I don't think the OP is asking about the the lake best known by the public. Instead, I believe the question is about describing the characteristics of the lake that you know best.
If that is indeed the question, then let me start by describing my home lake as a shallow (12 ft max), bowl shaped development lake (i.e, a lake made in order to build a housing development around it). It is small (100 acres or so) with a retaining wall around the entire perimeter. The predominant cover is boat docks, but not the style you see on most larger lakes. Instead of floating on the water or having pier type supports, nearly all of these docks hang out over the water similar to a balcony. Some are inches above the water, others are over a foot above, but they make great places for the bass to hide under or around. Throw in broken concrete from the retaining wall and some bass become homebodies at some of these docks.
Vegetation is nearly non-existent except for some Bushy Pondweed (actual name) that starts growing in the 3 to 7 foot zone in spring, maxes out in summer and dies off in fall. The yearly changes in amount & thickness of pondweed then changes the locations that I find many of the fish every year.
Another factor that changes the locations of the fish from where one might expect are the two dozen or so aerators placed in the coves & main lake. The oxygen & current created by these often draw baitfish & predators, especially in the summer & winter..
Most fish caught here are on bottom bumping baits, with the Ned rig and Wacky rigged stick-baits leading the way. The fact that these two baits work well for skipping as well as around the pondweed help their production. Most of the fish are dock oriented, but where they are positioned (roaming near the docks, positioned in front of them, hidden underneath) is dependent on the time of year, time of day and weather conditions. Moving lures will have their days when the conditions are right and can catch more than the slower alternatives, but that is not the norm.
Best of all, despite have thousands of people living on the lake, most days when I fish it, I have it to myself. Very few people here fish, those that do are just tossing hot dogs off their dock for catfish or would prefer to go out on a cattle boat in the ocean. It is really odd, I am never out of sight of at least a dozen homes, so I never have any secret spots, yet me & 1 other person are the only ones that fish it seriously (and half the time we fish together). That's Southern California for you...