Go with it.,.. You've done your "homework" and so far seem to be right on course for the metaphorical golden "star" on your forehead.,.lol
When things change, and you know they will, react in a manner condusive to the "new" conditions. Stay on them. It's very easy to get into a groove while on the bite, and when that bite drops. loose contact of what the fish are now reacting to, and! to what extent. You've been there before, We all have. Im sure you (papajoe) and many others understand where Im going with this, but fir those who dont???,.......
Like,... they are shallow now and "somewhat' agreeable for you during tough conditions, when the change comes? did they back off the shoreline, or have they just stayed local and shut off? did they drop MUCH deeper and now are keying in on one specific forage? or have they moved out and suspended over deep water? and so on. You know the scenerio.
Keeping consistency is the never ending quest of the truly diehard bass angler. And to do so is a exceptional accomplishment and should be recognized. BUT,..When you come to that crossroad, a elated feeling comes to mind, and even the slightest hesitation or "moment of celebration" is all it takes to loose track of your consistent performance. You've got things pinned down, change comes, and many are on such a natural "high" from their previous success, they didnt even think of what can come next. And this occurs so often for many of us,.. So,...if your riding a successful bite during tough times, go with it, but be ready for the next bite, or lack there of. Envision what they "may" do next, play out the possibilities in your mind. Have a gameplan ready, and I hope you find continued success.
As I know how it feels to be successful when its tough, then loose track of them, when they become more agreeable, or not. Which is quite aggravating. You know that change came, and being as times were tough and you "had" your way during that time, now you see others lipping fish around you, but you cant seem to buy a bite.
I found that when ,..or if,.. you loose track? clear your mind, forget what they "were" doing, completely, no matter how hard you "had their number" ..letting that previous success go, and erasing any thoughts on what they were hitting, or doing,.. and starting from scratch will eventually bring you to whats going on now. If the change comes, and you react correctly, and are still on them? You sir,.. get the golden star.
Congrats, on the bigger fish Papajoe!
I hope it continues for you