  40. Caught my PB walleye this evening, crushed the Alabama rig I was throwing. 4.8" keitech swing impact fats with a 5.8" swing impact fat in the middle. Thought I had a giant largemouth but you can only be so disappointed with a fish like this! 27", 5.68lbs, and a $20 reward tag in her back.
    2 points
  41. Couple very pretty wild trout today! My brother caught the brown which was was 17", I caught the rainbow, 20". All released.
    2 points
  42. Force the fish to get married and have kids, then sit back and wait.
    2 points
  43. Put them in a cooler on ice. This method also keeps them fresh.
    2 points
  44. There's a transom mount TD that features FontVu and LiveVu that would be easy to mount on a typical TD arm from Yakattack or other maker.
    1 point
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