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  1. Got a chance at a little "fishing therapy" this afternoon. That is what I call it when I am by myself. Never expect to have a day like this when alone, but man are they always welcome! Need to invest in a selfie stick, cause with short arms it is hard to get the big fish in the pics! Ha, isn't that nice to complain about!!!! Anyways, caught 7 today with the top 5 going 32.3lb (9.10, 8.77, 6.83, 6.10, 1.5ish) Wish I could have culled the dink, but not complaining! All fish were caught on a @Siebert Outdoors brush head jig(couple different colors). In order of catch: 6.83 9.10 8.77 6.10 And the sunset to cap off the AWESOME afternoon! Jeff
    13 points
  2. Anyone ever get a double on a Texas rig? Managed it a few days ago and blew my mind. One hook two fish, my guess was the bigger bass tried to eat the little bass not so much the bait since it was so far in the smaller ones mouth. Hook came out the gill plate and hooked the bigger one.
    9 points
  3. I feel like I've had a long dry spell for big fish. Well I fixed that last Thursday, and could have been way better. Thursday I headed to Cedar Valley Reservoir, hoping to try to expand on what my buddy had shown me last week. I started with a buzzbait, and really wore them out with it. One of those rare CV days where I not only caught some good ones, but I caught a bunch of fish too. I also lost a 5-6 pound fish on a dock cable, another 5lb class fish to a poor net job, and a giant I'm not going to guesstimate but you can see the explosion in the video, and I got a good look at it, she was huge. Bad thing is, I lost a really heavy fish off the same stump last week with Chris. My biggest 5 went 20 pounds 5 ounces. Buzzbait, spinnerbait, homemade bladed jig, and beaver were all I needed.
    9 points
  4. I have witnessed this several times and it just drives me nuts: There will be a family on a dock fishing with their kids and a tournament angler will pull up and start fishing that same dock. We have the whole lake/river and these people have their dock and that is it. Looks bad for Bass anglers.
    5 points
  5. The Tungsten 2 Tap put in a lot of work for me this year.
    5 points
  6. As I mentioned in my recent intro, I am relatively new to bass fishing. I have been trying to learn everything I can with videos and websites. (Glad I found this one!) I found a close reservoir called Piney Mountain that supposedly has some monster bass and muskies. I have been trying the green pumpkin worm that seemed to be catching a good number of bass for me. (14-15 inch variety). Last week I missed (couldn't get the hook set) one particular fish that seemed really heavy, at least to me. I had him on several times but he got off both times. Went out again last Friday morning and landed this guy along with a couple of pounds of seaweed. This particular part of the lake is bass heaven thick with weeds and seaweed and lilly pads. I was nearly speechless but humbled. What do you estimate he weighs?
    4 points
  7. You should have imo the following types of lures, I am not a brand name guy but some lures have different features and actions that other lures do not replicate. 1-Popper, small, medium best for bass fishing, Sometimes you need that tiny small Popper, a Balsa wood popper like the Skitter pop is necessary imo because no other lure I have used sounds identical to a bluegill. It has a different shape than all the others, the Berkley Frenzy was good buy hard to find now. All Poppers are good, make sure one has a dressed treble hook, that matters some days. 2-Walking lures that are silent, One Knocker, standard rattling. Sound matters, then a Pencil Popper style walking lure like a Chug Bug, Gunfish, Chugn Spook, which then brings to the chugger series of lures with deeper cups. The Rebel Popper is so good because they make 4 sizes, Have all the colors you need, Pradco website offers all the G-Finish lures and I buy inexpensive and expensive lures based on color and if they can do something that is unique. 3- Buzzbaits style lures, Whopper Plopper, but to me, I would never fish topwater without a Torpedo, Bagley's Bang O lure Prop, Rapala X Rap Prop or Devils Horse, then you need a lure that can walk fast like the Rebel T-10 or Ima Skimmer. 4- Wake baits, and Floating Jerkbaits. If you don't have a Floating Rapala and a Jointed Rapala, that is malpractice, they are both balsa lures that are the #1 lure sold in the world for years for a reason. You will never regret that purchase and as a Minnow bait/Rip bait freak, I have yet to find a lure that can do what the Rapala Minnow does except maybe the Older Bang O lures, but size #11 is standard, Bomber Long A 14, 15, Rattling Floating Rogue for stained water, suspend dots help suspend, wake, make them more weedless. 5- Clear water, you need a small clear walking bait imo, clear Zara Spook in the small size. It helps to hit the store to see the sounds, you don't want all your walking lures to be one knockers or loud rattling. Pick the brands you like since confidence matters, make sure you understand why a lure has light "Cheap looking" hooks on them. You can buy $20 Poppers that have hooks that will bend that are top qualiity, but many of the JDM lures are designed for Japanese lakes where fishing pressure is high, so they go light line, smaller lures alot of the time. People complain about Rebel Hooks which are cheap hooks depending on the model and year made, but if you are throwing a small Rapala or Rebel Popper on 30lb braid, you need to make sure you have your drag set properly. I am sure we have all made that mistake. If you google, best topwater lures for Bass fishing, You will find articles on the categories and theories, at the end of the day you only need a few, but I would rather start my collection with a lure in all categories, sizes, than have duplicates of $15 lures if that makes sense. The Duo 64 Popper is fantastic, but some days when you here Bluegills popping, I can't think of a lure that I would pull out of my box other than a Skitter Pop, They make small ones and huge ones. Balsa rides high, over weeds, you can get a balsa lure over submerged weeds where most throw frogs. My last lure.....Kind of my secret bait...The AC Shiner which is hand carved and you can get lucky and find them or $10 or less, New they can be really expensive but on light line, Hard to beat it now matter how you throw it. Hope that helps. Keep in mind. Only a few OEM's or Factories make Hardbaits, so you start to see why all the lures on the market look similar however they have different colors, hooks, and internals. I used to love the Devil's horse until I switched to the X-Rap Prop which has a few tweaks the Bernie Shultz designed, and those Tweaks work, I have not used the DH in years except for the smaller version. Some days prop baits can outfish any other lure. Torpedo is great, just add split rings. I recently had a day where the Tiny Torpedo was all they would touch, I tried throwing the LC G Splash, An Imakatsu lure that ended up in my box, but the size of the tiny torpedo was the key, color didn't matter, but they would not hit anything longer or fatter. Does not always happen that way, but when it does, $5 small lures come in handy.
    4 points
  8. Lot of money in that OP. What's wrong some good ol' Spooks and Pop'r's? Throw in a Jitterbug or 2 and I'm a happy topwater man.
    4 points
  9. Yo-Zuri plus KVD Line & Lure Lube. Match made in fishing line heaven
    4 points
  10. You can spend 20+ on the fancy "name brand " poppers . But I truly believe the magic comes from YOUR hands. Another vote for the rebel pop r. I got my PB on a rapala skitter pop. Mid day in the summer. Only cost me about 7 bucks. So for what it costs for one of the 'high end' lures , you can have 3 different sizes and colors. You're gonna have the people that swear by them , but I bet you whoever your idol is; can catch a hog on a much cheaper popper .
    3 points
  11. Not to be disrecpectful, but,... The popular topwaters are: Propbaits, walkers, poppers, and frogs. You seem to have several of one type, and a couple of another. But have yet to round out the rest of the scene. I know confidence is huge, but to not cover your bases is just bad baseball to me. (forgive me if a whopper plopper is a popper, this old fart has never seen one) To not have a rebel pop-r or 5,.. is just a blaintant form of bass angling sacriledge in my opinion. lol,.... poppers are probably the number one topwater in my eyes. I dont think I could go fishing without at least a few with different colored bellies. To think of the early morning rippled surface bass you've been missing out on? OMG. Yeah a walker,or prop may work under those conditions, but a popper kills there. And dont you ever fish weeds? a hollow bodied frog is staple, many years ago I didnt like the "snag proof frog" hookup/catch ratio,...and used a johnsons weedless spoon and a white grub trailer for emerged weeds. But these days?,... there are new and improved frogs that hookup just fine. And seeing as its summertime and a "warm" one at that. Pigs lie in wait under those super thick lilypads, and frogs are the ticket. If I were you? I'd look into rounding out the topwater scene, as the options you've left on the table, are some of the best offered. period.
    3 points
  12. Not sure if some are the same or not honestly. It's a crazy spot. You will literally get skunked with big fish for several trips. And then BAM. They are feeding like crazy! I haven't caught a bass over 5lbs in over 2 months.......... When this 9 jumped 3 times I though for sure she was a DD. I was shaking like a leaf. I won't stop anytime soon, so I just know my US DD is coming. Wouldn't it be crazy if my first US DD broke my PB!!!!! Jeff
    3 points
  13. Thank you guys for the feedback! I really appreciate it. I went with the Metanium. I put them both on a Loomis glx & the Met just felt better in my hands. Since it had most of the newer technology, I bought that one.
    3 points
  14. Guess it depends on different circumstances. I've always wanted to think fishing was a pleasure not so serious. But I guess some take it to the next level. All my uncle's, my grand dad, and my dad from my memory didn't ever act selfish or sneaky about where they fished to others or what they used either. They shared the sport with others. But I see a lot of that "my spot" going on as if it's a tournament and I know in several cases it was not. Yeah some days I might not really want to be bothered but honestly if someone spoke to me it's not the end of my fishing. As long as it wasn't some jerk flying in making a mess and being rude I can't say I'd be mad about it.
    3 points
  15. I think the debate should be more between ML and Medium. ML can be an awful lot of fun with light baits and heavy fish.
    3 points
  16. Yes. Unless there's a sign hanging off the stern . . . A-Jay
    3 points
  17. Does anyone else experience a huge adrenaline rush or almost "high" from fishing. Like a giant strike, or a big one jumping? Or once you have landed that giant bass- not being able to stay still? Shaking? It is what keeps me going back. I had this happen last night, and was able to capture it in picture form. Noticed it today when looking through pics. I was shaking so hard while trying to take this pic, my Iphone6 auto focus couldn't hang! HAHA Thought she was a DD.......(check the far left side of the fish) Jeff
    2 points
  18. That's awesome. I had a day of pound and a halfers and was happy. Don't think I would go home if I had a day like yours.
    2 points
  19. Nice. Now you also know what they like to eat.
    2 points
  20. Everything is going fine over here now...not with one girl but me and my daughter are happy together...I've gotten the opportunity to spend more time with her...just hope it stays this way
    2 points
  21. I don't usually shake when I catch a good one, but if I'm in a tournament, or if the fish is a true giant (see avatar), I shake like a leaf. My most recent experience with the jitters was when I caught a fish over 5lbs, on a drop shot, with 8lb test leader, on Kentucky Lake, on the final day of the high school national championship. She ran around a stickup and I had to chase her down and unwrap her, then she jumped 4 times after that. When I held the fish, I turned and said to my partner "We might have a shot at this thing". Nothing better!
    2 points
  22. Ok...wait a minute.....Let me start by saying that only you know what you can afford to spend on fishing gear. If you can afford "The Best" and that is what you want.....go for it. BUT!! ........with that said....bass don't see price tags. Pad Crashers are GREAT frogs and I (and a whole bunch of other folks) throw them all the time. My favorite frog is the Scumfrog Trophy Series. I can afford other frogs but I CATCH A LOT OF FISH with these. I can find them for 4.99 every day of the week. I don't fish cheap. My terminal tackle is the best I can afford. I buy quality lines. and so should you. But spending top dollar on lures will NOT make you a better fisherman. I would love to have a box of Roman Made Swimbaits but that would just be silly. Get some Pop'r's. Get some Jitterbugs for first or last light. Get some Hula Poppers. Throw them. Learn how to work them. There is a REASON they have been around forever. They catch fish and have for a LOOOOOONG time. Everything...and I mean EVERYTHING is a ripoff of a Hula Popper, A jitter bug, a Pop'r , a spook, A Devil Horse, or a Cavitron Buzzbait. My .02. Off my soapbox.
    2 points
  23. Yes, the fish pictured all hit a LC Pointer (the 128 in fact). LC's line of jerk / rip / slash baits is extensive, haven't fished them all (but I'm working on it). I have a high level of confidence in them all. As for being able to get the same fish with another bait or presentation, kind of hard to say. But I don't spend much time thinking about it because these work well. I will add that the SK KVD 300 Jerkbait has been an impressive addition this season (the deep one too). A-Jay
    2 points
  24. Absolutely nothing wrong with a pad crasher.
    2 points
  25. If you are just looking to cast further I don't think a rod that is 2 inches longer will make a big difference,
    2 points
  26. Throwing weightless sankos and spinners I would go medium. You can still put weight on and throw Texas rigs as well. I use my medium for just that.
    2 points
  27. The rod is 70 percent of your cast as far as equiptment. Maximize distance by using a rod well suited for your lure weight. The other 30 percent is the reel, learning to thumb the spool of a reel to reduce the tension knob and number of breaks will help, and better line/reels will help.
    2 points
  28. Most every pond in Kansas has channel cats and bass coexisting. They're eat each other, but most any fish will eat another fish if given the chance. Channel cats also do not reproduce well in most ponds, so they aren't going to overpopulate. Generally, they're beneficial because they'll eat smaller bass to help keep the bass from getting overpopulated.
    2 points
  29. Try a prop bait like a smith wick devils horse.
    2 points
  30. And here I was proud of my 20 pound bag this weekend Great job man!
    2 points
  31. Always meaningful feedback from you. I'll chime in as someone who has owned all three. All are fantastic, although I'd argue the Mets are a little better performers and in my opinion more consistent and forgiving casters (once you've dialed in the svs brakes). One of the knocks you hear sometimes on the newer Shimano reels is people miss the vbs systems. While I prefer the newer svs brakes, there's no denying there's a slight learning curve. Some love the E's because they're so simple. I'm grouping cores in here... In my opinion, if you like the way a met feels in your hands, get a met. They're better reels, if only by a bit. Between the 13 and the MGL, I'd spend the extra$ for an MGL. They cast most baits a tad bit better and are easier to dial in. They're really an evolution of an almost perfect reel in the 13met. Plus, they look cooler. Splitting hairs here, but I think the MGL and 13 Mets are the best two low pro reels ever made. I own or have owned steez, concept kp's and e's, revo mgx's, Antares, and cores in several flavors. The Mets stand alone.
    2 points
  32. I would like to think I've met more nice, friendly, courteous engaging anglers than those demonstrating poor etiquette, although they do exist. When I do, I address it like Woodrow F. Call in the movie Lonesome Dove. " I can't stand rude behavior in a man.....won't tolerate it." Google it.
    2 points
  33. I'd probably go with a medium light set up but if you're picking between a MH and a M definetly go with the M.
    2 points
  34. Hey guys, we have a rule here that prohibits bashing companies, if for no other reason it's a one-sided story. If you have a beef with a company, then take it up with them. Smearing their name here is not allowed. Not only that, but this site doesn't spread rumors or speculation like a few other sites do, nor do we make up stories or create fake profiles and post outrageous comments with it in a desperate attempt to make the competition look bad (unlike other sites). So allowing people to bad mouth other companies does not align with our values.
    2 points
  35. Way to fish . . . . You've been representing yourself quite well here recently and doing it amongst some very stiff competition. Congrats again. Seems the writing's on the wall as to where this could lead . . . A-Jay
    2 points
  36. Not anglers, but in NJ on some lakes people seem to think the boat ramp is a beach, You pull up and they are sitting in beach chairs, laying on towels and wading in the water in front of the ramp. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is with that?
    2 points
  37. I used to be upset when I lost lures until I figured out it was affecting my fishing. I would shy away from throwing into areas that I knew had fish in it. Now I just figure it to be the cost of doing business. On my home lake you can go out into this one particular little stump field that is covered in muck and see my frogs decorating a bunch of stumps. Like some kinda crazy art installation. I have no way of getting them back until winter. I buy plenty, tie on another one and keep on fishing. If you can't afford to do that, this is the wrong hobby for you.
    2 points
  38. Get a telescoping lure retriever. I have one and get all kinds of baits that guys like yourself leave in trees, including at least one Megabass and over a dozen Lucky Craft. They run about $40, but I've pulled well over $100 worth of baits out of the trees in a single trip with it (other peoples baits, not my own), so it's paid for itself many times over.
    2 points
  39. This sorta fits here in this thread, it was just too good not to share.
    2 points
  40. Too many Most soft plastics I get either get occasional use or are burned through very quickly. For hard baits I only recently acquired a decent collection, where I bought a few for each type, for varying conditions (jerkbaits, lipless crank, squarebill, deep divers, poppers, spooks etc. in varying colors). Many of those have not seen much time on the water yet. There aren't many lures I have that have NEVER been used, but there are a pretty good amount that have never caught a fish, and probably have less than an hour on the water.
    2 points
  41. The list is endless.....................However, i don't get too mad at the jet skiers, and pleasure boaters, it's there water too, and most of them are not idiots on purpose, they just don't know any better. It's other fisherman that drive me over the edge. A few things over the years that stick in my mind. #1...........I was fishing a row of docks that were close together, and had another bass angler set his boat down off plane and start fishing 1............ONE!!!! dock in front of me, the direction I was heading. I came unglued............he left. The jist of my hollering and scene causing was this: First.............there's 30 docks on this shore line, you want to fish them too........fine, but don't start one dock ahead of me, at a distance where I could have flipped my bait into your back pocket. #2.......I was fishing an off shore weed bed in front of a stretch of bank that had no homes/dock on it, another guy was fishing the docks leading into this area. Instead of going out and around me and the weed bed I was fishing to reach the next stretch of docks, he puts the TM on high and makes a beeline right into the middle of the area I was fishing. I picked up my punching rod and launched a 1oz punch rig so close to his head it hit the brim of his hat, and gave him the look. I have never seen a bass boat go in reverse under TM power faster in my life. Funny thing is, this guy and I have become friends after this incident, but it has never been spoken of. #3...... Two wrong don't make a right, and I am the idiot in this tale. Often on my home lake other clubs have tournaments that I have no idea are going on until I get to the ramp that day to fish. Sometimes, I turn around and go to Conesus to give them room, but often I go out and try and stay out of the way of any of the guys in the tournament. On 2 different times, the same guy, from the same club, would follow me around fishing the "bent rod" pattern, and then cut me off in areas I was fishing. So...............time #3 I get to the ramp, see this club is there, and see this guy's trailer in the parking lot. I decided to give him a taste of his own medicine if I come across him................BUT..............it never got to that point. I started crushing fish left and right well away from crowd that day, and had a 20+ lb limit for my best 5. With all the fish in the box, I drove around looking for this guy. I found him, and started making small talk and being "nice". He tells me he is having a rough day, hasn't got a limit yet, has lost a few good ones, and the ones he has are small. I then said..............."well a-hole, you should have followed me around again today, and cut me off like the last two times you were here". Then I pulled each fish out of the livewell one at a time, calling out the weights, and tossing them in right into the area he was casting. I was mighty amused with myself for a few minutes after this, but then I started felling kinda bad, and know I acted like a jerk. To make matters worse, my buddy Tim who is in this club, told me later that guy got all spun out over this and went home early. I approached the guy a year or two later on the water while they were fishing another tournament, and we both buried the hatchet over each others dumb moves, and we have never had a problem since.
    2 points
  42. I would find out if someone else is fishing it and hauling the fish out.
    2 points
  43. I hate it when there is anyone else at all on the lake the same time I am. I wish I was the only one.....
    2 points
  44. Oh man my blood is boiling just thinking about what Im about to type! I was camping with 3 friends on the Snake River here in Washington LAST SUMMER. We have 2 poles each set out for catfish. The spot is well known for big cats and nice smallies so we make trips there often. Anyways, Im sitting there enjoying the sun for the 2nd day when I see a boat coming towards us fishing the bank. Its cool, plenty of room to fish the smallies. Here is where the story turns. They see us, back off the bank where are are literally sitting, and PROCEED TO ANCHOR ON TOP OF OUR LINES!!! As you could imagine, we were not happy. I yelled and said "hey, cant you see we are fishing here!? Go somewhere else!" I was met with a response of "and..." For some reason, that response rubbed me the wrong way. I yelled again "you have a boat and 500 miles of river, were camping here, get the hell out of here" The 2 men and 1 woman turned their head and proceeded to cast over out lines. This was my tipping point, as it was 2 in the afternoon the catfish bite had slowed down regardless and we figured "if were not catching anything, neither are they" I picked up baseball size rocks and proceeded to throw them where they were casting/where our lines are (not at their boat thats too far). After 20 rocks the guy turns and throws his hand up like IM in the wrong. I yelled again to GTFO this time he listened and pulled up his anchor and took off. I COULDNT MAKE THIS UP, 2 WEEKS AGO THE SAME 3 PEOPLE DID THE SAME EXACT THING IN THE SAME SPOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! The same scenario above unfolded AGAIN but this time I was IRATE and demanded the guys come fight us while I was throwing rocks(not at their boat thats just too far) and cursing at them. This is by far the worst thing I have ever experienced while fishing.
    2 points
  45. Its just very hard to fix STUPID!!!!!!!
    2 points
  46. clueless boaters in general. skiers and "water sport" daddy's seem to be the most ignorant. lol
    2 points
  47. I have similar stories with jet skis. I hate jet skis.
    2 points
  48. First smallie of 2016 for me after a long recovery. It felt really good to get back on the water.
    2 points
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