I haven't been posting on here much since ive been busy and didn't really know what to post about in the first place. There have been several good things that have happended to me this summer and i felt like telling you all so here it goes.
1. I have my licenses. I can now go fishing where I want and when i want.
2. A little background on this, when i started fishing, my parents had made the rule of fishing once a week. This rule was dropped recently, now I am fishing alot more.
3. I am going to have another niece or nephew in the near future.
4. I have finally been catching bigger fish. Most of them I dont take pics of, but in may(I think it was in may) i caught this nice fish one evening on a tube.
5. I am going to bps for the first time this week.
6. Went to lake anna recently on a fishing trip(rare for me).
And I think that about sums up my summer so far! I feel more freedom now to learn more about fishing, and I think i can!
I had an awesome last week chilling out in the mountains of North Carolina. I spent the whole week hiking, running, exploring mountains and caves, swimming, and fishing. My kind of week. I enjoyed everything, but not mowing grass for a week was probably my favorite part. It's always nice to just unwind and do nothing. Spending time with my older brother, who left for college about a year ago, was also a highlight.
Ain't nothing like spending a week in the middle of nature!
Just got out of bait monkey rehab and entered a half way house . While taking a walk around my new neighborhood surroundings I came upon a small mom & pop store with a sign out front : "Zoom Soft Plastics - "Buy One Get One 50% Off " ! ... I went inside and as soon as I plopped down all the Trick worms I could carry to check out , I was apprehended - it was a sting !! I should have known it was too good to be true !! ... Now back to rehab - I hope I get out before the Fall shad run !!
I had a bunch of old marker buoys...I never use them, I've got GPS...We were on a lake in Canada, where there is a fair amount of spot poaching...
We'd find a worthless spot, usually right before lunch, toss out a marker...then move off a ways to eat...and count the poachers.
One place worked so well we left the buoy there all day, counted 8 different boats in the spot as we moved back and forth that day.
I were a little faster with the camera.
I was replacing one of my docks on Tuesday when a pickerel beached itself on the floating dock while chasing a dragon fly. The fish ie there for about 10 seconds as if it were figuring out how to remedy it's situation. Then twitched into the water before I even thought, self, get the camera and film this.
This is morning, while out flipping some lays downs, I pitched my craw imitation into a lay down. While it sank and I anticipated a 15lb monster to inhale my bait a starling landed on my rod. About 4 feet from the handle it perched. my first reaction was to blurt out, you gotta be kiddin. After staring at it for a bit, self remembered camera. Problem being.... Rod was in right hand and phone was in right pocket. I pondered for a second... Do I change hands with the rod or reach around with the left? Not being much for reach arounds I opted for the hand switch. Bird didn't like that.
Though I have no photographic evidence of either event I have neat stories. The old man witnessed the the pickerel beaching but I was all by my lonesome with my new feathered friend. maybe self will be bettered prepared with camera in the future.
Hit the Chattahoochee early Saturday AM with a buddy we floated until late afternoon and we had a great time. We put in at the Morgan Falls Dam and floated down to the Cochran Shoals area. Fished right at the dam in hopes of hooking into some Stripers, but no luck with that. However, my buddy hooked a nice largemouth right as we launched, it was right around 3.5 lbs. Went on to catch a few small spotted bass as we floated on down, all around the 1lb mark. Not far from the takeout point I made a couple casts into a really good looking little pool behind some big brush piles. Had a 1/4oz terminator spinnerbait with the single oklahoma blade and a zoom chartreuse single tail grub tied on. For a second i thought i had got snagged on a log until that "log" almost jerked the rod out of my hands!! A short fight ensued and before long i had it in the kayak. It was a bruiser bass, really nice sized spot for the river that went right at 2.9 lbs! Ended up with 9 bass between the 2 of us and had a really good time, despite the blazing temps!
This thread is for the dumb things you did when you started bass fishing!
I tried throwing a frog the 95% percent of the lake was frozen. I somehow got a big bass interested.

Great day on Walker Pond. Plenty of 6 and 5 pounders. I have never fished a pond where the bass had such psychotic energy. About 3 dozen LM this one was 6.4 biggest of the day. Black jigs with either black/blue or pumpkin green chiggers. Chatter baits with some copper in the skirts on a fat impact keitech and of course some waky senkos. All from off shore weed lines and sunken tree structures. My friend Ed got 3 5lbs largies in the span of 10 minutes which shows how good of a day it was there.
I'd go with the tatula(can be found around 110 shipped depending on length) or an *** black. Or if you are open to used rods you might find a crazy good deal on a much more expensive rod
Sheriff Andy Taylor
Man, back in my day we had to call the girls up on the land line phone, get past one of their parents and ask them out on a date. But the phone was a firewall for embarrassment in case we got shot down (in flames). If she said no, just say "OK then, goodbye."
A girl's dad once told me to get lost and hung up on me. LOL. But I didn't despair, I persevered. The meek may inherit the earth, but they won't get what they want in this lifetime.
I was a one month in the springtime trout fisherman. When the stocked trout were gone so was I. I maybe got out once or twice for bass at a big lake were we rented a boat. I found out my ultra lite fishing setups with 4lb test wasn't working. My cheap $6 Wal-Mart reel was good for trout but the bass ruined it. The bail and drag were toast. The bubble pack Wal-Mart quantum reels were a big step up for me anyway. I switched to Excalibur silver thread line and still use it today on my fin-nor and OKUMA spinning reels. The bottom line is we need good, decent equipment.
My pb10# was caught on my Shakespeare rod and quantum reel 8# test Excalibur silver thread copolymer line.
I only fish Lew's at the moment. I've had a few of their reels up and down the model range. I got an MB right before the season started and I really like mine. Obviously, the dual braking system is a huge plus but overall it's been great for me. Depending on what ratio you are looking for if you scan through eBay the MB can be had for around $108 with Free Shipping.
Sportsman Outfitters on eBay is selling them pretty cheap, new.
Hey Kevin! Hope you are having a fun summer and getting ready to hit the books once again in August.
Now to your query: Does BPS in Memphis, Tennessee have a discount rod rack?
I have no idea.
So what do you do? You can call BPS in Memphis and ask their fishing department guys and gals if they have such a rack; you can call the BPS in Ashland and ask them how you can find out if the Memphis BPS has a rod discount rack; you can send an email to BPS in Springfield, Missouri and ask them if their Memphis store has a rack; you can visit the store and ask them, personally; or you can go to the Tennessee section of this Forum and ask the guys and gals reading that topic if they know if BPS in Memphis has a discount rod rack.
Always remember one thing about making a phone call: if the call goes bad you can always hang up and hide under your bed.
For $600 I'd buy it in a heartbeat
Full retail probably not again. It is comfy as heck, lots of sexy bits and a wheel, but I must say the hull pirouettes like a flippin ballerina. When they released the paddle/motor console thing I was like "of course!" because why else design a hull that pivots on center?
If you get it buy a hand paddle for sure, otherwise you're going to set the boat on fire lol
I finally get to update my PB!!
Caught this hawg on Little Lake Harris on the Harris Chain near Orlando. This was Friday night, right after a bad storm blew through - I was on the water as the storm clouds were crossing the other side of the lake. The bite was active as all get out - landed 3 fish in 2 hours, and a baby alligator. That's a lot of action for this high pressured lake.
I keep everything in an origional bag, and purchased a bag meant to carry plano boxes I don't remember of which size but I took all of the planos out, organized them by type, and put folder dividers between them so I know where craws end and worms start etc.
I was planning on buying one but after paddling it I changed my mind. It was a barge to paddle and it tracked poorly in my opinion. If I had the money and was able to get a deal like that and had the room, I might consider it as a second kayak. It was very stable and the seat was great. Seemed well made and solid. For something to stand up and fish or something for use with a little current where you're not constantly paddling I think it is a great kayak. Not trying to knock it, just my experience. That's a heck of a price so I'm sure if it wasn't for you you could easily recoup your money.
Thanks Skeeter Don. The wife give me a pass last Friday (7/22) evening so I ran up for one night. I arrived at 8:30pm and fished from 9pm to 3am. I fished the same areas (housen and 6 mile) as the previous weekend and ended up with a 7.4, 6.6, 5, (two) 4s and two around 2lbs. All were caught on 8" green pumpkin dead ringer worms TR with a 1/4oz weight. I've been concentrating on wood where the creek channel swings adjacent to a flat, hump or point. The fish I'm catching are on the edge in 8 to 15 feet. You have to been patient and wait for them to move up. I should be there this weekend and will report. Good luck
When I started I could not hook them.Not stupid,but just ignorant to the technique.
I would sometimes fish a creek with a cane pole and plastic worm.I would watch for bass to come by and plop the worm in front of them.It actually worked pretty good.
In the same creek I saw a huge bass on the other side.10+.I had one lure beside blue plastic worms.It was a little George.Sort of a deep water crank bait.I threw it over to the bass.(water was maybe 2 feet deep) and it got hung in a tree and spooked the fish.
First big bass I caught was on a big doughball.4 pounds.Got hung in a brush pile and I swam out and got him!!
This must be a generational thing, my kids say the same thing...
I'll tell you what I tell them. If you won't talk to a person about something you want, then you don't really want it enough.
Just call them.
Clearly the problem lies here. Try this.
All joking aside I would say either
- Try live bait for a little bit just to make sure the spots you are fishing can produce at least some fish
- Try to get on an early morning topwater bite (if you can, you did say you can't get out super early)
- Fish deep during the day, I know you are fishing from the bank but try to find spots from shore where the bank is steep, and fish can come up to feed while still having access to deeper water.
We've all had days where we "should have been catching fish" but it just didn't happen. It is frustrating, but keep at it, the guys above have posted good advice. And remember, a bad day of fishing is still a day of fishing, it's good to just be out there.
This happens to me on a lake I fish pretty often in my tracker. usually I can rock it off however i have had to evacuate the boat once of me and my buddy so it would be able to float itself off of the timber on its own with the reduced weight. It was just enough for a bit more wiggle room and i was able to push it off. . This is about 30 feet of water.
if that had not worked my next move was to try and toss the anchor and pull off on another tree and at the time that did not sound like a very solid plan b....but a plan b nonetheless.
It's about anglers helping anglers!
One major key to being consistent on any body of is to fish it often, when you can not be on the water have friends that can.
That is why I think forums are better than the majority of YouTube videos.
@KU_Bassmaster. has one for KC areas guys that has 296 pgs, 7,383 replies, & was viewed 445,530 times!
Talking about rods, reels, lines, & lures is fun but that don't teach ya how to catch!
Good read. No question that avatars (and screen names) have a much greater affect on the way I interpret posts than I like to admit. Like how hard it is take Mr Slo Bundy seriously Or that I decided early on that blackshirt MUST be from Nebraska and I just can't wrap my head around the California loc. Bigbill reminds me of FatCat Newton and I have a challenge taking him seriously (not because of bigfoot posts; Really) ;
Post up when you're needing a back seater and I bet one of the guys will join you.
Just like Brian said, but peg the weight. They like a frog also. Those fish are either deep in it or right on the edge once you figure that out it's game on. If your there long it will change. @Advantage uses like a 6oz weight and punches through the thickest stuff he can find with a pitboss.
YZH is great line for sure but a bit too stretchy for me. I'm more of a CXX guy. Hybrid line rocks. Gotta love being able to dial your attributes and still not break the bank.
I agree. I started using it this spring and have been pleasantly surprised. I am a braid guy for the most part but this has made me switch a few of my rods to hybrid.
Not at all.
Let me ask you this, since you brought up youth. How does making a video with the intention of getting people to like or follow you, make you better at the sport? I believe it to be a rarity that fishing and equipment review youtube videos are made for the benefit of those that are watching them. The reality is none of you "kids" are doing something that hasn't been done before.
Why aren't you "kids" making videos on how to read sonar or how to read a topo map or how to follow weather and moon patterns or how to chose presentations based on water temperature and clarity or how to fish current or how to fish a break or how to eliminate unproductive water? The answer is twofold. First, it's because you don't know how, and secondly because it's not entertaining.....to kids
So, go stroke your ego and get people to "like" you and when your done doing that hopefully, they'll still be enough time in your life to learn how to fish
and while you're at it, get off my lawn LOL
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