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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/12/2016 in all areas

  1. My PB Florida strain largemouth bass was 19.3 lbs, caught 5 May 1994 lake Castiac on a hair jig. Tom
    19 points
  2. My 11.12 (that's about 11-2) was caught this May on Toledo. Here are a couple posts about it. http://www.louisianasportsman.com/details.php?id=9644#
    14 points
  3. My overall PB My US PB My smallmouth PB
    13 points
  4. Interestingly enough, this 11 - 11 LMB was actually caught this date (11/11) a few years ago. This SMB PB went 6-4. And for another coincidence, BR member Dwight Hottle took both these pics. A-Jay
    13 points
  5. I'll never know her official weight, but she was a giant and I'll never forget it. (and since length and girth put her at 10.4 I like to tell myself I've caught a DD bass!) My PB smallmouth only weighed 4.2lbs but she was 23" long, old as dirt, and one mean son of a gun!
    12 points
  6. My largest is 11lbs in my avatar and here are a few of the 10's I caught.
    12 points
  7. I don't have a photo of my PB smallmouth but have this one a 5-13. The largemouth is an 8-15.
    11 points
  8. The clock is tickin' .... This one went 5-12, even though it doesn't look like it. I know I look drunk, but it was 98 degrees out, towards the end of a long day. This went 8-1, and was a PB for less than 24hrs. And then.... This 9-1 became my PB...
    11 points
  9. I dont have a photo of my personal best . Heres photos of my two biggest combined in an outing , caught just minutes apart .
    9 points
  10. Smallie: 3lb 11 oz Largemouth: 5 lb
    9 points
  11. No pictures of my PB, she was 13.8 Here's a couple of Hawgs of mine & my grandson Aiden. For reference I'm 6' tall The last one is a personal best cause she won me $5,000!
    9 points
  12. I don't have pictures of my PB, they were all ruined including the negatives when a broken water pipe flooded the room where I kept that stuff, in those days there were no digital pics available. She was 6.600 kg ( 14.52 lbs ), I do have a pic of my 2nd largest: 13.5 lbs ( 6.14 Kg )
    9 points
  13. 24" caught 2 years ago. It was a hoot.
    8 points
  14. My personal best LMB is 7.12: didn't get a pic. Here are a few of my bigger bass. All around 5-6 pounds. And, my PB smallmouth didn't deserve a weight. I've only caught a couple lmao
    8 points
  15. I'm sure everyone has seen this photo since it goes back to 2012 - 9.54 pounds: The story is here:
    8 points
  16. Here are a couple of pictures of what I think was the largest smallmouth I've taken here in MA. I've definitely taken bigger largemouths, but I can't seem to find the pics? Oh well, here's a nice smallie (2 pics, same fish):
    8 points
  17. My PB caught on a Netbait B Bug. 7 lb 6 oz
    7 points
  18. PB freshwater striper, only striper in the reservoir, actually! 14# (and yes, I released it, to the dismay of the fisheries biologist who wanted to check its age and all that). This lady was 7.5# caught during spawn in thick salad.
    7 points
  19. Pics of PB's for a lot of the older guys, like myself, may not be possible. I would say my top 10 or so PB's were caught back in the day when we didn't have cameras on our phones. I did get pics of my best fish from the last couple years though. Both were caught at LOZ from the same creek 1 year apart. Both of them were taken sight fishing while on beds so I got a quick pic and released both without weighing. Last years (top) took about half an hour to catch. This years (bottom) only took about 5 or 6 pitches before she'd seen enough.
    7 points
  20. Just got back from buying a leftover 2015 Ranger RT188, pick it up next Saturday. Has a 115hp Mercury Optimax, so maxed out there. Will be changing out the electronics just don't know what I want yet. Now have to figure out break in for the engine and how will pull that off.
    6 points
  21. I heard on good authority that Glenn's name has only one "n" but tries to hide his true identity online. I heard that 00mod lives in Mexico and the big bass he posts are not from the states like he pretends. A-jay licks his fish when he turns the camera off. Dwight's biological parents had gills. Jfranco was born a women and moonlights as a tiny dancer. Shimmy posts the same fish in every picture.
    6 points
  22. heres my pb, i hand measured it to about 7.83 pounds
    6 points
  23. Didn't get a weight but she's my biggest so far. That's my 10W for reference.
    6 points
  24. Glenn? I don't think he even fishes for bass. Pretty sure he's into trout.
    6 points
  25. PB was caught last year on a black and blue flappin' hog just pitched into the pads she hit it on the fall and the picture doesnt do her justice she was at least 6
    6 points
  26. Best post of the whole thread
    5 points
  27. you would think you would want it to be though.
    5 points
  28. 5 points
  29. J Francho has sold all of his drums, bought a banjo, and is moving to Nashville to try out for the Grand Old Opry.
    5 points
  30. Redline is buying a Prius.
    5 points
  31. Went out on this morning and with-in 10 minutes had a new personal best! 6lb club here I am (barely)! While I know others have double that or if you are @WRB triple it. But it feels great! I caught it on a 1/8 shakey head with a Berkley Shakey Snake in GP with Chart tip. Very odd bite too. At first I thought I was hung up in some grass as I was hoping it along and all of a sudden it got heavy, in my head I knew it was something different cause I hesitated before popping it free. Then it tugged back and I reeled down and set the hook and drag went a screaming. I kept my composure which is not like me and got him in! This may sound odd but I shoved my whole fist in his mouth just because. Funny thing is I rarely carry a scale but had it today, thank god.
    4 points
  32. All the talk recently about crankbaits I thought it would be good to show some of the old cranks some love. Don't even know where I bought but it's been in my crank box for years. It's a Strike King Balse Crank. More to come
    4 points
  33. 5lbs 8oz Manitoban Smallie, I have never caught a Large Mouth
    4 points
  34. This may not be a rumor.....
    4 points
  35. J Franco weighs 240 lbs. tipptruck is a tenor for the San Francisco Opera. Raider is a pastor.
    4 points
  36. Tiptruck can speak and write fluently 7 different languages
    4 points
  37. Jdm bait monkey has me by the you know what's. Hey, it was a good deal though. Deps crawler kakuru Evergreen shower blows Jackall mudsucker Daiwa TD pencil popper Ima skimmer
    4 points
  38. This is all @shimmy fault ~ One case - motivated e-bay seller A-Jay
    4 points
  39. I don't own a scale! ..... But it might be broken! Jeff
    3 points
  40. On a quick Walmart trip picked up 3 lipless in my new favorite color. Excited to toss the spots as I have never thrown one before, RES is my current #1 lipless bait.
    3 points
  41. Speedbead Is not only chasing dinks these days but has vowed to never doubt the said weight in any picture posted on this site.
    3 points
  42. Slone is my father.
    3 points
  43. This is me liking these ~ I've done gone & used mine all up today ~ A-Jay
    3 points
  44. I didn't get a weight, but definitely my biggest largemouth, my sister hand measured it to about 24". I guessed 6 or 7 but I don't know.
    3 points
  45. And @Raider Nation Fisher is a closet Denver Broncos fan. Literally. He has a locked closet in his house full of Broncos memorabilia which he fondles in the dark of night by candlelight.
    3 points
  46. Raider is actually Asian
    3 points
  47. Raider bought a Can-Am Spyder.
    3 points
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