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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/22/2016 in all areas

  1. I'd like to start off by saying that I'm a pain in the ass and thank Mike for so graciously catering to that pain in the assness. I received my first rod order from Mike today, and as an impatient man I couldn't wait to take it out on the water immediately. I went out and only caught a small dink before the lake closed(sun up to sun down lake unfortunately is the only solid producer within 20 minute driver after work today). The rod's I've experienced before always were solid, as far as buying Loomis, St Croix, Kistler and the other brands I used to use years ago. The rod I purchased from Mike was absolutely air light, sensitive to the point that I could of probably felt single blades of grass had the water not been over run by hydrilla. The alignment was perfect, and the handle length was the best I've ever managed. This thing looks absolutely beautiful, I'll upload the pictures I took to another site and edit the post with them later since they are all 4mb pictures and downsizing will ruin the quality of the hard work Mike clearly put into this rod. The inscription was phenomenally done and much better than I expected it to be. All in all, I spent approximately 320 dollars on a medium, fast-exfast rod for soft plastics and ned rigs that did it phenomenally. With the quality of this product, the customer service behind the business, and the thoroughness/attention to detail of Mike if I was going to buy a rod similar to this rod at retail I wouldn't be surprised or felt taken advantage of for a rod in, or above the NRX price range of 550 retail. From this point forward I'll be slowly replacing all of my rods with DVT rods. Thank you Mike for all of your hard work, and quality work. Please, don't hesitate to place an order with this man. You won't be disappointed, I surely was not.
    9 points
  2. Depends upon the topwater, IMO. For straight retrieve type baits, or protected hooks, baits like Ploppers, frogs/toads and buzzers, I tie direct. For walking type baits like Spooks, Gunfish, or even poppers I use a mono leader. The mono leader provides line stiffness that won't tangle with the exposed trebles on those baits nearly as much. -T9
    5 points
  3. From now until end of the day Sunday all of our tungsten, Punch Rigs, Rocket weights, Dropshot weights, Flipping Weights, and jigs are all 15% off instock items. Here is your chance to restock at awesome prices. These will go quick in many sizes. http://www.siebertoutdoors.com/Tungsten-Jigs-Weights-Punch-Rigs_c2.htm We also have many items on sale. http://www.siebertoutdoors.com/Sale-Items_c27.htm
    4 points
  4. Good Spook Bait? Uuhhhh.......Spook
    4 points
  5. And the dumbing down of our nation continues. ..
    4 points
  6. It stared for me back in the 70s when I use to make lures, one night I decided to stuff a bullet weight into a rubber skirt. It was so difficult I gave up after only making a half a dozen. This little trick when paired with a craw worm won me many a tournament. Scott's Marina on the Texas side of Toledo Bend is a one room building, a small wharf big enough for a couple jon boats, and a launch. Scott sold Community Coffee which is the #1 coffee of Cajuns and why I hung around. He had maybe a dozen packs of worms, 4-5 spinner baits & traps. On one particular morning I notice some new lures lying on the counter, I picked one up & the little card read "Big Red's Flying Jig". Inside was the lead head of a spinner bait, a skirt, & a 3/0 offset hook with a hitch hiher attached. I bought em all! This was the perfect answer to putting a skirt on a bullet weight! Later I found Barlow's Tackle sold just the weights and then Cyclone Lures made a Slip-n-Jig. For some anglers its how they can get a bullet weight through cover easier than a jig, a problem I don't have with jigs. For me it's changing the profile of a t-rig, the added action of a skirt, & eliminates buying a skirt bead. Like with a jig I use skirts with round strands, flat strands, fine cut strands, or wide cut strands. I can't really explain its fish attracting abilities but what I do know is I've fished behind guys throwing t-rig & jigs and caught fish they missed. Is it the bait? I don't know but it works which is all I care about!
    3 points
  7. If you're looking for a good knock off Sebile makes a decent one. The ass end dips down in the water but it still walks just fine.
    3 points
  8. Here again the telescoping pole with the duck foot may have saved you from that. try one they can be a life saver
    3 points
  9. Clearly the problem lies here. Try this. All joking aside I would say either - Try live bait for a little bit just to make sure the spots you are fishing can produce at least some fish - Try to get on an early morning topwater bite (if you can, you did say you can't get out super early) - Fish deep during the day, I know you are fishing from the bank but try to find spots from shore where the bank is steep, and fish can come up to feed while still having access to deeper water. We've all had days where we "should have been catching fish" but it just didn't happen. It is frustrating, but keep at it, the guys above have posted good advice. And remember, a bad day of fishing is still a day of fishing, it's good to just be out there.
    3 points
  10. I must be the luckiest guy in the world! I catch more tree limbs than anybody I know!
    3 points
  11. I also did a good deed today, i was out at the lake unloading my boat and there was a kid around 18 years old fishing, all he had was a handful of lures and his rod. He was mexican just like me so we had a nice talk and got along really well, good kid. As i was about to head out i asked if he wanted to join, he couldnt beleive it. He had never been on a boat. Got him on some fish he caught a nice 6 pounder his new pb. And now i have a new friend and fishing partner, also he took my advise in a very good way and changed lures as i told him what the fish wanted. I feel good and im glad i made his day. Next time i head out hell get an invite
    3 points
  12. I never figured I would find a job that I liked. Even with my degree. I figured I would just deal with the bs, and live my life day to day. Well that changed when I got a job at a small mom and pop machine shop. I did go to school for that. It just took me a year and a half to find it. Its not corporate, less then 50 people work there, pays really well, its interesting, and I deal with rare metals. Google tantalum some time. A 1x1x12 chunk is 5k. Before I got this job. I was working at a place that will remain nameless. They were screwing me out of ot pay, hours, it was retail, and changing the schedule every 2 hours. So I got written up a few times. Becasue they changed the schedule with out notice, or they would say I would have to be in. When I didn't have to be in. The last time that happened. I got home from my bouncer job at 4 am. I didn't recall if I worked at noon on Sunday. so I looked at the online schedule, and it said I worked at noon. That means I have to get up at by at least 11am. I go to sleep and go to work. I get my butt out of bed on 6 hours or so hours of sleep. Drive to work, and put on a smile. I go to punch in. The computer says I am not working. Ok by this time I am more then ticked. This has happened like 3 other times. The only reason I stayed is I liked my co workers, and They convinced me to stay. That was the last time that happened. The job was to the point. Were I wanted to hit a customer that asked if I had any wood with out knots. I wanted to hit them with a hammer. Among other things. It was also effecting my personal life and happiness. About a month later. My grandma told me about a machine shop that was hiring. I figured what dose it hurt. Dropped off my app and resume. I figured I would hear what I have been hearing for the last year and a half. I don't enough experience. Well about a hour later they called for a interview, and I set it up for the next day. I told them since I work at noon. I could see them at 10. I also told them since they are close to my last job. I will be dressing for that. My last job I wore jeans, t shirt, ball hat, and boots. They were ok with that. That interview lead to a second interview. Were they offered me the job. As soon as I was done there. I had my two weeks typed up sitting in my car, and turned it in. At this point I have been there for a month. I am enjoying it a lot. I am a lot happier as a person, and I have not wanted to hit any one with a hammer yet. I am still bouncing Friday and Saturday night. I don't need to, but I work around a bunch of middle aged dudes for 40hrs a week. The only woman are office workers who are married, and the bosses daughter. No I don't dip my pen in company ink. I value my job way more then sex. Sex don't pay my bills, and I wont mess with a married woman. So the bar gig at least allows me to look. The bar crew is also pretty cool. So I have two jobs I love. I am happier then I could ever imagine, I am making great money, and I am single. With not a single problem in my life right now. I would say life is great.
    2 points
  13. This is just nuts. A guy in the Florida everglades makes his own frogs and uses a kayak. I trimmed the video because it did have him promoting his lures for sell and I did not want to get in trouble. I would give anything to have this happen to me. He does not land the fish but that blow up is the stuff dreams are made of. http://www.tubechop.com/watch/8199980
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. I am kind of a top water nut, I like trying the new baits that come out and have a bunch of them. In my opinion get yourself a bone colored spook Jr. and call it a day. It might not be the very best, but day in and day out it catches fish. If you just want to spend some money on a good bait, the shower blows shorty by evergreen and the Lucky Craft Gunfish are both good.
    2 points
  17. A Super Spook is around $7. Can't get a bait that good for much less.
    2 points
  18. Leave the dock and find nearby main lake point. Tom
    2 points
  19. Either the Super Spook Jr. or their one knocker. Add an oval split ring and you're good to go.
    2 points
  20. I've had minimal success with The TRD until I tried one as a trailer on a 1/16 oz bitsy bug jig.This has been my go to combo all year.
    2 points
  21. All I can say about this is: man, I don't care. Not what I really want to say, but Glenn would fire me for posting what I really think.
    2 points
  22. That looked like a great white shark hitting a seal. They never hit my lures like that.
    2 points
  23. They're my stick worm of choice. I like to stock up when they're on sale. They're great on a shakyhead too.
    2 points
  24. 2 points
  25. That'll work great in the weeds.
    2 points
  26. When my bite gets really tough in the heat of the day I like to throw a weightless t-rigged senko into the gaps of the weeds and let it flutter down to the bottom. Give it a twitch like a jerkbait when its on bottom and that drive the bass nuts. If nothing hits it, reel up and flip it again. Caught many bass in 90 degree weather at 2 in the afternoon doing this. Also, jigs work really well but i get tired of pulling weeds off the bait lol
    2 points
  27. This is the worst game ever. It's worse than soccer.
    2 points
  28. I were a little faster with the camera. I was replacing one of my docks on Tuesday when a pickerel beached itself on the floating dock while chasing a dragon fly. The fish ie there for about 10 seconds as if it were figuring out how to remedy it's situation. Then twitched into the water before I even thought, self, get the camera and film this. This is morning, while out flipping some lays downs, I pitched my craw imitation into a lay down. While it sank and I anticipated a 15lb monster to inhale my bait a starling landed on my rod. About 4 feet from the handle it perched. my first reaction was to blurt out, you gotta be kiddin. After staring at it for a bit, self remembered camera. Problem being.... Rod was in right hand and phone was in right pocket. I pondered for a second... Do I change hands with the rod or reach around with the left? Not being much for reach arounds I opted for the hand switch. Bird didn't like that. Though I have no photographic evidence of either event I have neat stories. The old man witnessed the the pickerel beaching but I was all by my lonesome with my new feathered friend. maybe self will be bettered prepared with camera in the future.
    1 point
  29. Your not going to reel faster than a lmb can swim if it wants your lure. I've seen them shoot out of cover after baitfish and let me tell you, it's fast, very fast.
    1 point
  30. Hey Guys, Anyone up for night fishing @ the NOC this Sat? Was thinking of putting in @ 3 mile about 7-7:30pm. Never did a night fishing before & my wife really doesn’t want me to go alone. I just built a new underwater LED light & will be trying it out.
    1 point
  31. Steel - the other model has wide wheels / tires making it suitable for soft terrain like sand. I needed it do just about everything else except sand - so I went that way. Works perfectly. Also 9 years ago when I got mine, it came with air-ed up tires. Didn't want to deal with a flat so I replaced them with no-flats. NOW - the cart is sold with them - very cool. A-Jay
    1 point
  32. If I hit the expanded tab it gives me a few lines of the last post in the thread not the OP's original post, unless the OP's post is the only post in the thread.
    1 point
  33. Texas Tackle split ring pliers for life. Boomerang cutter retractable is my fav for cutting line. Also for pliers/cutters I have two pairs of DeWalt compounds- both needle nose style and the side cutters. They're KILLER pliers and cutters, and they were only $15 each. (I have the ones on the left and the ones on the right)
    1 point
  34. Dropshotting definitely doesn't have to be a vertical presentation as it can be pretty darn deadly when cast.
    1 point
  35. In all honesty tho I would have to say if I was to change anything about a lews reel, or if there was something I didn't care for. It'd be the drag system. Not that I have personally had a problem with it but it's tempting to look at reels for instance *** reels that has almost twice the drag strenth of lews an worder if you would need that extra lock down power so it doesn't slip when your trying to get big fish out of heavy cover fast. Either way that don't change the fact that Lew's reels are amazing an that they are the only company I use for my reels in my reel arsonal.
    1 point
  36. sounds like you need a go-pro lol
    1 point
  37. I agree. The shimano use to be on top of the food chain, but imo Lew's bait casters has leaped ahead.
    1 point
  38. Next time try a craw or beaver. The fish we caught on Sunday night were fat and can't believe someone hasn't weighed a 5 plus out of there yet this year.
    1 point
  39. That's horrible. Should've thrown someone off the pontoon and made them tread water for an hour.
    1 point
  40. Whoops! Didn't see the "spinning" part.
    1 point
  41. Moving to Georgia the 30th of this month just so I can do more of that ;). My wife thinks its because she wants to be closer to her family.
    1 point
  42. I work with Joe on the Real Prey website and fish his baits more than any bait I own. All of his products are handmade, hand painted and of the best quality of any swimbait company out there. More durable than any soft plastic. Every bait Joe makes is well thought out as far as forage and species goes. The tails give one of the best thumps I've seen even at slow speeds. The Golden Shiner in both the 7" and larger size have caught numerous PB's here in New England. Joe is an outstanding guy to boot. As far as the sink rates go, I can't say exactly that this is true, but I would say the fast sink would be closer to a Hudd ROF12-16. You can call Joe directly and he will gladly answer your questions and provide more help than you could imagine. One of the most intelligent big bait guys out there.
    1 point
  43. You might try going "Old School" with a black 3/4 oz broken back Jitterbug trolled 60' to 80' behind the Kayak or canoe... boated some real giants that way.....back in the day.
    1 point
  44. Nobody in Hampton Roads huh? Im not looking for your honey hole or to eat all the fish. I catch and release everything I catch and I leave the place cleaner than I found it.
    1 point
  45. Good weekend in all got my girlfriend on a couple fish and my 91 year old uncle got on a ton of smallies was a good hot weekend..... Best part of the weekend though landed my new PB for NH 6lbs 1oz largemouth on a hula popper she was a tank
    1 point
  46. How awesome is the Ned Rig? Well yesterday afternoon, I have a ZMan TRD tied on and am holding the rod out in front of me, about 6 feet off the top of the water. Suddenly, a swallow or sparrow or some kind of smallish bird zips in and tries to grab it. I instinctively jerk it back, at which time the bird does a 180 and goes after it again. This crazy bird was zipping around me like a fighter jet, hell-bent on eating that TRD. The only thing I could think of to do to stop him was make a cast, so I quickly skipped it under a dock I was approaching. The bird made a halfhearted attempt to follow it, but then zipped up & away. A moment later, the line jumped and I had hooked up with a bass under said dock. I landed it, looked around for the Amelia Earhart of birds, but she was no where to be found. I was freaked out for the next 10 minutes. To me, this means the Ned rig is effective for both fish & fowl. In fact, I believe I could have pitched it up on the shore and caught the dock owners cat for a triplicate.
    1 point
  47. Thanks for all the replies! I would have got back to you guys sooner but I was in maryland fishing a tournament. I will try out what you guys are suggesting. In terms of time I usually am busting the banks during the heat of the day. Bad idea of course but its when I can get out. I think fishing early and at dusk is a much better idea just as you suggested.
    1 point
  48. Here's my ride 2014 Legend Alpha 199 225 optimax. It gets me there. Another picture
    1 point
  49. Here's an option ~ If the town has a "Fine" for violating a zoning law, the Cost $$ of the fine may be less than the cost of the storage . . So you'll pay one way or the other but if it's close - one is certainly more convenient than the other. And after a while your neighbor will get over it. Just a thought. Good Luck to you A-Jay
    1 point
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