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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/29/2016 in all areas

  1. Forgot to mention. I won a club tournament last weekend which was sponsord by Harris Sportmail. Dreadful day fishing with very few caught. I had one bite, on the bottom in 55ft, and it was a nice one. 10-08lb and bigger than any other fish by over a pound and bigger than any bag brought in. I now have a trophy to trip over for a year and an ABU Veracity rod courtesy of Harris Sportmail.
    6 points
  2. -picking out back lashes will catch you some amazing fish so wake up and take note. -if you're not catching fish on a new lure/ technique it's b/c ur adding too much 'angler action' -stop trying to feel every bite. keeping slack in ur line will get you better quantity, and better quality. -you can power fish in cold water. -stop watching Youtube vids and immediately ordering from TW. take the time to dig thru ur Rubbermaid containers full of tackle and make due with what you have to try this newly discovered magical technique. -expensive equipment won't help you catch bass. sooner or later ur going to bump into a guy with an Ugly stick that pulls out his cell phone pix and makes you drool with envy. -if you fish from shore, skip ur next 3-4 technique specific combos, and several hundred lures, and buy a kayak. -if you fish from kayak/canoe/boat, skip ur next 3-4 technique specific combos, and several hundred lures, and buy a sonar with side imaging. -you can't have 'confidence in a lure' without experience. -50% of what you read/watch online won't apply to your water. the other 50% still needs to be customized. learn to identify your body of water and it's biological personality -you only need 3 colors: white, green, black/blue. -it's better to try something new and completely ridiculous for 5 mins then get skunked for another 2 hours via the same 500-600 repetitive casts
    4 points
  3. Yes ~ Where & How your jig is presented will almost always trump color. A-Jay
    4 points
  4. The Only Baits Any Beginner Needs to Catch Fish I don't know about baits (lures) but I start most of my students with one simple technique. Texas Rigs! With a Texas Rig I can cover the entire water column, it is effective year round, it is productive in all water clarity's, deadly post frontal & bluebird skies.
    4 points
  5. They can be tricky to get a feel for, but as a PA guy, I can tell you they still work, but you need to practice the technique and know the limitations. I'm assuming you mean Crankbaits and lipless crankbaits. Lipless crankbaits are my preference out of the two in grass, and fishing them well requires you let them sink when they begin to snag in the grass. Following this with ripping them immediately after the fall can trigger HARD strikes and will often clear much of the salad from your hooks. A lipped bait works the opposite. A pause will allow it to float out of snags, and ripping it may clear the hooks. To me, the lipless is my preference in heavier grass because it tends to be denser, and can still throw vibration/action even if it's dragging some weeds (which can typically be freed with a rip and pause retrieve). Also, this isn't for light tackle. If I'm cranking in or around heavy grass, I'll be running either straight braid or braid with a 12lb or heavier copolymer leader.
    3 points
  6. It's like deja-vu, all over again ~ A-Jay
    3 points
  7. Before WRB even replies. A 15lb largemouth is very impressive and bass anglers (in the north) would trade alot of things for even a 10lb largemouth. He gave his reasons for why he believes spinning reels are not as effective in some applications. Me and many others obviously disagree. But that's ok ! Everyone here has their own opinion.. take them for what it's worth. I disagreed with his post as well. But didn't come at him personally. I don't see why you couldn't just chime in about your success with spinning tackle and leave the bashing out of it. It's childish. And unnecessary. I was enjoying this thread.. and if it escalates further it's going to be on lock. LAME
    3 points
  8. that right there is what made me reconsider the spinnerbait's effectiveness. i started doing that and started catching fish like never before on the spinnerbait! i shared that same tip with a good buddy of mine and got an awesome "you're the man" text from him after he caught fire and caught 11 spotted bass in a 30 min span one afternoon popping the spinnerbait!
    3 points
  9. Keep after them! Fishing those kayak tournaments will force you become a more resourceful bass angler. I would second the notion that you should score any legal bass in a tournament. If your tournaments are like mine they are catch, photo and release so no harm in getting a quick photo on a dink. You never know when you might need that dink to complete your limit. I have been fishing a local kayak series for the past three seasons. As kayak anglers we are somewhat locked into the area we chose to fish. No firing up the outboard to check one spot seven miles down the lake. We have to plan better before we even get on the water. We also need to present our artificials better as we will be working over a more limited number of bass over the course of the tournament. I would say that two out of every three tournaments I have fished in have been a "grind" to get bites for the entire field. Fishing is more frequently tough than easy. I can only think of one tournament over three years where everyone was into the bass that day. Good luck!
    3 points
  10. Have a girlfriend that DRAGS YOU fishing ~ A-Jay
    3 points
  11. Well, if it's missing 3 inches unless it's marked down 90% the only use I could have for is would be as tomato stake.
    3 points
  12. The fish I caught back in May has now been caught AGAIN! It was first caught in April on a Ratl Trap, I caught her in May on a Hudd, and recently she was caught AGAIN on an Ol Monster... Unbelievable! Isn't that the craziest thing you ever heard?? Who knows how many times that fish has been caught and not registered with the Lunker Program... Just goes to show that not all giants are as smart as we think, and catch and release WORKS. edit: for those of you familiar with Toledo: this fish was caught in Six Mile, released in Housen, caught by me in Six Mile, released in Pirate's Cove (LA side of the lake, miles away), then caught in Six Mile again this time... That fish knows how to find it's way home!
    2 points
  13. Due to a recent episode at my house. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, "GOD HELP YOU IF YOU EVER NEED A PLUMBER!" Hootie
    2 points
  14. And there it is ~ The First U-Rig Bass. The 20 kt ENE winds weren't making it easy but I hung in there. Nice confidence boost too. Because if I can make it happen in the mini-hurricane I fished in today there should be better days ahead. A-Jay
    2 points
  15. Best one I've found is whatever digital scale you want and add a pair of fish grips or the rapala fish gripper to it.
    2 points
  16. Are you using braid ? Braid typically will slice through the "grass" when you give it a hard rip... when the lure gets buried I just rip the bait up hard and then give just a little bit of slack.. most of the stuff falls right off.. this works best (for me) with lipless cranks..
    2 points
  17. This is one of the cooler aspects of the kayaking community. Reminds me of the "open seat this Saturday" types of posts on local fishing forums. Lots of comeradery in the fishing world.
    2 points
  18. I do know a Wilderness Systems Prostaffer in Maryland who has a spare ATAK 140 for people to try out. I suspect an ATAK 140 might have the deck space and stability to have one of the boys onboard (a 120 might as well but I have not seen one of those yet). If you are interested in trying out the 140 let me know and I can put you two in touch.
    2 points
  19. The Kayak Kops cited you for a violation, huh. LOL. I love the internet.
    2 points
  20. I'm not even sure what those numbers mean. Yes, fluoro stretches, just like nylon mono stretches, just like co-polymer stretches... Different brands stretch differently, and deform differently. Anyone that has fished a high end fluoro like Tatsu side by side with a high end mono, like Suffix Elite will tell they do not stretch exactly the same. Tatsu (and InvisX for that matter) have quite a bit of initial stretch, but Tatsu locks down, showing the strength of it's dual fluoro extrusion, until it eventually fails. My experience is that the point of deformation and failure are very close. Not all lines are like this, and nylon mono not at all like this. But, your mileage may vary - these are just my personal observations both on the water and at the bench.
    2 points
  21. I have a Ride 115x which I absolutely love. I am exploring the option of upgrading my yak and the only two I am considering the ATAK 120 or new Radar 115. The Radar provides the option of a motor, paddle or obviously pedal so that is #1 on my list. The ATAK is bad ass so I cannot ignore checking out the smaller version. If they ever come up with an ATAK 120 with pedal there is no debate about getting it. LOL
    2 points
  22. That is awesome! Way to use your electronics too!! I'm gonna head out this evening and possible tomorrow morning as well. The loon whopper plopper has been dynamite lately in low light. The bone one is crushed them too. I switch out the rear treble with a bucktail dressed treble on those baits. It gives the bass something to target, and slows the lure a bit keeping it in the strike zone longer. Varying the retrieve speed then killing it has been money. My goto lure time of year is a swim jig with a 3.8" keitech fat impact trail. Shad and bait have grown to about that size, and bass are starting to feed more aggressively as temps drop. Lately I've been fishing with 5 rods on the deck: T-rig trick worm, swim jig, popper, whopper plopper, and a super spook jr. About time to start using squarebills again too.
    2 points
  23. Fished a lake a while back where there were shad everywhere. Topwater.....zero interest, jerkbait....nope no takers, swimbait....nadda, spinnerbait & buzzbait....wasn't happening. So scrambled around and got one on a 3/4 oz SK jigging spoon and then busted out a crankbait I hadn't used in a couple years.....a Heddon Swimming Image in Threadfin Shad color. It was a fish almost every cast. That bait had the right action the bass wanted that day so I'd say look into this little gem of a crankbait and give it a shot.
    2 points
  24. Looks like the warden arrived in less than 5 posts and your trolling about the bass in his avatar not being impressive excludes you from being taken seriously. WRB hardly shot it down... just pointed out certain equipment is better suited for certain tackle. You can tow a 24' travel trailer with a Tacoma and get the job done, but given the option a 3/4 or 1 ton will get the job done more efficiently. That shouldn't be offensive to anyone with a Tacoma.
    2 points
  25. Wow, talk about negative! You walk into Redbirds shop and he sells you a square bill, spinnerbait and Senko for you surf spinning outfit and your a happy camper. What I am saying is before you advise a new angler what lures yo use, learn what entry level tackle they have to fish with first. Tom
    2 points
  26. inspired by this thread i decided to try out my single Colorado blade in black from walmart tonight.
    2 points
  27. Tom, I think I used the same kit. Did it come with little red logbooks like below? Those are from 1978, it is fun to go through them and read the notes I used to write as a teenager.
    2 points
  28. Just don't call your rod a "pole". Just don't
    2 points
  29. Sangchris here in Central Illinois is picking up. Shad are spawning and the fish are hitting reaction baits!
    2 points
  30. Once the beginner master the Texas Rig all other techniques are easy to learn. Proof's in the pudding!
    2 points
  31. I'll wager that the other side of the pond has good fishing too . Sometimes its just poor timing .
    2 points
  32. I love the temperature they bite in . . . all of it - And I hate the temperature that they don't . . . all of that too. Could care less if I'm wearing Omni-Heat or Omni-Freeze - I'm almost always more comfortable with a tight line. A-Jay
    2 points
  33. Been almost two months since i wet a line. Been too busy creating a bass boat! The process is a nightmare, but a fun nightmare. One of the last few times i went fishing, my dad and i had a good day on the water. We each had some 4s, 5s, and each landed a 6 and a half pounder. It is always rare in Minnesota for two people to catch a 6 pounder in the same outing. Were on the water for 6 hours. I was feeling confident with the early 4s and a 5 and was quite satisfied with my day. Then my dad hooked the 6 pounder. I was extremely excited for him, but knew my chances were slim for catching a giant. His was on the 7 inch worm. About an hour later, i hooked mine with a ghost swimjig i made and painted couple nights earlier. Always the best to catch them on your own creation. Not sure if this picture will be right side up... Shimmy
    2 points
  34. Can you please educate me, someone that primarily uses spinning tackle, why I am limited in the different types of lures that I am using. I'm having a lot of fun using all different types of lures with my spinning outfit.
    2 points
  35. First off....welcome to fishing in general. Second, welcome to tournament fishng. Sounds like you went in ready to go but then lost it mentally when conditions changed and you didn't. As for your 2 small fish, if you're fishing tournaments ALWAYS count fish that will weigh or score in a tournament, no matter how small they are.....as long as they are legal. And as you said this is your first season fishing bass, read more articles about seasonal patterns and different conditions as so when you encounter them you can adjust. We all eat some humble pie every now and then, but every day you spend on the water you should learn something weather or not you caught them or didn't.
    2 points
  36. I caught a hundred or so fish (before I lost it to a fish) on the Rainbow Trout Plopper as it was the only 90 color in stock at BP. I fish Texas reservoirs... we don't have Rainbow Trout in Texan reservoirs. The fish I caught have never and will never see a live Rainbow Trout. Come to think about it... they have never seen a Munky Butt or Yoda either...lol
    2 points
  37. Cold weather can be a good thing to fishermen. First, in scares all the pleasure boaters off the water. No jet skis, skiers, cabin cruisers doing nothing but running circles. Second, it can start the fall fat-building frenzies that fish do to make it thru the winter which allows us to catch more of them. Third, we can actually enjoy being on the water without being scorched or dehydrated...feels nice to put a couple of layers on in the morning and peel them off as the day goes on. Lastly, when winter finally comes in and shuts us down, spring is not far behind.
    2 points
  38. Thanks, Tom. Braid takes care of all that for me. I've read of some who swore by large capacity spools for bass fishing due to the "safety" of having enough line. I've never bought the argument, so was just curious as to whether or not people have been spooled while fishing for bass.
    2 points
  39. Arguably the BPS Pro Qualifier on sale.
    2 points
  40. I use the polomar knot for everything I fish with.
    2 points
  41. This ^^^^^ is why i only have 3 colors of jig
    1 point
  42. Funny you should mention that,,,just made a vid of my eldest son sharing his secrets. But in all fairness to him,,,he's from the Twin Cities
    1 point
  43. That's a pretty good list, but the two lures that I would add that I really haven't found a time the don't catch fish are a tube and a 3-5" grub. They are pretty idiot proof and a very economical way to get into fishing. There aren't many trips where one of the two wasn't in the water for me, because they both are versatile and flat out catch fish including the big girls.
    1 point
  44. Umm I catch fish on all those lures using spinning tackle ? I only have one bait caster and almost exclusively use spinning tackle. I catch fish on cranks all day using it.. I don't see how using spinning tackle eliminates the OP's suggestions. It clearly does not. I use all of those baits on spinning tackle with success on a regular basis. I think the most Important "beginner's lure" not mentioned is the IN LINE spinner. Like a mepps. I've caught more species on that lure than any other . Nothing even comes close.
    1 point
  45. I missed that, sorry about that. However, I do believe there is a difference between a piece of a Senko on a small jig head and a Ned Rig. At least for me, the former does not get bit as often as the latter.
    1 point
  46. Punching, heavy topwaters, flipping, stitching big worms and swimbaits are techniques i dont ever see myself doing with spinning gear again.and trust me ive done it before
    1 point
  47. Picked up my bass raider 3 or 4 months ago and I absolutely love it. I did a bunch of mods including a casting deck and the deck is rock solid. It's 3x more stable on my deck than standing in some of my friends jon boats.
    1 point
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