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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/03/2016 in all areas

  1. I think I took five years off my life watching that... Omg talk about a nail biter. Go cubs go, go cubs go, hey Chicago what'dya say, the cubs are gonna win today! Fly the W! I know my moms watching, she's is smiling down on me.
    8 points
  2. Where did you find the 5313 in bulk for 3 cents each????? Try 30 cents with the 10% excise tax each. I challenge you to look at every company that mass produces lead based lures and find more than 3 that use Owner hooks and then find me more than 3 wholesale hook distributers that sell Owner hooks, in fact find me 1 wholesale distributer that deals with them. I'll save you some time, as someone who has been making lures for 20 years now, I can tell you that unless you can afford to buy in lots of 10K or more, you'll pay 30 cents per hook for a size #1 5313, you'll pay 36 cents for a 1/0. So give me you name an address and I'll send you not 30 dollars but I'll even give you 40 dollars plus pay for shipping to buy a box of 1000 size 1/0 5313 hooks from you, because the best price I can get with under 10K is $300/1000 which is 30 cents per hook before shipping and that is the price with the 10% excise tax. Think before you speak, this is something I know a lot about. EDIT: I apologize as I didn't read your second reply but I still have a slight problem. I make the same type of head, when I figure in my material price, hooks, paint, wire keepers, and lead, the price is close to 41 cents and that isn't even including time, so based on what Seibert is selling those for I'd say he isn't getting much for his time. I will apologize for the tone I'm setting but it seems that when a custom tackle maker puts out something of high quality, someone always has something to say about price yet Z-Man produces their "Shrooms" head in large volume with an inferior hook to what is used on the Morel jig and they charge $4.99 per 5 pack, which is 99.8 cents per head and nobody blinks and eye, why is that?? Owner is very steadfast in their prices to both consumers and businesses, that is why you don't see a lot of them used except for high end tackle and you pay for it, the same with vendors, I've contacted 9 different places I purchase materials from and they all tell me it doesn't pay them to keep a large inventory of Owner hooks because they don't make much from them as there really isn't a good wholesale price unless you carry such a large inventory that it will take forever and a day to sell. I guess I'm just tired of seeing custom guys getting called out for price on high quality tackle while mass produced items aren't even questioned on price.
    6 points
  3. I can fish in the snow. However, as long as there's another one of these in my net before it's all said & done, I'd be pretty pumped. And one even a little bigger wouldn't hurt my feeling either. A-Jay
    5 points
  4. The double digits club! 11.30lbs monster. Caught in Tallahassee, FL on a black trickworm. First big fish on my NRX 852s & '16 Stradic CI4+. The combo handled it like a champ. I'm going to be smiling for days! I always told myself I would never keep a fish under 10lbs. This one is going to the taxidermist in the morning.
    4 points
  5. We have just added our Morel Jighead! The Morel Jighead is built on an 5313 Owner hook . The head is a mushroom shape to help stand the bait strait up. These are perfect for fishing the Ned Rig. http://www.siebertoutdoors.com/Morel-Jig-Head-1022.htm We also have released our Sexy Shad color in all of our jig styles.
    4 points
  6. The only correlation I can come up with is that Beyonce, the dixie chicks, and new style country music all suck.
    4 points
  7. More WVU mixed bag fish Disclaimer* This is a 20" fish but I made sure there is nothing in the photo for size reference
    4 points
  8. Unseasonably (record) warm temperatures have kept my ponds in the mid-50s. Should be down around 50 now -essentially winter- and I'd be tossing down-sized jigs, jerks with long pauses, and bladebaits. But, at 55-57F, the bass are chasing. I'll take it, although it's a little weird that I'm still watering the gardens here. Two GoPro's are a bit of a pain, and look silly, but allow me to fish and take photos, including action shots. Ever had this happen? The plug wedged between the jaws -no hooks needed! I've had this happen a couple times before.
    3 points
  9. That game was one of the better sporting events I've ever witnessed - I know I'm only the age of 30, but wow. Everything from the build up of the drought of championships for both teams, extra innings in game 7, the schwarbs coming back after surgery - seems like a movie script. Today the office was not exactly productive, to say the least lol I will say though - with a healthy Indians pitching staff? If they all come back next year that team will be scary good. Part of me is glad they're in the AL haha
    3 points
  10. I was rooting for the Cubs. Like K_Mac I am a Cardinals fan but after 108 years you have to feel some empathy for Cubs fans. I'm glad they got this out of the way so that I can go back to rooting against them. Now for the Indians . . . . 1948 is quite a long time to go without a World Series victory. I hope it comes for them too.
    3 points
  11. Oh Man! The ghosts of 108yrs finally said enough!!!! Congrats to Cleveland they played one heck of series!! Mike
    3 points
  12. It sounds like an Original Floating Rapala to me. Caught my first bass on one many years ago, followed by a lot more bass after that one. Still got the lure in my garage but don't fish it any more 'cause it's too light to throw well. It was followed by the Countdown Rapala. Rapala still sells both models.
    3 points
  13. I have caught some big bass(for my region) on rapala. My favorite one is probably a sleeper on most peoples radar. The jointed shad rap. (Not that the original shad rap isn't a beast) but I never hear people talking about the jointed version. And it has caught many species for me. And has saved me from a skunk more than once. Using a variety of retrieves but I'd say my most successful one is a slow reel, followed with a pause and twitch. I have some colors that are discontinued that I'm a big fan of. But for ones they still make.. perch takes the cake (even where there are no perch) Here is the perch I'm talking about.. and the other is "hot perch" but is not made anymore. I wish I could have an extra so I could fish it fiercely.
    3 points
  14. Using the handle to shut the bail on a spinning reel isn't a good idea. Use your hand to shut it just like you did to open it.
    3 points
  15. Surprising... What did they design? The company doesn't make reels, they are just knock-offs of Abbadabadoo coming out of a different door from the same Chinese facility. "because Lews did low profile so much better"...I don't think so.
    3 points
  16. I fish for bass through the ice pretty often. First ice is usually the best action. January is good as well. February can be tough. Warm march day can be fantastic. I like to use the biggest shiners I can find. It can be very fast action. I target green weeds most of the time. Another tactic I have had good luck with is targeting the middle of a spawning cove 2-5 ft off of bottom. You can have some excellent days through the ice and catch some very large bass, the largest I have got through the ice is 6 lbs 8 oz. The action can be insane, 50 fish days are possible. We are allowed 5 lines in ME, 6 in NH, 8 in VT and 15 on Lake Champlain. The past couple years I have been actively jigging for them use a vexilar flasher. t is far more exciting then waiting for flags if the fishing is slow.
    3 points
  17. heres my trick! shallow pond. 10 feet deep or so. fish near cover. the love trees and stumps. shiner on tip ups but ive also caught them jiggin before i catch a lot of bass through the ice!
    3 points
  18. http://fishsniffer.com/index.php/2016/11/02/san-mateo-angler-shatters-lake-chabot-record-with-19-lb-largemouth/
    2 points
  19. Another beautiful day in Southwestern Ohio. No lunkers, but still had a great time fishing from the shore. A 180 acre lake with no boat rental. Hootie
    2 points
  20. Most of the lakes in SoCal have very good water clarity and it's common to see fish in the water, bass, bluegill, crappie, carp, shad, etc. I am always surprised how few anglers look for them year around. Being a trophy or big bass angler finding those fish is essential to catching them. I see them either visually or on sonar usually before catching them. Musky anglers call this raising fish, musky that follow the lure and turn away to disappear. The musky angler makes a note of where they raised the fish and returns later to try and catch it, I do the same with big bass. Sometimes it may take a few minutes, a few hours, days, weeks and even years, I never forget where big bass live. If the bass wants your lure it will strike it, if it doesn't it will not strike. If you think the bass doesn't know you are there or doesn't see you, you are probably wrong, bass are very aware of their environment. It's usually best to give the bass several minutes to return to it's original location and try something different from a new angle or from a longer distance. Whenever you are casting and retrieving lures get the mind set that bass are following or looking at it, they probably are and fish the lure accordingly. Tom
    2 points
  21. Mine would be a rebel wee craw. A friend from mine at the time asked if I wanted to go wading a river with him and his brother and of course I said yes. He told me to go and pick up some rebel wee craws to use on the trip. Not long after we started our trip I cast out my craw and it was slammed by a fiesty rock bass that fought for whopping 3 seconds before it gave up.
    2 points
  22. I was born and raised in Wisconsin so I understand you dreading the hard water that is coming your way soon. I never enjoyed ice fishing and would only go if I had a buddy with a warm ice shanty. I still remember riding in a car on Lake Winnebago the first time at 12 years old with my uncle, talk about FREAKED OUT!! I'm lucky that I now fish the Upper Potomac River and no matter how cold it gets I can always find part of the river that's soft enough to get a bait wet. I rarely catch any smallies but once in a while a walleye will bite. Even with no bites it's nice to have my bait splash instead of bounce. I don't take that for granted...
    2 points
  23. You should be proud of your team. They lost key players that should have ended their season long before the WS, yet they continued to win. They ran out of gas at the end, but their tenacity in game 7 showed their heart. They played like champions even though they, "ran out of time" as Francona put it. Well done.
    2 points
  24. Congratulations to the Cubs on the victory. I'm so proud of my Indians team for accomplishing everything they did this season when nobody thought they would get out of the ALDS let alone make it to game 7 of the World Series. I hope we face the Cubs again next year!
    2 points
  25. At some of the locations we visit it's not uncommon for nearly every angler, boater and co-angler, to weigh a limit. Some places it can be the opposite and there will only be a few limits weighed. Depends on the conditions, time of year, and the fishery. You also have to understand that in many tournaments a lot of guys will simply dump their fish. Happens all the time at big events, guys will come in and see/hear the weights being weighed in just dump what they have if it wouldn't be competitive...If there's no points or other year-long goals it's common practice. Even with points and/or similar goals, not everyone will be in the running and those guys are apt to dump before weighing. The tournament you described and Catt's examples might fall into this category since they seem to be much much larger than any typical club event. Tournament results are a good resource in general, but they don't always tell the full story .
    2 points
  26. Lol I'll respond later after this thread has died out that way it doesn't get put on lock.
    2 points
  27. It's not Daiwa so no worries from me.
    2 points
  28. Got out late yesterday afternoon before the rain. The bass were biting but they had to dead stick a worm. Every fish that took it I couldn't feel it take the bait nor did it try to move until I would feel some resistance when I went to move it and set the hook.
    2 points
  29. I haven't been on forum in while but got some bites today and soaked! Fat papa 55 killed it, every cast for an hour, then couple on siebert jig
    2 points
  30. This has got to go in the books as one of the top 5 World Series ever
    2 points
  31. This could be the greatest game 7 ever
    2 points
  32. Molay, please double check your prices. The hook is not 3 cents each. They are considerable more then that. I order direct from Owner. You might be able to get a Mustad or Eagle Claw for close to that in bronze light wire.
    2 points
  33. Looking good for the cubbies!!!!
    2 points
  34. Thank you for all the kind replies. It was by far the worst trying year of my life.I have lots of support from friends and family to help me through. I have to start fishing again. C22
    2 points
  35. Cheap cast aluminum can be pretty porous and not all that strong. There are all different carbon fiber and graphite materials too . Long story short, material alone doesn't tell the whole story.
    2 points
  36. This time of year I throw Shad Raps as my search bait and they get bit so well. I'm sure others have favorites but I've never found a more productive crank after fall turnover.
    2 points
  37. Ice drinking and ice fishing are completely different sports. No ice is 100 % safe but 4 inches of black ice and I will be out there. Some of the best fishing is first ice. If you wait for a foot ice you missed the first ice bite.
    2 points
  38. Really? Me to! It's crazy, I'm on a forum called Indiana gun owners and an awful lot of them have lost their guns the same way...
    2 points
  39. Unfortunately, I lost all of my guns in a boating accident when my boat tipped over https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2014/10/robert-farago/atf-agent-lost-gun-boating-accident/ Jeff
    2 points
  40. I use the Routes feature on the Navionics phone app. Been using it for years for both mapping out tournament runs and kayak trips. You can plug in your speed, and it will determine the arrival times.
    2 points
  41. If there are big fish in the pond, and you think you know where they are, you sit on them until they bite. Throw whatever you like, if they're inactive, you have to wait them out.
    2 points
  42. Man, I just got back from Port Sulphur, LA and I felt the same way. To be sight fishing big redfish is a blast and makes you jealous of the folks that get to do that on a regular basis. Makes you reconsider how heavy of tackle we use for bass fishing too!
    2 points
  43. Make supports like this. Really helped me keep water out when I had to store my boat outside. Mine were even taller.
    2 points
  44. I have always heard "shallow in early and late season and deeper during mid-season but since I generally only ice fish smaller bodies of water, I haven't really practiced this and can't verify its truth. Weedy flats in around 5 to 7 feet of water always seem to work best for me. If there is a submerged brush pile or other cover, all the better. Tip ups using live bait is somewhat of a numbers game where you spread out "lots" of tip ups (check your state regulations to see how many are allowed). The other method is to use a flasher to "pin point" a good spot (or spots). Some people do both tip ups and using a flasher. I prefer the latter (only) as I'm not very good at multi tasking and, really, I don't stay on a hole very long if it's not producing anyway. I was apprehensive about buying a flasher as the cost seemed prohibitive but it really does provide"real time" information about what is happening under the ice and if the location is worth bothering with at all. AND it it easy to see where your lure/bait/jig is in relation to the bottom and in relation to the fish. Once thing I've noticed is that if you are marking and/or catching smaller fish (such as sunfish or crappie) and it suddenly "dries up", don't move right away as sometimes a larger predator fish (such as a bass, catfish, or pike) has moved into the area and has frightened off the smaller fish. It isn't always the case but I've seen it enough to know not to leave immediately.
    2 points
  45. It was a fantastic day. I love this time of the year. Hootie
    2 points
  46. My partner and I planned a redfish trip in Houma, LA. over a year ago (another story) Since we weren't going to drive 20 plus hours from MD all in one trip, we wanted to stop and fish. We decided on Guntersville and called a guide. He said he couldn't, and recommended we call Derek Remitz. Yep, this Derek Remitz. http://www.bassmaster.com/anglers/derek-remitz He is taking a break from the Elite Series and now guides full time on Guntersville. He is a proud, new dad and talked about his little man a lot. We fished with him on a Sunday (on the way down) and Saturday (on the way home) What a blast. We fish the tidal Potomac River and this was different for us. The fish weren't big right now as the weather is just too warm and the fall pattern hasn't started. We also both got a spotted bass, which neither of us had caught before. He was a blast to fish with and caught on quick to our sense of humor and joined in the fun. He is not pretentious despite his accomplishments. Just like fishing with a friend. Both evenings at the end, he had a few beers in the parking lot and hung out for a while and talked. He knew we were headed to Louisiana and mentioned that he'd love a redfish filet. We just happened to catch a few. After talking about it, I think we have him talked in a redfish trip to Louisiana. He recommends fishing Guntersville in May. We'll most likely never make it back but, if you're thinking of a trip to Alabama, book Wolverine.
    2 points
  47. the top ones look like old fliptails. the bottom ones look like cream scoundrels.
    2 points
  48. Some years, when my ponds have had heavy hatch years of bass fry, UL and 1+" jig/grub combos have worked (Sassy Shad, Twister), as have streamer flies with fly tackle. But my fish were never as big -up to 4lbs. Are you certain the bigger fish are targeting the fry? It can be difficult for larger bass to keep tiny fish from escaping through the gills. In the UW video I've been doing, the fry (1 to 2") are targeted by bass up to about 13". Bigger bass are after the younger bass that are targeting the fry. Maybe go ahead and try live-lining, just to be sure. Or, with prey that small, a stomach pump would work well. I often use them for trout, just upping tube size for bigger trout/prey. Also, keep in mind a few things: Sight-fishing, or fishing to busting fish, can be esp frustrating bc lures rarely look like actual food, esp with repeated exposure. And, some bass are simply "immune to angling". Such fish may be most vulnerable under reduced visibility. Maybe wait for a dark overcast day. I'd stick with lures that give few negative cues: swim jigs, soft jerks, and... here's one few people seem to know about: the Lit'l Fishie now sold by Creme. It's a tiny to small swimbait that I found bass and walleye have a really difficult time learning. Great lure.
    2 points
  49. New toy arrived today. Megabass Phase 3 Bearing Down
    2 points
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