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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/11/2016 in all areas

  1. If we're being honest here, I'd rather fish alone. No disrespect to anyone on the forums. I tend to be unfiltered and brutally honest and I rub a lot of people the wrong way. Don't like many people either. Before going fishing, I'd much rather sit down for a drink with a few guys. The short list would be A Jay, Dwight, Retiredbosn, Catt, and Fishing Rhino. I feed on knowledge and experience and believe I could be entertained and educated by these folks. Not necessarily about fishing either. It doesn't always have to be about fishing.
    8 points
  2. Glenn Ajay Catt Rolo Roadwarrior Tom Siebert Those would be the gentlemen I would choose to fish in an eyeblink. They all seem to need some help from me.
    7 points
  3. I am of course Flattered & Humbled by each vote of confidence & every kind word. Hadn't set out to be rich, popular, highly educated or perfect. Priorities are to be real, humble & strong and to be able to share and touch the lives of others. I'm happy and content with that. A-Jay
    7 points
  4. Had an absolute blast with some of the guys in my workout group today at a Spartan race down at Fort Bragg, NC. Some of the obstacles included jumping over fire (pictured), the spear throw, crawling under barbed wire, climbing walls and nets, carrying heavy buckets and sandbags up hills, rope climbs, a lot of running, and of course sloshing through mud pits. I had a great time and am definitely setting my sights on the next level of these races. This was the Sprint (this particular sprint was 4.7 miles) and the Super and Beast ones are 8 and 13 miles respectively with more obstacles. I won't get the official race pics for a while yet but there were some quick ones we took. I'm the skinny tall kid lmao
    6 points
  5. I've had the chance to fish with several members, and plan to keep expanding that list. I enjoy reading nearly everyone's input on the forums and everyone has their Q&Q's that I can appreciate and I think would make a fishing trip with them enjoyable. If I was to choose for my own selfish reasons, I'd like to fish with Dwight or Big-O in hopes of finding one of those monster brown or green fish they're each so adept at finding.
    6 points
  6. God blessed me with a talent, to take it to the grave & not share it would be a disgrace! I wouldn't even open those worms! That's part of our history & someone needs to preserve it!
    6 points
  7. Way too many to list them all. @kickerfish1 @Siebert Outdoors and @WRB Cause we share a love of jig fishing @roadwarrior @Dwight Hottle @S Hovanec Because I've never caught a big brown fish @Big-O Because giant texas hawgs.... @Catt Because I respect you a lot and, besides, who wouldn't want to fish with the master on the master fishery? @Bluebasser86 Because you always seems to catch everything and I need to learn the chatterbait @A-Jay @00 mod cause we could catch some double digits and then go work out afterwards #BeastMode @Glenn Because #Respect @Raider Nation Fisher and @slonezp Just for the heck of it And anyone who loves throwing big baits cause I've always wanted to try huge swimbaits.
    6 points
  8. I like to fish with humble folks who know their business. The kind of people who share information freely because it helps others. With that said, I have a list of guys I think have demonstrated this character at least in my mind. Ghoti Paul Roberts Clayton Jrob78 Dwight H. JeffH A-Jay Team9nine Deaknh Tim - the Georgia boy I am sure I have missed several others that I have had the opportunity to speak with here and other places that would be nice to spend a day on the water with.
    5 points
  9. I've been fortunate to have fished with Big O, Mike @Siebert, Long Mike and Brian Needham and would do it again in a heartbeat. Anywhere any time. Jrob, iabass8, Raul, Catt, Papa Joe, .00mod, .ghoti, slonezp, Roadwarrior, BassnChris, Rhino, Dwight Hottle, WRB, riskid, Glenn, J franco, MemphisFF, Bassin is Addicting, and A Jay are just a few that come to mind as I've met most of them already. Just look at the roster of members, that's who I'd fish with. Mike
    4 points
  10. I actually considered listing you and Long Mike. I figure going fishing with the 2 of you would be cheaper than going to college.
    4 points
  11. I have fished with, and become friends with a nice group of guys from here. My list of guys I would like to fish with is based on the fact that I find them interesting and some might provide a good foil. Fishchris Slonezp Ghoti Ajay Jfrancho Flyfisher Iabass8 There are more but with so many members it's tough to recall everyone. I would feel privileged to be able to take raider out and help him pop his cherry and catch a lmb.
    4 points
  12. Catt, say the word and I'll send you several packages. You have always shared your knowledge, always been very helpful, and as much as anything you have always given the members here an education and asked nothing In return.
    4 points
  13. Exactly! I don't play well with others, it seems others have a problem with losing! After fishing some Cajun cooking, a fire outside, a cigar, & Bourbon!
    4 points
  14. I'm kinda with A-Jay. Too many people on here are super knowledgable and seem to have good temperament that I'd feel bad leaving anyone out. Anyone who can teach me something, or offer a different, interesting perspective while I'm on the water would be more than welcome. @Catt. Smallmouth rock! What are the odds we can get a Bass Resource trip together up north? Maybe somewhere like Champlain where 5lb largemouth and smallmouth are common.
    4 points
  15. It's a rare occasion that I put a trailer hook on a buzzbait, but I'm sure glad I did. 5 pounds 14 ounces. They bite was HOT Thursday.
    3 points
  16. For those of us who have been around for years, many of these guys are not strangers at all, whether we've met in person or not. It is a long list I would like to spend a day on the water with. Like A_Jay, I will not try to list them all.
    3 points
  17. I've been lucky enough to fish with several Bass Resource members in the last few years. Roadwarrior Glenn Long Mike Big O CJ Lee H riskkid FishinRhino Maltese Falcon Mac Mike Siebert and wife Julie BassinChris PapaJoe If I've forgotten anybody, I can only blame it on old age and impending decrepitude, and offer my most sincere apologies. Going forward, if anybody invites me along to fish with them, I will most gratefully accept. If there's one thing I've learned from the many days I've had on the water with this diverse group, it's that good folks are found everywhere. I've made some life-long friends here at Bass Resource; even though they've all out-fished me. Here's a quick, off the top of my head list, of BR members I'd like to fish with, in no particular order. I've fished for a long time, but there's always something to be learned, and you CAN teach this old dog new tricks. J Francho; I haven't fished his area of the country, and would like to do so. Besides, if a drummer and a bass player can't get along; who can? Catt; doesn't play well with others? I'm calling BS on that, dude!! Dwight H; never fished Erie, and Dwight seems to be the absolute best guy around to break me in on that awesome fishery. WRB, who wouldn't want to fish with a guy who's caught so many trophies? I'd like to see, up close and personal, how a dedicated trophy hunter goes about his craft. slonezp; brutally honest, opinionated, rubs people the wrong way? Bring it on amigo. I'll match ya, blow for blow. LOL A Jay; just because. I could list a lot more, but I'll stop there. You all will get tired of my ramblings. Keep in mind that the trip isn't over when the fishing is done. we still have to go back to the cabin, uncork a bottle or three of good wine, and have a nice meal. You'll probably out-fish me, but, chances are, you won't out-cook me.
    3 points
  18. Smallmouth tend to be more structure oriented while largemouth tend to like some form of cover. They also seem to prefer a smaller or slimmer bait (minnow profile versus a shad profile), but of course there's always exceptions to the rule. When it's topwater season, always have one tied on and never be afraid to fish it. I fish topwater all day long for smallies, even in water less than a foot. Last time I fished for them, my dad and I were on a clear water lake and our biggest smallies were coming out of less than 2' of water on flat rock banks. We could see the bottom, it seemed like we should be able to see the fish, but when we'd throw our baits onto what appeared to be barren banks, the "rocks" would come to life and destroy our baits. This was in the middle of the day with the sun high overhead and very little wind. Smallies really have no regard for the rule book.
    3 points
  19. I would want to fish with Junk Fisherman (X-190) and A-Jay (Pro-V Bass) for their boats (and to get to know them better too) and Road Warrior to fish River smallmouth Tender Tubes and Phantom Hooks.
    3 points
  20. I'd fish with @whitwolf if he'd give up dem ringworms!
    3 points
  21. The thumb means ya catching em but when those teeth marks are down near your palm ya catching hawgs!
    3 points
  22. Is want to fish with Raul on some of those Mexican lakes! I've been chasing a dd for years now and have come SO CLOSE, but I would love to have a crack at some of those south of the border bass and I think I could make it happen. Also wrb for the same reason. I've gotten on a kick where I would rather catch one over 6 than 10 over 2 lbs and these two guys both live where and know how to catch the trophies
    3 points
  23. My old Lowe 1648 Modified V jon boat was 15 feet, 10 inches in length (not including engine or trailer tongue) with a 70-inch beam, 48-inch bottom and a transom depth of 15 inches. Trailers usually run a bit wider in most cases than the boat beam because the wheels/wheel wells tend to stick out slightly wider on each side for better stability. -T9
    3 points
  24. Yep, I do the same, every week. Hoping for something new. I walk through..."got that, already have that, don't need that, got three of those, ....etc..."
    3 points
  25. Hmm let's see Definitely Catt at Toledo bend In the summer for structure fishing Everythingthatswims cuz this kid is one heck of an outdoorsman. And can catch whatever he decides too that day. Hootie cuz he seems like a character and would be fun to fish with A-jay cuz he has a nice new boat and shouldn't have any problem putting us on the fish Wrb to try for a dd bass That's all for now but I've got more
    3 points
  26. 2 points
  27. Thought I would start a thread on this topic because of the confusion surrounding monofilament or mono line. Looking at TW who has a seperate listing for fishing line by category types Braid, Copolymer, fluorocarbon and mono that should shed some light on the topic and it only confuses the issue further. Techinically speaking mono is an term used for single or single filament line that should cover all single filament fishing lines but it doesn't. The first monofilament fishing line that I recall was Du Pont Stren followed by Western Filament W40 back in the early 50's when the first French spinning reels became popular. Working on a boat landing we sold monofilament line to trout fisherman in the 50's, those were the 2 brands available. Somewhere along the line the term mono became attached to Nylon polyimde monofilament fishing line. The first copolymer line I recall was a German line Maxima and blend of 2 polymers; polyimde and polyester claimed to improve strength and abrasion resistance. Copolymer is a single filament line extruded a blend of 2 polymers. Trilene came out with XT and XL monofilament lines that are a blend of 2 types of polyimde or Nylon, technically a blend with UV additives to reduce degradation from sunlight. Lets go back to Stren one of the original monofilament Nylon lines now called mono, it also was a blend with UV additives giving it the blue glow coloration. Stren and Trilene were considered mono line and Maxima a copolymer. Enter fluoroploymer introduced by Seaguar a new single filament line called Fluorocarbon. Marketing needs to separate the new from the original so new claims can be made to sell the new line. There are problems with fluorocarbon line, high cost, lower knot strength, higher memory so Yo-Zuri introduces a lower cost co-extruded fluoroploymer line with polyimde core and fluorocarbon jacket called a hybrid. So now we have; Polyimde mono, polyimde blends called copolymer, copolymer blends of polyimde and polyester called copolymer, co-extruded flourocarbon over polyimde called hybrid and sometimes called copolymer. The lines have become blurred beyond definition. Tom
    2 points
  28. Take a look at the Sure-Life labs video on live well management. Keeping the livewell water temperature in the mid 70's when the lakes surface temps exceed 80 helps the water to contain higher levels of dissolved oxygen if the water has a good DO level to start with. Using a simple oxygen aeration system to generate DO keeps the levels good. Adding chemical like Sure-Life Catch & Relaese and/or Please Release Me helps to keep livewell bass healthy. Using 3% over the counter hydrogen peroxide mixed 1/2 cup to 15 gallons of water generates DO and is a good emergency method to revive livewell bass stressed from very low DO levels. Tom
    2 points
  29. I wish I had the Correct "Answer" to this question, because if I did, I would not be writing books until I have won a bunch of Major Tournaments, and was set for life financially, and at that point I would just be a mouth piece for sponser's most likely. If anyone truly understood "Bass Behavior" then fishing would be easy. I could create 1 line of lures/baits that would sell better than all the rest since I would have the Proof of huge Tournament Results since I could get all the biggest fish to strike at any time under any situation, and finding fish would be simple. For every book about one technique, I can find another book from another credible source about doing the exact Opposite, and neither are technically wrong. I have watched little kids catch more fish than me using a plastic worm and just chucking and winding, and I then realize that I may "Over think" things at times. The next time you are fishing a Pond and not having success, take out a #14 hook, 2lb test, catch a few shiners or small bait fish and live line one....You will be surprised at the amount of fish right in front of your feet. True story..... I read your question again....I once lost a Spro Frog I really liked when it was stuck on a branch, I pulled until the line broke and the frog fell into the water. I then Tied on a U Shaped Stick without a Hook to try and catch the line and get my frog back....On about the 15th cast, I am slowly creeping the stick toward the frog, when I see a wake come flying out from 10 feet away and no joke....A big bass smashed the stick.....I always assumed it was because the bass thought maybe the stick was a snake about to eat the frog???? The thing that made it really strange was the bass was in a spot under bushes and must have watched the first 14 attempts to hook the line? Why that cast? Did it just finally get angry? Territorial? The Fish came from the bank in shallow water so I would have noticed if it crept up into that spot before the entire "Loud" scene. One of the oddest things I have seen Happen. I ended up catching that fish a half hour later when I went back and pitched a worm into the bush...Solid 3lb Fish in a 10 acre Pond.
    2 points
  30. My new favorite quote. I'm stealin that one.
    2 points
  31. everythingthatswims, because we live less than an hour apart, and hes a boss!
    2 points
  32. My favorite obstacle was probably the mud pits; there's something pretty satisfactory about jumping into mud haha. My favorite part of the race was the comraderie and the guys in our team pushing each other to finish.
    2 points
  33. @A-Jay . Ha-ha everyone wants to fish with you ! I tend to agree. Seem like a pretty positive and knowledgeable dude. And one of the very few I've yet to see criticize somebody.
    2 points
  34. Picked up a pack of SK blade minnows to try as a trailer for my spinnerbaits. Now if fall would cooperate with me and bring me some cooler weather I'll be a happy camper.
    2 points
  35. I think it would have to be @Mainebass1984. That dude consistently catches some huge north country bass and I feel like he eventually will catch a state record. I would love to learn a thing or two from him.
    2 points
  36. WRB. I wouldn't make a single cast. I'd just watch and listen.
    2 points
  37. Ain't that the truth! I haven't been able to put together any kind of pattern for the past couple of weeks and resorted to targeting those "isolated pieces of cover" in areas of the lake that I don't usually fish. Cruised around, looking at the down- and side-imaging, and stopping at all the little pieces of cover that I would usually ignore. Caught a number of dinks...but I did get this 'ole girl off an isolated brushpile in 18 fow... I didn't downsize however - she seemed to like the 10" plastic worm that I drug across her cover...
    2 points
  38. You're addicted to fishing when you walk into Walmart for groceries and always leave with something from the fishing department.. When the word "bass" isn't the subs in your car. When you favor gas stations that sell bait You cringe when you hear about a birds nest You speak in codes. "We really nailed them slabs last night " your buddy knows but your girlfriend doesnt. The tug is the drug man. Peace.
    2 points
  39. looks as though their reels are re-branded kast king reels or some other chinese reel ...
    2 points
  40. try a topwater, even though both will hit topwaters. Smallies seem to really like them especially in the morning and evening, or anytime the suns not beating down on them
    2 points
  41. In no particular order: Catt, to learn and tell stories. AJ: Simply because we like to fish at night and his positive attitude In general. Dwight Hottle: I would dearly love to throw jerkbaits all day with the man. This bait Is a weakness and To me there would be no better teacher. Mike Seibert : Fine tune my jig skills and talk fishing all day with a genuinely great person. Scaleface: He likes older and sometimes vintage baits. I truly like the simplicity he employs In his fishing. There are many more as this Is a great community!
    2 points
  42. If you ever had a pet bass or bass you could watch in clear water it becomes evident they learn by trail and error. If young bass can't determine the difference between food and debris they soon starve. Since bass don't have hands they rely on their instincts, their eyes and mouth to test out things that may be food. A bass will strike a leaf that hits the water surface sometimes, they get fooled by the movement. Food doesn't need to be something with a lot of movement but since bass fall into the predator classification movement equals something alive to be eaten. Moods equal emotion and bass don't have moods, they are not that high up in the animal kingdom. Bass do need rest, a safe place to rest and need to eat. When resting the bass may not be aware or interested in prey around them, they are inactive. The time period between being inactive and active I call neutral the bass is aware of what is going around them but not ready to go hunting or be active. Inactive bass are extremely difficult to catch, neutral bass can be caught by keeping the prey/lure close to them and active bass are the fish we catch most of the time, they hunting or looking for a food source. If your lure looks and moves like prey they are looking for your odds improve dramatically. Some bass are so wary they can't be fooled by lures. Tom
    2 points
  43. There are quite a few that I have already fished with. And just as many that I would love to fish with. Think older, wiser, better fishermen than myself! Best way to get better, is to surround yourself with people who push you to be better! Jeff
    2 points
  44. THIS ^^^^^^^^^ There may be a 20 yard stretch of rip rap where I should put down my spinnerbait and pick up a squarebill, but as soon as I'm past it I'm going to pick up the spinnerbait again. Then I may come to a big laydown and pick up my jig for a few casts. I always have a topwater ready for schooling fish, and I always have a wacky rig ready to toss to a cruising fish or follow up a missed strike.
    2 points
  45. The list is very long. Don't want to leave anyone out unintentionally. You know who you are. And the great thing about the BR forums is that while reading your report posts, looking at pics & watching your videos - it's almost like I'm there with you. Almost. A-Jay
    2 points
  46. Weight plays a factor in two ways. First and foremost weight to stiffness ratio where the blank is concerned. Graphite modulus , scrim , resins , mandrels etc all factor into the final result. Secondly any unnecessary weight saved through component and design allow the blank to retain more of its inherent qualities. This doesn't mean that Rod A will be more sensitive than rod B simply because A is lighter. It depends how the weight was achieved.
    2 points
  47. If a visit to the bank takes several hours and no financial services were involved?
    2 points
  48. Agreed. Good article. You know... water temps play a big role in "why it's not fall yet". In my mind, water temps nearly define "fall". The last four vids I've cut are about this very thing. "Fall" has started a bit early for me this year with a stretch of back-to-back downright chilly cold fronts. Most years summer just hangs on, pretty much as Hackney describes: hot and low water, resulting in some rather long days on the water. This past month, it's been wonderful here. Same fish as #3 ^^
    2 points
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