I am always loaded up with Motor Oil Red Power Worms, Trick Worms, Charlies high floater swimming worms in Motor Oil/Chart tails, and It's funny that you mention that as your favorite color...I think most people call it watermelon Red now, but It does have that added chart/change over flash, which I think makes it one of the better colors in stained water due to flash and also works well in clear water as it matches forage...I stocked up on Grubs about a year ago and have packs of the 2 colors you have plus the Kalins avacado is good as well...I was lucky to come across a huge lot of Kalin's baits a few years ago and stocked up on all colors and I have cases full of grubs and swimbaits I need to go through one of these days...My biggest bass To Date came on a Motor Oil Chart changeover (It get's rejected at the Factory and they call it "Flashing???) but I had a bunch of big Ribbon Tails in the color and they look olive in one light, and then gold or Green in the water and I wish companies would sell the color instead of rejecting it....You can have guys who hand pour do a Change Over or Oil change and I still have yet to see it on the market, I guess Flashing is bad, Charlies has a great Motor Oil color, old school companies still make some good ones...
I just went down memory lane...I do have a bunch of Trick Worms that were rejects that I told the local supplier to grab on his trip, and sure enough he came back with the standard finesse worms in the Motor oil green/chart flashing color which they don't sell, but it is better than any colors they do sell....Pumpkinseed was a mistake, and that was the top seller for a few years...I know grape was the #1 10 years ago, and I think he told me Electric Grape, then it went to Green pumpkin the last few years and now Junebug and Black and blue are catching up but this Blue Magic color is getting a huge following down here as it looks like green pumpkin but as it swims it gives off blue flashes and watermelon blue is "A secret Florida Color"....So is Black, Blue and chartruese....Fry Chaser or something like that...