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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/18/2016 in all areas

  1. 7 points
  2. Building 7'6" worm/jig rod for brother Kent. This is my first build on one of the new Rainshadow Eternity blanks. Also my first attempt at acrylic turning. Kent wants a 7'6" rod to be tip light. There are two ways to do that. One is to make a stupid long handle. That is out of the question. That leaves making a heavier handle; thus the use of acrylic parts. i basically taped cork rinsg and acrylic pieces onto the blank with the reel seat taped on, and a reel mounted, until I got what was required. Took a while. Here's what we have so far. The handle assembly, glued up and clamped on the blank.
    6 points
  3. Thanks to another member I was finally able to round out the 3 amigos Gloomis IMX 844MBR-chronarch E7 Gloomis IMX 783MBR-conquest 100 Gloomis IMX 782MBR-curado 50e Not much these 3 can't handle.
    6 points
  4. You generally get 30-50% more max power with a dry set up. More important is the transition from grip to slip in the stack. There is no "sticking and then breaking loose." It's very smooth, wet or dry. Personally, I wouldn't need more than 8 lbs. on a 4 power rod. Doesn't mean a Carbontex upgrade is wasted, for the other reasons listed above.
    5 points
  5. Didn't have a whole lot of time to fish this weekend, but still got into a few decent fish.
    5 points
  6. I drove up to western NC friday after work to do some fishing with the old man on Saturday. he got a boat about 2 months ago and i hadn't had the chance to even see it yet so it was long overdue! it's an 18' xpress with a yamaha 175 vmax. really nice, really clean perfect fishing setup! he just needs to get his fishfinder wired up properly and it'll be 100% set for many trips to come! we headed for a nice lake we used to frequent when i was a kid, lake nantahala. when we got there, they'd pulled nearly all the water out of the place and it was wayyyyy down! nevertheless we set out to make a day of it. the weather and scenery could not have been any better, just a beautiful day to be on the water! however, the fishing could have been much better! i caught nothing but the aroma of a skunk!!! the old man schooled me with his 2 daiwa gold spincast setups and his handful of tackle he brought with him. he ended up with 3 fish, a keeper largemouth, short smallie and a keeper smallie. all caught on the same crankbait he started the day out with.... it's always a humbling experience when my simpleton dad schools me on the water, but i'll take it every time! we had an absolute blast and his boat was awesome. we pulled up to a grill/cafe joint on the lake and had the best and biggest plate of ribs i've had in forever. just a great day and great times! to cap it off we even caught a show from 2 bald eagles doing some kamikaze dives on each other way up in the back of one of the creeks!
    4 points
  7. Took a step to being a real man... Just got my New Jersey boating license... Now all I need is a boat...
    4 points
  8. ok, a few of my Loomis Rods and shimano reels: SJR843 GL3 with Saros 4000 MBR843 E6X with Curado 200i PG TSR791 with Sustain 1000 FE SJR842 GL3 with Sustain 3000 FE. love all my Loomis Rods, I also have an Escape travel rod (love it) and an SJR700 GL3 (mag light one of my faves) Cant wait until the next one even if it results in divorce hahaha
    4 points
  9. Took a guided trip with a buddy a few weeks ago and had a blast! Unfortunately, very few boats can get to the places we fished. Some more. We tripled up a couple times, on this one, mine is the biggest, the lighting must be bad or something..........:)
    3 points
  10. For the cost of a bag of senkos your drag will be much improved for as long as you own that reel. I do it to all my Shimanos and Daiwas.
    3 points
  11. Looks to be approximately somewhere between 2 and 22 pounds
    3 points
  12. I was going to post this haha You had to post that link huh.... *pulls out wallet*
    3 points
  13. Suggestion: Remove baits from rods before trailering boat and do not put baits on rods until you leave the area. Suggestion: Don't tell everyone what you caught or where. If necessary, lie. Suggestion: There will always be people who have no idea what they are doing when bass fishing and they think that they can just view your baits and go out and catch fish one cast after another. It is part of bass fishing and you have to put up with it. Now, if you really want to blow their minds rig all rods with the Banjo Minnow (or some other worthless bait) or throw some around the boat and tell the guys at the ramp that the bass just ate them up. Then laugh your way home.
    3 points
  14. So far the ALCS has been pretty entertaining especially for Cleveland fans. Go tribe.
    2 points
  15. Dogs go with me all the time. Here is one of mine holding down the back of the boat: Seriously: If the primary purpose of the boat is for fishing, get a boat that at least partially dedicated to that task. Fishing from a pontoon will be OK on the best day and a complete PITA a lot of the rest of the time. I can see that as being tough...easy to lose track of the little buggers.
    2 points
  16. Same as spring, just a bit bigger. Jerkbait, Spybait, Swimbait, Jig, Chatterbait, Spinnerbait. For "ME" now is the time to really toss swimbaits. Big, slow, high protein/calories for minimal risk (on the bass' part).
    2 points
  17. Catch a bullet or get whipped by a little crippled back Cajun dude lol It would be easy to hide in the woods there and watch for em too!
    2 points
  18. Id say a 10 pound test mono is a good start., I use stren, but you dont need to, you could use berkley xl as well its a good line too. Now this next paragraph is very important When it comes to spooling the line you may want to search "spooling spinning reels" or "re-spooling spinning reels" on this site,....as its a bit more involved than one would think,... and im pretty sure Glenn would have that here.,.. The idea is not to twist the line all up when spooling., its easy to do, and will ruin your 1st outing quickly..,..If the search doesnt work out,...you can personal message me here,.. and I'll type it out for you.
    2 points
  19. I'm gonna need the length, weight, and girth of each of the individuals in the picture to make an accurate estimate. Make sure you weigh them on solid ground, not in the boat. Also please provide the temperature and barometric pressure on the day that this picture was taken.
    2 points
  20. Orig and Fat Max fan here. Hard to fish them wrong. Hopping works well because the tails have good action even on a slow fall. Straight swimming along or just off the bottom works well quite often. I like Motor Oil and darker colors; wife prefers Okeechobee most any time.
    2 points
  21. I caught 2 today fishing the Ned Rig for the first time. One tiny smallie, and I believe a rock bass? Can anyone verify that it is indeed a rock bass? Never caught one before.
    2 points
  22. Had a few more items come in over the weekend and yesterday: Majorcraft Corzza 6'9" ML 2 piece spinning rod Majorcraft Corzza 6'7" L BFS 2 piece casting rod Megabass Z bud JR Crankee bass joint Hedgehog BFS air bearings (for curado 51e) Hedgehog ZR spool bearings (for curado 101b) (2) Megastrike cavitrons Pocket Knockers KVD line conditioner
    2 points
  23. LMAO! Tito is pushing all the right buttons! I can honestly say that I miss watching his interviews. I agree with Jar11591, Tito is on his way to Cooperstown if he can win the WS. 1 more game to go and bring on the winner of the NLCS.
    2 points
  24. Fish them how you would fish any other ribbon tail worm. My favorite ones are the 7.5" original ribbon tails. I T-rig them (usually 1/8 - 1/4oz brass weight) and sometime use them on lighter Carolina rigs. The Red shad color has produced for me in the past. I've caught some rigged weightless as well.
    2 points
  25. That was a gutsy effort no matter how short lived.
    2 points
  26. Still a little too hot here in Tennessee for the best frogging but it is working.
    2 points
  27. Indians lose their starter in the first inning and the bullpen wins it. Wow!
    2 points
  28. It sure does. I'm there every weekend. I'd hate to fight right now but I will lol. The landing by the bridge on the south bank of Six Mile creek. Not too far from Carlson's. Here's my shabby report for last weekend: Caught 9 Saturday on a frog shallow by the hardest. Sunday had one choupique until I got saved by some schooling fish. Caught 8 on a spook in an hour. Tried every bait known to man from 6" to 24'. One day I hope to see my screen look like June-bug's. Back at it this weekend...good luck to all.
    2 points
  29. OK, let us know how that goes for you.
    2 points
  30. #9 Original Rapala floater, either blk/gold or blk/silver. Custom rod (Rainshadow blank) and Pfluger President (6925)
    2 points
  31. Trick darters. Nothing else quite does it for me like em!
    2 points
  32. Long time XL user switching this year to Big Game. I find lately XL to be almost too soft and I can't seem to get good knot strength after its been on the reel for a week or more - which isn't good. I have to tie several knots before I can give a good tug to one that doesn't break using 6, 8 or 10 pound. In using the Big Game, yes it has more memory and it might cast 5% less distance but man is it STRONG. solved my strength issues immediately. to me, the trade off for toughness and strength is worth it. Im using 8 pound big game on spinning and 12 pound test on my baitcaster. so far I really like it. big game has been around for eons and im only now learning its benefits and why it has such a huge following for us old school mono users lol
    2 points
  33. Drove to Jacobs pond in Norwell after housework was done. Water temp was 67.x and just a breeze from the west. Jacobs was down 2' from Spring, leaving just 2-3' of water for the fish to play in. I started with a Bluegill Whopper Plopper and small yellow perch Rapala Minnow. After two hours and nothing more than a couple small 'pick' 'picks', I packed up and moved over to Luddhams Ford in Hanover. Luddhams' temp was 62.x and calm. Luddham is an extension of the North River. I found the depth between 2 and 5' so I stuck with the Whopper Plopper and my go-to T-rigged Zoom. The Whopper Plopper saved my shut out, netting me 6 little bass and 4 pickerel. None were scale breakers, but good enough for mid October. Picked up an extra shift tomorrow so my plans of getting down to Long Pond for more trout will have to wait for another week. If I get out of work at a good hour, I'll head out to Ponkie or Sunset Lake and enjoy some Indian Summer Fishing. BTW: Gongrats on some awesome fish Mike!
    2 points
  34. Overstock now has a 2 for 1 and 3 for 1 sale. Yamamoto stuff, z man craws, psycho dads, senkos, etc.
    2 points
  35. Definitely a largemouth. The fish. I'm talking about the fish!
    2 points
  36. You just came to show off your cute gf, you knew it was LM the whole time!!!!
    2 points
  37. went to upstate NY this past weekend. caught some good fish. i caught a small king and brownie. my buddies girl caught 2 20lbs kings. my 2 buddoies werent so lucky they hooked up but couldnt land em. cant wait to go this weekend
    2 points
  38. As much as I'm all about sharing locations, tips and baits, I'm NOT cool with someone nosing through my stuff without my permission. There are certain lines you don't cross and getting into others property is one of them.
    2 points
  39. Berkley Big Game 15# Mean Green for everything but punching. Berkley Big Game is the highest in abrasion resistant & shock absorption. In the real world those two qualities out weigh every thing else!
    2 points
  40. I never really understood why people don't like telling others how they are doing on the water, with exception of tournaments. Most conversations I have with other fishermen usually start out with, "any luck?" and then we swap how we did that day, and if they are friendly we might share techniques. I just can't fathom the reason for lying about something as trivial as how many fish you caught or if you caught any big ones, it's funny because the stereotype of fisherman is that they brag and exaggerate....except apparently when it comes to other fishermen.
    2 points
  41. I'll any information with anybody! That doesn't mean you can put your fingers on my stuff without asking permission! My kids & grandkid don't
    2 points
  42. I don't see why it's bad to help a fellow fisherman with information, even if they're nosy. I don't have a boat and I bank fish so maybe I'm out of my realm here but I thought everyone was all about community and spreading the hobby/sport of fishing. I'm not a people person by any means but I'll talk fishing with anyone that wants to talk fishing.
    2 points
  43. To the OP: Working Part time is not really quite retired - you are still on someone else's clock. Retirement puts you on your clock. It should look like this . . . Things change dramatically at that point. btw - when if comes to fishing after my retirement ~ I follow the @Wayne P. protocol . . A-Jay
    2 points
  44. Retirement fishing is easy. You get to pick your agenda rather than have it dictated to you. I go as often as I want but I still have to listen to mother nature for the wind/wave report before I can commit. I avoid weekends & crowds 99% of the time. You won't burnout as long as you go when you want & not if you don't as Wayne P. suggested. Just keep fishing fun & the rest falls into place. I moved close to lake erie after I retired so I could fish as much as I want for smallies.
    2 points
  45. I am rarely on the water on weekends anymore. Don't have to deal with the crowds. I pretty much fish when and where I want to anytime I want to. Don't have to let bad weather make it uncomfortable, I can chose what weather patterns I want to fish. For tidal waters, I go when the tide is best for the period of time I want to be there. Been doing it that way for 11 years.
    2 points
  46. I only use the Sub Walk for Saltwater for some reason but I need to try that.....That is a great bait, kind of a glide bait really, I just keep it in my saltwater box but that is a good call.
    1 point
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