see, you guys are twisting what i said here. or just completely misunderstanding. apart of the problem is you are assuming. i've personally had a person several years ago point at my gear and say "that wont catch no fish, neither will that one, and that one might" and they were dead serious about it. wasnt a case of them yanking my leg. one of them was actually a zebco 33, one was a shakespeare tiger spincast, and one was a tiger spinning combo. yes, none of them cost more than $20, but i had pulled in a bunch of fish on all of them. the only one i still have is the tiger spincast combo, and that is one lucky reel/rod combo, i've since spent more money and have bought nicer gear myself. what im getting at is, i have nothing against someone spending what they want on their gear, its their money after all, but you do have snobs out there who think you cant catch fish on cheap gear. ive personally met one of those people. a couple days later we ran into him out on the water one morning, i had 2 nice stripers i held up for him to see, he was sitting there skunked...