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  1. If a bass is going to impale you with hooks, it is most likely going to be a dink. They get a big old set of trebles in that tiny mouth-forcing you to either hold them by the body or to squeeze your fingers in right next to the hooks. Invariably, they will shake like mad as soon as you do the latter. Had two dinks impale me this evening.
    6 points
  2. 6 points
  3. With the Elite Series stopping on my home waters of the Potomac River I had to sign up as a marshal to see how these guys attacked it. I was confirmed for the first 2 days and got as lucky as you can get by drawing KVD for day 2 of the tournament (Friday). After launching we had some time before take-off so in between him doing a couple quick interviews we got to discuss his first day and his plans for day 2. KVD's first day was a nightmare...Other boats in his spots, timing off, best areas trashed by the wind, and lost fish. He told me that it was one of those days where everything that could've possibly gone wrong did go wrong. We spent the first few minutes in the morning on day 2 talking about the weather, he was hoping the wind changed direction enough so that his best area wouldn't be blown out again. After checking the weather a few different times he concluded that it was probably still going to be trashed, but there was enough of a chance to at least go check on it when the tide was right. When we finally took off as boat #60 he started up river to a spot where he saw several good fish in practice. The first thing that jumped out to me was how he drove the boat...It was like a race car driver, not becasue of the speed but the 'path' he takes. He runs right on the shoreline when he can (said it was smoother, and it was), as in you could touch it with a fishing rod, and cuts corners/points literally as close as you can. I knew that in some areas he was in less than a foot of water. It reminded me of race car driver cutting the apex of each turn...Zero wasted time and not even a foot of extra distance traveled. None of the other pros seemed to take it to this extreme, including my day 1 pro (Cliff Prince). It wasn't a far run to his first spot and there were 3 other competitors already there from an earlier flight. He told me that all 3 were there yesterday too and had the very best spot locked down. He wouldn't encroach on them, but said he was hoping to pick up fish on the periphery. Two of the three were Hackney and Vinson and they did not move more than 50 yards all day, for both day's 1 & 2. He caught his first fish quickly on a popper and made a joke about finally having something weigh in....He hung around for about an hour and besides one other blow up that missed his popper there was no action. His next stop was a short distance down river, a stretch of docks with good grass in front. He spent most of the time here using frogs. The new Poppin' Perch, a regular KVD frog, and a new SK toad with 'flat' feet (like a Ribbit). He had two good blow ups just inches behind his toad and had a good fish knock his KVD frog in the air on a blow up...All were decent size fish but they never completely got the bait. He switched colors a few times to see if that would get them to commit a little better but it ultimately didn't result in any more bites. As he was re-tying he pulled out a bunch of the new Poppin' Perch frogs to show me and explained how he worked with SK for almost a year to get it how he wanted....After a few passes up and back with the frog he went into the docks and flipped them with a Menace, but had no bites. From there we ran upriver to a popular creek with another spot where he saw several quality fish in practice. As we rounded the corner and set down he cursed when he saw Gary Klein sitting literally on his waypoint. He showed me on his GPS and sure enough, it was exactly on top of his mark. Klein was getting bit almost every cast on a walking bait and we watched him put his whole limit in the boat...KVD said that he probably got there just a few minutes before we did. He got close to Klein but stayed away from the main spot. The fish weren't as interested in his popper so he said he had to try a walker. He pulled out his walker box and I learned that besides his Sexy Dawg bait, he also really like the Evergreen Shower Blows...He asked if I'd ever used it and when I said it was one of my favorites he agreed and I think his exact words were 'yep, it's a baaaaad sum-b****..." . Even KVD likes a little JDM style . He got no love on the walker since he couldn't hit the main spot, so he started digging in his rod boxes and pulled out a spinning rod. He rigged up a 4" Caffine Shad and started skipping it quickly across the surface, trying to imitate the needlefish we get in the river this time of year. He cycled through colors every few casts before finally settling on one. This was the ticket for him as it resulted in 4 fish to fill his limit in the next hour or so. Nothing huge, but he was happy to get 5 after the disaster on day 1. The tide eventually brought too much dirty water into the area and it was about the right time to go check on his primary spot. We headed down river and as we got closer he looked over holding up his crossed fingers hoping for a little luck. Unfortunately, the wind had it trashed again. He still gave it a few minutes before giving up and we ran back up the river. We bounced around to a few more areas but he wasn't able to connect on anything else that helped him. I know a lot of that is a little vague, but if i went into all the details this post would 4 pages long! Honestly, the actual fishing part was awesome...But the real highlights to me we the conversations about tackle, strategy, locations, and everything else. I asked about a lot of his baits and colors and the level of detail he considers for everything he has is impressive. There is a reason/purpose for everything he uses and/or has his name on. For example, we talked about the Caffine Shad and he told me that he designed it specifically to be different from the Super Fluke. He said he wanted it to fall completely horizontal like a stick-bait instead of gliding around like the fluke. He also told me that they have the Jr sized Rage Bug in the works . His name on the package isn't just marketing, if it's got KVD on the package it's because he either designed or modified it to his liking. The thing that impressed me the most was how well he knew the Potomac. He knows this river better than any local I've met, which obviously includes me too. I'd like to think I know this river better than most and he was on another level. He never went to an area that I haven't been (and neither did my day 1 pro), but the level of detail about each area and the history he knew was insane. A few of the places he hit were some of my favorite areas and he had those places dissected to such detail that I never once thought "I wonder if he knows about 'XYZ' in this spot"...He knew it all. I know he has a long history on this river, but even still it's unreal to me how much detail he knew. He couldn't have been a nicer guy and was very easy to talk to. We talked quite a bit about some other waters in the area like the Upper Bay, James/Chick rivers, Gaston, and Kerr which was fun...Nothing like comparing strategies with greatest of all time . I know in his mind he was probably fuming since he was having a tough tournament, but you never would have known it from talking to him. At the end of the day I helped him bag his fish for weigh in and with a handshake I thanked him for the day wished him good luck with the rest of the season and he wished me good luck with rest of mine (which was cool, even though I'm just small time). It was the best day I've spent on the water and I never even made a cast. I also don't want to overlook my day 1 pro, Cliff Prince who was also great...But I'd be writing all day/night if I put everything that happened on both days in text....I'll just end by saying that if the Elites ever make a stop in your vicinity you should jump on the marshal opportunity...Even just hanging out before launch or at weigh in is awesome, every single pro was friendly and approachable. It's worth every penny and every second.
    5 points
  4. Went back to what is quickly becoming the favorite new lake. The pre Dawn still dark ride to ramp included a good bit of zero visibility in Fog: especially in those low lying areas. Last trip the 1.5 squarebill accounted for most of if not all of the better bass. 3lb plus. Today I ran through the same cover, Except this time I burned a 2.5 squarebill. And they were all over it for like 90 minutes. A-Jay
    4 points
  5. New to the forum...with a new reel lol
    4 points
  6. We are in the middle of it but high and dry. My son's house came close to flooding but he is fine too. I never in my wildest dreams thought some of these areas would flood. There were some pretty good elevations that flooded, these were not low areas next to rivers etc. I have to think all the development, highways etc caused the water to go to areas that never had any issues. More issues brought on by the good folks that brought you affordable health care and flood protection. I am not believing what I am seeing.
    4 points
  7. Actually your weather conditions are somewhat ideal. If I'm fishing daylight during the dog days of summer I prefer overcast skies & so do the bass. You'll read a lot about "theromocline" & you should pay attention to it. You'll also read a lot about what techniques to use for catching bass suspended over deep water above the "thermocline". This is when the where becomes more important the with what! Let's say I find the bass suspended at 22' over deeper water. Instead of trying to fish the suspended bass I move to structure that bottoms out at 22'!
    4 points
  8. Take a looks at a st croix 68mxf they make it in many different lines both spinning and casting.
    4 points
  9. Phenix K2 paired with 09 Aldebaran BFS
    4 points
  10. Anywhere but the internet. Try night fishing. Tom
    4 points
  11. my dad would say he "swallered it" (swallowed)
    3 points
  12. I think the bucket fisherman took them all home when they accidentally caught one trying to catch a stocked catfish and the pressure on that lake is ridiculous. The first 3 years that lake was open to fishing it was bad ass, unless you don't like catching fish on a spinnerbait or frog. Anyway sorry to disappoint.
    3 points
  13. I agree. I would go up to a 3" if it was me.....
    3 points
  14. Wow that's a tiny bait for smallies. I use the 2" power minnows for crappie.
    3 points
  15. I would disagree with the match the hatch thing. Largemouth don't seem to be as particular about "match the hatch" as they get credit for in my opinion (when it comes to color at least). The silver / blue back Hudd that I threw to catch my big one this year doesn't look like much of anything that swims in Toledo. Trout shaped body (we have no trout), unnaturally bright blue back? Didn't matter though. That's just my thought on the matter, I'm not a swimbait expert by any means. Another way I look at it is that a senko can tear up the fish yet it is literally just a stick shaped plastic. It just looks alive, it doesn't match any particular forage.
    3 points
  16. My opinion is not what but where. Deep weed edges, ambush points, holes in heavy matted weeds and any cover that would give bass cooler water and a place to grab food. Remember bass only think about 2 things. Eating and reproducing and they eat every day.
    3 points
  17. Lawyer up. You need to be on top of things first legally. Playing from ahead seems to work better than playing from behind. Once you pick your lawyer do exactly as he/she says. It's always better to be on the same page as your lawyer. Also it use to be that the woman pretty much had a cake walk in these cases. Not so much any more. Good luck. Oh don't send her a dime that you don't have a record of exactly what it was for etc.
    3 points
  18. that was count bassula
    3 points
  19. My thoughts on "Texposed" DUMB. Why bother Texas rigging, if you are going to negate all the benefits? I suspect whomever uses this at one point was having hook set issues, either from too soft a rod, bad technique, or just a weak set. Skin hooking? Not really, though the hook is VERY close to the surface. I find skin hooking, where you come completely out of the bait, and push the tip of the hook back under causes most of the softer plastic baits to look deformed or puts a bend in them.
    2 points
  20. @S Hovanec might agree with me here... I use the Gulp! Alive leeches and minnows, and there days when smallies are size specific. Other days, you drop the bait down, and it never hits the bottom, lol. It's weird, but I like to have at least two sizes, so it's possible there a ton of available forage in the OPs spot that is 1", and the fish bite them better.
    2 points
  21. Hit the river last night out of Occoquan on my buddy's boat, just to see if the pros left us anything. It was a pretty decent night, we caught 12 or 13 bass in total largest being around 4, another 3+ and the rest smaller. Senkos, jigs, and spinnerbaits. It got a kinda wild as the storm was rolling in. We were on a main river spot and catfish were going nuts. In my time on the river I don't think I've seen as an aggressive cat bite as this. It was like the were schooled up in shallow water. You would stick one and several others would boil around that fish after the hook set. I was getting cat bit on every cast. Tried to weed through because we had a few decent bass bites, but the cats were overpowering. We saw the weather coming for us so we ran back to the Occoquan. Didn't make it in time, because we foolishly stopped to fish a grass mat before we came in, my buddy caught a 2.5lber but we paid for it. Caught in the storm under the Rt.1 bridge. A small lull in the front gave us an opportunity to upgrade to under the 95 bridge where we waited the storm out for about 1.5 hours. Cranked the radio and made the best of it. Fun night. AP
    2 points
  22. Was crazy afternoon, we have the warning for the storm but didn't pass my way... my plan was to have some fun at some place and pull some fish but I canceled. I should put my kayak at the reservoir.... one of this days after work.
    2 points
  23. For the last 45 yrs, Toldeo Bend Reservoir the #1 bass fishing lake in America! How do I fish it? Follow the link to 5,564 replies & 798,622 views!
    2 points
  24. I had several buddies who caught fish over 4 back then. Late Fall 2014 I saw 2 bass up on the dam that were both over 4. One had to be over 5. I have never caught anything even close to 2 pounds there. @Jake Johnson has seen some big ones in his boat several years ago I believe.
    2 points
  25. Pliers. I learned my lesson long ago.
    2 points
  26. The 3" Gulp minnow on a 1/8oz ballhead was my Ned rig before I knew what a Ned rig was. It's a smallmouth (and multispecies), catching machine rigged like that. Works well on a dropshot too.
    2 points
  27. Another vote for a spinning rod but I'd go with a medium light from St. Croix. Their rods tend to run a little heavier than they're rated and most stream smallmouth aren't going to grow too huge. Depending on the stream you might want a shorter rod to work around brush and under overhanging trees.
    2 points
  28. That always sucks. I think the other thing with dinks, other than the fact there's not as much to hold onto, they always seem to have the most energy because they get cranked in so fast. So then you have a fish that's still very green and hard to get a grip on with lots of exposed trebles swinging around, it's a bad deal waiting to happen.
    2 points
  29. I'm not real big on the match the hatch concept either. Our bass probably eat more bluegill than anything else, and bluegill imitations normally work well, but bluegill swimmers have produced poor results at best for me. I have my best luck on Hitch, Ayu, and Bone colored swimbaits it seems. Ayu is a bit of a bluegill/baby bass color at least, and hitch is shad/baitfish colored, but then my BIL does well with a rainbow trout colored S-waver in lakes with no trout in them. IMO, swimbaits are more attractive to fish because of the size and perceived easy meal.
    2 points
  30. I live about 20 minutes from Egypt bend. Some of my friends have their own tournaments on Egypt bend, front royal, lake Anna, Shenandoah dam. I like fishing on Egypt bend in the spring with craw colored crank baits and bright colored jerkbaits. In early summer I fish deep diving jerkbaits in the timber and catch some. Never been productive this time of the year. Next time you go, bring a spinning rod that can throw 1/16oz jig heads and Charlie brewer crappie grubs. They catch everything that swims . I floated from Elkton to Shenandoah on Sunday using those grubs and caught over 50 including a 4 pound large mouth. The ramp at Egypt bend is a pain in the butt to load and unload because of how far you have to back in. I haven't done it by myself but I imagine it would be really hard.
    2 points
  31. Wow! Throwing Topwater Paid Off big time for me tonight. Fishing my One Knocker Spook and had a monster smallmouth jump 100% out of the water at it. I'm guessing to stun it or something because no hooks. Fished all kinds of stuff and finally came back to the One Knocker. Worked all kinds of shoreline and then had one hammer it probably 25 feet out in 6 FOW over submerged weeds. Put up a heck of a fight as I was going nuts and couldn't believe he actually ate it and not just bumped it. Came out to 3.24 lbs and 18.5 inches. My personal record! Probably 30 minutes after sunset in the twilight before dark came.
    2 points
  32. So far, all good around Marksville too. If the Dr. would let me join the "Cajun Navy" I'd be down there helping my poor brothers and sisters. Feel real bad for them!
    2 points
  33. Spinning Rod definitely. I recommend Yo Zuri line and St. Croix does make good rods.
    2 points
  34. Read nothing in that thread would lead me to change my opinion on color!
    2 points
  35. Thanks for reminding me, Clayton. That is all.
    2 points
  36. I love my aetos rods. I got all 5 I have now for under 130 each. I just ordered the newest three at the under 100 clearance price. Great rods, very sensitive with great guides and warranty. These and the old elite tech smallmouth are my favorite rods. I'm gonna pick up a world class on the black Friday sales. I have no affiliation with Fenwick by the way, and I own rods from a lot of other companies. I'd put them up against about any 200 rods out there. I haven't used the e6x but the aetos are the real deal. I'd get 2 aetos rods over 1 e6x any day. I also don't like that they went to foam handles. I'd say it's probably for 2 reasons. Foam is cheaper and lighter than the TAC material. I'd rather have the tac or cork any day though
    2 points
  37. Yes Sir, would have been lucky if one touched a 14" mark
    2 points
  38. Both units should be wired directly to the battery and extended with at least 14 gauge wire. Use the spade type fuse/holder. I use 12 gauge to the bow. An alternative is to install a dedicated sonar unit fuse panel at the console supplied with 10 gauge wire. Connect each sonar unit to that panel with the correct fuse size for each. Extend the bow power cord with 14 gauge wire. Modern sonar units are more sophisticated computers than their predecessors.
    2 points
  39. Crappy lighting, but it's finally back together again.
    2 points
  40. Guacamole One ripe avocado, mashed with a fork One small garlic clove, minced as fine as you can One Serrano pepper, diced very fine Juice of half a lime Salt, pepper, cumin and oregano to taste Mix it all up and let set in the fridge for 30 minutes Enjoy
    2 points
  41. Rapala F11 or F13, shadow rap shad , X rap 8 all float using mono line
    2 points
  42. From the picture, it looks to be the dreaded invisible bass...
    2 points
  43. I'm with Catt on this one. I have a few colors that have served me well for many, many years. I too read nothing In that post that changed my mind. There's one thing I know for certain. If you have confidence In what you are throwing and you're throwing that where the fish live you will eventually get bit.
    1 point
  44. i just live-chatted with TW. they said that, as far as the new NASCI reels are concerned, the 2500-size and 3000-size bodies are different now; the rep said that the 3000- and 4000-sizes now share the same bodies only differing in their spools and that the 2500 is on its own, smaller frame.
    1 point
  45. My wife and I are both in law enforcement and as such, we work opposite shifts. We fish as a way of getting to be together. I got her into fishing and she has really taken a liking to it. We fish because it became a shared passion and a way for us to become closer as a couple.
    1 point
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