I'm a shore guy and use a dropshot probably 75% of the time. You can use it anywhere, all you're doing is imitating a baitfish or other food-looking-creature aimlessly wandering a few inches off the bottom. Depth only matters in that you're casting it at the depth where the fish are at. For a retrieve I recommend first dropping the plastic in front of you and looking at how the plastic responds to light rod twitches. You should only need to barely tap the rod to make the bait move (I nose hook really thin baits that also move well with just current). Sudden or heavy jerks make it look unnatural and I think can spook the fish. I leave a plastic out after a cast for a good 3-4 minutes, twitching or tapping the rod lightly, then pausing, tap, pause, tap tap, pause, etc. You're going to be doing more holding the rod still in your hand than actual rod movement so I can see how people can't stand it, but it works!