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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/02/2016 in all areas

  1. We have just added our Morel Jighead! The Morel Jighead is built on an 5313 Owner hook . The head is a mushroom shape to help stand the bait strait up. These are perfect for fishing the Ned Rig. http://www.siebertoutdoors.com/Morel-Jig-Head-1022.htm We also have released our Sexy Shad color in all of our jig styles.
    5 points
  2. stopped by Dick's the other day and they had buy 5 clearance items get 5 free as well as 50% off the clearance fishing clothing. i snagged the only 9 terminator t1's they had left at $8.97 so less than $5 each and a 300yd spool of 20lb power pro along with a Huk t shirt, huk long sleeve shirt and a long sleeve columbia pfg shirt. all that for $95! i gave 2 of the T1's to a buddy of mine for borrowing his pressure washer so i still have 7 for myself. to be the best spinnerbait i can think of, they have the WORST packaging of any product on the shelves! every one of these had the plastic front separating from the cardboard backing.
    4 points
  3. Too much work you are doing there, Mend-it soft plstic bait repair,
    4 points
  4. Had a couple decent days on Pomme last weekend. WHITE Buzz Bait on the windy flats and a mouse color spinnerbait while running parallel to some bluffs. Caught some on a wart as well. Caught a nice 5 1/2 pounder and a dozen or so keepers each day. Yall live in the best part of the country.
    4 points
  5. It's like when your used to eating mcdonalds and you then start eating prime rib..it takes an adjustment period.
    4 points
  6. Another beautiful day in Southwestern Ohio. No lunkers, but still had a great time fishing from the shore. A 180 acre lake with no boat rental. Hootie
    3 points
  7. 6 lb YoZuri hybrid.
    3 points
  8. The double digits club! 11.30lbs monster. Caught in Tallahassee, FL on a black trickworm. First big fish on my NRX 852s & '16 Stradic CI4+. The combo handled it like a champ. I'm going to be smiling for days! I always told myself I would never keep a fish under 10lbs. This one is going to the taxidermist in the morning.
    2 points
  9. My partner has been before but, this was my first time. All fish were caught in two feet of water with bass tackle. Catching 20-30lb. fish in shallow water will make you rethink bass fishing. Man I want to live in Houma, Louisiana. The first pic is a 39", 27# red, the second was 32". Best fight I ever had as we had a double hook up and this fish ran through the guts and cuts on the bayou taking the tops off the marsh grass. (I lost complete site and just kept pressure)
    2 points
  10. What a kick in the pants! I always wonder which is worse-a long battle with something or not having the chance to say goodbye. Both are terrible! My prayers go out to you (and the cubs)!
    2 points
  11. They have an interesting portfolio..... http://peakrockcapital.com/portfolio/
    2 points
  12. I've always had rust issues, for decades, until I switched to holy boxes. Seriously. I can't believe people say they never get rust...
    2 points
  13. Make supports like this. Really helped me keep water out when I had to store my boat outside. Mine were even taller.
    2 points
  14. No bad experience from me, just what I have read about being bad on firing pins and barrels. I also know they are very dirty. Just something I stay away from. Jeff
    2 points
  15. 10lb mono for most cases. 8lb mono in clearer water 12lb mono if water is stained enough .
    2 points
  16. Sunline Shooter Defier Nylon Monofilament 13lb.
    2 points
  17. Cubs in seven! Let's gooo cubbiess! These are two amazing teams and I think game seven is gonna be a very tight "coin flip" of a game. Hopefully we can figure out kluber like we did Kershaw.
    2 points
  18. Not yet Pal.. Calling the ghosts of 108yrs Mike
    2 points
  19. Great fish! Depending on the thickness of that bass, it could be 7 pounds. That is a beautiful fish. All the reason to ALWAYS have a scale. I am terrified of this happening to me! No matter if i am fishing for 5 minutes from shore or at a spot that is not supposed to have a big fish, that scale is with me. However, i am sure that if i forgot it, i would start catching more giant bass. That always seems to happen when a scale is left at home. Great fish.
    2 points
  20. To me my recommendation does not change based on your experience. I do not like buying beginner equipment and upgrading later. So go straight to a Daiwa Tatula CT. It retails for $129. It is just like all of the Tatulas. The are built well, cast smoothly and have very good drag systems. They are easy to adjust properly even for a beginner I fish with 7 Daiwa reels in the Tatula family. The Tatula CT is the newest version in the lineup. They are just workhorses
    2 points
  21. Welcome aboard, Jacob! Do a search of the forums for what you're looking for. Lots of information has already been discussed. But for your range, a Daiwa or Shimano is a tough piece of equipment to beat!
    2 points
  22. No doubt it's filthy ammo. I've maybe shot 50 rounds in total through all of my handguns but never had a stuck case. I'm not the type to go through 200+ rounds in a session either so maybe that's why. I'll leave this here. Note they are shooting thousands of rounds of the given ammo during this test. http://www.luckygunner.com/labs/brass-vs-steel-cased-ammo/
    2 points
  23. It was a fantastic day. I love this time of the year. Hootie
    2 points
  24. You know, KFA, your question is the one we all want to answer. And it is easier said than done. Unlike hunting for deer, turkey, ducks, geese or squirrel, us bass fisherman have to hunt in a totally foreign environment for a critter that can outsmart us at the drop of a hat. We have to move from place to place; be able to read water clarity; know the seasons and how the bass react to water temperature changes; watch the weather; and worry about falling out of a boat. All of the above is foreign to mankind but away we go in search of our prey. There is no complete answer to your query. I would love to tell you where to go; what to look for; what baits and techniques to use; where the big ones are holding; water depths; water clarity around the bend; time of day; full moon; rain; wind; and on and on. But no one can tell you these things. That is why time on the water is so critical to your success in addition to reading about your foe and learning all you can. So what CrustyMono penned is totally correct. It will give you some guidance. And so will the other posts that follow. But not the secret place or honey hole on the lake. You will have to find those places on your own. Now, how to make your life easier? Start a log of every day you hit the water. Pen every fish your catch, where, under what conditions, time of day, baits used, line test, type of line, spinning rig or baitcaster, and do the same for all the ones you miss. There is a log sheet under "Tools" at the top of this page. Make some copies and put them in a three-ring binder and study and review them all the time. What makes this sport so challenging is that those little green monsters can make us very humble people. The more you know the better your results. So read, read and read. Watch the Forum videos. Subscribe to the Forum on Facebook. And when you read about a specific bait, technique, etc. go to YouTube and look it up. Good luck and keep us posted on your successes and failures. P.S. Please add your location to your avatar as it is critical for us to know where you are so we can give you better input. There are vast differences in fishing in Florida vs. Ohio.
    2 points
  25. I throw a Keitech 3.5" Swing Impact on a light jig head beyond the fry and swim it slowly through them. Usually gets a strong hit. I use a spinning set up for this.
    2 points
  26. Today my Whistle Pig 15 year should be arriving at the office.
    2 points
  27. Waterproof boxes are great at trapping moisture and promoting rust. The only thing they're good for is keeping something dry that you'll never or rarely have to open up, but will be exposed to water. For baits, air flow is important to avoid rust. The best are the perforated boxes from Plano.
    2 points
  28. This weekend was a big weekend for me. Put up the peg board and organized what I could with the few pegs I had to make room for the new boat (new to me). My first boat and I couldn't be any happier.
    2 points
  29. I've used a tube as a DS weight, it allows me to lose hooks twice as fast!
    2 points
  30. Yeah,..I fish alot of clear waters Trick is to continue any cadence that got their attention to begin with. If you get anxious and "react" to the strike that has yet to come because you see the fish coming. The fish will most likely swim up to it, check it out, and swim away. If you just continue working the lure, as if there's no fish getting ready to attack it ,...it just might. My old fishing buddy used to drive himself nuts with this (what I call) "clear water anxiety" he'd get so amped up, that every fish that showed any interest, he'd freeze waiting for the hit, that never came. It took me so long to break him of this, even though he'd be watching me catching fish, and he wasn't. He would try speeding up the lure, or letting it sit, slight twitches,.. etc. All he really needed to do was to close his eyes for a few seconds (once he saw a fish coming) and just fish the lure the way that drew the fish's attention. And that finally worked. It took me a while to just ignore that a fish is about to hit when I first started fishing all these clear waters as well. And I understand all too well the difficulty of seeing a huge bass about to hit and not hinder my retrieve. Its not easy, its actually a very tense moment, exciting as well. But if you just imagine there is nothing going on, and just continue your retrieve, thinking she's not gunna hit, she might. At the least thats how I've dealt with the clear water anxiety As far as the bait available you mentioned,.. that very well may be the true reason why the bass were just checking your lures out without a hit, they could be keying in on the present baitfish's size, scent, color, and movement. With that being said,...Your retrieves very well may have been right on, doing what is needed in clear water. And you did nothing "wrong" at all,.. But what I call "clear water anxiety" ,....is a real issue with many anglers that aren't used to water you can see thru down to 20 or 30 feet. Watching a 8 or 9 pounder heading for your lure isnt an easy thing to watch, and continue a "consistent" retrieve. It takes some,..ok,.. alot of nerve, and a ton of patience. Even watching a nice 4 lber about to strike can hype up most anglers that aren't used to clear water.
    2 points
  31. Going through some of my worms I found that some had tails that were broken off or about to come off. Thought I would try to fix them and it worked great. I have a temp controlled soldering iron that goes down to 200C. At the lowest setting, I held the small tail in a clamp and rubbed the tip between the body and tail until both were melting the pressed them together for about 15 seconds. Done. Good as new. Hope this might help someone.
    1 point
  32. Garage sale about 5 cents. Tom
    1 point
  33. I think the prices of new boats and trucks is ridiculous. I am having my first kid at almost 40, live with my wife, and both have stable jobs. So I'm at a little different point in my life. Doesnt mean I don't think $70k on a boat is crazy though.
    1 point
  34. Hey congrats man !!! I hope you get the opportunity to get your dad out as much as possible my friend. Please pass along my sincere thanks for his service to this great nation of ours !!!
    1 point
  35. Super spooks, 5" lunker punkers, buzzjets. All could be used on that rod.
    1 point
  36. Could be handy if you want a color combo that isn't made.
    1 point
  37. Doesn't look like he is going to respond... maybe he's talking about his biggest fish ever regardless of species.
    1 point
  38. That is one awesome canoe!!
    1 point
  39. It's a odd place as within the same day you can catch Largemouth, Smallmouth, an Peacock bass. The lake has Largemouth and Peacock Bass, while the streams have smallmouth
    1 point
  40. Great point about being in the boat vs. on the boat. That Ranger 621 looks nice! I like that it has a larger now area than the Tyee. So after 30 mins do you go home?
    1 point
  41. Im assuming when you say circles you mean ring terminals. Simply put the correct ring terminal on the correct lead post and lock them down with a stainless steel locking nut Do not use a wing nut. I believe the everstarts come with a locking nut. You can use that. Get them locked down tightly. I would swap the clips out for ring terminals, too. Do this: unscrew the nut that is thread on the pos and negative post. put the ring terminals on the correct lead. put the locking nut back on the post with the ring termianls below it. Tighten the nut down and you're good to go.
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. You look like Tim McGraw if that's your picture.
    1 point
  44. Not an issue with the TRD's & JJ's for me.
    1 point
  45. How are you using the batteries? Are they connected in series and you are running a 36 volt motor, if so your math is flawed. Even though they are 100Ah, if connected in series the triple the voltage but still at only 100Ah. If they are connected in parallel, then they would triple the capacity to 300Ah but still only have 12 volts. Also, there's a little more involved even if you are running them in parallel Theoretically you would be right if it weren't for way they rate the batteries and the way you use them. Your battery is rated on a 20 hour scale, meaning that they only use enough current to discharge the over a 20 hour period, that's about 5 amps. As the current draw increases, due to the internal resistance of the battery, the efficiency of the battery decreases. In real life and actual use if you were to be pulling 45 amps off three batteries in parallel, you would probably loose about 15 to 20% of the rated capacity so you would have to figure about 20% less run time. However, if you are running them in series and pulling 45 amps, you would be loosing about 35 to 40% capacity so you would have to figure that much less run time. Now if you are not running them at the full 45 amp draw, then your efficiency is going to be lower than the 20 hour rating, but higher than the full load rating. A better indicator of what your run time would be is the reserve capacity rating. That is how many minutes the battery will run with a 25 amp draw (some batteries use a different amp draw usually it will be between 20 and 25 amps, you have to check their specification sheet). Typically, 15 to 25 amps is more common to what your will draw when fishing and casting so if the battery has a RC rating of 180, that means you should get close to 180 minutes of just easing around and casting. Depending on the type battery, if fairly easy to check them yourself with a voltmeter and hydrometer if you think one is bad.
    1 point
  46. An attempt to mimic Megabass's chartreuse viper pattern. Airbrush got away from me around the eyes. And the real one. Someday I'll get there
    1 point
  47. 1 point
  48. Maybe we should think of soft plastic like it was really just live bait that's super easy to care for A-Jay
    1 point
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