Jig and Pig, smothered in real craw,.... flipping, pitching, skipping, casting, swimming.
If you are in a slump? fish it.,...
could you be off of the big girls areas?
They do command the best area, and the best spot within that area.
The queen sized bass of any water also demands certain criteria that might offer a hit,...timing, stealth, approach, direction, speed, all need to be considered when you diesect the cover on structure that posseses the best presence of forage.
The mere opportunity isnt as easy as it may seem, you may know all of this already, and be within all of these commands, and still receive less than even a look form her. She can be as fickle as a cat when you put down the best food at dinner time.
Im no Doug Hannon by any means, or even a "pro" for that matter. But,.. I have been on a mission for over 30 years now, to find the biggest of the pond bass. And although the last 2 years I've been hindered by health issues. The 28 some odd years previous were spent at the least 3 times a week floating on some premium lakes and ponds, searching that same chance you are seeking. I have caught some beauties, even some double digits. Which has honed some of my techniques, tactics, and abilities. And, I have found that even with all the info I've collected, and used, to hone these criteria. The big girls still arent so agreeable,...cementing my thoughts that luck does play a large part of the equation.
So many times I've tossed into the best spot on the lake, and watched her swim away under my boat into even deeper water. Producing some choice nouns, pronouns, and verbage that I cant voice here.,... while adding the situations information into my brains mainframe for future refference. Asking myself "what went wrong?,. what did I do wrong?,... did she see me?, was it the wrong lure at that time? did I move it to quickly? Is she keying in on a certain forage?",... and so on, for the next few days. Its almost enough to drive one to a asylum.
You know you were at the right spot, you watched her swimming away into the abyss. You did everything right, but still watched her seemingly arrogant tail flick, propell her away. All the while realizing that a few hours later, little Jimmy with his spincast rod, bobber, and worm can hook and land her, maybe not with ease, but land her just the same.
I understand that you may not be seeking the "biggest" of the lake fish, but what Im getting at is that even though thats not your quarry,..bigger fish are actually on their way to be her, and as they grow they too have some "quirks" that you need to be attentive to, some attitudes, that will make the hunt for them just a bit more than just pounding the shoreline.
Im not saying at all that you have no abilities, or that I need to "teach" you. Im just a angler thats willing to offer the experiences, and tactics I've found that have helped me, to all. Some of you may be asking yourself, why would he do that, when so many anglers are quite the opposite, harboring their years of experiences to themselves., for a shot at the wallhanger of a lifetime before someone else comes along and beats him to it?,...Why? Seems crazy right?,... Actually it isnt at all,...because I know that, little Jimmy can walk down that ramp to daddy's dock with his bobber and can of worms at any time.
You too have that same chance,...and thats key right there. Chance,...we all have a chance at our daily quest on the water, beit for a limit, or the wallhanger, or even just a few nice fish to round out a day. Every day on the water is actually just a chance, and its seems that whatever we are seeking at that moment? The good lord provides us with what we get,... by chance.
It may be a few hours we need to wait for the success we're seeking, or a few days, weeks, even years. But,.. with persistence, determination, and available abilities, we can only shorten that timeframe,... again,,.. by chance. Keep your chin up, it will eventually happen, be diligent, giving up wont do any good, actually that does more harm then good, as the bite you may have been on will dwindle. Then you need to find another bite at a later date, starting all over again.
Your dilema may just be timing, or any one of the many things that makes this sport of ours so appealing. As time goes on you will find your "groove" again and will be back on the good fish your seeking. I only know this as so many times amungst the past 30 odd years of hunting the "queen" its happened to me too.
Slumps do stink, but they also eventually end, and I hope yours does soon. Good luck