I've been lucky enough to fish with several Bass Resource members in the last few years.
Long Mike
Big O
Lee H
Maltese Falcon
Mike Siebert and wife Julie
If I've forgotten anybody, I can only blame it on old age and impending decrepitude, and offer my most sincere apologies.
Going forward, if anybody invites me along to fish with them, I will most gratefully accept. If there's one thing I've learned from the many days I've had on the water with this diverse group, it's that good folks are found everywhere. I've made some life-long friends here at Bass Resource; even though they've all out-fished me.
Here's a quick, off the top of my head list, of BR members I'd like to fish with, in no particular order. I've fished for a long time, but there's always something to be learned, and you CAN teach this old dog new tricks.
J Francho; I haven't fished his area of the country, and would like to do so. Besides, if a drummer and a bass player can't get along; who can?
Catt; doesn't play well with others? I'm calling BS on that, dude!!
Dwight H; never fished Erie, and Dwight seems to be the absolute best guy around to break me in on that awesome fishery.
WRB, who wouldn't want to fish with a guy who's caught so many trophies? I'd like to see, up close and personal, how a dedicated trophy hunter goes about his craft.
slonezp; brutally honest, opinionated, rubs people the wrong way? Bring it on amigo. I'll match ya, blow for blow. LOL
A Jay; just because.
I could list a lot more, but I'll stop there. You all will get tired of my ramblings.
Keep in mind that the trip isn't over when the fishing is done. we still have to go back to the cabin, uncork a bottle or three of good wine, and have a nice meal. You'll probably out-fish me, but, chances are, you won't out-cook me.