When it comes to fishing, I consider myself a nice guy. I practice fishing etiquette, will never horn in on someones area and make sure to give plenty of space to shore fishermen so as to not spook fish in their area. I am friendly with other fishermen and will happily share what I know if it seems they have a genuine interest in learning and are respectful themselves. But I have a little devil on my shoulder who always whispers the same thing: "Catch a fish when they are watching you..."
Yesterday, I come into small cove and there is a man still-fishing on a public access area on one side of the cove with his two young sons (under the age of 6 or so). Like most young kids, they are already bored and doing everything on the shore except fish. I waved, carefully went around him, well beyond how far he could cast and began working the opposite shore. That little devil is whispering "You have an audience", forcing me to focus a bit more as I make my first cast. I make 3 casts around & under the first dock of the cove with no results and I hear one of the kids say "Daddy, why does he keep reeling in?" (it is amazing how how well sound carries over water). The next dock is paydirt, I pull a 2 pounder out and let it jump a few times before I land it. Next cast, I hook & land her twin sister. 2 casts later, I hook up but she throws the bait. Next cast I hook up and land another. I glance over at the shore angler and now in addition to the 3 lines he has out, he is casting what looks to be a crankbait. From the 9 docks along the opposite shore, I have 6 hookups, landing 5 of them. Not only did it catch the anglers attention, his kids stopped what they were doing and were watching as well.
Before I leave the cove, I move out slightly deeper and start flippin' a jig along an area where the concrete on the bottom of the lake has shifted and there is a ledge that fish often back up under. In 4 flips, I land three fish, all over 3 lbs. Typical of flippin' fish, I hammer the hooksets and all hell breaks loose as the fish come up out of the cover. I see the father furiously casting whatever lure he has while one of his sons says "Why is he catching fish & you aren't". Like a jerk, I can't help but smile...