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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/01/2016 in all areas

  1. It means something a whole lot different now than it used to Momma had a hair appointment tonight, so it was just me and the boy. He's been asking to go fishing almost every night for a couple weeks now, but triple digit temps and a 2.5 year old don't mix well. Tonight was much cooler, and we had an hour to kill before bedtime so why not? I was casting and hooking them, Lake was cranking them in and cheesing it up for the camera. Sunfish and little kids were made for each other. 30 minutes, and 15 sunfish of an assorted variety later, we threw some rocks in the creek and called it a night. All he talked about on the way how was when we are going fishing next.
    9 points
  2. Ya got a choice to make...lures in your tackle box or fish in your livewell...ya can't have both! Let's do some math! Zoom Trick Worms: $3.79 for a 20 pack 2 bass per worm = 40 bass per pack Yea I'm happy
    6 points
  3. Hopefully they are better in your area than they are in ours. You could put both of these stores together and still not have much, unless you are looking for $12 socks and $65 sweatshirts.
    5 points
  4. I lost the sleeve to my hitch. Not too many companies make a 2 1/2 inch receiver drop hitch. Did some research, and this bad boy arrived today. It's over built. Machined aluminum. The tongue weight gauge is a nice bonus. Probably the last drop hitch I buy.
    3 points
  5. This is Toledo when it was 12' low! Add 12' of water, matted Hydrilla, & ask me if I'm using a leader!
    3 points
  6. I fish 6-8 times a month so I change line every other trip, sometimes every third trip if I anit fished heavy cover. I look at it this way, the weakest link between me & the bass is my line. I re-tie often, re-spool often, & store properly!
    3 points
  7. Sorry. It's in the middle eating a chipmunk.
    3 points
  8. John's "splelling" - F minus i had to.... goose, you're some kind of record keeper man! i'm not detailed like that AT ALL, but i appreciate people who are!
    3 points
  9. TRD's have salt. From Daniel Nussbaum, Z-Man Fishing Products general manager, via Ned:
    3 points
  10. FWIW ... I can walk the sunfish much easier than any other frog-ish bait I have thrown. I like it.
    3 points
  11. Well I ended up with a Fenwick Silverhawk. I was in my local Cabelas and noticed they were marked down from 99.99 to 69.99. After comparing it to one of the Mojo rods I decided it was just too good of a deal to pass up. I like the way the handle/grip fits my hand so that was a big plus for me. I'm sticking with the Mojo for my baitcasting rods as I throw a baitcaster much more than my spinning outfit.
    3 points
  12. I buy all of mine from Siebert Outdoors http://www.siebertoutdoors.com/Tungsten-Rocket-Weights-478.htm
    3 points
  13. Spent some time yesterday afternoon dragging a 10in worm. Only had about 2-3 hours but caught a couple nice ones in the mix.
    3 points
  14. I'm in the second season of working a bass tagging program in several of my local lakes and had an interesting observation on a recaptured bass today. I caught and tagged LMB #120 on 9-11-2015 and at that time it was 369mm (14.5") long and weighed 1.41 lb. I recaptured that bass 12 days later, on 9-23-2015, and it was essentially the same length and weight. In neither capture did I observe anything protruding from the throat of the bass (I would have pulled it out if I had). Today, I recaptured #120 again. It was 376mm (14.8") long and weighed 1.60 lb. The fish was a scrappy fighter, healthy looking, and was nice and plump for it's length. HOWEVER, this time, when I brought the bass into the boat, it spit up a plastic worm. Hmmmm, I look at the worm and identify it as most likely a Culprit ribbontail, in red shad color. I get home, check the spreadsheet, and I initially caught LMB #120 on a.....wait for it.....10" Culprit ribbontail in the only color I use for that bait - red shad. I don't know what is typical for most cases, but here's at least one case of a fish having a soft plastic in it's body for more than 9 months with no indication of ill effects. The data on this fish does indicate a slow growth rate over these 9 months, but my recapture data is showing that this slow growth rate is typical of many of my recaptured bass Otherwise, the fish was healthy in all other respects. This tagging program is providing some pretty nifty observations and growth data in only the first 18 months of the program. It will be interesting to see how things look in the years down the road... EDIT: I just spent some time in the garage trying to fold that worm remnant into a ball and visualizing how it could stay in a 14" bass while still allowing normal digestion. I guess I can't picture it working either. SO, I will VOID my original conclusion and go with the preponderance of opinion of the board members. As close as I can come to a theory now is that due the deteriorated condition of the worm fragment, it was probably adrift in the lake for quite a while...perhaps even since last year, and this bass just swallowed it at some point in the relatively recent past. The fact that the worm is the same type/color as what caught the fish 9 months ago is just happenstance. Ah, it was a good story for a while...
    2 points
  15. ...He did. He caught this guy on a hotdog...
    2 points
  16. Took a ride out to New Orleans City Park yesterday afternoon to do some bank fishing. Bluebird skies with temps in the 90s (feeling like 100+) with absolutely no wind. When I say bluebird I mean not a cloud in the sky. Hit 4 or 5 spots without a bite. Figured I'd try one of my favorite and most productive spots in the park and finally got on them. Water was low and the fish were much farther out off the bank than usual. Caught 3 LMB. All over 2lbs. Biggest was right at 3lbs. Lost 2 near the bank, one of which I think would have been a new PB. At least a 6.5 pounder. Still a good day.
    2 points
  17. I did. A couple of seasons ago I made a commitment to Learn it & did my best to apply it. Even posted a thread on it. However, it never really came together for me. I'm definitely NOT in any way, refuting the effectiveness of the technique. Clearly Mr. Murphy's results speak for themselves & proved beyond a shadow of a doubt his skill & experience stitching was truly at an Elite level. Just that for whatever reason (probably my lack of patience & / or these waters matted weed bottoms) I had very little in the way of success doing it. A-Jay
    2 points
  18. I strongly dislike typing on my phone for this reason. Looks like some things never escape the grammar police Don't forget to capatlize an "I" once in while
    2 points
  19. First off I am thankful that my family and friends are safe and sound. Many of my friends lost their houses and businesses this last week. I was out of town until Monday and when I went and saw with my own eyes the devastation that the floods caused to my state, my friends and my family all I could do was cry. But these were not only happy tears but tears of pride as I watch neighbors and strangers alike grab a shovel, grab a chainsaw and get to work. I have lived all over this country and a couple of others but I am proud to call West by God Virginia my home.
    2 points
  20. I am actually very good at "splelling" ... I am not as good at spelling ... Record keeping is something I have always done personally, and was a part of my professional life as well. That record keeping aptitude (as well as the ability to catch a couple bass now and again) is what got me "drafted" into the tagging program. It's interesting stuff...
    2 points
  21. Although I loved my Triton 176 sport, I sold it on a whim and figured I would put the money in the bank, save for awhile and look for a used Ranger RT188. A used boat came into the shop my buddy works in and I decided to get it. It's a 2014 Z-7 Nitro with only 12 hours and the warranty good until next July. She has a mercury 150 four stroke, dual console, 70 lb trolling motor, two Elite 7 chirps, traveling boat cover, and really clean. I pick her up tomorrow and can say, I am stoked. I thought my wife would freak, but she said just let me know how much to write the check for.
    2 points
  22. I don't tend to go off of reviews. I test it myself. I've been using the 10# Yo-Zuri for senkos, light t-rigs, spinnerbaits, etc. Its strong as can be and handles well for me. I do everything with 10# that I did before on 12#.
    2 points
  23. I remember remarking that this looks like a lure I could use for a year solid without a bite. A lot of Live target's baits look gimmicky to me. Here's a video of a guy using both frog and sunfish during several hours of the day.
    2 points
  24. Y'all have more money in hitches than I've got in my truck.
    2 points
  25. hey they are both lews how could u go wrong
    2 points
  26. Hit the area to the west of the Pony Pasture rocks where the kids hang out. Park and walk west on River Road until you see the island close to the road. Wade out to the other side of the island and look for the rocks. Good smallie fishing in the rocks but very dangerous. Have a buddy with you and wear a PFD. But before you head out call Dance's Sporting Goods store in Colonial Heights and ask if they still carry the grape scented 1-inch grubs from Wright Bait Company. If so, head down I-95 and pick up a few packs. Ask the Dance people if they have a 1/64 size jig head. If Dance does not have the 1/64 jig heads then drive all the way back up I-95 to Bass Pro Shops and get some Jig Head Ball 1/64 jig heads in silver or gold. Rig up an ultra light or light power 5-5 or 6-0 spinning rod and small (1000 size) spinning reel with 4-pound test with the jig head and white grubs and you are ready for a day of fun and action. Handling 4-pound test can be a pain so you may want to go up to 6-pounds. But not heavier test line. Cast into the rocks and let the current bring the grub back to you. Remember, the Historic James River is very unforgiving so go with a friend and wear that PFD. Have fun and let us know where you go and what you catch.
    2 points
  27. The Norman NXS fills the niche between the Deep Little N and the DD22. The elevated lip of the NXS makes for a faster vertical dive. The NXS dives 12-16 feet, picking up where the Deep Little N tops out and just under DD22 maximum depth range.
    2 points
  28. I'm at the lake now, haven't had just a whole lot of luck over the past few days. Tried deep, shallow. The ones that I've caught have been shallow and deep. Everything from a plum trick worm in the grass to a DD22. I just can't seem to nail down a pattern this trip. We've been fishing mainly the Paulo Gaucho branch of the lake. I have found a lot of suspended fish right around the thermocline just can't get them fired up. Still beats fishing Lake Houston though. Edit for 7/1/16 So today has been decent. Spoons for suspended bass around 15ft, jigs and drop shots around shaded docks during the middle of the day. The spoons have produced around bridge pylons for us today. Also ran across some decent size schoolies,
    2 points
  29. Your gonna need that for your trip to the bayou....?
    2 points
  30. Heck yea, like father like son! He has a good teacher!
    2 points
  31. Grammar/Splelling - A Spacing of Ideas/thoughts - A Staying on Topic - A Development of thesis - A Organization/cohesiveness - A On a serious note that was quite interesting. Our lakes around here are sort of the opposite. Lots of emergent and submergent vegetation and generally not the greatest of fishing mostly due to lots of angling pressure. If you ever get bored collecting data there, we could probably use you here.
    2 points
  32. We'll be headed up in a couple of hours and stay until next Thursday. I usually spend most of my time north of Pendleton, but I may trailer down south probably after the 4th. I imagine it's going to be a zoo up there. Maybe I can get on some schoolers. Good luck to all that'll be up there and be safe.
    2 points
  33. Heres the show my dad and I shot.
    2 points
  34. 2 points
  35. Disclaimer, I'm a YZ fan, so I risk sounding apologetic....but I've mitigated two of the bigger TT knocks; price and manageability. Buying 600yd spools takes it down from .04/yd to .02/yd. That would bring that price rating up....a lot. And I use KVD L&L fairly religiously. Sometimes I think KVD L&L was made especially for YZ hybrid....it is a match made in heaven
    2 points
  36. Son of a gun. Shoulda got my wife plastic. Woulda been cheaper than a diamond.
    2 points
  37. Yea, The Lakelands. Dad is also a member at Pure Rod and Gun Club. I guess with those two options I default to them before the river. I love catching smallies so I should get out there.
    2 points
  38. Maybe we should fine him or ban him from ever fishing again. He can't be allowed to get away with this....lol. Hootie
    2 points
  39. It's gonna depend on the body of water, what works for me, on my home lakes under those conditions, may.............or may not work for you. But, here is what I do: #1 Fish ANY WHERE there is a light breeze (providing it's a fish holding area), slick calm water in those conditions is adding an extra thing that works against you. #2 Heavy cover and shade.............that means thick grass and/or boat docks. They tend to be tight to cover, if not downright buried in it in on these types of days. Just "fishing around" this stuff won't get many bites from quality fish, you have to drop it on their nose. #3 Downsize the bait, but not the weight......for example, if the grass flipping bite has been hot on "normal" sized bait (like a large profile heavy jig, or creature bait) I'll trim and thin my jig skirts, and use a smaller trailer (or smaller flipping bait if I am using plastic) BUT increase the rate of fall. Make them bite it by plopping it in their laps fast. #4 If #2, and 3 are not productive, I head to deeper water,/off shore structure and cover with drop shotting, shaky head, or finesse football jig gear. #5 If you can not buy a bite around cover.........fish for the dreaded suspending fish. I have fished for hours following my own #1,2,3, and 4 points of advice, only to haul water, and had to go after fish suspending outside of cover with a slow falling vertical bait like a wacky rigged stick bait, or letting a fluke sink painfully slow. Sometime burning a crankbait through these suspending fish will get reaction bites, but in my exp....you have to keep the bait slightly above them, or at the same depth they are holding,these fish seem very very unwilling to go down for anything below them.
    2 points
  40. When my wife asked me what I wanted for Father's Day, I was serious when I told her I wanted nothing. I really have nothing to want, but I knew that answer wouldn't work. A few people on here know that my wife is pregnant with our second child. Well when our son, Lake, climbed into my lap with a bag I wasn't really sure what to expect. He insisted on helping me, and proceeded in pulling out of the bag; a blue wiggle wart, a pack of blue bug Rage craws, some blue raspberry saltwater taffy, some blue raspberry Mike & Ike's, a cool blue Gatorade. I'm sure most of you probably get why everything was blue, I sometimes need a little more than just hints. Luckily, my wife had also found a poem and, with a little tweaking, wrote it out just right to let me know that sometime around December 26th, I'm going to be the daddy to another little boy! We were both kind of hoping for a girl, but girls are very few and far between in my family for whatever reason, so we knew the odds weren't good there. Now we have to start thinking up another name for Lake's new baby brother. On the plus side, Lake was born December 16th, so a lot of cloths and toys can get reused this time around
    1 point
  41. Trilene XL on both; 8lb on spinning, 12lb on baitcaster
    1 point
  42. My weightless senko dedicated setup is a 7' M-F spinning outfit.
    1 point
  43. i have , on the same bait (watermelon red flake 5'' yum dinger) 3 casts previous , i hooked up on a bass but got broke off . made another cast using the same bait , i hook up with another bass , reel it in and go to unhook it and look in the bass's mouth and there is my broke off bait and hook in the back of it's mouth . heres a pic , look close and you'll see the other yum dinger !!!
    1 point
  44. I've got 2. The first is a St. Croix LTB 6'8" M/XF spinning rod which I use mostly for the Dingers I rig wacky style, and I've got a 6'6" M/F Legend Xtreme casting rod for texas rigged baits. I they both work great for senko style fishing. I would say go with the shorter rod as you'll get better accuracy. Fishing a worm of any kind isn't a technique you're trying to cover water with, but rather work high percentage areas and to me that's when accuracy becomes essential.
    1 point
  45. I think a 7' rod would be better. Just my opinion
    1 point
  46. i have a few rebel baits, first lure i ever owned was a rebel crickhopper. i honestly didnt even know they made soft plastics. but ive been using some of their lures since i was a kid. one of my favorite that i cant find anymore is the rebel tadfry, its a great panfish lure and occasionally will catch bass too. i have one that im afraid to throw anymore for fear of losing it...
    1 point
  47. Growing up, one of our small town grocery stores had a display rack very much like this (minus the crankbaits). Viewing this is a lot like stepping into a time machine! I like how you have displayed things and I especially love those cardboard cards with the Ringworms. Some collections just require money (sometimes lots of it) but yours is a collection I especially appreciate.
    1 point
  48. 1 point
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