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  1. that might be the record, but the igfa will not recognize it as it was foul hooked.
    10 points
  2. When my wife and son got home Thursday afternoon last week and I asked what he wanted to do that night, he shouted "Go fishing!" Didn't have to ask me twice. Wife wanted to go to dinner anyways so we went to a city lake in one of the nearby towns. I knew where there were a bunch of bluegills by one of the docks, but man I couldn't get them to bite to save my life. I managed to get him one little palm sized bluegill after I hunted a grasshopper down, and even that was a struggle. We relocated to a rocky point next to a flat where I'm always getting harassed by bluegill while bass fishing. Of course, couldn't get a bite, not a fish to even wiggle the bobber. Son is getting bored, pregnant wife is getting hungry, so I start to just cast the bobber and little jig as far as the little dock demon will cast and let Lake reel it in. Nicole decided next cast was the last one then we'd throw rocks in the water (one of Lake's favorite things to do), and go. I cast it and handed it to Lake who started his uncoordinated 2.5 year old retrieve. I was picking up my stuff when I looked up because Lake stopped reeling, just in time to watch the bobber head down quickly. My wife and I were soon in a chorus of "Reel! Reel buddy!" It was a struggle of epic proportions and I've been less nervous about kickers in a tournament getting off than I was that little bluegill. Finally, the monster lay on the grass and the excited squeals and giggles could be heard across the lake, our son was pretty excited too. Like I taught him last time, Lake lipped his own fish and posed for the camera like a seasoned pro. There will be bigger fish, but that's one I'm sure neither of us will forget.
    6 points
  3. I think I probably established a world record today for the smallest fish ever caught on a crankbait. Hootie
    5 points
  4. 5 points
  5. Maybe in California, but with all due respect, I can assure you the bass here in Indiana will chase down and try to capture dragonflies. It happens so fast, you never know if they actually catch them or not. I have sat on the front deck of my boat and watched for long periods of time, fascinated by the behavior. On one particular local lake, the specific dragonfly species is small and yellow, and very prolific, and a yellow hollow-bodied frog fished fast across the shallow open water moss edges will draw big numbers of strikes from bass versus other colors because the bass are so keyed in to them. -T9
    5 points
  6. Didn't keep it, threw it back. Took plenty of photos though.
    4 points
  7. Because there's Daiwa and Shimano, and then there's everyone else.
    4 points
  8. No, you don't go bare under neoprene. You just avoid it altogether. Same goes for rubber, unless it's just akle deep water you're trudging through. Get Breathable waders. Bottom layer, something that wicks sweat, like Under Armor base layer. If it's summer, that's all you need, but in colder weather, this is where you add you're insulation layer. I like non cotton material for this. For you're torso, add a wool sweater, and optionally a rain shell, though I like that over the waders. remember, if you're out in the cold, the object is stay dry and warm. Cotton kills.
    4 points
  9. Off topic, but @onetime, here's an alternative rigging for the Keitech that is durable, and hooks up well in open water.
    4 points
  10. I've known that bass eat dragonflies and have figured that a 4" wacky rigged stickbait skipped across the surface of the water is most likely seen as a dragonfly to bass. However, I saw something today that made me realize how these mini-helicopters may be higher up on the largemouth's food choice list than I originally believed. Mid-day, I was passing in front of a dock when I noticed 30 feet or so ahead of me a group of dragonflies zipping low over the surface of the water (we tend to have the most dragonflies here from mid summer to early October). They were about 5 feet from the shore in an area that was about 2 feet deep, an area that was pretty much coverless. Before I reached the end of the dock, I saw something shoot out along the shore and in an instant, a keeper bass was airborne flying through the dragonflies. The bass's jump was dolphin-like, he got alot of air and was definitely keying on the dragonflies. Despite his effort, I think all of the dragonflies escaped by zipping in various directions. The bass cruised back to the shoreline and the dragonflies, as they are wont to do, shot back down to the surface, hovering low over the water. Again in an instant, the bass shot over & catapulted himself through the mini-swarm trying to catch one. I sat back and watched this for about 45 second as the bass made a total of 4 runs at the dragonfly herd and got enough hang time each run to make Dr. J proud. I don't know if he finally caught one or got tired of missing, but he ended up swimming off into deeper water. I never made a cast while this was going on, it was too much fun to watch.
    4 points
  11. More recent acquisitions. Dobyns Champion XP736CB Chatterbait and Tatula CT Dobyns Champion XP744C Jig Special and Tatula CT Type R Dobyns Extreme743C HP and Diawa SV103HS Dobyns Champion 735CB and OG Zillion
    4 points
  12. At least until a few years ago, you could still purchase the Hover Lure, King of Bass even comes in a complete kit...
    4 points
  13. This morning I went out to a small local pond to try out a used Dawia PX68 I picked up the other day. I don't have a proper rod for it yet so I threw in on an old Abu medium action I had laying around. I didn't have high hopes for throwing anything really light with it, so I brought an assortment of plastics, hooks and jigs, figuring I would need at least an 1/8-1/4oz weight to make any decent casts. Much to my surprise the combo was able to cast a weightless Rage Menace a very respectable distance with good accuracy. The Menace has become a real favorite of mine over this past season. I have messed with a half dozen ways to rig it, but I have settled on this: The hook is an Owner 2/0 cutting point. It really tears the plastics up quickly but I rarely miss a hookup now and the plastic is about the perfect size and weight for the kind of fishing I like to do. In anycase, this pond is small, way less then an acre and sits on a waterfowl refuge which is about to close for the season. All summer I have had limited luck here, most trips only managing a small fish or two. Today was overcast and wet, last night was our first rain in a week or two. Having never used this reel before, I made my first cast at an open lane in the shallow pads that cover one bank. Surprised at how well it cast, I aimed my next one at the weed line on the far shore. I managed about half a turn of the handle and the rod jumped and at first I thought I had a turtle. The bass imminently jumped and I knew I had something good on. In general at this pond gives up a handful of dinks and keepers per trip, but I have only ever caught a single decent fish out of it. Today I think I caught him again. I was running 8lb YZH and had to run up the bank a bit to get the fish into the open lane, as I was not confident I could pull him through even the sparse pads. I do almost all of my fishing with a spinning combo and without the clicking it took me a bit to realize the fish was pulling drag. Once I had that squared away I manged to land him. He was hooked right in the upper lip and the plastic had slid up the line. I swear I caught this same fish in the spring and the pond is so tiny and shallow I don't see how there can be many of this size in there. Once I got him back in the water I proceeded to catch about a dozen of his smaller friends and maybe another dozen dinks, all on the same lure. Or rather the same type, they were only lasting about 3-4 fish per and sometimes less. I have some Parasite clips from a LD sale but I have not yet messed around with them. Overall I am pleased as hell with both my new reel and this particular presentation and am excited to pick up my new rod this weekend and head back here to see if I can meet the king a third time.
    3 points
  14. I got to share my passion with my daughter who turned 6 yesterday. For her birthday she wanted to fish with dad. We've tried a handful of times from shore without any luck. Yesterday was special. She really enjoyed catching two fish.
    3 points
  15. Ive always been a all spinning type of guy. I flip, punch, topwater, and crank with spinning gear. Well last week my girl gifted me a 7ft berkley lightning rod and a 2016 shimano caenan, i wasnt too excited but i decided to take it with me on a fishing trip today. It changed my whole perspective on baitcastin gear, it made flipping and punching 100% easier. I feel like i was way more efficient with my casting and i was more accurate. Im a beleiver now. That being said, bait monkey has me by the throat and i need some new reels.
    3 points
  16. Very personal decision. Only you can weigh cost, pride, decor, etc....decisions. Nothing says you can't put that one on a wall....and then next to it each succeeding bigger one.
    3 points
  17. In this discussion Lew's wasn't even mentioned? Considering Lew's midrange reels are dead in their wheelhouse I find the absence of them in your decision odd or incomplete. Did you compare the Lew's offerings? If so how did you eliminate it and keep the Tatula? Just curious
    3 points
  18. No, they don't care. And almost certainly they do not see it as a "duck", or bird of any kind. Unless of course a particular bass happened to have a lot of experience eating baby birds. And that is likely a mighty rare fish. Fun idea, though, as in "toy". Hey, I understand the fun in that. I've made some fun lures over the years. One of my favs was a 4" long human I cast with melted plastic worms in an old Creepy Crawlers mold. It was a Tarzan mold and I caught about 10 small bass on it before it was little more than a torso. But the bass didn't mistake the lure for a fisherman.
    3 points
  19. I had a pair of heavy 5 mil neos, and I'm WAYYYYY warmer in breathables. I wade in some pretty cold weather. So cold, 32° water feels like a relief. Here's one of those days. "I caught you a nice troutsicle, lol." Fish froze in just a few minutes in the sub 0° temps.
    3 points
  20. 3 points
  21. While you have been debating spending over $100 bucks on spooks, ducks, etc., another guy caught 30 good fish on one $30 bait. Think about it.
    3 points
  22. You know those Bagworms you see infested on evergreen trees and shrubs .If can you find some of those and cut them out with manicuring scissors you will have one of the best live baits there is . Bluegill , catfish , carp ...
    3 points
  23. If you want to save some money the tatula frog rod is 110 on Sportsmans outfitters site and is a great frog and all around heavy action rod. The tatula XT version of the same rod is only 80.
    3 points
  24. If you are talking about the boat I showed you last night, it had a low floor. Do not install a raised deck on any boat less than a 48 inch bottom and expect it to be stable. Your center of gravity will make it unstable.
    3 points
  25. Has anyone heard or seen fish kills? I read a report of dead fish in the 1215 area and another guy finding an 8.5 lb'er struggling then dying in his livewell that had rejuvenate added. Hey B-Fanatic, great screen shots of that school of fish.
    3 points
  26. ok that makes a little more sense. And keep in mind that many of the best people i have worked with were not the ones who aced all their classes.....they worked for everything they got and it showed in their work ethic and their end results. If you have a passion for it, then keep trucking along.
    3 points
  27. I fish a 9000 acre river system that is the busiest freshwater waterway per acre in the U.S. with an average depth of 4-6ft. (not including the 10ft of silt underneath the water LOL) I've seen larger boats get stuck and I can only attest it to being unfamiliar with the water. The reality of it is the people familiar with the water are like animas on a trail with the lead boat paving the way and everyone else riding the middle of the wakes. Fortunately most of the bottom is mud in the cruising areas, but veer out of the navigational buoys below the dam and you take your chances because the mud has mysteriously turned to sand and rock. I tend to be over cautious, especially on unfamiliar water. Probably a good thing.
    3 points
  28. Thanks @GORDO , @soflabasser @Bluebasser86 Thanks for the tips. 28 in channel cat. Free lined a Gill. The cat came out of the weeds as I reeled it in slowly and crushed it. What a rush.
    3 points
  29. This is a user issue, not a line issue. Cinch your knots from the TAG END, not the main line end. This is the #1 reason for knot failure.
    3 points
  30. experimenting with acrylic turning. destroyed the first piece, and discovered the need for a face shield. got this piece cut in half, bored out, and turned down, ready to make trim pieces and checks. It's not all the way polished, but far enough along to see what it will look like. This is a rhino acrylic blank called antique silver. started out 7/8" x 7/8' x 5". it's been turned down to 0.825"
    2 points
  31. Just slow drag and occasionally stop and hold it. Not much to it
    2 points
  32. I like that the duck can be rigged with the hooks on the back instead of the belly for a little more weedless presentation. Of course, those legs aren't going to work in a lot of weeds, but would also make it come over laydowns and through brush easier. The duck can look like various terrestrial prey items. I imagine it would look a lot like a mouse, rat, frog, bird, whatever a bass might be feeding on. Savage Gear makes proven baits at very affordable prices and are one of the best companies out there at listening to their customers to their wants and needs. I bought one, I'm going to catch fish on it, and there's nothing anyone can do to stop me
    2 points
  33. I usually chalk that up as natural selection trying to work.
    2 points
  34. I bought one today for the sake of science. Will do research asap and report my findings.
    2 points
  35. I agree with Molay. It depends on what rod I'm throwing them on. My Dobyns 734 is kinda soft, so I make up for that with 30 pound power pro for spinnerbaits. If I want a little more give, I'll switch it out for 10 pound izorline. I'll never be content with my line choice for each setup. Even when I'm mowing the lawn I think about switching out the izorline with flouro, or using 12 pound XL, or going to 832 instead of power pro. Half of the fun is playing around with your setups to make it all work well. You should tweak the line, drag, and rod to you what makes you fish more confidently.
    2 points
  36. Reduce your course load. It sounds like you've bitten off more than you can chew right now. A fairly common second or third semester problem. You are not alone.
    2 points
  37. So you bought a 7'6" Crankin' Stick? If so, then you should be fine. Composite ratings are a bit different than all graphite. As anyone will tell you there is no standard for rating a rod. It is possible Mr. Franco was thinking you got an all graphite rod which would be a poor selection for crankbaits with that power and action. However quite often a rod designed for crankbaits will say it has a fast action but that rod will be constructed of fiberglass or composite. A different animal than an all graphite rod. But there are many on here with more knowledge than I. I'm probably wrong. EDIT: ok posts were made while I was typing basically saying the same thing.
    2 points
  38. Congratulations! Great picture! Definitely frame this one or put it on a canvas. Just awesome!
    2 points
  39. The beam does not equal stability, the bottom width does. I promise you will find no fishing boat more stable then a Lund
    2 points
  40. Hey guys, if yall get a chance, come to our 3rd annual Blessing of the Hunt in Deville. It's free and we will be giving away a 4- wheeler, guns, and over 100 door prize. And free food of course.
    2 points
  41. Here's a 3.5 " creature, called a trilobyte.
    2 points
  42. Most pro's aren't reeling against the drag because that defeats the drag. They may have been back reeling to assist the drag or just trying to keep up with fast swimming smallmouth to keep the bass under control and in front of them. When any fish is running and pulling out line you don't want to reel against the drag on any type of reel, especially a spinning reel. Tom
    2 points
  43. You new to bass fishing are trying too many different types of lures and presentations. Nibbles are more than likely strikes you didn't capitalize on and missed a few good bites. Go back and use only the lures you had a few good bites on and focus your efforts with those. Tom
    2 points
  44. that sucks! i'd have probably gone swimming in 8 feet of water though!
    2 points
  45. Nice fish! This trip will be one she will never forget. Its outings like this that really bring home the sense of family time. My 3 girls can describe and talk about every time I took them fishing, and they really enjoy doing so. Congrats to you both
    2 points
  46. You don´t need a "dragonfly" lure to catch bass that are chasing dragonflies, to catch fish in those ocassions I use a Popper, pretty much is a catch on every cast.
    2 points
  47. Go to any place, listen to the political and religious talk, and then, in a very polite, non-confrontational manner, pretend you are for the opposite of what they believe. You will then find out how nice they really are.
    2 points
  48. You've lost 3 froggin fish THIS YEAR and you're complaining? Either you don't frog that much or you are the greatest Froggin Master the world has ever known. I miss at least that many every time I go out and I consider myself a pretty good frogger with about an 80% hookup ratio. Keep on keepin on. I've had days I lost that many frogs..let alone fish
    2 points
  49. A friend of mine tied this dragonfly.
    2 points
  50. Several guys here that I'd love to fish with, although I think we'd be talking, laughing and drinking more than fishing.
    2 points
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